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In the Witching Hour

Page 27

by Неизвестный

  "What do you want from me?"

  She had to touch him or her fingers would start shaking from the effort it took to resist. Slowly, she raised her hand to his face, stroking the back of her fingers along his jaw before she traced his mouth. His lips stiffened, but he didn’t stop her.

  "I think you know what I want, Adrian."

  His chest rose and fell quickly, as did hers, and it thrilled her to see he was as turned on as she. He grabbed her hand, stopping her. She took the opportunity to lean in, pressing herself against him, tilting her head back to gaze into his smoldering eyes.

  He sucked in a breath, his lips parting, inviting. Dare she take the chance that he wanted the same thing she did?

  * * * *

  This woman was more than he could resist. Up to this point, he’d done his best to fight off her advances, but now with her pressed against him so intimately, his body responded with an out-of-control abandonment. His erection sprang to life and throbbed. God help him, but he wanted her now.

  His breathing became labored the longer he fought his body’s urges. But he had to. He couldn’t give in.

  "But Roger--" he began.

  "Roger will never know." With her other hand, she caressed the side of his face, then threaded her fingers through his hair, urging his face closer to hers.

  She lifted her mouth and swept her lips gently across his. He closed his eyes, still fighting for control, knowing he was losing fast.

  "Adrian? Don’t you want me?" she whispered, and his defenses broke. Yes, he wanted her more than he could stand.

  Grabbing her shoulders, he pulled her to him, covering her mouth with his. Electricity shot through his blood and a deep moan tore from his throat. Her hands grasped his shirt as she kissed him back, her tongue speared inside his mouth like a hot torch. He suckled and caressed it, then mirrored her actions with his own tongue.

  He slipped his hands down her body to her bottom and cupped, holding her hips against his aching arousal. She snuggled against him and he groaned. She would be the death of him.

  The chirping of his cell phone snapped him out of his passionate state. He jerked back, his breathing irregular as he tried to focus on what had just happened. Her green eyes were dark, heated. Her mouth opened as quick breaths exited. On the third ring, he pushed away from her and clipped off his cell from the waistband of his pants.

  "Robinson here," he answered in a voice much too deep to be his own. The caller had hung up. He silently cursed, yet thanked the interruption. If he hadn’t been disturbed, he would have ripped her clothes off and taken her against the counter. That wasn’t like him. He’d always enjoyed sex slow and sweet.

  He looked at her. She breathed heavily, her face flushed with passion. The urge to take her back into his arms was strong. Instead, he stepped back. What am I, a sex maniac?

  "I have to leave. Thanks for the iced tea."

  She held up a hand to stop him, but he turned on his heels and hurried out of the house.


  For Adrian, the first week of work passed by in a blur. The law firm kept him busy in Miami, which pleased him. Keeping his mind off a certain raven-haired bombshell was hard enough, and his work helped a little. His crotch had been in a constant state of erection since meeting her.

  Their steamy kiss still disturbed his thoughts and especially his dreams at night. The longer he stayed away from Colette, the more he wanted her. Visions of them finishing what they’d started in her kitchen played out in his imagination, and he liked what they did.

  He exhaled deeply, running his fingers through his hair. What was it about her that drew him to her like water to dry land? Was it that he knew the taste of her nectar would be worth remembering after it was over?

  But something else besides her beautiful face and hour-glass figure intrigued him. A magnetic pull sparked between them. If he believed the rumors about her, he’d think she was a witch. Witches didn’t exist. Yet why did his head whirl whenever he looked at her? He was spellbound.

  A knock upon his door startled him back to the present. "Come in."

  Brian Crane, the senior partner of the law firm, stepped in. The older man smiled, crossing his arms over his massive chest and leaning his shoulder against the doorframe. "Your work today in the courtroom was brilliant. Congratulations on a good win."

  Adrian laughed, his chest bursting with elation. "Thank you, Brian, but I give credit to the professional firm I’m with."

  Brian nodded, his eyes twinkling with merriment. "That, too." He pulled away from the door and walked over to the brown leather chair in front of Adrian’s desk. He plopped himself down and crossed one leg over the other. "I hope you’re not busy tonight. My wife’s throwing one of her boring soirées and she wants me to see if you’ll come."

  Adrian raised an eyebrow. "Your wife? But I’ve only met her once."

  "Yes, and once was enough for her to realize she has a young niece looking for a man to marry."

  Adrian laughed. "Marriage? I’m not ready for that step."

  "But will you come anyway? I won’t hear the end of it from the old-ball-and-chain if you don’t come."

  "Okay, but remember, there’ll be no talk of marriage."


  "Are you going to tell your wife that?"

  "No, I’ll let you. I’m sure you can sweet talk her like you do our clients." He chuckled. "You’re like your father in that respect. He knew how to charm the ladies in his day."

  Adrian lost his smile. Why did Brian have to ruin the conversation by speaking of his father? "I’m sure he did." His voice hardened.

  Brian stretched his legs out in front of him then folded his arms. "Did I ever tell you about when I first met your father?"

  "No, I don’t believe you ever mentioned it in our conversations." Under the desk, he clenched his fists. Talking about his father was the last thing he wanted to do.

  "We met before he became Senator. He was still fishing for supporters."

  Adrian gripped his armrest, praying for the moment this discussion would end.

  Brian gazed out the window and a wide smile touched his mouth. "I remember a time when your father tried to hook me up with a beautiful woman." He chuckled. "It didn’t matter to John that I was already married. But of course, one look at Colette was all it took."

  Adrian’s body stiffened. "Are you talking about Colette Carmichael?"

  Brian nodded.

  "You know her?"

  Brian returned his attention to Adrian. "A lot of men know her."

  Adrian’s hands balled into fists. "How well did my father?"

  Brian shrugged. "As well as the rest of us, I suppose. She’s a crafty woman, very good at the art of seduction. But she picked who she wanted and wouldn’t take no for an answer."

  Leaning forward, Adrian crossed his arms on the desk. "Brian? Tell me something."


  "Do you believe the stories about her?"

  "Which stories? There’re many."

  "I’m referring to the stories that she married her husband for his money and then killed him."

  Brian threw back his head and laughed. "Oh, Adrian. I can only assume you haven’t met her. She didn’t mean to kill him. She’s a very beautiful and passionate woman. I’m certain he died due to a heart attack, and probably right after having sex."

  Adrian held back a grin, remembering the way he’d been ready to take her right there on the kitchen counter. Yes, he suspected she had that kind of stamina. Her much older husband probably couldn’t take her lovemaking. Maybe that’s why she’d switched to younger men. To him. She knew he’d be able to handle her, and he really wanted a chance to prove his willingness.


  He snapped out of his lustful thoughts. "Yes?"

  "Is that a definite yes or is it a no?"

  Why hadn’t he paid better attention to the conversation? "I’m sorry, Brian. Yes or no for what?"

  "The party."

smiled. "Yes, I’ll be there."

  Brian stood. "Great. Margaret will be pleased. It’s a black-tie affair. Be there by seven tonight."

  "I won’t be a minute late."

  Unless, of course, he ran into Colette--the only person who could side-track his thoughts. But damn, what an enjoying break in his day.

  Now he hoped something would happen to put her in his way. He’d like to see just how exciting she was in bed.

  * * * *

  Another black-tie affair. Not the kind of gatherings Colette liked, but she had to socialize. She couldn’t lock herself in the house forever. Most of the higher class passed her glares, letting her know of their true feelings. They’d all suspected she’d killed her husband. She hadn’t. He was old and had a weak heart.

  Usually black was her color, but tonight she picked a blood red dress. The plunging neckline and the thigh-high split up the leg would cause many heads to turn. Her bare back and shoulders would start tongues to wagging, but that, too, she could handle.

  John Robinson had made her into a seductress. She was now used to acting the part.

  She sprayed an expensive lilac-scented perfume on her body then gelled her wavy hair, teasing the black strands into a wild mane. Just the way she liked it.

  Her lips and nails matched the blood red of her silky gown and high heels. Before she left the house, she grabbed her white wrap to cover her body before she made her grand entrance at the Crane’s mansion where she’d do her unveiling.

  The chauffeur opened the vehicle’s door and helped her inside. "Thank you, Bently."

  He nodded then closed the door. Sinking back into the luxury of the limousine her late husband owned, she frowned, remembering the way she was forced to marry a man she didn’t love ... and that didn’t count all the other men she seduced on John’s road to glory. True, he’d helped her accumulate wealth fast, but she’d give it all up to have her own life back--to have her necklace and be free of John once and for all.

  Before accepting the invitation for tonight’s party, she’d made certain the senator wasn’t coming. Thank goodness he was out of town. She tried to stay out of his path. He would forget about her until he saw her then he’d select someone for her to seduce. Damn him.

  She hated him--herself for every man she seduced. The memory made her stomach lurch. If only she could erase her past. If only she could find someone who’d love her for herself. But would anyone want her after learning about her life?

  The stretch limo pulled up in front of Margaret Crane’s mansion and stopped. Bently opened the door and helped her out.

  "Have a pleasant time, Mrs. Carmichael."

  She smiled at the older man. "Thanks. I’ll try. I don’t plan on being here for very long."

  He nodded. "You just have the Crane’s butler inform me when you’re ready to leave."

  "I will."

  She plastered on her fake happy face and walked up to the double front doors where one of the Crane’s servants waited to show her inside. She nodded in greeting and walked into the foyer, then stopped short. Just ahead of her, talking to Brian Crane was none other than the man of her desires--Adrian Robinson.

  The tailor-made tuxedo fit his body well, and the white of his shirt complemented his tanned skin. He looked good enough to eat, and she intended on tasting him again tonight ... if everything went according to her plans.

  Brian Crane noticed her first. When he looked her way, his grin widened. Inwardly, she groaned. He was the first married man John had tried to set her up with. Thankfully, Brian turned over his thousands easily enough so she could move on.

  Brian nodded in greeting. Beside him, Adrian glanced over his shoulder then stared openly at her, his eyes darkening in desire. Her heart accelerated with hope.

  Without taking his gaze off her, he stepped over to greet her. Unfortunately, so did Brian.

  "We meet again, Mr. Robinson." She held out her hand to Adrian.

  He took it, but instead of shaking it, his tender caress sent chills of pleasure down her spine. Against the inside of her dress, her unbound nipples hardened and rubbed the bodice. She still wore her wrap so it wasn’t noticeable.

  "It’s a pleasure to see you again, Mrs. Carmichael." He lifted her hand to his mouth and brushed a kiss across her knuckles.

  Her smile widened. Tonight’s seduction might be easier than it’d been a week ago.

  "Colette, how are you, my dear?" Brian stepped forward and kissed her cheek.

  With regret, she pulled her gaze from Adrian’s royal blue eyes and looked at Brian. "I’m well. How are you and your lovely wife?"

  "Same as ever. I’m delighted you could make it."

  She laughed. "And I’m delighted your wife invited me." She glanced at Adrian who still hadn’t withdrawn his stare. "And I’m especially pleased to see you and your wife have such good taste in friends."

  The corner of Adrian’s mouth lifted in a grin, the dimple in his cheek more apparent. Yummy.

  Just then the butler stepped over to her. "May I take your wrap?"

  The moment she’d waited for had arrived and Adrian would be the first to witness it. Perfect.

  She opened the white wrap and shrugged it off her shoulders, keeping special attention on Adrian’s expression. His mouth parted in a small gasp while his gaze ran over the length of her dress, stopping on the deep cut of her bodice. His mouth closed and settled into a grin before he lifted his attention to her face.

  "Mrs. Carmichael, you literally take my breath away."

  His words took her breath away. "Thank you." She openly glanced over his body, admiring again the way the tuxedo molded to his muscles and emphasized the right body parts. "And you, Mr. Robinson, leave me breathless as well."

  He held out his elbow. "May I escort you inside?"

  She slipped her hand around his arm. "It would be my pleasure."

  Colette thought it an honor to walk beside the most handsome man at the party. He retrieved two glasses of champagne and she hungrily watched him as his long, lean, fingers caressed the stem of the glass. She wanted those fingers on her. She also liked the way his lips moved when he talked, charming not only her, but many others.

  She enjoyed the way he glanced down at her, the way his cobalt eyes would twinkle when he laughed at something she said. Her heart leapt when it was just the two of them and they spoke not a word, but their eyes communicated perfectly.

  It amazed her how Adrian could make her feel special. She wasn’t used to this emotion. Not once while in his presence did she feel cheap or like used goods. He treated her like a queen, getting her champagne, pulling out her chair when she sat, and especially, the way he looked at her with such softness in his eyes. At times, she wanted to curl against his chest and hide herself from the rest of the world.

  She stopped her thoughts from heading in that direction. Adrian wasn’t here to comfort her. He was here for one reason and one reason only--seduction to the fullest.

  Brian had left them alone, after interrupting Adrian for the tenth time, and Colette wished the older man would just stay away. Adrian leaned his shoulder on the same wall she had her back against. His gaze moved in leisure over her face, down her neck, then to her breasts. Her nipples hardened. Once again, her heart sped out of control from the tenderness in his eyes. None of her other conquests made her feel such excitement.

  When he met her stare, he smiled. "So, Colette, what are your plans for tonight?"

  "Well, after the party, I’d planned on going home and enjoying a nice warm soak in my garden tub."

  He traced his finger softly on her bare shoulder and she shivered. "I have a better idea."

  "What’s that?"

  "What if we both enjoy a nice hot soak in your garden tub?"

  She laughed. "You’re right, that’s a better idea, but...."


  "What changed your mind? If you recall our last conversation, you were trying to talk me out of doing things like that."

  His chest sh
ook with silent laughter. "That was before your seductive kiss in your kitchen."

  Her throat suddenly became dry. She nodded.

  "And that was before I had actually weighed the options presented to me," he added.

  "And what are those?"

  His hand moved up to her hair. He took a lock between his fingers and caressed. "You want me. I want you. What more is there to say?"

  Her breathing quickened. Lord help her, but he was doing the seducing now. Definitely a change.

  "Then what are we waiting for? Let’s leave."

  He shrugged. "I’m waiting for the okay from Brian. He happens to think he can tell me when to leave."

  "What do you think?"

  "I think I’d better kiss his ass just a little while longer. After all, he’s only been my boss for a week."

  She laughed. "You don’t seem like the kind of man who lowers himself to kissing asses."

  His grin stretched and he moved in closer. Her elbow bumped against his chest, and she wanted to run her hand down his torso, down to his pants to see if his bulge could get any larger.

  "Depends on the ass."

  She didn’t think her grin could get any bigger, but it continued to widen. "You’re such a sweet talker and know just how to charm the socks off any woman."

  "But you’re not just any woman." His gaze dropped to her lips. "And believe me, I wouldn’t stop at just your socks."

  She wanted to grab him and push him against the wall and have her way with him--right there. But she resisted, so as not to embarrass their hosts.

  "Then I suggest you hurry and make up an excuse to tell your boss, because you’re taking me home. You’ve made me hotter than a cheetah in heat and you need to deal with it."

  "I think I can accommodate you there, my dear." He chuckled and pulled away. "If you’ll excuse me, I’ll be right back." He strode across the room. She tried to calm her erratic heart. How could Adrian turn her on so quickly? Several times tonight she thought she’d melt into a pool of desire around his feet. Seduction was her job, not his.

  Whatever happened tonight, she had to stay in control of her emotions. She couldn’t, under any circumstance, fall for this incredible looking man who treated her like no other had done before. He was a means to an end. That’s all.


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