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In the Witching Hour

Page 29

by Неизвестный

  Her breath caught in her throat, yet her heart thumped crazily against her ribs. "Why now? Why after ten years?"

  "Because every ten years the two moons come together. If you don’t have your necklace by this time, you will become mortal."

  Colette gasped and brought her hands to cover her mouth. Tears stung her eyes and she blinked them away. "Can ... can you do anything to help me?"

  Belinda shook her head. "This is something you have to do on your own. My powers cannot help."

  Colette turned and strode to the half-opened window. A gentle breeze stroked her cheeks and stirred a lock of hair hanging over her shoulder. Down in the yard, her maid instructed the pool man, pointing as she talked.

  A throb began in the base of her skull, working its way up over her head. She rubbed her temple.

  "I’ll get into John’s house. Adrian is still my key, but I’ll think of another way. I heard the senator is out of the country on vacation, so there’s got to be a way inside."

  Her sister laid her hand on Colette’s shoulder and squeezed. "I’ll be with you--in your thoughts."

  She glanced over her shoulder and smiled. "Thanks, sis."

  Although she’d stick to her goal, it wasn’t looking as good as it did before. What if she couldn’t get Adrian to let her in his father’s home? What would she do then?

  * * * *

  Adrian pulled away from the guest bedroom’s door and crept back into Colette’s room. After he quietly closed the door, he clenched his jaw.

  So, the beautiful and intoxicating woman’s interest was for his father and not him. How typical. And why wasn’t he used to this by now? Why did his chest ache as if she’d just plunged a knife through it?

  He took a deep breath and crawled back on the bed. He hadn’t heard everything--but enough. Colette wanted to use him to get into his father’s home. Why? What was so important? She knew the senator was out of the country, so what was her reasoning? Blackmail, perhaps? Did she want to find information to blackmail his father?

  None of this made sense. He growled and raked his fingers through his hair. Colette was wealthy. She didn’t need any more power--so then what was she after?

  Maybe the key to getting all his questions answered was to take Colette to his father’s house. But he couldn’t let her know he was onto her. He had to catch her in the act.

  He lay back on the bed and squeezed his eyes closed. Why did it have to be Colette? Why did it have to be a woman who was so completely different from all the others he’d met? And why did it have to be the woman who’d given him the best sexual experience of his life?

  He flung his arm over his head and sighed. From the other side of the room, the door opened, the cool air from the hallway propelled through. He relaxed his face, hoping he’d look as if he was still sleeping. The soft pad of her steps came closer to the bed then the mattress shifted and her scent of lilacs slammed his senses. His loins stirred to awareness, eager to be inside her body once again.

  The soft trace of her finger as it moved over his mouth made him open his eyes. She smiled and his heart plummeted. Gone was the intriguing, sexual woman he’d explored last night. An evil, crafty manipulator had taken her place.

  "I’m glad you’re awake," she whispered.


  Her finger trailed down his neck to his chest, heading in one direction--toward the arousal rising quickly. When her hand neared, his cock jumped.

  "Because I’m hungry." She growled and kissed his neck. "I want more of you."

  And he certainly wanted to give her more, but not now. The truth of her seduction dampened his spirits. Too bad it didn’t dampen the excitement leaping in his shorts.

  Just as her hand stroked over his bulge, he grasped her shoulders and rolled them over. Purposely, he shifted the lower half of his body so it wasn’t touching hers. He knew all too well what the end result would be if that happened.

  He kissed the tip of her nose. "As much as the idea tempts me, I’m going to decline. I have court this afternoon, and I must prepare my notes."

  She pouted. With most women, he shrugged off their expression, but with Colette, he wanted to press his mouth against her frown and change the look on her face to pleasure. What was wrong with him? Why did he still want her even though he knew the truth?

  "Not even a quickie?"

  He shook his head.

  Her eyebrows lifted. "How about later tonight?"

  He couldn’t stop the grin from tugging on his lips. "I’m sure I can be persuaded."

  She pushed her fingers through his hair and held his head still as she lifted her mouth to his. He didn’t resist this time and opened for her probing tongue. Her kiss created havoc in his body, making lust burn through it. The heat turned hotter the longer her tongue swirled with his and the more she nipped at his lips. Her body writhed beneath his, and he thanked God his lower-half couldn’t feel this sexy woman.

  It was pure torture to pull away, but he did. Her swollen lips begged him to return, as did her passionate green eyes--eyes he could lose himself in. He quickly moved off the bed and found his clothes.


  "Yes," he answered without looking her way.

  "Will you come back tonight?"

  The magnetic pull overwhelmed him, and he glanced over his shoulder. Her red robe had come apart and part of a shoulder and breast were visible. Inwardly, he groaned. God, she was sexy.

  "Why tonight?"

  "Because I just realized, I haven’t introduced you to my garden tub."

  He grinned. "Yes, the garden tub ... the same tub we were going to end up in when we’d left last night’s party."

  She nodded. "So what do you say?"

  He stood and pulled up his pants. "I’ll seriously think about it." He winked.


  What in the hell kind of lawyer was he? He’d spent the last several hours in his office searching for information on Colette, and couldn’t come up with anything. He’d already known she’d married Lawrence Carmichael and the man died a year later of a heart attack. The widow, Mrs. Carmichael, was reported to have had affairs throughout the next few years. Two more of her lovers died--one in a car accident, the other caught a stray bullet during deer hunting season.


  Although Colette had created a bad reputation for herself, she still remained a private person. Adrian scratched his head and leaned his elbows on his desk. Funny, but she always contributed a large sum of money to charities, too.

  So, was she the devil or a saint?

  He blew out a frustrated gush of air and pounded his fist against the desk. And what connection did she have with his father? Brian Crane had mentioned meeting Colette through John Robinson, yet Colette had said she’d known his father through her late husband.

  Adrian squeezed his eyes closed and rubbed his forehead. Once again, the facts did not add up. Somebody was lying, and he’d put all his money on Colette. But why?

  He glanced at his cell phone lying on the corner of the desk. He reached for it then stopped. Calling his father wasn’t the best idea. That man probably told more lies than all the lawyers Adrian knew. The honorable Senator Robinson certainly had his share of mistresses and had lied his ass off to keep it hidden from the world. Adrian didn’t know why his mother was so gullible, but that was her problem. He had enough problems in his life. He didn’t need the burden of carrying his parent’s.

  He had to know.

  "Shit!" He picked up the phone and punched in his father’s cell, gritting his teeth as rings buzzed in his ear.

  "Hello?" The sweet voice of his mother floated through the phone.

  "Hi, Mom. Are you and Dad having a good time?"

  "Why of course, Adrian. Spain is beautiful this time of year."

  "Good." He paused for just a second. "Is Dad around? I need to talk to him."

  "Sure, just a moment, honey."

  Adrian drummed his fingers on the oak top until his father’s voice
boomed from the other end.

  "Adrian, good to hear from you, son. What’s up?"

  How could he start the conversation? He shook his head and tightened his grip on the cell. "I just thought I’d call and see how you and Ma are doing. I also thought I’d tell you that I started working for Brian Crane."

  "Brian’s a good man. His law firm is one of the best in Florida. I’m sure you’ll be satisfied."

  "So far, so good. I’m really enjoying my job." He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "Brian had a party last night at his house--a real black-tie affair."

  His father laughed. "Yes, Margaret is famous for those."

  "So I’ve learned." Adrian forced a laugh. "She was trying to fix me up with her niece."

  His father’s voice boomed with laughter again. "Did it work?"

  Here was the opening ... this was the perfect time to mention Colette. "I met the girl, but I had my eye on a different woman."

  "You’re a ladies’ man just like your father."

  He rolled his eyes. "That’s what I’ve heard."

  "Who is the woman? Anybody I know?"

  Adrian grinned. "Yes, I think you do. She said she’d met you through her late husband. Her name’s Colette Carmichael."

  He held his breath and it seemed his father wasn’t breathing, either. There was a long pause, then heavy steps. The bang of a door closing echoed on the other end of the phone before his father cleared his throat. "Mrs. Carmichael? Lawrence’s widow?"

  "That’s the one."

  "Why, son, she’s a good ten years older than you."

  "It doesn’t matter. She’s a hot number."

  "No, son." The tone in his father’s voice turned more controlling and demanding. "I think you’re getting in way over your head. She’s not a very nice lady. I’m sure you’ve heard the rumors."

  "Oh, but Dad, I’ve met her, and she’s nothing like that. She’s very charming."

  "Charming, yes. And seductive."

  Adrian chuckled. "Yes, seductive is a perfect word for her."

  "You haven’t ... um ... been with her, have you?"

  He scrunched his forehead. Was that panic in his father’s voice? "We talked a lot at the party." And did a lot of non-talking. He smiled in remembrance.

  "I think you should stay away from her, Adrian. She’s dangerous. I really think she was the reason her husband died. And did you hear two more of her lovers ended up in the morgue?"

  "Yes, Dad, but I don’t think she killed them. She’s too sweet."

  "She’s putting on an act. Stay away from her. She wants something from you, son." The tone of his voice turned harsh.

  "How do you know her? Brian said you introduced Colette to him many years ago."

  Adrian stood and walked over to his window. Outside the sun was setting. Shadows crept over the park near the office building.

  "I’d met Colette when you were a young teenager. She rescued me from thugs in an alleyway."

  Stunned, Adrian widened his eyes. "She rescued you?"

  His father chuckled, but it sounded forced. "Yes. I was beaten up and left in the alley. Colette found me and took me to the hospital."

  "So what happened after that?"

  "I kept in touch with her, but then I noticed she would always appear at my speaking engagements. At first, I thought it was for support, but then she started hinting about the day we met. She gave subtle suggestions that she was going to make it public that I’d been beaten."

  "Why did you want it kept a secret?"

  "Because at the time, I was acquainted with men who my father would not approve of. I owed a lot of money to one in particular. He was the one who had me beaten."

  Adrian nodded. "Okay, so she was blackmailing you?"

  "She didn’t come right out and say it, but I didn’t want to take that chance. I eventually discovered she wanted to meet the very wealthy Lawrence Carmichael. He was a friend of my father’s, so I introduced them. And the rest is history."

  He walked away from the window and back to the desk, picking up his coffee cup. He sipped the cooling drink and swallowed.

  "So why does Brian Crane think you tried to hook him up with Colette? Brian mentioned it didn’t matter to you that he was married."

  Once again, John cleared his throat. "A few years after Lawrence died she appeared at one of my functions. This time, she wanted me to introduce her to more of my friends. My campaign was kicking off and I didn’t want any interference, so I introduced her to men I knew."

  "Why Brian?"

  "Son, is there a reason for all these questions? I feel as if I’m being crossed-examined."

  Adrian plopped down into his chair. "Sorry, Dad. I’m just interested in the woman, that’s all."

  "Well, dump her. She’s a whore, son, and not worthy to be seen with the Robinson family. I don’t want her in our lives any longer."

  He ground his fingers into the palms of his hands. Hearing her called a whore didn’t settle well in his stomach. "Sorry to upset you."

  "Well, it’s understandable. You didn’t know about her, but now that you do, I’d appreciate it if you’d find another woman."

  He chuckled. "Yeah, you know me. I can’t keep one on my arm long before my eye starts wandering."

  "True, so true."

  "Hey, Dad. Before I forget, I’d like to ask a favor."

  "What’s that?"

  "Well, I was thinking about throwing a party for my graduation a couple months ago, and since my condo is too small, I wondered if I could have it at the mansion?"

  "When is this party?"

  "How about on Halloween?"

  "I’m not sure your mother and I will be home by then."

  "Can I have it anyway? It’ll just be a few of my college friends."

  "Well, all right. Let me find your mother and the two of you can hash over the details."

  "Hey, thanks, Dad."

  While he waited for his mother, he drummed his fingers on the desktop, his mind twirling a million different ways. He’d gotten some answers to his questions, but it only made him more curious.

  So what if Colette had slept her way to the top? So what if she went out with men just for their money and power? According to the information he’d gathered, she hadn’t had a lover for a few years. She was a wealthy woman now, so why did she want Adrian? And what did she want of his father’s that was at the mansion?

  Now he couldn’t wait until Halloween to find out.


  Colette paced the entryway floor, and every time she passed the door, she glared at it. Where is he? She growled and walked faster, her spiked two-inch heels echoing on the hardwood. He said he’d come tonight, well he didn’t actually say it, but his eyes had told her how much he wanted to be with her again. When she’d mentioned the garden tub his blue orbs darkened with that familiar heat.

  So where was he?

  She made a sharp turn and caught her reflection in the mirror. She hadn’t styled her hair tonight, but left it long, flowing over her shoulders and back. Adrian had mentioned last night how he enjoyed the feel of her silky hair touching his naked body. A grin tugged on her mouth. She’d have to admit that she liked pleasuring him, especially because she, in return, experienced passion.

  She donned one of her fancier silk blouses, a deep lavender one that buttoned down the front, and black slacks to complement her attire. She sprayed her favorite lilac scent over her body, knowing he liked it, too.

  Funny, that she’d get all dolled up for a man. But this man was different. The magic power of the necklace didn’t control his mind--or hers, and this strange feeling made her giddy. How long had it been since she’d experienced this?

  She sighed heavily and smiled. He would come tonight. Perhaps court had kept him longer than necessary, but he would be here.

  Turning away from the mirror, she proceeded into the living room. As she took her first step on the carpeted floor, the doorbell rang. Her heart leapt to her throat, then beat crazily.
She wanted to run to answer his ring, but forced herself to remain calm as she stepped to the door. Her moist hand made the doorknob slippery, so she swiped her palm across the leg of her pants.

  Taking it slow, she opened the door. Adrian leaned against the doorframe, wearing a dark gray business suit, his tie undone and hanging around his neck. One hand was stuffed into his front pants’ pocket, the other rested on the wall above his head. Damn, he was sexy.

  He grinned. "Miss me?"

  Her heart quickened, and although she tried to keep the smile off her mouth, her lips tugged upward. "Maybe."

  Adrian pulled away and stepped closer, his hand snaking around her waist bringing her against him. She gasped, her hands splaying over his chest. Underneath her palm, the rhythm of his heart beat as hard as hers. She gazed into his eyes, dark with desire.

  "Well, I missed you." He tilted his head and brought his mouth down upon hers.

  She opened to him, letting his velvety hot tongue probe inside. A moan tore from her throat and she pressed closer to him, moving her hands to his head so her fingers could comb through his soft hair.

  He lifted her up enough to move them farther inside and kicked the door closed. Taking a few more steps, he sandwiched her between the wall and his hard body. She lifted her knees and hooked them over his hips, shifting the lower half of her body until it came in contact with his erection. She pushed her hips to the bulge. Fire shot through her, moistening between her legs.

  He tore his mouth away and buried his face in her neck. His breaths were quick, deep, as were hers.

  "Damn, woman. I’m not even inside your house and you’re attacking me."

  She chuckled and kissed his ear. "Me? You’re the one who started it."

  He pulled away, his gaze connecting with hers. He smiled. "Can you blame me? I’ve been thinking about your garden tub all day."

  She ran her fingers down the side of his face, tracing them across his lips. "Are you hungry?"


  "What would you like to eat?"

  He raised his eyebrows. "You."


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