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Four Degrees of Heat

Page 23

by Rochelle Alers, ReShonda Tate Billingsley, Brenda L. Thomas; Crystal Lacey Winslow

  Victoria started pulling stuff out of her overnight bag. “Better now than later, don’t you think?”

  “But you’re acting like it’s not even bothering you,” Iman replied.

  Victoria slipped a sundress over her head. “What do you want me to do—fall to the ground, sobbing? Cut my wrists? Track Kendrick down, drag him to the church, and make him marry me? Give me a break.”

  “But I know how much you love him. How much you were looking forward to your life together,” Iman said.

  Victoria shrugged as she started gathering up her things. “Oh, well. Cry two tears in a bucket and fuck it.” She turned toward her mother. “Sorry, mom.”

  Rhonda blew off her daughter’s profanity. “I told everyone in the church. Do you want to hang back here until everyone is gone?”

  “Why? So I won’t have to face them? Please, I didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “Well, do you want to come stay with me for a few days? We can rest, relax, and I can help you get over this. You always try to act so strong. But I’m your mother. I know you. And I know this is hurting you. So let me help, come stay with me a few days,” Rhonda said.

  Victoria was getting sick and tired of the pity. It was starting already. She could only imagine that it would just get worse. Everywhere she went, people would be looking at her with sad eyes, telling her how she didn’t deserve this, waiting to see the infallible powerhouse of a woman crumble. True, she had some really good friends, but she had always been the glue that held everyone together. In fact, she took pride in always being the strong one, the self-assured real estate attorney who took all of life’s blows and used them as stepping-stones to something bigger and better. That was how she wanted to approach this situation. She wanted to go back to work and tackle the mounds of cases that she had resolved to let sit on her desk while she was enjoying her honeymoon in Belize.

  Belize. Victoria had forgotten all about that. She and Kendrick were set to leave for Belize at nine-thirty in the morning. Not only had they wasted all that money on the wedding, but their $2,000 wedding package at one of the finest resorts in Belize was now down the tubes as well. Victoria wanted to cry as she thought how much she had been looking forward to her honeymoon. Hell, how much she had been looking forward to being married. At thirty-three, Victoria hated the idea of starting over. Dating trifling man after man, in hopes of finding Mr. Right. That was part of why she had wanted to get married; she hated dating. And she thought her prayers had been answered with Kendrick.

  “So, it’s settled,” Rhonda announced, interrupting Victoria’s thoughts. “You’re coming home to spend a few days with me. Iman can run by your house and pick up some of your things, won’t you, sweetheart?” Iman nodded. Rhonda clapped her hands together. “Good. Now, don’t worry about the church. I’ve already spoken with the coordinator, and she will make sure both here and the reception hall get cleaned up.”

  Victoria looked at her mother, trying to get control of the situation. Maybe that’s where she had gotten her need to control from. It was one of the things Kendrick hated about her. They were always arguing about what he called her “independent and controlling nature.” He wanted her to be submissive, something she had extreme difficulty doing. Victoria wondered if that’s why he’d decided not to marry her. She shook her head, refusing to let negative thoughts overcast her self-worth. Kendrick was a flaky, commitment-phobic man, and she was not going to let him make her doubt herself. She had to regain control—or at least some semblance of control—no matter how much she was hurting.

  Victoria turned to one of her bridesmaids. “Rachel, can you go see if there’s anyone left out in the church? I’m sure there is, as people always love some good drama. Anyway, can you tell them to please go on over to the reception and eat that three thousand dollars’ worth of food. Otherwise it will all go to waste.” Rachel nodded and scurried out of the room. Victoria turned back to her mother. “Mother, I appreciate your concern. But I will be fine. Haven’t I always?”


  “No buts. I am not coming to your house so you can treat me like a broken-hearted baby.” Victoria’s mind suddenly flashed to Belize. They had a full-expense-paid week at that resort. She and Kendrick had pooled their money to pay for the wedding, but the honeymoon had been entirely his treat. He had footed that whole bill, saying it was his gift to her. They were already wasting tons of food at the reception. Why waste any more money just because Kendrick’s ass decided to bail out?

  “I’m going on my honeymoon,” Victoria announced.

  “What?” several people said in unison. They were all looking at Victoria like she had lost her mind.

  “I said, I’m going on my honeymoon,” Victoria repeated.

  “The girl is losing it,” Victoria’s aunt Ella muttered.

  Victoria laughed as the idea started to make more and more sense. Kendrick had truly hurt her, and at some point, Victoria knew she would break down and have a good cry. The way it was looking, if she stayed here, she wouldn’t get a moment’s peace for weeks. “No, Auntie Ella. All of my facilities are fully operational. I have a beautiful week planned in a beautiful city. So, although the plans have been slightly altered, I’m still going.”

  “By yourself?” Her mother asked.

  “Not unless you think Denzel Washington would be willing to join me.” Victoria laughed. No one laughed with her.

  “Look,” Victoria said, turning to face everyone. “I need this. I just want to get away, relax, and try to forget about this disastrous day.”

  “But by yourself? You want to go to another country by yourself?” Rhonda acted like it was the most absurd thing she had ever heard.

  “Yes, Mother. I just want to get away, is that okay?”

  “Let me come with you,” Iman interjected. “We can make it a girls’ week out.”

  Victoria smiled gently at her friend. “You just had a baby, and your husband would not even be trying to hear how you plan to leave a one-month-old child to go hang out in Belize.”

  Iman contemplated Victoria’s response. “Yeah, but—”

  “Well, I’ll go then,” Aunt Ella interjected. “You know your mama won’t set foot on an airplane, and hell, I could use a free trip to a whole other country.”

  Victoria moaned as she thought of spending a week with her chain-smoking country aunt. Aunt Ella would probably fry up some chicken and carry it on the plane in a brown, grease-stained paper bag. No thanks.

  “Umm, Auntie Ella, no offense, but I not onlywant to go by myself, Ineed to go by myself. Everyone, please understand, I just want to be alone.”

  “Victoria…” Her mother sighed. “Can’t you just stay here and let me help you through this?”

  “If I stay here, I’m just going to go to work, and I don’t need that stress right now. I don’t want to deal with the incessant questions, the pitiful stares, and the ‘Are you sure you’re all right?’ questions twenty-four/seven.”

  “I won’t let you work, and I’ll keep everyone away from you,” Rhonda tried to assure her.

  “Please, don’t fight me on this,” Victoria pleaded.

  Her mother took a deep breath. “Fine. You have to promise to call me every day. And at least let me take you to the airport.”

  Victoria smiled for the first time since she had gotten Kendrick’s note. She actually was getting excited about the prospect of going to Belize. She had never been on a vacation by herself, let alone halfway across the world. But she wanted to get away, get all of her crying out, relax, relieve some stress, and forget about that asshole Kendrick. Hell, maybe she could even break from her prim and proper nature and find her a Latino island hunk for some good nights of sex.

  “Thank you all for understanding, and I promise, I’ll be fine.”

  All eyes remained on Victoria. They were all still full of pity. Iman was fighting back tears again. Victoria shook her head, more confident than ever that going on this trip was the right thing to do.

/>   Chapter 2

  Victoria removed her sunglasses and took in the rays of sunshine beating down on her face. She was really here. It was not the way she had planned it, but she was here nonetheless, and determined to make the best of a bad situation.

  After getting checked into the Sea Lago resort, Victoria settled in to her room and poured herself a glass of wine to soothe her nerves. She then walked out onto the balcony and inhaled the fresh air. This was truly a beautiful place. She had asked to be moved from the honeymoon suite, but this room was just as nice, especially the ocean view from the balcony. Victoria leaned against the railing, took a long gulp of the wine, and closed her eyes as it slid down her throat.

  “What’s missing from this picture?” she mumbled. Victoria opened her eyes and looked down at the oceanfront. There were several couples down on the beach. Some walked hand in hand, some cuddled together, most were kissing and hugging all over each other.

  “That should be me,” Victoria whispered as she felt a lump form in her throat. She plopped down in a patio chair. Why would Kendrick do this to her?How could he do this to her?

  Victoria could no longer hold it in. She let her glass slip out of her hands. As it crashed to the floor, she buried her face in her hands and sobbed for a good two hours.

  “Now what?” Victoria muttered as she stared at her puffy-eyed reflection in the bathroom mirror. How was she supposed to find a Latin lover with swollen eyes?

  Maybe she didn’t need to be getting involved with a man anyway. Hell, after Kendrick, a man, even if it was just for sex, was the last thing she probably needed. Then again, she and Kendrick had abstained for the last two months. Ironically, it was his idea to “make the wedding night more special.” What a load of bullshit. Regardless, Victoria’s hormones were in overdrive. She laughed to herself. “I came here to have a good time, and I’m going to have a good time. Fuck Kendrick.”

  Victoria walked over and grabbed her suitcase out of the closet. She unzipped it, then sifted through her clothes, angrily tossing aside the white teddy and G-string she had planned to wear on her wedding night. She found a strapless black dress and held it up. “Not too casual, not too dressy,” she said, nodding her approval.

  Twenty minutes later Victoria was standing on the resort patio. It looked like the party was in full force. Several people were dancing to the sexy salsa tunes. Many others were cuddling at various tables. The very sight of these lovesick couples was turning Victoria’s stomach.

  “I need another drink,” she mumbled as she made her way over to the bar. After that glass of wine she’d had earlier, she figured she probably shouldn’t drink anything else, but she shrugged it off. “I deserve to get drunk,” she said to herself.

  “Hey, handsome.” Victoria leaned on the bar and flirtatiously played with her spiral-curled hair. “Hello, Hector,” she said, eyeing his nametag. “Can I have a Sex on the Beach?”

  The dark-haired bartender flashed a smile. “You wanta Sex on the Beach, or you wantsome sex on the beach?” He laughed.

  Victoria scooted onto a barstool. “Either one is fine with me. Which one can you provide?”

  The bartender smiled and laid a napkin in front of her. “One Sex on the Beach drink coming right up.”

  Victoria surveyed Hector’s backside as he walked off. Nice butt, she thought. A little too small for my taste, but nice nonetheless.

  Victoria swung around toward the band as she waited for Hector to return with her drink. The band was playing salsa, and they had the crowd on its feet. Everyone looked like they were having such a good time. Victoria scanned the patio. There was an elderly man sitting at the end of the bar by himself, but other than that, it seemed Victoria was the only person there solo.

  “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea,” she muttered.

  “Here’s your drink, ma’am. Do you want me to start a tab?” Hector asked.

  Victoria hesitated, then reached in her small purse, pulled out her credit card, and laid it on the bar. Hector noticed her mood change.

  “Hey, pretty lady, what happened to that beautiful smile?”

  Victoria turned back toward the bar, then forced a smile. “Maybe I’ll be better after another drink.”

  Hector playfully poked out his bottom lip. “Let me know if I can do anything to bring back that smile.”

  Victoria thought about telling him to meet her in her room when he got off; that would brighten her smile—but she decided against it. As horny as she was, she didn’t want to screw a little-butt Latino just for the sake of it.

  “Thank you, Hector. I’ll keep that in mind.” Victoria sipped her drink as Hector turned to help another customer.

  Two Sex on the Beaches and one Amaretto Sour later, Victoria felt her head spinning. She had been sitting at the bar for almost two hours. No one had asked her to dance. Probably because everyone here is with someone else, she thought. The elderly man had paid for the Amaretto Sour, then gave her a flirtatious, toothless grin, but she held up her wedding finger—the one still sporting her three-carat platinum engagement ring—and waved him off. He shrugged, then hobbled on to flirt with someone else.

  Victoria fingered the engagement ring. She contemplated walking down to the beach and flinging the ring into the ocean. “Yeah, right,” she mumbled. “I may be drunk, but I sure ain’t stupid.” Nope, the ring was staying. Even if it didn’t mean shit, it was still a bad-ass rock.

  Victoria waved to Hector. “Hey, Hector!” she called. “One more for the road!” She tried to stand up and fell off the stool. She caught herself before she fell to the floor. Laughing, she pulled herself up. Hector looked at her with concern.

  “Ah,mi amiga, maybe you’ve had enough for the evening,” he said.

  “Enough?” Victoria rolled her eyes. “I’m on vacation. I can drink all I want!”

  “I’m just concerned, that’s all. You’re here by yourself, and it’s not safe for a young lady to be alone in your…um, condition.”

  Suddenly, not only was Hector not cute, but he was getting on her damn nerves. “I know I’m alone! You think I don’t fucking know I’m alone?” Victoria was getting loud, and people were starting to stare, but she could’ve cared less. The liquor was flowing through her body, and all her inhibitions were out the window. “You hear that, everybody? This smart-ass, little-butt bartender wants to remind me that I’m all alone in Belize. Like I can’t see that! Like everybody can’t see that!” Victoria held on to the bar as she felt her knees get weak. She felt the tears forming again. “It was supposed to be my honeymoon,” she sobbed. “That bastard left me at the altar. I’m supposed to be enjoying Belize with my husband, but I’m all alone sitting at a damn bar for the last two hours while Hector tells me I can’t have another drink!”

  Several people had stopped and were staring. Normally, Victoria would have died from embarrassment, but right about now she didn’t care. “I’m pretty. I’m smart. I would’ve made a good wife,” Victoria sobbed to no one in particular. “But nooooo, that asshole had to dump me—on my fucking wedding day!”

  Victoria was so busy yelling, she didn’t see the two men in muscle shirts that were now standing in front of her.

  “Ma’am, how ’bout we help you out of here?” one of them said as he reached for her arm.

  Victoria jerked her arm back. “How ’bout you let go of me and tell this Nacho, Taco, whatever his name is, to fix me another drink.”

  “I think you’ve had a little too much to drink.”

  Victoria leaned in toward the guard. “Did you not hear me? I’ve been dumped. At the altar. Don’t you think I’m entitled to get drunk?”

  “Are you a guest here at the hotel?” the other muscle-bound guy asked.

  “Yes I am. In room…ummm…room…Well, I can’t remember the room, but I’m a guest!” Victoria slurred.

  “We’re going to have to ask you to leave,” the first man said.

  “Leave? All the damn money I paid—well, actually I didn’t pay it
.” Victoria laughed. “But all the money that asshole, no-good, sorry son-of-a-bitch fiancé of mine paid? Hell, naw, I ain’t goin’ nowhere.”

  The two men looked at each other, then started moving in toward Victoria.

  “Lisa! There you are, girl. I’ve been looking all over for you.”

  Everyone turned toward the deep baritone voice. The tall, handsome man stepped in. “I’m sorry, guys. It appears my friend has had a little bit too much to drink. As you just heard, her fiancé left her at the altar, so she’s a little bit despondent. I’ll take care of her from here.”

  Victoria squinted her eyes. Her vision was a little blurred, her head was pounding, and she felt ready to throw up, but she was sure she didn’t know this man. She looked him up and down. “Do I know you?”

  “Girl, stop playing,” he said as he reached in and took her by the arm. “I’ll take her on back to our room and put her to bed,” he told the two men.

  “Just do something with her, man. We can’t have her messing up everybody else’s good time,” one of them replied.

  The man nodded, then began leading Victoria back in toward the lobby. She could barely walk and probably would’ve tumbled over had he not had one hand gripped firmly around her waist.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  He ignored her question. “What room are you in?” he asked as he punched the up arrow at the elevator.

  Victoria thought about it for a minute. “I don’t know.”

  The man sighed. “I really don’t need this.”

  “You don’t need what?” Victoria spat. Her speech was slurred, and she could feel a string of saliva dribbling down her chin. She wiped it away, then tried unsuccessfully to pull herself away from his grasp. “Did I ask you to come to my rescue, Mr. Prince Charming, Mr. Knight in Shining Armor, Sir…Sir Mix-a-Lot?” Victoria cracked up at her feeble attempt at humor.

  The man guided her onto the elevator without saying a word. He pushed button fifteen, then stood back silently. He kept one arm holding Victoria up.


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