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The Alpha's Touch Boxed Set (14 Book Bundle)

Page 139

by Taylor, Tawny

  Moaning softly, her eyes half-closed, Nora eagerly met his kisses with a passion surpassing his. Her hands raked Alex’s flesh revealed by his hastily discarded clothes, her fingers eagerly exploring the taut contours of his muscled body. He cried out when her tongue circled his erect nipples and began an excruciating journey down his chest toward his stomach.

  Kneeling before his engorged, purple-veined cock, her hands locked on his hips, the mere flick of Nora’s tongue against the sensitive head caused Alex to all but lose control. She licked at the pearly drops of pre-cum, beading at the tip, eliciting a groan from him.

  Alex grabbed her head and guided his cock deep into her deliciously hot mouth. Gripping the base, Nora began simultaneously stroking his shaft and his tight balls while she sucked with such intensity that Alex was forced to hold himself back before he immediately came in her mouth.

  “No...” he suddenly growled, gently pulling her up.

  Nora glanced up at him with a look of confusion, her flushed face and tousled hair an alluring contrast to her normally ladylike demeanor.

  Alex felt his passion flare to the point of pain at the feral look in Nora’s eyes, but he restrained himself.

  “Not like this,” he replied, his voice a low rumble as he guided her toward the four-poster bed.

  They danced together in erotic rhythm, limbs entwined, mouths and hands seeking each other in a sensual feast of skin and sweat. Alex spread Nora out on her back, her body open to him like a magnificent flower basking in the sun. He paused to drink in every detail of her, from the tumble of her hair across the pillows, to the rise and fall of her full breasts, down to the sculpted curves of her calves and the delicate plains of her ankles.

  Then his gaze fell on the smooth, gleaming baby-soft lips of her pussy, the moist, delectable pink flesh of her lips yawning to reveal the swollen rosebud of her clit and the sheen of wetness oozing onto her creamy thighs.

  “You’re so damn beautiful...” Alex murmured, falling toward her moist delta.

  Encircling her thighs with his arms, he lowered his face onto her pussy and inhaled her sultry musk before tasting her sweet, tender flesh. Nora cried out and writhed beneath the sinuous probing of his lips and tongue, his fingers teasing and taunting her tight entrance that quivered expectantly at his touch. Slick with her sticky juice, Alex paused to lick his skilled fingers before slipping them inside and thrusting deep inside of her, caressing her G-spot.

  She cried out in harsh panting gasps, eyes tightly shut, her hands clawing at the bedspread, delirious with desire. Adding his mouth to the motion of his fingers, Alex devoured her almost as if he had become drunk from the taste of her, the pleasure coursing through his body simply from the contact of her flesh against his tongue and lips indescribable. Panting for breath, her body undulating beneath him, Nora reached out, gripped his head, her fingers raking his scalp, and pressed it firmly against her.

  “Don’t stop,” she whimpered, grinding her hips against him. “I want to feel your tongue inside of me…please.”

  Alex’s cock twitched so violently in response he was certain he’d lose control. Without hesitation he complied, inserting his soft tongue into her burning slit, pushing as far as it would go before slipping it in and out, lapping at her sweet honey-nectar.

  From the back of his mind, Alex’s thoughts strayed to Tisa and those before her. Only now did he understand how mechanical and emotionless all his previous relationships had been. The realization was so abrupt that he almost felt like crying ... so many years, so many women, leaving him with nothing beyond a secret black book application on his phone and too much useless, sensationalistic press.

  Rising from Nora, he looked at her as though truly seeing her for the very first time.

  Nora gazed at him, her body deeply flushed from her arousal.

  “What’s wrong?” she gasped. “Alex? Why are you crying?”

  Stunned, Alex touched the tear pooling at his lip. He tasted its saltiness and stared at the wetness on his finger.

  “I ... don’t know,” he whispered. “I’m not sure what’s happening.”

  Nora rose and drew Alex down on top of her. Cradled in each other’s arms, they lay together, trying to just stay in the moment for as long as they could. Listening to Nora’s heartbeat, Alex brushed her breasts with his lips, then worked his way up her neck and face, planting kisses on her forehead, nose and lips. Tasting her skin, raw heat surged through his body, culminating in a throbbing ache that turned his cock as rigid as steel. He rose above Nora and spread her thighs. She raised her legs and wrapped them around his back, clamping him tightly, claiming him as her own as he drove himself into her.

  They cried out in unison; Alex from the hot, moist pressure of Nora’s gripping pussy; Nora from the piston-like thrusting of his cock pounding against her womb. Pressed against each other until they could barely breathe, they moved in synchronous rhythm, their skin slick from sweat.

  Feeling the mounting pressure rising from his taut balls, Alex closed his eyes against the explosive spasming of his orgasm, his cock jerking from the blissful release. Beneath him, Nora cried out as her body furiously bucked against him in a ballet of grinding hips, clawing hands and flailing limbs. Exhausted, spent, Alex collapsed in her arms and clung to her so tightly it was if he were afraid she would vanish.

  Nora trailed her fingers through his damp hair and teased his earlobe as she studied his face… every sharp contour, every inch of his square jaw, his gorgeous sculpted cheekbones and his impossibly blue eyes.

  “I need to come up for air,” she whispered with a smile. “You’ve absolutely drained me.”

  Alex grinned. “Well, I don’t think I have to worry about working out for a couple of days,” he replied, carefully brushing a strand of hair from her face.

  “Are you suggesting that I’m replacing your home gym, Mr. Stone?” Nora asked.

  “I think I prefer your version of the treadmill, Ms. Myers,” Alex said. “No electricity required and you’re far easier on the knees.”

  They burst into laughter.

  Alex moved beside her and entwined in a casual embrace, they stared at the gorgeous view of the city lights.

  “I’m happy you decided to stay here,” he said, watching the flashing lights of a circling helicopter. “I’m happy about so many things...”

  “But?” Nora asked, spooning herself behind him.

  She leaned up to nibble his neck, the sensation of her lips already tweaking his arousal. Though Alex had always been quick to bounce back, his reaction to Nora was an interesting lesson in self-discovery.

  “I… it’s difficult to…”

  He hesitated, struggling to articulate what he felt, and felt irritated at himself for his inability to simply speak his mind.

  “It’s okay, Alex,” Nora whispered into his ear. “Sometimes you don’t need words.” She wrapped her arms around him and kissed his shoulders. “We’re together, here and now, and whether it makes sense or not, sometimes it’s just easier to let it be.”

  Alex reached for her hands and squeezed them. His gaze drifted toward the wine on the table, and although he wanted to share a glass with Nora, he was too comfortable to get up. Nestled against her warmth, his eyes slowly began to close, and before he knew it, he drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Nine

  “So how did the move go?” Brad asked, sipping a mug of coffee in Alex’s office. “Nora settle in okay? Your mother and I waited for your call all evening.”

  Feeling his father’s pointed stare, Alex stood by the window pretending to drink his coffee. Though he and Nora had played it low key, something about their energy still attracted attention. Perhaps it was a shift in attitude or demeanor, the way a skillful facelift fooled others into thinking a woman simply look rested, but from the moment they entered the building together, eyes followed them.

  Including Margarita, who watched them walk toward the elevators with the subtlety of a charging bull even as she handled a
phone call and a courier delivery. Catching her catty stare as he pushed the elevator button, Alex knew the moment she concluded her call her blue painted fingernails would be furiously tapping away on her phone.

  Speaking of which, there had been several more messages from Tisa, all which he had deleted unread. His irritation with Rick was also reaching critical mass. They had a deal ... or so he thought. Something didn’t feel right, and like it or not, he was going to have to deal with it.

  “You all right?” Nora had asked as they rode up in the elevator.

  Alex smiled and pointed to his head. “System’s rebooting into work mode,” he said with a wink.

  “Alex, are you all right?” Brad’s voice echoed, breaking Alex from his thoughts. “I don’t think you’ve heard a word I’ve said. You know Miles called me. He’s cut Buenos Aires short and wants to meet tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow?” Alex said, swiveling around.

  Brad frowned. “Tell me you got his email.”

  Alex froze. In his frenzy to delete his messages from Tisa, he realized he might have deleted Miles’ message in error.

  “Of course,” he said. “That’s what I’ve been focusing on. Nora and I will be tackling the campaign together.”

  Brad smiled, clearly relieved. Slapping Alex on the back, he leaned conspiratorially toward Alex’s ear. “You know, your mother and I are pleased that Nora decided to stay with you,” he said. “Good decision all around.”

  Alex glanced at his father’s knowing expression. “Dad, it’s not what everyone seems to think...”

  Brad stood back and held out his hands. “Relax, Alex. I’m not challenging you. Far from it. Just know that you have our blessing.”

  A knock at the door rescued Alex from the awkward conversation.

  “Come in,” Brad said.

  Alex’s mood instantly lifted when Nora walked in. He smiled as the memory of their cozy shower together warmed him perhaps a little too much.

  Down boy... he thought, desperately trying to blot out the image of a wet and very soapy Nora bending over beneath the cascade from multiple shower jets, the perfect mounds of her curvy ass spread wide in invitation while her fingers worked their way into…

  Watching Alex from the corner of his eye, Brad could only grin.

  “Nora, you look lovely this morning,” he said, eyeing Nora’s scoop neck lavender dress. “So Jackie O.”

  “Honestly, Brad,” she said with dazzling smile, “My head’s going to be floating to the ceiling if you keep this up.”

  The unexpected ring of Alex’s phone startled him. Recognizing Tisa’s number on the display, he fixed on a smile and hurried to the door.

  “Got to take this,” he said. “Nora, why don’t you bring Dad up to date about the Langley campaign?”

  He closed the door before anyone could respond and darted to his office, hoping no one would interrupt him. Trying to contain his irritation, he dialed Tisa’s number. It was time to lay it on the line.

  Tisa picked up after the second ring. “Querida?” she said.

  Alex gritted his teeth, the sound of her voice already grating on his nerves.

  “Look, Tisa...”

  “Querida, I’ve been trying to reach you. Why didn’t you respond to any of my messages?”

  The urgent tone of her voice instantly triggered an alarm.

  “I’ve been extremely busy,” he said. “What’s going on?”

  “Rick’s very sick,” she said, “muy enfermo.”


  “I went with him to Montego Bay. We took a boat a few days ago and stopped off for lunch at a coastal village, but he ate some bad fish.”

  What the fuck...

  Alex felt a knot in his stomach. “How’s he doing?”

  “He had to be flown back to the mainland,” Tisa said. “I’ve been trying to reach you. I know you’re busy, but you don’t check your messages?”

  Time seemed to stand still as Alex stared at the phone. This had not been in the plan, and now his friend was in the hospital.

  “Is ... is Rick going to be okay?”

  “He had a severe reaction,” Tisa said. “Not so bad for most people, but for some it can be serious. I didn’t have any of the fish, gracias a dios.”

  Alex swallowed, almost afraid to ask the next question.

  “But he’s going to recover?”

  “We were lucky the helicopter got to us so quickly,” she said. “We were on the southern coast, and traveling by road would have taken too long.” Tisa paused, as if sensing Alex’s guilt. “Que verguenza. You don’t check on your friends?”

  Her words stung. Shame on him, indeed. Rick could have died ... and for what?

  “I’m so sorry,” he said, the words sounding lame even as he spoke them. “I’ve been slammed with this new campaign...”

  Alex stopped when he heard Tisa breathing on the phone. “Which hospital?”

  “Bayside,” she said. “Room 407. His family’s flying in from London.”

  Anxiety coursing through his veins, Alex was at a loss for words. “I’ll stop by to see him.”

  “You’d better check first,” Tisa said. “They’re only allowing family.”

  “I’ll do that,” Alex said. “Thanks for calling.”

  He listened to the heavy silence, wondering what else he could possibly say.

  “Alex,” Tisa said.

  “I’m here.”

  “Is there anything else you want to say, querida?”

  Not only did Tisa’s question catch Alex off guard, it was her unusually subdued tone of voice that stirred his suspicion. She was never one for speaking or conveying herself at a reasonable decibel level. He sensed there was something else, but was afraid to pursue it.

  He glanced at his watch. At any moment Nora or his father might come in. The last thing he wanted was to explain who he was talking to, but a nagging voice at the back of his mind prompted his curiosity.

  “Like what?” he asked.

  “No es nada,” Tisa said quietly after a pause. “I have to go. I’ll call you later.”

  She hung up before Alex could utter another word. Now he was really worried, and the upbeat mood he had felt earlier vanished as quickly as if the only candle in a dark room had been snuffed out.


  Googling Bayside hospital, Alex brought up the front desk contact number and dialed. It seemed to ring forever until the receptionist finally picked up at the same moment Nora knocked and stepped into his office. He quickly hung up and clicked on the Langley PowerPoint document.

  “Everything okay?” Nora asked, noticing his distracted expression.

  Gazing at her face seemed to calm Alex. He rose, looked at her for a moment, then gathered her in his arms.

  “Whoa,” Nora said, playfully disengaging herself, but planting a quick kiss on his cheek. “We’re on the clock, Alex. Remember what we talked about.”

  “I think my father’s fine with it,” Alex said. “He’s about as subtle as a tarantula dangling over your head.”

  Nora laughed. “What a wonderful play of words, Mr. Stone, but I’m not ready to plan any weddings yet. Attending them is fine for now.”

  Alex considered her words. Not so long ago he would have hidden in a nuclear bunker had anyone even hinted at marriage. Now, the idea didn’t seem so alien.

  “Alex, what’s wrong?” Nora asked, studying his expression. A shadow crossed her face. “I hope you’re not thinking...”

  “Oh, God, no!” Alex said, clasping her hand. “It has nothing to do with what happened.” He paused, struggling with words that tangled his tongue. “It’s ... it’s just so different from the way ... things used to be.”

  Nora looked into his eyes before gently stroking his face. “Why don’t you just try not to over-think everything, Alex? Let things be. Let them evolve at their own pace.” She sighed and turned toward the window, losing herself in the heartbeat of the city. “Don’t think it’s been any easier for me.”

nbsp; Alex glanced at her in surprise. “You? You’ve got to be kidding. A beautiful, unique woman like you?”

  Nora cocked an eyebrow. “What? A beautiful, unique woman like me should be beating scores of men away from my door?” She laughed ironically. “Sounds good in theory, doesn’t it? But life doesn’t always work out that way.”

  “You leave anyone I’ve ever known far behind in the dust, Nora, and the more I think about it, the less happy I am about who Alex Stone is.”

  Nora turned to regard him. “But I’ve always known who you were, Alex,” she said. “I did my due diligence on more than Stone Advertising when I started looking to move on. A career is not only based on your own goals and expectations, but of those around you.”

  “And what was your assessment?” Alex asked, uncertain whether he wanted to hear the answer.

  Nora smiled enigmatically. “Like I said, I love a challenge.”

  Alex gazed into her eyes. “Am I that challenge, Nora?”

  “I never would have thought so,” she said softly. “I would have laughed at the thought that we could ever be on more than cordial terms, but I see something in you I never expected.”

  “Tell me, Nora,” Alex said. “Maybe you can help me see it, too.”

  She smiled. “Maybe I caught a glimpse of the real Alex Stone walking on the beach and talking about the fun he had playing in the water with his brother and sister. Maybe it occurred to me that if I walked along the same beach and scraped at the sand with my plastic shovel, I just might find an unexpected treasure.”

  Outside Alex’s office, Brad’s resonant voice broke the spell.

  Nora glanced at her watch. Alex realized with a sinking heart that it was now back to business.

  “Which reminds me,” she said. “Miles Langley is stopping by tomorrow. He really wants to hit the ground running with the Luxe campaign.”

  “That’s right,” Alex said, staring disinterestedly at the computer screen. “I was just looking through it. Why don’t I annotate it and send it over to you? We can amend however you want.”


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