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The Alpha's Touch Boxed Set (14 Book Bundle)

Page 42

by Taylor, Tawny

And then we didn’t say anything for a while.

  Get Ready to be ROCKED!

  * Go out on the road and fall in love with the men of Dream Defiled *

  Also Available:

  Joe & Liss

  Rocked, Rocked On the Road, Rocked to the Core

  Big Girls. Hot Guys. Steamy Romance.

  About Clara Bayard

  Clara Bayard is a wealthy business owner who, following the brutal death of her parents, used that wealth to create a secret identity and a lot of cool gadgets in order to protect the city she adores, and keep others from experiencing the same pain she did.

  Wait, no. That’s Batman.

  Clara is a just a regular gal living in the Mid-Atlantic region. She loves writing sexy stories about flawed people doing exciting things. When she’s not writing she enjoys talking to strangers in bars and marathon-watching TV shows everyone else has seen already.

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  By Christa Wick

  I stood immobilized, the rough-as-silk baritone of my boss Aldon Cain muted by the panic bleeding into every cell of my body. In front of me, a foot from my face, a single sheet of paper trembled in my hand. White powdery motes drifted from the paper down to my desk in slow motion. The dust and the eight words written on the sheet in a psychopathic scrawl threatened to send me crashing to the floor.

  End project GreenStar or your fat whore dies.

  "What the--" Aldon yanked the paper from my hand then hit the security button alongside my desk. Bolts slid into place, locking us inside the office suite. The central air shut down, leaving everything as silent as a tomb until Daniel Thorssen's voice crackled over the emergency speakers to issue a single command.


  Our chief operations officer and in charge of security, Daniel needed a situation report. He wasn't getting it from me. I couldn't get my mouth to work, let alone convince my lungs to relax long enough to force air through my vocal chords.

  "I've quarantined the executive suite." Aldon dragged me into the unisex bathroom. "Get a response team here immediately. Casey may have been exposed to anthrax."

  "You need to start decon--"

  "I know what to do, Thor. Get someone down here now!" Aldon jerked on the sink's handle and shoved my hands under the slowly heating water. He pumped liquid soap onto them then lathered me from the tips of my fingers all the way up to my elbows.

  Like an idiot, I just stared at him. I had fantasized about Aldon bathing me countless times. None of those fantasies started with someone calling me a fat whore and threatening to kill me.

  "You don't really think--" I froze as he began unthreading the top button on my blouse. "Wh-what are you doing?"

  "It's on your clothes, Casey." His fingers slippery and unaccommodating, he didn't waste time fighting the remaining buttons. He jerked the front edges of the blouse apart. Threads snapped to shoot the round plastic discs they secured across the bathroom.

  Fighting a sudden wave of dizziness, I inhaled slow and deep. Everything had turned surreal the second I opened that envelope -- like a coked-up fairy godmother had decided to grant several of my wishes, but completely out of context. So, instead of being aroused because Aldon had just ripped my blouse off, I wanted to cover up and hide in the coat closet.

  Catching my reflection in the mirror, my mortification quadrupled. I had been uncharacteristically risqué that morning after reading some stupid online article on confidence boosting techniques and had selected a black semi-sheer shelf bra to wear under my high-necked blouse. As transparent as the material was, my nipples were clearly visible beneath the bright fluorescent lights.

  Visible and erect.

  I jerked my soapy hands up to place them across my chest. Aldon stopped me with a curt command and forced my hands back under the water to rinse them. My eyes snapped shut. I didn't want to see where he was looking or how he might react. Just the thought of his gaze skimming across my thick, erect nipples had my entire body heating with need and embarrassment.

  Hearing the slide of my skirt's zipper, I flushed hotter. The panties were made with the same material. Stripping the skirt off me would reveal an outline of the dark, full bush covering my mound. Protesting, I pushed my hips flush against the counter to impede the skirt's removal.

  "Aldon Cain, you stop this instant!"

  "Not happening. You need this shit away from your skin until we know what it is." Kneeling, he pulled the skirt down to my ankles. He pushed at the back of my left knee, forcing it to bend so he could free the leg from the fabric. He repeated the maneuver a second later on the right knee. His palm closing around the back of my calf, he sucked air between his teeth like a snake hissing in reverse.

  "What's wrong?"

  I looked down to find his head hip high and his gaze centered on my butt. I should have been worried about being exposed to some chemical or biological agent, outraged by the letter's insulting language and scared senseless that someone wanted me dead. Yet the only thought running through my head was how the last man on earth I wanted to have staring at my near-naked, two-hundred plus pounds of pale, bulging flesh was doing just that.

  Scratch that -- Aldon was one of three men I didn't want to see me like that, ever. I had been quietly nursing a crush on all three of my bosses for most of my tenure at Whitsun Energy. Since Daniel would personally respond to the threat, two of those three would be on hand to experience my humiliation. At least Hunter Dey, wet dream number three and Chief Research Officer, was in his lab. A bona fide mega-genius, Hunter's research fueled the entire company and there was no way Daniel or Aldon would allow him near any threat zone.

  "Quit it!" Glaring at Aldon, I pushed at his forehead to stop him gawking at my bulging bottom. "Bad enough someone might try to kill me, I don't need you looking at the spectacle of my buttocks!"

  His gaze lifted, hooking for a long second on one nipple before he looked me in the eyes. His bottom lip caught between his teeth. He blinked once then his gaze dropped, returning to the nipple and sparking a flash of heat across my breasts.

  Was Aldon Cain actually looking at me like that?

  I crossed my arms over my ample breasts and gave my foot a little stamp. "I told you to stop looking at me!"

  Gaze narrowing, Aldon rose slowly. His fingers trailed up the back of my thigh. The sensation and hot stare instantly soaked my pussy. His hand came to a stop, the palm curling around the bottom curve of my butt to give a proprietary squeeze.

  I swallowed the whimper hiding inside my mouth. "I said stop."

  "Not happening, baby girl."

  What the hell?

  I inhaled, suddenly dizzy. My knees turned to rubber, my vision graying at the edges. Certain I was one heartbeat away from passing out, I clutched at his shirt. "I'm…I'm gonna…"

  Aldon threw an arm around me, cinching me close so I wouldn't fall. Walking backwards, he drew me to the cushioned bench along the wall. He pulled me down with him so that I sat on his lap, cradled in his strong arms.

  I started to shake again, the tremble more violent than when I'd read that horrible note in the outer office. This couldn't be happening. Either I was in bed dreaming through the last few minutes before my alarm blasted me awake or I had passed out upon reading the note and was unconscious. Or maybe every last detail had transpired, but I was misreading his body language, imagining his smoldering gaze and the hard, thick press of an erection against my hip.

  Yeah, right -- like I would know what an erection pressed against my hip felt like. Nor did I have the experience to recognize a smoldering gaze. No man had ever looked at me like that, especially a man like Aldon Cain. A gingery-blond with sea-green eyes, he looked like a supermodel, not a CEO. A short scruff of beard surrounded his sultry mouth most days, and a lean, powerful swimmer's physique lurked beneath his exp
ensive three-piece suits.

  His hands moved across my back, one sliding down to fill the small dip above my bottom. The other stopped at the base of my neck where his thumb stroked against my spine. His gaze intently holding mine, I almost missed the suggestive lick of his top and bottom lip, just the tip of his tongue snaking out to taste the center.

  My thighs tensed, my clit jerked up and I felt the lick as surely as if his mouth had been feasting on me. That was yet another thing I knew nothing about. Clearly I was in way over my head. I had to put the brakes on this ride.

  "Aldon, what…what are you doing?"

  Exerting the slightest pressure against my shoulders and neck, he brought my mouth closer to him, tilting his head down as he answered.

  "Something I should have done a long time ago, love."



  The word kept buzzing in my ears as I watched Aldon and Daniel deep in conversation on the opposite side of the boardroom. I was dressed once again in my skirt, my upper body covered by Daniel's dress jacket and my bra. Big as I am, Daniel was a towering six-four, broad chested and all muscle, so I had to clutch at the jacket's lapels to keep my breasts from spilling out.

  Precariously clothed and the threat revealed as nothing more than baking soda after two tense hours of testing, I wanted to go home. It was Friday, a little after four and I sure as hell wouldn't get any work done as distracted as Aldon had left me.


  My mind drifted back to him kissing me in the executive bathroom while his hands teased my breasts and a soaking wet pussy. I'd been on the verge of climaxing when Daniel threw open the bathroom door dressed like a cross between a beekeeper and some scientist in a disaster movie. I would have laughed at the sight if I hadn't been desperately thrusting my mound against Aldon's fingers, my breasts overflowing the bra and my hands wrapped around Aldon's head in a death grip as I cried his name.

  Ask me what response I expected from Daniel and it wouldn't have been the one he delivered. Showing not an ounce of outrage or disgust, he offered just three words before he slipped from the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

  Damn Hazmat suit!

  I had skittered away from Aldon immediately after that. Mouth puckering, he had patted one hand against his thigh and bid me to return.

  Come back, pet.

  Yeah, he had actually called me "pet," fitting considering what he'd been doing to my body for the last ten minutes.

  Watching the two men from my side of the boardroom, I shook my head. I couldn't believe Aldon had kissed and touched me like that. My panties remained soaked from the memory of his calloused fingertips and the thick pad of his thumb, how it had nestled between my labia, gently riding the spine of my clit as his tongue explored my mouth.

  Don't think about the kiss, Mack!

  I shook my head again, the gesture unintentionally catching his attention. I scowled and looked away.

  I had to get Aldon out of my thoughts so I could at least attempt to understand why, after almost eighteen months working for the three of them, he had decided to kiss and pet me. Sure, he had given me a brotherly hug and a peck or two, rubbed my back from time to time at the end of an especially long day. Daniel was just as touchy-feely. Christmas, my birthday, my first year anniversary at the company, each prior display of affection by the two men had fueled my fantasies and orgasms for weeks on end.

  This time the memory would not fade, ever. Even as embarrassed as I was, my clit kept right on aching. My cunt sucked rhythmically at nothing, mourning the fact that his fingers hadn't entered me. Ghostly strokes trailed up and down my pussy, herding me toward the edge of the climax Daniel's interruption had cost me.

  My bottom wiggled needfully against the leather seat they had deposited me in with a command to stay. I couldn't stop rubbing the fingers of my right hand against my thumb, so eager was I to touch myself and complete what Aldon had been more than ready to finish before I came to my senses.

  If they didn't release me soon, I might start coming and crying right in front of them, I was that agitated and aroused. Then I would have to quit, maybe move to another country where my future employer didn't speak English because that's exactly the kind of shit that winds up getting spread around the internet with my bad luck.

  I could practically read the YouTube entry in the air in front of me and the ten million downloads and counting.

  Office security camera reveals secretary's spontaneous orgasms--

  With that image in my head, the boardroom door exploded inward. I cried out, my body curling reflexively in the chair as Daniel and Aldon jumped to their feet. Seeing that the intruder was Hunter, they sat again, their foreheads almost touching as they resumed whispering.

  Acting like his two best friends and fellow Whitsun executives didn't exist, Hunter marched to my chair and dropped to one knee. His keen gaze swept over me. My wiggling restarted but for an entirely different reason. Nothing escapes Hunter's attention. No matter how subtle the detail is, he notices it: new shirt, the barest change in cut or color of my hair, a new nail polish or a set of earrings. I've often thought how exhausting it must be for him to possess a mind that inescapably catalogues even the most trivial fact.

  Hunter zeroed in on my clothing.

  "Why are you wearing Daniel's jacket?"

  My cheeks flushed at the memory of Aldon removing my blouse. "My…uh…top was contaminated."

  He quirked one black brow up in disbelief. "With baking soda, Casey."

  "It was damaged before we knew it was baking soda." I drew a shaky breath in. I didn't want Hunter to know what had happened, especially since I still couldn't wrap my head around it. He is so proper in everything he does. I would be crushed if he thought I was half as wanton as I felt right then, with my pussy still aching and wet.

  Closing my eyes, I released a pent up breath. "Really, that's--"

  "Open your eyes, Casey." Hunter's stern tone left no room for disobedience. "I want to look at them."

  The Hunter I know is soft spoken with no unnecessary words contaminating his speech and zero edge to his voice. The command he had just given me was all edge, sending a shiver to race across my skin as I obeyed. I tried to meet his hazel gaze, faltering beneath its intensity.

  He curled one finger and placed it under my chin, lifting gently until I had to look into his eyes.

  "Your pupils remain dilated." A scowl puckered his handsome face and I wondered for the one-hundred-thousandth time what it would be like to kiss him.

  He ran the back of one knuckle across my cheek. "And your color is up. Tell me what is wrong."

  I shook my head. "I just want to go home, that's all."

  "You're not going home." Standing, he turned and walked toward Daniel and Aldon.

  They had stopped chattering almost as soon as Hunter dropped down in front of me and had kept their attention sharply focused in our direction.

  "What do you mean I'm not going home?" Realizing I sounded a tad hysterical, I flushed for the trillionth time since the start of the fiasco. I had to go home. I had a hell of a lot of tension to relieve, very little of it from the fake anthrax. "I need -- I --"

  "You need protected," Hunter called over his shoulder. He stopped in front of his business partners and best friends, gesturing broadly in my direction without looking at me. "Explain it to her."

  Well, that just pissed me off! I stood and stomped toward him, my heels clacking on the polished wood flooring. "Hunter Dey, I am not a six-year-old--"

  "No, you're a twenty-six-year old." Hunter interrupted, seemingly intent on making my blood boil. He turned, his gaze harsh for the first time in the eighteen months I had known him. "One who refuses to move out of her crappy apartment in an area of town where the average police response time is thirty-two minutes. We've offered to move you closer to us a dozen times or more, but you insist on staying in an apartment that our security team can't hope to cover with its double bank of elevators, fire escapes, double stair
wells and walls so thin a toddler could punch through."

  He stopped and I lifted my jaw from where it hung down by my knees. I didn't understand how or why he knew all those details, but every last word was true. The neighborhood and building weren't safe. I'd even been mugged a few weeks back and hadn't told them. I wanted to move but couldn't afford to, even with all the raises they'd given me since I started.

  I had hospital bills -- my mother's -- I'd be paying off for the next ten years. Funeral expenses, too.

  Don't go there, Mack.

  The afternoon had been emotional enough without dredging up old heartache. I needed to focus on fixing that day's problem. I weighed my options, looking for the fastest route to time alone with my tumultuous feelings and the grinding pressure between my legs.

  The choices were few. I could continue arguing with them or find a hotel room -- a cheap one. Even then, I'd have to pay a few monthly bills late if I stayed more than a couple of days.

  "Fine," I sighed. "I won't go home. I'll get a hotel room."

  "Right, because that's safe." Hunter's cheeks flushed, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed. Glaring at Aldon and Daniel, he repeated his earlier demand. "Explain it to her, damn it!"

  Smiling like a well-fed cat, Aldon lifted a gingery-blond brow at Daniel.

  "Baby girl." Daniel rose and moved toward me in a graceful prowl, his voice a smooth purr sealing my fate. "Until we neutralize the dead men who threatened you, you're staying with us."


  Standing in the middle of an immense bedroom and sifting through strange clothes, I turned to the man guarding my safety. "Daniel, they didn't bring panties."

  "Mmm…I'll check into the oversight." Tilting his head, he smiled as he answered.

  From the sparkle in his eyes and the way the right side of his mouth angled higher, I figured the bathroom scene was looping inside his head. It was as if walking in on Aldon pleasuring me had flipped a switch in Daniel. Sort of like, as COO, he had an equal claim to my moans and wet cries and he intended to exercise the right. Truth was, what had happened in that bathroom wouldn't happen again and neither man had any such claim. I might fantasize about them like crazy, but I wasn't actually insane.


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