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Caged With the Beast

Page 18

by Aline Ash

“Shut up,” I roar, and he falls silent, his eyes wide with fear. “There is only one thing I want, and you cannot give that to me.”

  “I can. I can give you anything! Please.”

  I deliver another vicious slap, and he slumps in his chair, blood rolling from his nose and mouth. I turn back to the cameras and take a deep breath and let it out slowly. I let the rage inside me build. Feel it infusing my every cell and every nerve ending with that deep, dark anger.

  “People of Gargole. Hear me now,” I intone. “You have invaded my homeworld. You have wrought devastation upon my home and upon my people. And you will all pay for that. You will all have the same death and devastation visited upon you and your kind. We are coming, Gargolians. We are gathering, and we will reclaim our homeworld. And if you will not leave Tabia of your own will, we will drive you all out and slaughter you by the score, just as you did to us. And when we are through, Gargole will be an empty shell of what it once was.”

  I fall silent and let my words linger in the air as I stare directly into the cameras, doing my best to impart just how serious I am about making good on these threats with my eyes. I have long dreamed of starting the fire that burns the Gargolian empire to the ground, leaving nothing but blood and ashes in my wake. And now the moment is upon us.

  “People of Gargole, the countdown has started,” I say. “I will begin your end with this piece of filth right here.”

  I slap Bruc upside the head, and he gasps as he looks at me. Together, we watch as my astrat and our viewership continue to rise, building to unprecedented numbers. The more scared Bruc looks, the harder it makes me laugh. But I give Marissa a nod, and she shuts down the production. The lights dim and the cameras retract.

  The show is over.

  Bruc looks up at me, his eyes wide and filled with a spark of hope.

  “D-does this mean you’re not going to kill me?” he asks.

  “I will not give your bloodthirsty species the pleasure of watching you die.”

  He looks at me, the spark of hope inside of him growing higher. I can see it in his eyes, he thinks this is over and I’m going to let him go, that he might still escape his fate somehow.

  “I am not going to kill you, Bruc,” I tell him, and he looks relieved. “I’m going to let Eva do it. She deserves it.”

  Bruc’s eyes widen and he lets out a shrill scream.



  “Stand ready,” Kon calls out to the gathering of Tabiean rebels. “The Gargolians will face our wrath. It will be swift and it will be fierce.”

  The gathered group of a hundred or so stand in their camp hidden deep in the forest. After fleeing Gerr’a, we made our way to Tabia and to Kon’s people. They anxiously awaited his return, and when we arrived, he was cheered like a conquering hero returning home. In a way, I suppose he is.

  Eva and I, despite being outsiders, have been welcomed into the camp with open arms. We were cleaned and given the long tunics native to their people. The tunics are colorful and soft, almost silky. They cling tightly to my curves but are flexible and allow freedom of movement, and they blend in with the native plant life of the jungles of Tabia like camouflage.

  The people have been gracious and kind to us. Though it’s going to take me a while to get used to the Tabieans leaning close and smelling me. They can smell my pheromones and know I am carrying Kon’s child. He beams like a proud father-to-be, and his people all seem pleased with the development as well, which surprised me since Kon has always described his people as insular and not generally accepting of outsiders. But I suppose in times like these, people are forced to change and adapt.

  “We have allies on different worlds. Others tired of living with the boot of the Gargolians on their necks,” Kon goes on. “Others who are desperate to throw off the yoke of Gargolian oppression just as we are. They will stand with us and fight beside us.”

  The crowd cheers wildly, thumping their chests, their deep roaring bellowing through the forest and into the early morning air. The energy is palpable, and it feels as if it’s rising, growing to a fever pitch. This is a group that is ready for a fight. A group that is ready for a war.

  “We are set to drive the Gargolians from our world,” Kon says. “The fight for the liberation of Tabia begins now!”

  * * *

  “It is not the way I wanted you to see my world,” Kon says.

  “Our world. You’re stuck with me now,” I reply. “Remember the whole you claiming me thing.”

  His laughter is a low rumble deep in his chest. I feel it vibrating through my entire body as I lay with my head on his stomach. We are together in a small clearing on a bluff. It’s ringed by soaring trees with thick trunks and broad leaves of vibrant reds and yellows. The sky above is a deep azure, and the ocean below is the color of polished jade. The twin suns of Tabia, both of them high in the sky, sparkle off the surface of the ocean dazzlingly.

  “Tabia is a beautiful place,” I say.

  “It was far more beautiful before the Gargolians came,” he says bitterly. “They cut wide swaths through the forests, destroying everything in their path. They are a pestilence upon our world. A blight.”

  I can feel Kon growing tense beneath me, and I lay my hand on his chest, stroking it lightly. I just want to take this afternoon for us. I want to enjoy a day of peace and comfort between us. I have a feeling there won’t be many days like this in our near future as the war gets underway. So today is important.

  The suns beat down on us, warming the ground as well as our bodies. The depth of emotion I feel for Kon is almost too overwhelming for me to even contemplate. I never thought I could feel what I do for him. Nor did I ever think somebody would feel for me the way Kon does. When I think about him, my heart swells with so much feeling, I’m sure it’s going to burst.

  I look up at him and smile. “Thank you for showing me your world,” I say. “I’ve already fallen in love with it.”

  He smiles softly. “This place right here, being so close to my forest, the sea, and the sky, it has always brought me peace,” he says. “I am glad it has been spared from the Gargolian plague.”

  I roll over and straddle him and smile. Leaning down, I kiss him gently, but it quickly grows more heated and passionate. His tongue slides into my mouth and though it’s forceful, it’s somehow gentle at the same time. Feeling him run his hands down my back makes me shudder, but the feeling of his lengthening and thickening cock pressed against the center of me ignites the flame between my thighs.

  I grind myself against him as he runs the tip of his tongue down my neck and gives my collarbone a gentle nip. I moan softly as I rub myself against his hard shaft, relishing the shockwaves of pleasure surging through me. I breathe in the salty scent of the ocean, revel in the heat of the suns beating down on us, and bite my bottom lip as my body trembles in anticipation as I feel him growing impossibly hard.

  Kon sits up and pulls my tunic off and his quickly follows. A strange looking bird circles overhead and I listen to its plaintive cry as I run my fingertips down Kon’s chest. My lips follow my fingers as I plant a line of kisses down the hard angles and planes of his torso. All the while, though, I’m rolling my hips and grinding my clit against his rigid shaft.

  I grab hold of his cock as I raise my hips and nestle the head of it between my wet, swollen lips. Our mouths crash together as I start to lower myself onto him, and as those thick ridges that line his staff scrape along the inner walls of my pussy, he swallows my moans of pleasure. When I’m seated on top of him and he’s fully sheathed inside me, I lock eyes with him. The intensity of his gaze burns my very soul and lights me up in ways that take my breath away.

  Kon wraps his arms around me, cupping my ass as our tongues roll around one another, and I grip his shoulders, biting my lip at the cascade of pleasure of having him inside me. My entire body tingles with it.

  I press my mouth to Kon’s as I rise and fall on his cock, throw my head back and cry out as I’m gripped by
pleasure so intense it nearly brings tears to my eyes. I impale myself upon him, our movements slow and deliberate, our eye contact constant. Something about that glowing blue-eyed gaze seems to make having him inside me even more intense.

  I’m so slick with desire that Kon’s cock moves inside me with ease and he lifts his hips, plunging himself even deeper into me, hitting that spot that sends electricity coursing along my every nerve ending. My entire body feels like it’s on fire and my breath quickens.

  “Oh God, that feels amazing,” I gasp.

  A low moan passes Kon’s lips as I squeeze his shaft with my inner muscles, making myself even tighter as I ride him. Kon caresses me, our movements slow and gentle. There is nothing rough or hard, not how we usually have sex. It’s not the way Tabieans have sex, as Kon has explained it to me. But instead, there is an emotion behind every movement. Meaning behind every thrust and every kiss. This is not just the frantic sex of two people who are insanely attracted to each other and have tremendous chemistry. This is the impassioned lovemaking of two people who genuinely feel for each other. Two people who are deeply in love.

  As I feel the pressure building up inside me, my pace increases, and my rhythm grows steadier. We grip one another tightly, our bodies moving as in sync as our hearts and our souls. I feel Kon’s cock swelling inside me and his breathing grows labored as his moans grow louder and blend with mine. I press myself down on him harder, take him into me deeper, and relish the feeling of having his hands on me and his staff in me.

  I teeter on the brink of ecstasy, and when Kon erupts inside me, his warm, sticky seed bursting deep within me, I scream. I hold myself down on him as our bodies pulse and throb, both of us engulfed with pleasure. As we climax together, our cries echo out across the ocean.

  I press my forehead to Kon’s and look deeply into his eyes as the tendrils of ecstasy slowly loosen their hold on us, and our breathing and heartbeats begin to slow. Kon gives me a smile as he inhales deeply.

  “I will never tire of your scent,” he says. “Especially after we mate. It is truly exhilarating.”

  I laugh and shake my head. “I’ve never had somebody compliment me on my scent before.”

  “Then I pity you humans since scent is one of the most powerful senses,” he says. “It can be overwhelmingly erotic.”

  “Then I feel sorry for my kind too,” I say. “But you do a good job of being overwhelmingly erotic all on your own.”

  He laughs and presses a gentle kiss to my forehead. He presses a hand to my belly gently, his smile growing soft and wide.

  “I am looking forward to the day when we drive the Gargolians out,” he says. “So that you and I may raise our children here, in a world that knows nothing but peace and beauty.”

  “That is a day I look forward to as well,” I reply. “More than I can even begin to tell you.”

  He purses his lips. “There is much work to do between now and then.”

  I nod. “Then we’ll get it done,” I say firmly. ‘Because I want my happily ever after, goddammit.”

  Kon flashes me a smile that melts my heart and does indecent things to me. It amazes me that this man can do the things he does to me with nothing more than a simple look or a smile. But I truly do look forward to the day we can live in a world of peace and beauty. I look forward to the day we can raise our kids in that kind of a world. And I look forward to spending the rest of my days with Kon.

  I lay my hand on his cheek, favoring him with a gentle smile. “I love you, Kon,” I tell him. “I love you with everything in me.”

  His smile is broad. “And I love you too.”

  My life has been a series of unexpected events,- things I would never have believed were real not all that long ago. And while I was in the most hopeless and terrible place I could ever imagine, it was also a place where the best thing happened to me.


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  Thank you, Aline

  About the Author

  Aline is obsessed with space, adventures and mighty alpha aliens.

  In her positive thinking master classes, she encourages people to become optimistic, creative, to focus on positive emotions and to live a meaningful life.

  In her books, she aims to share this positive vibe, too. Even when her heroes are stuck in the most awful situations, they kick and fight, fall in love against all the odds, and live happily ever after.

  Looking for more alien romance featuring smoking hot alphas, spirited heroines with guaranteed happily ever after and no cheating? Click here to see all titles on Aline's Author Page

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