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Sentenced to the Punishment Clinic

Page 6

by Carole Archer

  “Stay where you are,” Dr. Carter warned, as he tugged a latex glove onto his hand. Maria winced as it snapped against his wrist. She blinked back tears, watching as he thoroughly lubricated his thumb with Vaseline. Stepping towards her, he brushed her hands away and reached down between her legs. His fingers toyed with her clit from behind, and despite her attempts to refuse to orgasm for him, she found her hips raising from the bench as he quickly brought her towards a climax. Pushing his thumb into her anus, his fingers worked relentlessly at her clit. Maria threw back her head, groaning as an orgasm flooded through her.

  “That’s better. See, you can do it. Roll over, now, unless you want another caning.” Dr. Carter leaned close to her ear, gently stroking her back as he spoke. Shaking her head, Maria shuffled onto her side before rolling over to her back. She winced as her tender buttocks pressed against the padded table, but was relieved she had stopped her stupid crying. They had humiliated her, but she did not want to give them the added pleasure of seeing they had reduced her to tears. The caning was more painful than anything she could have imagined, and it had only been six strokes. She realised that a flogging would undoubtedly be a lot worse. She was relieved not to have been sentenced to that, knowing now she could not have stoically taken such punishment in silence, as she had foolishly believed would be the case. And there would have been many more people gathered around in Hyde Park to watch, rather than just the three who were in the room with her now. Shuddering, she realised that things could have been so much worse.

  “Hopefully, that unscheduled six of the best will remind you to heed my words from now on.” Dr. Carter took Maria’s hand and placed it between her legs.

  “Did you not have permission to do that to me?” Maria scowled at him. “I’ll report you. See if I don’t.” Moving her hand away from her sex, Maria’s eyes blazed as much as her backside.

  Dr. Carter laughed. “Young lady, we have a programme that we follow with each prisoner who is brought into this facility. We also have authority to add any extra discipline required to make the subject comply. Complain all you want, but you’ll only make things worse for yourself. If you don’t do as you’re told, it’s no hardship for me to tie you down over a spanking bench and give you a long hard caning. After that, I’ll take you back to your cell and we’ll start again tomorrow—from the beginning.”

  Maria shook her head. She had no intention of going through the whole thing again. “I’m trying to do what you ask,” she mumbled, “but it’s so bloody hard.”

  “I know, sweetheart.” Dr. Carter smiled and stroked her cheek. “You’re a tough little cookie, much braver than most we get in here. I really don’t want to do something that’ll make you cry again, but I will if that’s the only way to get your cooperation.” He traced his fingers under her red-rimmed eyes, and Maria scowled. She thought she had hidden her tears well, but the way he looked pityingly at her, touching her so tenderly, he was well aware the cane had been her breaking point.

  Desperate to change the subject, Maria wondered if they really could keep prisoners in the facility for days on end, or if it was a hollow threat designed to make her comply. “What if you did want to start again with me tomorrow, but you got another prisoner; what do you do then?”

  Dr. Carter smiled and turned away. “Nancy, bring Miss Davis a glass of water. I think she could use a little break.” Turning back to her, he explained how there were six teams working within the facility. She was surprised to learn there were several of these units spread around London, and many more throughout the UK, where young women were taken for punishment.

  Maria frowned. “What about male prisoners? Where do they go?”

  “Why? Have you lost someone?” Dr. Carter’s expression was one of concern.

  Maria nodded. “My brother, Martin. We were busted breaking into a house. I got away but he didn’t, and I have no idea where he’s gone. He seems to have dropped off the face of the earth, and the courts refused to tell me anything.”

  Nancy re-entered the room and handed Maria a glass of water. Sitting up, she sipped the ice-cold water as the doctor answered her question. “He could have gone to prison, but that’s unlikely. Those places are reserved for those who’ve committed serious crimes. It’s more likely he was publically flogged.” Maria shook her head. She would have found out if that was the case. “Well, he could have been sent to work on a chain gang,” Dr. Carter suggested.

  Maria’s eyebrows lifted and her mouth fell open. She had read about chain gangs in her history lessons at school, but they were a thing of the past. They didn’t run such operations these days. Did they?

  Smiling, Dr. Carter continued. “Farms were hit hard by the recession, as were many industries, but many went bust. The government decided to do something to help, and set up chain gangs to work the land and make them viable again. It’s one of the good things this government has actually done. So it’s more than likely that’s what Martin is doing.”

  Maria finished her water and handed the glass back to Nancy. “Thank you,” she said, lowering her head and wringing her hands. She thought about Martin, working in the fields, shackled to other workers, and being beaten for working too slowly. Tears filled her eyes. It was a huge relief to know he was probably still around, but the thought of him being part of such an operation was horrific. She tried to blink back her tears, but was mortified when they rolled down her cheeks. Raising her hand, she swiped them away.

  “He’ll be fine, sweetheart,” Dr. Carter said, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close. “It’s not like it used to be. As long as they work hard, they’re not bound to each other.” Well, that was some small consolation, Maria thought, as she struggled to break free of the doctor’s embrace. She was embarrassed by her reaction, but he held her firmly. Her uncle and aunt, who had taken her in when her parents had died, did not believe in mollycoddling children. Her uncle said it made them soft. Therefore, she was not used to such affection.

  Her tears fell freely now, soaking the front of his shirt, and Maria took comfort in his whispered words of reassurance. His hand rubbed her back gently. Wrapping her arms around him, she gave in to her grief, clinging to him as she sobbed.

  When Maria finally calmed down, she felt more embarrassed than she had during her punishment. Pulling away, she rubbed her eyes with her fists. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me.” Running her hands through her hair, her eyes moved around the room, looking anywhere rather than at him. She was pleased to see that Scott and Nancy were no longer present. The fewer witnesses to her meltdown, the better.

  “Do you feel better?” Dr. Carter asked, squeezing her hand. Maria nodded, but still did not look at him. She was grateful when he walked away, returning seconds later with a box of tissues. She accepted one, drying her eyes and blowing her nose.

  “Good girl, take a deep breath. When you’re ready, lie down on your back. We’ll get on with your punishment. You’re doing really well.” Dr. Carter smiled as she settled herself down. She watched as he crossed the room and opened the door, and Scott and Nancy walked back in. Maria immediately averted her eyes.

  “Right, we’ve had a short break,” Dr. Carter said, approaching the table. “Now let’s see if we can get on with this. We can be finished in a couple of hours if you do as you’re told.” Maria gazed up at him. “Yes, sir.” Although she dreaded the rest of her punishment, the end was in sight, and she did feel better, as if a weight had been lifted from her. She had fretted about Martin for months, fearing he might be dead. “Thank you, sir,” she added, smiling up at him.

  Dr. Carter gave her a small smile, took her hand and pressed her fingers against her clit. “Get those fingers moving; your having an orgasm is a required part of the programme. We can’t move on until you’ve done it. You know exactly what to do, I’m sure.”

  Maria’s cheeks flushed and she gently rubbed her fingers against her clit. With her eyes closed and her head turned to one side, she half-heartedly masturbat
ed, but was deeply embarrassed doing such an intimate thing in front of other people.

  “No, no, no,” Dr. Carter scolded, brushing her hand away. “If you’re not going to do it properly, we’ll have to give you some incentive. Scott, Nancy, come and hold her legs.” Maria found herself once again pulled into the diaper position, Scott and Nancy holding a leg each.

  Maria yelped, jerking her head forward as Dr. Carter brought a light strap down between her spread thighs, the end contacting with her clitoris. She struggled frantically as he worked methodically, bringing a light stinging sensation all over her pussy and ass. A couple of harder swats against her anus and clit had her objecting loudly, but Dr. Carter laughed. “Protest all you want, sweetheart, but you’re soaking wet. Nancy, bring her to another orgasm, show her what we want from her.”

  Dr. Carter stepped behind Maria, taking hold of her left ankle, relieving Nancy of her post. The nurse moved to the side of the table and put her hand between Maria’s legs, stroking her clit. “Oh, no, please don’t,” protested Maria. But as the nurse applied pressure to her clit with her thumb, rubbing in a firm circular motion, Maria threw her head back and yelled, her hips bucking against the table.

  Lowering her legs once again, Dr. Carter gently mopped Maria’s brow with a cool flannel. “We can keep this up all day, but you will get sore,” he said, smiling down at her. “Are you going to be a good girl and masturbate properly for us this time?”

  Maria let out a deep sigh and nodded slowly.

  “I can’t hear you.”

  “Yes, sir,” she said, hesitantly moving her hands down between her thighs. Parting her lips with one hand, Maria tentatively touched her swollen clit. It was sore already, but the thought of enduring further humiliation if she didn’t comply was enough to get her fingers moving. She was astounded by how wet she was. She certainly wasn’t enjoying what was being done to her, and was horrified that her body was betraying her in such a way.

  Closing her eyes, she thought about the doctor’s tongue on her freshly shaven slit, stroking along her slick pussy. She imagined that tongue prodding at her hole. Grunting and raising her hips, sweat beading on her brow, she pressed against her clit, prolonging her orgasm. Unable to stand the pressure against her sensitive nub any longer, Maria dropped her hands to her sides and slumped against the table, thoroughly exhausted.

  “Good girl.” Dr. Carter patted her hand as he offered praise. “Take a minute or two to compose yourself, then we’ll move onto phase two of your obedience training.”

  Sighing, Maria rolled her eyes and wondered how much more they could do to her.

  Chapter Six

  “Right, young lady,” Dr. Carter said, grasping Maria’s chin and gazing into her eyes. “I’m now going to hand you over to Scott for the next phase of your training. You must demonstrate obedience towards both him and Nancy, as well as to myself.”

  Maria closed her eyes. She had been taught as a youngster to have respect for her elders, which made it easier to obey Dr. Carter. But Scott was much closer to her own age, and she was very attracted to him. As for Nancy, she could not imagine a scenario where she could comply with the orders given by another female, especially one who was no older than herself. Opening her eyes, Maria let out a deep sigh. She had no choice and she knew it. “Yes, sir.”

  Dr. Carter walked slowly across the room and took a seat, as Scott stepped forward. “On your hands and knees. Crawl around the room and swing that ass,” he said, grinning as Maria lowered herself to the floor. Glancing across towards Dr. Carter, she looked imploringly at him, willing him to intervene, but his expression remained impassive.

  Sighing deeply, Maria moved slowly around the room on her hands and knees, glancing occasionally towards Scott, who had seated himself close to the far wall. “Keep going,” he instructed, pointing towards the other side of the room. Maria could almost feel his eyes on her ass as her hips moved. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she exaggerated the movement of her hips, swaying her ass in what she hoped was a seductive manner. The sooner she gave him what he wanted, the quicker her torment would end. Glancing over her shoulder, she felt an inner warmth as Scott let out a breath and loosened his collar.

  Her knees now beginning to ache, Maria was thankful when Scott pointed to the floor in front of him. “Come here,” he said huskily. Moving slowly towards him, her head lowered, Maria gazed down her body at her small breasts, which swung freely as she crawled. She felt slightly ridiculous, but also oddly aroused at the show she was putting on. When she reached the spot in front of the security guard, she sat back on her heels. Folding her arms across her chest, she gazed intently up at him. Slouched back in his chair, Scott allowed his legs to spread as he smiled down at her.

  “Now it is time for you to thank Scott properly for helping to teach you obedience. Ask if you may pleasure him with your mouth,” urged Dr. Carter, as he rose from his seat and walked towards them. Looking between the guard’s legs, Maria’s eyes boggled at the huge bulge tenting the front of his pants. Glancing up at his face, her cheeks flushed when Scott winked. “Go on, I won’t bite.”

  Shuffling backwards on her knees, her arms wrapped protectively around her upper body, Maria shook her head. “I’m sorry. I can’t. Please. I’ll do anything else. Don’t make me do that.” Looking up at Dr. Carter, her eyes pleaded with him to change his mind, but deep down she knew he wouldn’t. She was well aware she had no choice but to do as she was told. Maria was simply buying herself more time to build up the courage to do as she was instructed, though she continued to cling to the faint hope that one of them would take pity on her and say she had endured enough.

  “You’ll do as you’re told, young lady.” Maria’s eyes widened as the doctor grasped her hair. “Maybe Scott needs to give you some incentive to obey him?” Maria shook her head, but her body still refused to move. “Take your belt to her backside. That should get her moving,” Dr. Carter instructed Scott.

  Maria’s head snapped back as Scott immediately rose from his seat. “Oh, no, please don’t.” Her eyes widened as he slowly unfastened the buckle and slid his thick leather belt through the loops of his trousers. “Please, I’ll do it. I’m sorry. I’ll do it right now.”

  “Too late,” said Scott, smirking as he paced around her. “But you are right. You will suck my cock.” Maria’s cheeks reddened as she was crudely reminded of what she was expected to do. “You’ll be eager to do it, once I’ve reddened your insolent ass. Now get yourself back up on your hands and knees, and push that backside up nice and high.”

  Maria glanced over her shoulder, trembling as she watched him grip the buckle and wrap the belt around his hand, leaving a long length trailing down. Trembling, she leaned forward, placed her hands on the floor and thrust her backside out, offering it to the handsome guard. Moving slowly into position, Maria never took her eyes off the thick, supple strip of leather as Scott toyed with it in a tormenting manner that made her shudder.

  “Stay in position. Don’t move,” Dr. Carter told Maria, sitting on the chair in front of her and pressing his hand against the back of her neck, pushing her face towards the floor. “Stick your bottom further out. Give Scott a good target.”

  Remaining on her knees, Maria thrust her behind out as far as she was able, yelping when without warning the belt lashed across her cheeks. The doctor’s hand remained clamped at the back of her neck, and she made a conscious effort to raise her hips again, despite the searing heat spreading across her rump.

  For the next few minutes, Maria squirmed as the belt cracked down numerous times, striping her flesh. She shrieked when the occasional stroke was applied upwards, across her sit spots and upper thighs, but she quickly realised that these more painful strokes were given only when she lowered her bottom. She therefore made a conscious effort to try and keep it high at all times.

  “Okay, that’s enough.” Dr. Carter released his hold on Maria, and Scott immediately ceased her belting. Maria sighed with relief. Glancing u
p, she watched as Scott retook his seat and handed the belt over to his colleague. Grasping her hair, Dr. Carter gazed into Maria’s eyes, dangling the leather in front of her. “You have two minutes to ask for permission and then start to pleasure my guard. Failure to do so will result in a strapping from the top of your thighs down to the back of your knees. I’m sure you don’t want that.”

  Maria shook her head. “No, sir, I don’t.” Swallowing anxiously, she looked up at Scott. “Please, sir.” He nodded and smiled as she shuffled closer to him. “May I pleasure you with my mouth, sir?”

  “Oh, as you asked so nicely, of course you can.” Pulling the zipper down on his trousers, Scott maintained eye contact with a trembling Maria. She gasped when his erect cock sprang out of the front of his boxer shorts, and she instinctively leaned away from him.

  “Go on, then,” he said, slumping back against the seat, clutching her hair with both hands, forcing her head between his thighs. “Use your hands as well. I’m going to enjoy filling your sweet little mouth with my seed.”

  Maria’s eyes widened and she gazed up at him as he released her hair, clasping his hands behind his head as he slid down in his seat and leaned back. Maria opened her mouth to protest. She would suck his cock if she had to, but she would not allow him to ejaculate in her mouth. She just couldn’t. But before she managed to voice her objections, the belt cracked across her backside. Whirling around to face Dr. Carter, Maria glared up at him.

  “You have less than one minute to begin pleasuring him, otherwise I’ll give you that thigh strapping I promised. You’ll have trouble enough sleeping tonight as it is, but you won’t be sitting down any time soon if you make that course of action necessary. Don’t make me angry, little girl.”


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