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Trife Life To Lavish Part 2 Genesis & Genevieve...Am I My Brother's Keeper

Page 13

by Deja King

  "What! Why would you say that?"

  "Because not only was nobody shot at the party, we did a thorough check of the room and the only bullets found were in the ceiling."

  "So the bullets were fired up in the air?"

  "Yes, I believe it was just a distraction to cause a big hoopla so whoever orchestrated this bullshit could use the opportunity to take Nichelle."

  "But why and who?"

  "Akil confided in me tonight that a couple of months ago somebody tried to kidnap Nichelle but he saved her before shit went sour. That's why he hired that bodyguard."

  "You think that person is behind what went down tonight?"

  "It's a serious possibility. Whoever it was they went through a great deal of trouble to make sure this shit went out without a hitch. They were able to infiltrate security. This was too professionally executed to be some amateurs. That means the mastermind behind this got money and some clout."

  "We need to find out everything we can about Nichelle and why somebody would want to kidnap her."

  "I'm already on it."

  "I do remember one thing."

  "What's that?"

  "She told me her real name wasn't Nichelle."


  "I know it sounds bizarre but the last thing I heard her say was that Nichelle wasn't her real name. Why she told me that, I don't have a clue. Before she could continue the chaos broke out."

  "I'ma speak to Akil and see if he knows anything about that. I'll keep you posted."

  "Do that." Genesis ended the call and sat down on the bed. "I knew something didn't feel right."

  "What did T-Roc say?"

  "He believes what happened tonight was some elaborate concoction to get at Nichelle."

  "But she's just a model. Why would somebody go through all that trouble to get at her?"

  "Apparently somebody thinks she's extremely valuable and I need to find out why."

  "Akil," I'm surprised to see you," Veronica said when she opened her apartment door.

  "Sorry to pop up like this but we needed to see you. This is T-Roc and Genesis."

  "Hello to both of you, please come in." The three men entered Veronica's apartment and she closed the door. "T-Roc, we've spoken a couple times on the phone during the contract negotiations for Nichelle. I hope everything is working out well with that. Nichelle invited me to the launch party but I wasn't feeling well and unable to make it. I'm sure it was a huge success."

  "I suppose you haven't heard what happened?" T-Roc said to a baffled looking Veronica.

  "No, this medicine my doctor gave me has had me out of it for the last couple of days. Why, what happened?"

  "We believe Nichelle was kidnapped."

  "What! When?"

  "The night of the party. Shots were fired, the lights went out and Nichelle hasn't been seen or heard from since.

  "Oh my gosh, that's crazy," Veronica said putting her hand over her mouth in shock.

  "We were hoping you might be able to help us," Genesis said, stepping forward.

  "I'll do whatever I can but I don't know how I can help."

  "You're her attorney, I'm sure you all have discussed many personal issues."

  "Honestly, Nichelle was very private. I did feel like she was hiding some things but I could never get her to open UP.75

  "Hiding things like what?"

  "I don't know but there was definitely a wall up."

  "Did she ever tell you what her real name was?"

  "I assumed it was Nichelle, is that not the case?"

  "We believe that's some sort of alias."

  "This is getting stranger by the minute. Nichelle is such a sweet girl. I can't imagine anyone wanting to hurt her."

  "We appreciate your time," Akil said, realizing Veronica had nothing to add that would be of any help.

  "Of course. I wish I knew more. Please let me know if you find out anything."

  "We will. Here," Genesis handed Veronica his business card. "Call me if you can think of anything. I don't care how simple it may seem."

  "So what do you think?" T-Roc asked once the three of them was on the elevator.

  "I think she was telling the truth."

  "So do I," Akil added.

  "But somebody has to know something but who."

  "Genesis, I'm glad you're helping out so much with this but I have to admit I'm a little surprised you seem to be taking it so personally. I mean you hardly even know Nichelle."

  "That's the thing, I feel like I do. In that brief encounter I had with her it's like I've known her forever. It's buggin' me out."

  "Hey, man, I understand. She makes me feel the same way. Sometimes I have to remind myself that she's not my woman," Akil confessed.

  "No! It's like I told CoCo, it's not that kind of feeling. Yes, there's no denying that Nichelle is a beautiful young lady but I'm not drawn to her out of lust. It's something much deeper than that."

  "Like what? Now you got me curious," T-Roc admitted.

  "I don't know but I believe once we find Nichelle it will all become clear."

  For the last few days Nichelle had been going in and out of consciousness. Per Arnez's orders, Nigel kept her on a powerful sedative that had Nichelle in a deep sleep most of the time. During one of the times she came too she could hear what sounded like a heated argument between a woman and a man. She grabbed on tightly to the bed post trying to get her balance. She desperately wanted to get closer to the door so she could hear exactly what was being said. The sedatives being pumped in her system had Nichelle fucked up but her determination to find out what the hell was going on was stronger.

  When she reached the door, of course it was locked. It didn't matter because she could hear what was being said as clearly as if she was standing in the room and part of the conversation. The words flying around had her astounded and petrified. It was worse than Nichelle could've imagined. When she heard the argument come to an end and the woman leave, Nichelle hurried back to the bed. She pretended to be asleep as she heard the doorknob turning.

  "Nichelle, it's time to wake up. You need to eat," she heard a man say. He didn't sound like the same person that had been keeping her drugged and fed but clearly he knew her schedule, because like clockwork he visited her room each day at the same time. Nichelle could feel the man standing over her and breathing in her space so she acted as if she was beginning to wake up. When she opened her eyes to her horror it was Arnez breathing down on her. Her eyes widened in fear which brought a smile to Arnez's evil face.

  "I knew it was you behind this."

  "Of course you did."

  "What are you gonna do to me?" Nichelle asked although she already knew his intentions. She heard Arnez plainly spell it out to the woman he was arguing with. But she still asked, there was no need in him knowing that.

  "When the time is right, you'll know everything. For now all I want you to do is rest. I'll bring your food in shortly and then give you your medication so you can go back to sleep."

  "I'm not hungry."

  "You've been behaving so well, don't get difficult," he said stroking Nichelle's hair. If you listened to the tone of Arnez's voice he appeared to be calm and sounded as if he cared about her well being which made him all the more sinister to Nichelle. "Now would you prefer water or juice with your meal?" All Nichelle could do was turn her head and cry, thinking about the plight her life had taken.

  "Fuck!" Renny barked so loudly it woke the sleeping baby.

  "What the hell is wrong with you? You woke up Elijah!"

  "Arnez has Nichelle."

  "Are you sure?" Tierra's voice filled with terror. Even though they were no longer close, Tierra still loved Nichelle like a sister and knowing Arnez had gotten his hands on her had her shook.

  "Yes, the news is slowly leaking on the streets. The dude Arnez hired to do the shit is so fuckin' gitty he's running around bragging to motherfuckers."

  "Has he told people where she's at?"

  "No. But I got my people foll
owing him. If he don't lead them to Nichelle then I'll have them snatch his ass up and beat it out of him."

  "Poor Nichelle, she must be so scared right now. There has to be something more we can do, Renny."

  "I'm working on it!"

  "You should've moved on Arnez a long time ago. You know he's gonna kill her, right."

  "Tierra, shut the fuck up! I don't need to hear this shit from you. I'm stressed as it is!"

  "I didn't even know stress was in your vocabulary. You always acting like you got everything under control. Now Nichelle probably somewhere being tortured as we speak."

  "If one strand of Nichelle's hair is out of place when I find her, Arnez won't know what the real definition of torture is until I'm done with him."

  "Have you found anything new about Nichelle?" CoCo asked Genesis when they met up for a late lunch.

  "No, and please don't pretend like you care."

  "I deserve that. I'll admit, I let my insecurities get the best of me."

  Genesis gazed up at CoCo, "Your insecurities. That's what has you trippin' over Nichelle?"

  "Yes. Genesis, you know I'm in love with you but for whatever reason you don't want to make a commitment to me. When I see you fawning over a young beautiful girl like Nichelle it makes me feel like I'll never be the one."

  "First of all, I wasn't fawning over Nichelle but I do care about what happens to her. And secondly, you are the one for me."

  "Do you mean that?"

  "Yes. I've felt that way for a long time now but with so much going on it never seemed like the right time to tell you.

  "Genesis, hearing you say that means everything to me.

  "I should have told you sooner. I'm so used to thinking of you as my strong secure partner, that I forget you're also a sensitive woman. I apologize, you deserve more than that from me." Genesis reached over the table and took CoCo's hands, "You forgive me?"

  "You don't even have to ask. And Genesis, I'll do whatever I can to help you find Nichelle. If she's that important to you then she's important to me too."

  "You're incredible. Once I figure it all out then I'm going to focus on us. I was thinking maybe we could do the whole marriage thing, how does that sound to you?"

  "Genesis, don't play with my emotions like that."

  "I'm not. I want you to be my wife. The more crazy shit happens the more I want to get my priorities straightwhich starts with family. I think that's why I'm so drawn to Nichelle because she reminds me..." Genesis stopped himself mid sentence and dropped CoCo's hands.

  "Genesis, what is it?"

  "She reminds me of the sister I never had, but she is my sister. That's what she was trying to tell me. She said her name isn't really Nichelle because it's actually Genevieve."

  "You think Nichelle is your sister Genevieve? But why wouldn't she have told you that? You've been working with T-Roc for some time now"

  "Because she didn't realize it until T-Roc introduced me. That's why she held my hand like that and asked me to repeat my name. She had been searching for me the same way I had been searching for her."

  "Genesis, I'm not trying to rain on your parade but don't you think you might be reaching with this. That would be somewhat short of a miracle if it was true."

  "It is true. I couldn't fully comprehend it until I started talking about family to you. That's why I felt this strong connection like I was supposed to protect her. She's my baby sister."

  "Arnez, it's so good to see you, and thanks for the beautiful flowers," Veronica said giving him a hug. "I've missed you."

  "I missed you too."

  "I'll be right back. I'm going to put these flowers in a vase and some water." As Arnez put his keys on the table next to the door he noticed a business card. When he picked it up he had to do a double take. "These are simply beautiful. They're going to look great on this table."

  "Veronica, who is Genesis Taylor?"

  "Excuse me?" she asked as she centered the flowers on the cocktail table in the living room.

  "When I was putting down my keys I noticed this business card. Call me nosey but I wanted to see who it was that left their card with you. Do you have a new friend?"

  "Oh, Arnez, no need to be jealous, he's a friend of my client Nichelle. It's horrible. She was kidnapped from that party I wanted you to attend with me. Such a young, sweet girl with her whole life ahead of her, I pray nothing bad has happened to her."

  "So why did this Genesis guy come see you?"

  "Like I said, he's a friend of hers and he also works with T-Roc. They've invested a lot of money in her I'm sure they want her back safely. It's a shame. I'm hoping that it isn't a kidnapping that maybe Nichelle just needed to get away."

  "What do they think?"

  "They're adamant it's foul play. That's why that Genesis man left his card. He said if I can think of anything to give him a call. But like I told him, Nichelle was guarded. I really don't know much about her. They did say that Nichelle may not even be her real name. It's all so bizarre."

  "Have you been in touch with Genesis?"

  "For what, I don't know anything although I wish I did. But if somebody did take that poor girl I hope they bury him under the jail cell. But enough with all these questions, you're beginning to sound more like a prosecutor than a boyfriend," Veronica laughed before giving Arnez a kiss.

  "Boss, you're not going to believe who I just saw go into Veronica's building."



  "You think he was there seeing her?"

  "I can't answer that but I think it's worth looking into."

  "I agree. Find out what you can and keep me posted. If Veronica is fucking around with Arnez that needs to be handled."

  Delondo had decided to have Roscoe keep a watchful eye on Veronica after his last visit. Her behavior seemed more off than usual and she appeared to be acting strangely. After all the shit that went down with Denise he tried to be proactive when it came to seeing what his women friends were up to. He had way too much to lose and didn't want or need any surprises.

  Delondo figured Veronica was seeing other men and he really didn't care since he wasn't checking for her to that degree. But never did he think she would be sleeping with his enemy. Then again, that's why he now always kept one eye open. He found out first hand through Denise how slick and sneaky women could actually be.

  When Precious got out the shower she remembered she needed to call Supreme's parents and let them know she would be picking Aaliyah up in the morning. As she was about to dial their number, the loud screaming startled her to the point she almost dropped the phone. Recognizing the voice being that of her husband Supreme, Precious stopped being startled and was more interested in what and who had her husband so upset.

  "I told you to only call me on this phone if it was a fuckin' emergency!"

  "I've called you several times on your cell phone and you haven't answered or returned my call. I had no choice."

  "You always have a choice. What if my wife had answered?"

  "Then I would've hung up. I'm not trying to cause any problems in your happy home, Supreme. But you've been impossible to get in touch with."

  "I've been busy."

  "I understand but I need to see you."

  "Arnez, you have to wait. I got a lot of shit going on right now"

  "Does that mean you don't need me to handle the Nico situation for you any longer?"

  "What that means, is that I need you to get the fuck off my phone."

  "Then meet me in an hour at our location in Jersey."

  "Fine." When Precious heard Supreme slam the phone down she hung up on her end. Her mind was doing somersaults. Could that be the same Arne that Genesis has beef with. The one who had his best friend Murdered and he believe his wife too. No, can't be. The same Arne that Maya was running around with and who also killed Devon. But why would Supreme be associating with a killer and drug dealer like Arne? Then what is this about handling the Nico situation? I have so Many questions and
no answers.

  "Precious, are you okay?"

  "You scared me. I'm fine. But I do need to run out for a minute."

  "At this time of night?"

  "I'm having these crazy cravings. That time of the month must be creeping up. I'ma stop at the grocery store, do you want me to bring you something back?"

  "No, I'm good. I might be gone when you get back. I have to handle some business right quick."

  "Okay, I'll see you when you get back home." Precious went in her closet and threw on some clothes with the quickness. She wanted to have ample time to get in her car and wait for Supreme to come out.

  Precious pulled her car to the side of the road and within ten minutes Supreme was on his way out. She lingered briefly before following him to his destination. She tried to stay close enough so she wouldn't lose track of him but far enough away that he wouldn't realize she was tailing him. It wasn't an easy feat especially since she had no idea where he was going.

  It took about thirty minutes but Supreme finally pulled up to a townhouse on a quiet street in Hackensack, NJ. Precious wrote down the address as she watched Supreme go to the door. From the angle she was looking it appeared a man opened the door and she assumed it was Arnez.

  "I'm glad you were able to make it."

  "Cut the bullshit, Arnez. With the stalking you were doing it was either I come to you or I would be taking the chance that you might show up at my front door next time. Then I would have to kill you. Now what do you want?"

  "I have everything in place to move on the Nico situation."

  "Then move. What the fuck are you telling me for?"

  "I need some cash."

  "What happened to the money I gave you a couple weeks ago?"

  "I had to use it for my other situation."

  "Arnez, you're starting to become a burden to me and I don't like burdens."

  "This is last time. Soon your problem will be resolved my problem will be resolved and we'll both be happy."


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