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A World Of Dreams

Page 4

by Jade Damboise Rail

My gang hurried from where they untangled themselves from the receding vines. Sam grabbed me and turned me around and around. I gritted my teeth until he was done.

  “You’re alive! Fuck! I was so worried.”

  That was when she noticed a short spat of sobbing and tears and he was done. Kate arrive, scowling.

  “Do you have any idea how stupid you are?” I could see she was about to continue and gave her the eyes in the air look until Brent chipped in.

  “She’s right you know, you have to let us help you, you don’t understand the laws here. Completely different from the laws of physics.”

  Now when Brent said anything, people listened, everything he said has a value, and he was more mature than the rest of us. That made me made. Even he didn’t understand. It was my job to protect them, to protect everyone. They didn’t ask for my nightmares, they were mine, and they were my problem. But of course they wouldn’t understand. I hardly understood how I felt about this. So I rolled my eyes.

  “Fine everyone tag along.” I said walking away. Realising my sword was still in my hand, I dropped it, watching it disappeared as it fell. “But just don’t expect me to comply with this ridiculous idea of teamwork.”

  As I stomped away, Keyn walking beside me with his eyes half closed, his head high and his ears, even the half burned off one perked up. They followed with their respective guardians next to them. Whispering about something, probably about her. Kate’s guardian, the proud white stallion with shimmering gold hooves and a mane and tail made of fire, that was a sea of appearing and disappearing colours, stared at her with chesnut eyes.

  “Savannah, where are you even going to go without us? This world doesn’t really have direction, and you’re going to appear next to us next time anyways.”

  It was Brent.

  I decided I wouldn’t let them see how much that bothered me. It’s not that they were bad people I was just used to being independent and having them around all the time began to eat away at that. Of course I didn’t see it that way then.

  “I’m going to find my brother.” I said firmly.

  “And what are you going to do about the nightmare of the way there?” Kate asked.

  Sam and his guardian swooped down on me and almost tackled me to the ground. He slapped me behind the head and I pushed him violently, causing him to fall on the ground that had become something akin to a giant waterbed but with more waves. He got back up.

  “See Savy, you can’t defend yourself against a single fucking thing. You’ll be in a coma back in the real world before I can say you’re a fucking dick face.”

  The ground sloshed around. I felt a bit wet, yet we weren’t sinking and Keyn seemed to get a hold in it with his claws. He put his soot covered wing over me, hissed at the others and walked me away. The meaning in his eyes was obvious as he looked at me. They might not be very good at it; up they were trying to protect me. I should respect that. Since he appeared, Keyn seemed to have been getting more and more of a personality and intelligence.

  My meaning was clear when I looked at him, I would not let them get into danger because of me. He scooped me up with one wing and plopped me on his beck. The other stared as he began running. But soon, they mounted their own guardians and shot after me.

  “Fly!” I yelled, “Fly.”

  So he did, and Sam’s tiger did also. We wasted precious energy chasing each other as a monstrous creature with bat wings and long tentacles that finished with round and pulsing mouths appeared over us, and a few smiley faces gathered underneath. I’d never understand how the waves of nightmares were organised. Determination in my eyes, I felt two morning stars appeared in my palms I grasped them tightly and peered down at my work. Instead of spikes were moving, venomous scorpion tails. I didn’t quite realise it then since I was very concentrated, but I felt something ominous. Not like my nightmares that reeked of irrational fear, but something different, more specific, like a person. It also felt a tinge familiar.

  I yelled furiously and flattened myself on Keyn’s back as he dogged the sucking tentacles that shot towards us to bite into out tender flesh with tiny shard teeth. We shot out the other side and I saw Sam and his guardian come close.

  “Go away!” I yelled at him.

  Of course he didn’t listen and just smiled comically and waved. The only way for him not to get killed was to kill this thing as fast as possible. I lay on my back and gripped my guardian with my legs.

  “Keyn! Back in.”

  He swerved and went back under. The handing tentacles smelled them and lunged at me. I violently swung my morning star, smashing into one of the tentacles, the scorpion tails locking in it and helping me rip it off. White hot liquid poured on me. I gagged, but I was pretty sure it was impossible to throw up in this world. The stench was horrible and it felt like liquid glue, after a few minutes, my legs were sticking to Keyn. I had already decimated a few more tentacles with my morning stars and they hung limp and lifeless. Sam was on top of it. He was hitting it over and over with an ax yelling: “I’ll cut you down like a tree!”

  I could see this was enraging the creature and it was rearing like would a horse.

  “I have to do freaking everything around here.” I turned to my stomach, made sure I was holding on well with my legs. Keyn swooped low over the creature and I grabbed Sam by the waist, dropping him on his guardian’s back.

  He yelled at me.

  “Eeeeeeew! That is disgusting! What do you have on you?”

  I bared my teeth and flew to the creature’s back, careful not to step in his sensitive skin. My morning stars disappeared. Instead, ice appeared, bracing my arms and continuing into spikes. I wasn’t sure what this creature’s weakness was but I was sure it wasn’t fire, it seemed the more of that glue stuff it lost, the weaker it got, so I plunged the extensions of my arms into its body and ran forward, opening its back as I created seemingly millions of little frosty hummingbirds that tackled the monster from everywhere. A loud shrieked filled the air and unfortunately too late, I remembered that everytime this creature shrieked in my dreams, I woke up. Now the ice faded away from my arms as my body ceased to respond to my commands and I plummeted.

  Selequester watched as the others caught up with the blue haired boy. Immediately, they began cutting the smiley faces to pieces. He watched their started expressions as they faded into nothing before they got the chance to raise their weapons on some of them. He chuckled. It wasn’t in joy, he didn’t feel that anymore, but he felt some kind of pleasure if you could call it that when people had no idea what was going on. Of course that didn’t last long, they realised quickly what had happened when Savannah, their dear “Savvy” was nowhere to be found.


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