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Dr. X's Island

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by Emily Kimelman

  This is a murder mystery party I wrote to play with my friends after becoming frustrated with the ones that I got online. I thought the characters were boring and the game didn’t make any sense. In this game the killer knows they are the killer throughout the entire game. I mean, for reals, finding out you’re the murderer over desert is just unrealistic. 

  I decided to put this up because I’m hoping that other people will post theirs and I won’t have to spend months writing a new one every time I want to play a good game. I also am very excited to see how other people play these characters. That is really the fun of this game, seeing how everyone decides to embody their killer. 

  So if you like this game and have fun please send me pictures or post them on line and let me know either via email or tweet it to me @ejkimelman. Also feel free to contact me if you want this file in a different format. 

  Ok, so in this file you will find the invitation to the game, a general character description of all 14 people, dossiers for each player, and guilty and innocent cards. You will also find my hints on how to go about hosting the party and info about how the game is actually played. 

  So how do you do this?

  First make sure you have 14 people who can show up on the same day at the same time. I think mixing your social groups is really fun for this game because that way some people meet as their characters for the first time. It helps everyone get into it more. However, if everyone knows each other you’ll still have a blast.

  Once you’ve lined up all your friends send out the invite. You’ll need to send each player a separate email which will include the invite in the body of an email, and their dossier as an attachment. I also attache the general list of characters noting who is playing who. I think it helps get everyone excited.

  Once your invites are out you’ve got to plan your party. The game is broken down into three phases. Here is the easiest way to play it..

  Phase One: Cocktails and appetizers

  Phase Two: Main Course

  Phase Three: Dessert

  But feel free to mix this up. For example:

  Phase One: Lunch

  Phase Two: Intense game of Batchi 

  Phase Three: Cocktail Hour and h’ordvourse.

  The important thing is to have a defined beginning and end to each phase. So play around, I’m excited to see what people come up with.

  I like to make a body and plant it somewhere so that it can be discovered and kick off the game but that is not totally necessary. You can just announce that the game has begun and everyone can pretend their is a dead man with his face in a bowl of food sitting at the table. But really, making a body is not that hard. I just buy clothing from salvation army and stuff it. For a head you can use either a watermelon, a balloon, whatever you like.

  I pick a person I can trust to scream really loud and put them in charge of discovering the corpse.

  As you look over the dossiers you’ll see that each player has a fact to reveal about another player in each phase of the game. This helps pace the thing out and make sure everyone doesn’t blow their load in the first 15 minutes of the game. 

  At the end of phase three as the host you’ll announce the end of the game and everyone goes around saying who they think did it. Whoever is the killer can try and make a run for it (that’s always fun) or not. Either way the game is over and you can begin the after party where everyone talks about how awesome the game was (or at least we hope). 

  But who is the killer?

  Ha, I’m not telling, and neither are you. But that’s just because we don’t know. Before you’re guests arrive prepare an envelope with each of their characters names on them. In this envelope you will place a guilty (there is only one) or innocent card (which is included in this file). I suggest taking yourself out of the running but don’t look at the names on the envelopes as you stuff them. 

  The thing about this game is everyone has motive and opportunity. There is no silver bullet except our intuition. A killer is bound to slip up somewhere...



  You are invited to a Murder Mystery Party

  _____________, 1977 (20__)

  The game will begin at _________ sharp and will end when the killer is caught. 

  Please arrive at ______

  You will have a half hour to prepare for the game. Once the clock strikes ____ you will no longer be yourself in 201__. You become your character in 1977 in name, costume, and deed.

  Enclosed you will find a description of your character. This is just an outline. Make this person your own.

  Your dossier includes details about your character to hide and facts about other characters to reveal. In order to make the game work you have to keep secrets from other players. So while it is fun to discuss costumes and character traits please do not reveal any important information before the game begins.

  Start thinking about your character’s nuances and costume. Don’t forget this is 1977, on a mad scientist island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, and everyone should be dressed accordingly. And although your character may have been invited for business purposes this a casual gathering so formal attire is not required.  

  See you at:

  The Island of Dr. X





  Innocent Card:

  You are innocent. Despite your fervent desire to see Mr. X dead, you were not the one who killed him. However, the police will see you as a prime suspect. They are sure to conduct a thorough investigation. If you can find the killer, and clear your name, be- fore official involvement it could save you a lot of embarrassment. I think you know what I am talking about. Good luck.

  Guilty Card:

  Having come to an impasse with Mr. X you were left with no other option but to kill him. I know it’s shocking, but true. You are the murderer. You chose an opportune time when you were alone in the house. You snuck into his bedroom. The old man was asleep. You picked up the doorstop and dashed his brains. It wasn’t until it was over that you realized you were happy. Today you learned that sometimes in life the world leaves you no choice but to bash a man’s face in. Now all that’s left to do is get away with it. Good Luck!



  Dr. X is a scientist, some say mad scientist. He lives on his own private island in the middle of Pacific Ocean where he performs experiments in the hopes of creating the perfect human/beast people. He is the host of this party and also the victim. 

  Mrs. Cordillia Turnbuckle a.k.a Phyllis Grassley is the chambermaid. She has been on the island for 6 months. Cordelia is a very intelligent, and precise woman if perhaps a little unwound. Played by _________

  Cranston Thornwhistle the third or fourth (nobody knows) is a big game hunter. He was invited to the island by Dr. X who wishes to speak with Cranston about his creations. But NO hunting. Played by __________

  #gr682 is one of Dr. X’s creations, a hybrid of woman and raccoon. She is affectionally referred to as Kiki. Smart as a lady, wily as a raccoon, kiki is given full run of the island. She is known for biting faces without provocation. Played by ___________

  Blinky Palermo  is a photographer who is on the island photographing a story on Dr. X for Sierra Magazine, a scientist lifestyle glossy. She is a flashy dresser with an eye for a great story. Played by ____________

  Bambi Ferrari X is Dr X’s daughter from the first marriage. B
ambi is intensely interested in the natural world and hopes to pursue a Phd in horticulture. Raised by her mother off the island, Bambi has spent very little time with her father since she was 10 years old. Played by __________

  Tony Braxton is one of the original investors in the island. He is there to see how his investment is doing and to talk to Dr. X about some business matters. Played by Chris

  Coco X is the present wife of Dr. X. She enjoys sitting by the pool, doing her nails, and tasting the fine cuisine that their chef provides. Played by __________

  Gaston moutard is the chef on the island. From French descent, Gaston loves to cook. He has worked on the island for a little over a year and only cares about food, drink, and pleasure. Hot tempered and easily distracted, Gaston, like most people working in the food industry, has a checkered past. Played by ____________

  Dr. Bo Binzwanger is Dr. X’s assistant. He came to the island because he thought the experiments Dr. X was preforming could help change the world. He has been on the island for ten years, ever since he graduated college. Played by ___________

  # gr107f  is one of the Doctor’s creations, she is affectionally known as crab cakes or just cakes for short. She lives in the "lake". She loves the water but is a surprising bad swimmer, maybe it is because she has a lobster claw instead of a left hand. Played by __________

  Deadra Molysocken is a horticulture writer who just arrived that morning. She has come to the island to write about the unusual plants that grow here. Played by _____________

  Grace Church is Dr. X’s personal secretary. She has been with him longer then anyone else on the island. Grace Church is totally devoted to the work and believes that what Dr. X is doing is very important. Played by ____________

  Jo-Claire Masterson is a gymnast who broke her hip. She has come to the island to under go a series of operations to be grafted with a cat in the hopes that she will regain her agility. So far, they are working. Payed by ___________

  Terry Talbot came to the island some years ago for an operation. Most people agree it was successful though Terry often times has trouble remembering. His memory was not the only thing affected by the operation: Terry Talbot likes to dress like a UPS man. Played by ___________


  Mrs. Cordillia Turnbuckle a.k.a Phyllis Grassley is the chambermaid. She has been on the island only 6 months. Cordelia is a very intelligent, and precise woman if perhaps a little unwound. 


  You are really a spy sent by group of concerned doctors (you should come up with a name for them). They sent you because you are not only an MD but also a veterinarian, and you have experience as a radical animal rights activist.

  You were sent to find out what was happening on the island. You’ve discovered that Dr. X’s experiments are much worse then you originally thought. When you reported back to the doctors they ordered you home, claiming that they would figure out how to stop Dr. X using the legal system. 

  However, you know that the island is under no nations laws. This morning you confronted Dr. X and he laughed in your face. He said he’d only stop his experiments when he was dead. This might have given you an idea.

  Try to hide the following information about yourself.

  1. Your true motives for being on the island. 

  2. You and Dr. X fought that morning

  1.You were in the kitchen after the fight near the pot of oatmeal that it appears to have poisoned the Doctor. 

  Things to reveal about other players

  Phase One:

  When you were in the kitchen with the oatmeal, Bambi discovered you. However, you left her alone with the Oatmeal.

  Phase Two:

  You recognize another of the guest: Mr. Cranston Thornwhistle. He is a big game hunter you’ve come across before. You know he has used poisonous darts in the past. Since Dr. X was apparently poisoned this is a vital piece of information.

  Phase 3: 

  Bo Binzwanger was helping you collect evidence against Dr. X. 


  Cranston Thornwhistle the third or fourth (nobody knows) is a big game hunter and well respected naturalist. He was invited to the island by Dr. X who wishes to speak with Cranston about his creations. But NO hunting. 


  Of course you have ideas of your own. You want to hunt the creatures that Dr. X has created. What better catch then an animal with the intelligence of a human. You’ve been enthralled by Kiki the Raccoon girl ever since Dr. X sent you photographs of his creations. Your need to hunt is ingrained in you, but it will be impossible while Dr. X is alive.

  Things to hide about yourself

  1.That you knew about Kiki before arriving on the island. 

  2.That  you are crazy about hunting and have been caught poaching before. 

  3.You’ve hunted with poisonous darts. 

  Things to reveal about other players:

  Phase One:

  You recognize the maid, going by the name Cordelia Turnbuckle to really be Phyllis Grassley, a radical animal rights activist. You’ve faced off before on more then one occasion. 

  Phase Two:

  This morning you saw Kiki collecting poisonous plants in the woods. 

  Phase Three:

  That you saw Terry Talbot outside the kitchen this morning. He was just standing there but he looked mad. 


  #gr682 is one of Dr. X’s creations, a hybrid of woman and raccoon. She is affectionally referred to as Kiki. Smart as a lady, wily as a raccoon, KiKi is given full run of the island. She is known for biting faces without provocation.


  The only reason you enjoy the freedom to move around the island is because when Dr. X tried to keep you in captivity, you poisoned one of your cage mates in protest. At first you were happy roaming the island and enjoying the civilities of the house (indoor plumbing and shower etc) but now the island has begun to feel like a cage. You long to see what is beyond the horizon. However, Dr. X will not let you leave. In fact, you had a fight on the topic only two days ago. 

  Try to Hide the following information about yourself:

  1.You want off the island and fought with Dr. X about it two days ago. 

  2.That you killed your cage mate. 

  3.You spent the better part of the morning out in one of the meadows collecting flowers, one of which was the deadly nightshade Datura. 

  Things to Reveal about Others:

  Phase One:

  You know that the woman claiming to be Deadra Molysocken is really Dr. X’s first successful creature. Though she has changed in appearance you’ll never forget her. Part Eagle, part lady she has come back to the island in disguise- why?

  Phase Two:

  You know that Terry Talbot came to the island to have his memory restored. And the first operation worked. There was a time when Terry remembered everything- that’s when he had a physical fight with Dr. X. Then Terry went back under the knife and came out a docile UPS man.

  Phase Three:


  You know that Grace Church, Dr. X’s secretary is in love with him. She writes poetry about it. Poetry you’ve read. You might want to bring some of this evidence with you.


  Blinky Palermo is a photographer who is on the island photographing a story on Dr. X for Sierra Magazine, a scientist lifestyle glossy. She is a flashy dresser with an eye for a great story. 


  You recently won a pulitzer and then had it taken back. You hired someone to yell fire in a theater and then caught the images of people being stomped on. You felt terrible. 

  However, the heart wrenching
images won you the pulitzer. But when the person you hired ratted you out no one in the regular publishing world would touch you. Desperate to get back on top, and for a bunch of money, you’ve gone to work for “Scandal” magazine. You came to the island to discover what Dr. X was doing. It’s even better than you could have hoped for, his experiments are both grotesque and beautiful. The only thing your story is missing is a tragic ending.

  Things to keep hidden about yourself

  1.That you hired someone to yell fire in the theater and had your pulitzer revoked. 

  2.That you are totally broke and desperate for money. 

  3.That you have with you a book on poisonous plants indigenous to the area.

  Things to reveal about other characters

  Phase One

  You know one of the other guests, Cranston Thornwhistle. He is a notorious big game hunter and you know he’s been caught poaching before. The two of you met in New York at a bar. He was raging drunk so might not remember the experience. 


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