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Under Fire: Dragon Shifter Romance (ComeShift Series Book 2)

Page 23

by Sky Winters

  Zephyr gave a look that seemed to say that he felt sorry for her. “It has been that dire for your people?”

  Celeste nodded. “Somewhere along the line, my people got wasteful and cocky… Not that I’m thinking you should take my story as a parable or anything, but I suppose such a thing could happen on any planet.”

  “We are not wasteful,” he said. Each time he spoke, the words came out almost as if it hurt for him to say them, like his lungs were on fire. Oh. Oh, she assumed that was probably exactly what it was. “We are stingy, I suppose. But we do not let things go to waste.”

  “Yeah, you’re probably the opposite of how the men on my planet are… or used to be. They probably wish they could still be that way, though.” Celeste tisked a bit. “So, what are you a general of?”

  Zephyr blinked slowly. If he could blush, he would have. “I am the general of the Fertility Enrichment Program, Daskani chapter,” he stated. “Mostly I am in charge of the males and making sure that they follow our strict protocol. Before we learned about the FEP, I was captain of a battleship, a star destroyer.”

  Celeste looked at him, open-mouthed and impressed. She had not been paired with some lesser Daskani; she had the real deal. And he had chosen her, out of all those young ladies… “Why did you choose me?” she asked without being able to stop herself. “I’m a nobody and you’re practically a Daskani leader.”

  He smiled at her then, a sharp-toothed, amphibian smile. “I am a Daskani leader,” he said.

  She placed her hands on his desk and looked him in the eye. “Well, Daskani leader, will you please turn the temperature down a little more? Your Earthen mate is sweating through her clothing.”

  Zephyr stood up and made a show of turning the thermostat thing down even more.

  “I can’t wait to see what your planet is like,” Celeste said, unzipping the top of her purple dress so she could air out her breasts. She hated sweaty boobs. In so doing, she revealed the edges of her black lace bra, which Zephyr did not seem to mind. When he came back to her, he could not stop staring.

  Instead of sitting behind his desk, he opted to sit in one of the cool, metallic chairs beside her this time. “I suppose that you could say it is on the hot side,” he said. “But no worse than our ship when you first arrived.”

  “Oh great,” she said, rolling her eyes a bit. “…That was sarcasm.”

  The alien spoke English remarkably well, though there were quite a few things that he did not understand. Celeste had not even expected him to be fluent in English, though, so this was turning out better than anticipated.

  “Do you have hunger?” he asked her suddenly. “Would you like some food or a drink? We do not have what you are used to, I am sure, but it is better to nourish yourself than to go without. It will be a few days until we are back on Daskan.”

  Before he said the last part, Celeste was all set to modestly decline, but she knew that it would be a far better idea to eat whenever offered than try to try to keep up appearances as some kind of graceful flower. Zephyr clearly did not go for that kind of thing anyway.

  In her preparation, she never learned how to date a Daskani. She only learned how to treat her body well so that she could successfully and easily conceive.

  Then again, who were those Earthen doctors to try and teach us about conception? Celeste thought. They did not exactly prevent or foresee this whole panic…

  She realized that Zephyr was staring. She had not answered his question.

  “Yes, please. I am not really a picky eater. Though I guess there’s going to be a lot of changes soon, so, heh heh.”

  What if there’s just an infertility crisis because no one wants to have sex with dorks like me anymore?

  Zephyr gave her another smile that was all fang. “Okay. I will try and go easy on you with my selection. Please do not feel obligated to eat it all.”

  He left the office again then, and she heard what sounded like a key turning in the lock.

  “Oh shit,” she said under her breath.

  Despite not being in a cage anymore, she was still a prisoner on this ship. She had forgotten that. She belonged to Zephyr now. Even though she saw some likeable qualities in him, it was going to take her a while to feel fully comfortable with him. She wondered if he would give her a chance for love before he tried taking things to the next level.


  Daskani Courtship

  It took a while for General Zephyr to return to his office, but when he finally did he was carrying a large tray full of food. Celeste was excited just to see him and not be in solitary confinement anymore. The Daskan food did not actually even smell that displeasing to her. It smelled a bit like the bread aisle of the grocery store. She could not remember the last time she had been to the grocery store, but the memory of that specific aisle stood out to her for some reason.

  Zephyr placed the tray down on his desk and sat beside her again. The food that he had brought for her seemed to be predominately pastry-type foods, but there were a few Jell-O-like substances as well. Celeste looked from the food to him and grinned. “Thank you, this looks perfect.”

  She had never been a big fan of vegetables anyway. She immediately began eating, letting out some pleased moan sounds which let the alien know that she enjoyed and appreciated the meal he had provided.

  Now that she was on the ship and with her mate, Celeste did not have to worry about her intense meal regimens and watching her hormone levels. All of those things which made the concept of conceiving more serious and daunting to her. Now that she was General Zephyr’s mate, she could rest easy… as odd as that sounded.

  “I probably should not ask what these things are made from,” she said as she ate. “So, I won’t.”

  Zephyr smiled at her a bit. There was no doubt in her mind that he would have informed her about each ingredient if she had asked for more information. “I am glad that you like them,” he said instead. “I promise you that I selected only the things that I recommend and thought you would like.”

  She set one of the pasties down on the tray and licked her lips. He had not provided any utensils, so it was not like she should have felt embarrassed that she was eating with her hands, but still she felt a bit bestial, especially once she was sitting there licking red sticky stuff from her fingertips.

  “So, what do you Daskani like to do for fun?” Celeste asked. She did not want to let the small talk die, especially because she was going to have her whole life to spend with this bruiser. It was important to her that she know what she was getting into; not that she would have much say if he said something that she might have considered a ‘deal-breaker.’ Now that he had chosen her as his, she would not be able to escape him even if she wanted to.

  “Fun?” he asked her, as though he had never heard of the word before let alone said it.

  She nodded. “Yeah. You know. Enjoyment? Pleasure?”

  Zephyr motioned to unzip the front of his pants and she stopped him with a hand, laughing. “No, no… I mean besides sex. Besides instinctive behavior. What makes you happy?”

  He blinked at her. This was clearly a foreign concept to her alien husband. Celeste sighed a little, feeling sorry for him. Zephyr did not have hobbies. He did not even know what hobbies were. At least, he did not know what they were and therefore could not articulate them to her. Same thing, really.

  “What do you do when you’re not leading on space ships?” she asked him, taking a new approach to the same basic question.

  Zephyr looked away from her in thought. “I like to fly…?” he said, sounding as if he was asking if that was okay with her. “I like to fly above Daskan. The views atop the mountains are particularly spectacular.”

  She smiled, imagining him flying high over his molten planet. The idea of doing such a thing was strange – alien – to her, but she could understand how it might make her dragon mate feel happy and at ease. “You make it sound better than I will probably think it is,” she said, laughing a little. �
��But I am willing to try it, if it makes you happy. That’s a hobby, my friend.”

  “Hobby,” he said as if he was trying out the word, tasting each of the sounds the letters made in his mouth. “My people do not know hobby. We only know directives and initiatives.”

  Celeste worked on finishing her pastry, deciding that she would save some of the food for later. She was bound to feel hungry again before the ship landed, and she was willing to bet that Zephyr did not know anything about meal schedules.

  “Well,” she said when she was done, wiping the corners of her mouth with her fingers and then licking them with her tongue to make extra sure that she had not missed and crumbs or bits of sauce. “I plan to make hobbies your new initiative.”

  She gave him a flirty little smile. Now that she had been fed and had been treated to a comfortable atmosphere in his office, she felt much better. Celeste knew that she was there for one purpose, and she was starting to warm up to the task…

  “Are you going to be my hobby?” he asked her, breathing heavily now that they were alone without distractions.

  Celeste shrugged her shoulders. “If you want me to be. I kind of want to be your passion.”

  Zephyr knew what that word meant. She should not have been surprised. Like the young women of Earth, the Daskani had been raised to think of conception and sex. Besides flying, that was probably all that was on Zephyr’s mind. And Celeste did not have a problem with that for the moment.

  Without saying anything, he brought his giant arms around her and pulled her onto his lap. He kissed her lips and, carefully, slipped his tongue into her mouth. She could feel his fangs when she moved her tongue around his mouth. He was big and ferocious, and hers.

  Celeste allowed herself to be lost inside his kisses and caresses, off on an adventure that involved giving in and letting go and not being afraid to try things even if they might be scary. Her eyes were closed and she thought of nothing but him. This beastly, fire-breathing alien. She had wanted to hit him earlier. What had happened to that?

  The other girls were not with their mates. In fact, she was sure that the other girls had not been officially claimed yet. That just made this even more special. Celeste was the first to be chosen, and the first to go to bed with a Daskani.

  Her mother would be so proud.

  Well, maybe proud was not the word. But relieved, certainly.

  Celeste made out with Zephyr as long as he wanted to, which ended up being quite a while. She enjoyed it, oddly, and wondered if he was enthusiastic about kissing her and tasting her mouth because he had not really done so before. With an Earthling or otherwise.

  Suddenly, before she could fully wrap her head around the fact that they were making out on a spaceship after essentially just meeting each other, Zephyr stood up and lifted her into his arms. The office was not exactly a big one – big enough to contain his bulk and that was about it – but it did not matter. He set her down on his desk and then proceeded to remove the other contents of his desk’s surface with one mighty blue arm.

  Communicators, cups full of pens, his name sign… All of it went crashing to the floor. But he did not care. He paid them no mind. He continued to kiss her and lick and suck at her face and neck as he climbed atop the desk and joined her. She was very glad that the thing was made out of that cool metallic substance, for Zephyr would surely break a wooden desk. Especially with the way things were going.

  He took hold of her dress’s zipper and slowly pulled it down, bringing his hand inside her dress without fully removing it. He gently massaged her skin on her waist and then his large hands found her breasts. He jerked back a bit and looked her in the eyes. Celeste grinned at him and placed her hand on top of his there, urging him to continue to grope her to his heart’s content.

  And grope he did. Zephyr went back to kissing her for a bit, kneading her breast with his strong but somehow tender fingers. Before long, he had his other hand on Celeste’s other boob and then it was a party. He swiftly removed her dress not long afterwards, so he could get a good, long look at what she looked like naked.

  Her body was like an hourglass, all tits and hips. Celeste blushed a bit under his gaze. That seemed to just turn him on further. His cock was standing up inside of his uniform, but then Zephyr reached down without a word and undid his pants like he had gestured to do before, unleashing the little dragon beneath.

  Celeste did her best not to stare at his long, shiny blue cock. His penis was intact, not like a lot of the poor saps on Earth. Zephyr had a dark blue foreskin over his shiny, sensitive cock which made it like a sapphire for her to discover. She leaned forward and pulled at his uniform until, together, they had wrestled it from him and let it fall to the floor and join her dress.

  She got on her knees then, and he grabbed ahold of the back of her head, pulling slightly at her long auburn locks as she moved in and took his shiny cock into her mouth.

  “Ohhhh,” he moaned then. It came out like a purr, deep in the recesses of his chest and throat.

  Celeste rolled her tongue around his big member, taking it all into her mouth and then letting it go so she could lick at his shaft and suck on his balls. Zephyr made noises like an animal – loud, guttural things. She wondered with a soft chuckle if the others on the spaceship could hear what they were up to…

  Then, about to burst without even ravishing his mate, he took her by the shoulders and pushed her backwards so she had no choice but to lie flat on the desk. He moved between her legs and sucked on her nipple. His cock dripped with pre-cum and Celeste licked her lips, wanting him, wanting all of him.

  Zephyr pressed his big cock inside of her and she let out a loud, high-pitched sound. She could feel the girth of him as he stretched and tore her in the best kind of ways. Reaching up, Celeste clawed at his muscular back as Zephyr began a rhythmic thrusting in and out of her. His cock seemed like it was somehow ribbed for her pleasure and she figured that it was his foreskin’s doing. The scales on his body probably did not hurt either.

  “Oh, Zephyr,” she purred. “You’re good at this. You’re so good.”

  He held her left leg on his shoulder and continued to plow into her, acting downright bestial as he growled and moaned. “That’s right,” he said with a sideways sort of smirk. “I’m going to impregnate you four times over, you little Earthling slut.”

  Celeste breathed heavily and moaned louder, so turned on by his talking dirty. She’d never been called a slut before. She bit her lip and realized that she liked it. Oh god did she like it?

  “Oh, oh, ohhh!” she shouted. “Right there, Zeph, right there! Yesss!!”

  He was sliding his cock in exactly the right place for her. She came hard against him, feeling herself shaking and contracting. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She no longer thought of this mating program as just a one-time, saver of Earth type offer. Celeste wanted to fuck this alien again, and again. And again.

  Gripping her to him so her back was up off the desk, Zephyr increased the speed of his thrusts, continuing to plow deeply into her. She could see sweat sliding down from his forehead. And then he came, claw-like nails pressing firmly into her upper arms as he held her there. That was going to leave a mark.

  All of this was going to leave a mark.

  “Aaaargh!” he howled, shaking the office with the force of his howl alone. Celeste felt the hotness of his cum as it rushed into her in search of her waiting eggs.

  She allowed herself to think of that now. She hoped that their mating would be a success.

  The good thing was that, if it didn’t work the first time, they could always keep trying.

  It took Zephyr a few minutes to collect himself, but Celeste did not mind. She liked having him there close to her. He pulled out of her but continued to hold her, somehow knowing something that she had long desired in a lover. No getting up and going to the bathroom immediately. Not immediate loss of the intimacy they had just shared. He kept holding her until his breathing and pulse rate slowed back to no
rmal. He was sticky with sweat, and she found that she loved that. It was a true sign of their lust for each other.

  When Zephyr did finally pull away, he did it slowly. He stood on the floor and took his time putting his uniform back on. Celeste rolled over and watched him, propping her head up with her elbow. She smirked at him. “Is that what all of the Earthling girls have to expect?” she asked flirtily. “Are they all going to be ravaged like that?”

  “Not likely,” Zephyr said, carefully zipping his uniform over himself. “Most will probably wait until we have landed before they mate. None of the others seem as fiery as you.” He reached out and cupped her cheek in his hand, gazing into her eyes.

  If anyone knew about fiery, it was a Daskani.

  Celeste smiled up at him.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked. “Would you like anything else?”

  She thought about it. She had really had her fill of strawberry-ish flavored pastries, but a meal they did not make. “I could for some meat or something. Do you have any meat?” She was not entirely sure that Zephyr would even know to what she was referring, so she was pleasantly surprised when he nodded at her.

  “I can get you some of that,” he said with a laugh. “Though you might not want to know what it comes from.”

  Celeste shrugged a bit. She was a bit past caring where the Daskani got their food. It did not really matter, since she was now living amongst them. As long as she was well nourished and taken care of so she did not die, she was not going to judge the aliens for their weird sources of food.

  “Also, do you have a bathroom on this ship?” she asked. That was a more worthwhile question. If the Daskani did not have to relieve themselves like the humans did, the ladies of Earth were in for an uncomfortable ride through space.

  She wished she had paid more attention and could remember how far Daskani was from Earth. A couple lightyears would likely feel like nothing, but any longer than that and she was going to be busting a gut. Especially post-coitus.


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