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In the Witching Hour

Page 31

by Неизвестный

  His chest clenched, making it hard for him to breathe. He loosened his tie, unbuttoned his shirt a few buttons and sat back in his chair. He glanced out the window. The racing lights up and down the freeway soon became a blur.

  He’d been avoiding Colette, and yet he should confront her. Ask her if his father was one of her past lovers. Would it make a difference if she was? Hell yes! He could barely stomach speaking to his father now. If he found out the old man had ever touched Colette’s body....

  He pounded his fist onto his desk and swore. He dropped his head into his hands, his fingers dug into his forehead, hoping to remove his tension headache. Something had to be done and soon. He couldn’t go on this way. It was affecting his job.

  A knock came upon the door and he jumped. Hadn’t everybody left? "Yes?"

  The doorknob turned and the door opened. The dark hallway of the office silhouetted Colette’s body. Her long hair hung over her shoulders--just the way he liked. She wore a brown knee-length coat that tied in the middle and her high-heeled legs were covered with black silk nylons. Damn, will she always look sexy?

  She swung one of the straps to her belt. "Surprised to see me?"

  "Yeah, considering the building’s locked." He arched a brow. "How did you get in?"

  She slinked inside and pushed the door closed with her heel. "I ran into the janitor just as he was leaving." She stopped at his desk and flattened her palms on the top, leaning toward him. "I sweet talked him into letting me in."

  I bet you did. The corner of his mouth lifted. "Joe’s always been a sucker for a pretty face."

  She tilted her head. "Are you ready for a break?" She glanced at the papers scattered across his desk. "It looks like you’ve been extremely busy."

  "I have."

  "So, would you like me to distract you for a little while?"

  He sat back in his chair and linked his fingers over his stomach. "What do you have in mind?"

  As she straightened, she untied the belt holding her coat together. She opened it and let it drop to the floor. His mouth about dropped with it. She wore nothing but a black-lace teddy and thigh-highs with a garter belt--there stood the sexiest woman in the world.

  His mouth dried and it was like swallowing cotton to bring the moisture back. Dare he have sex with her right here in his office? His erection rose to the challenge.

  He stood and reached over to the window to draw the shades. Didn’t want every person passing by to see what was going on.

  In that sexy walk of hers, she came around his desk and stopped mere inches in front of him. She wore his favorite lilac scent--the scent that drove him mad with wanting.

  She took hold of one end of his tie, pulled it from his neck and tossed it on his chair. Her hands splayed over his chest and moved to the opening at his throat, the tips of her manicured fingernails lightly traced circles on his skin.

  In the back of his mind, a little niggle reminded him that she might have been his father’s first. He couldn’t have that.

  She released a few more buttons then bent her head to his chest, pressing her lips to his skin. When her hot tongue touched him, he shivered. What had she done to him? He was putty in her hands.

  He grasped her wrists and pushed her away. Her eyes were wide, curious. "No."

  She narrowed her gaze, and a hint of pain flashed in her green eyes.

  His irregular breathing made it almost impossible to speak. But he must. "Colette, I must know...."


  "Were you ... ever ... my father’s mistress?"

  The color seeped from her face. Her lip trembled, but she shook her head. "I was never your father’s lover."

  Relief washed through him and he closed his eyes. His heart burst with happiness, and he wanted to laugh out loud. She stepped back and the warmth from his body left with her. He snapped his eyes open and gripped her shoulders. A frown marred her face, her eyes drooped with sadness. His heart clenched again. I’m such an ass.

  He yanked her to him, crushing his mouth over hers as he wrapped his arms around her. She remained stiff for only a moment before her body relaxed. A moan tore from his throat and a strange emotion blossomed in his chest.

  He trailed his mouth over to her ear, then down her neck. "I’m sorry, but I had to know," he muttered. She tilted her head to give better access and clung to his arms.

  When his lips grazed over a taut nipple, he reached up and pulled the material away, fastening his mouth to her. She cried out and held his head in place. He circled his tongue over her peak, lapping a few times before sucking it fully in his mouth. God, she tasted sweet.

  "Adrian, I ... I ... Love me. Now."

  He turned and swiped the papers off his desk with one hand, then lifted her on top. He fumbled when opening his pants, but her hands helped. His erection was harder this time, more eager to please--to be pleased. Once he had dropped his pants and his boxer shorts, she opened her legs for him. Using the pads of his thumbs, he stroked her moist heat, unlatching the snap barring him from entering.

  Although he wanted to taste her, suckle her breasts, and touch all of her, he was ready to explode. He pulled out the condom package from his pocket and fumbled with it.

  "Hurry, Adrian," she pleaded in a strained voice.

  Finally the package opened and he sheathed himself. Leaning over her, he slipped inside. She cried out and wrapped her legs around him. The moment he attached his mouth to her exposed nipple, he lost control.

  She held him tight, stroking his back as he fell on top of her, exhausted. Their ragged breathing matched, and together slowed. He kissed her breast before lifting up. A smile stretched across her face as she stared into his eyes.

  "Colette--I love...."

  Her eyes widened. "Yes?"

  "I love ... making love to you."

  "I feel exactly the same." She leaned up and kissed his lips.

  Mentally, he kicked his ass for not telling her how he felt. But there were still secrets he needed to know. Secrets about Colette and his father.

  * * * *

  Colette planned to tell Adrian she loved him, but so far, she had yet to find him. There were at least one hundred people celebrating Halloween at the Robinson manor, but they all wore masks, and most of the people she didn’t recognize. She’d know Adrian anywhere--the sexual magnetism between them always sparked whenever they looked at each other.

  Many people complimented her on her witch’s dress, telling her how authentic it looked. But of course, this dress had been passed down through the ages. Long see-through sleeves hugged her arms, and the tight, silk bodice displayed her ample bosom, especially the deep valley between her breasts. The skirt of the gown was narrow, and a slit from her heel to her thigh revealed her black stockings. She’d left her hair hanging over her shoulders, but messed up a bit, giving it a wild appearance.

  Adrian didn’t tell her what he’d be dressed as, said it was a surprise. As each man passed her by, she studied his body, but none fit the very muscular build of the man she loved.

  An hour had already flown by, and she hadn’t found him. She didn’t have time for this. She had to find the necklace.

  After being there for a while, she’d memorized the layout of the house. John’s study was in the far back corner near the kitchen. Nodding politely to people as she walked, she moved in that direction until she was mere steps in front of the door. Her heart hammered against her ribs, her hands moist, anticipating. Fear of being caught made her hesitate ... but she forced the emotion aside and opened the door.

  "Good evening, Colette. I’ve been waiting for you."

  Her heart dropped, her knees grew weak. What is John doing here?


  A hand gripped Colette’s wrist and pulled her into the room. Fear turned her blood to ice, but she followed, her gaze glued to the piercing eyes of John Robinson. Although it had been years, he looked the same. Still the same haughty expression, still the same demeaning smirk on his lips. A few white s
treaks highlighted his dark brown hair, but his eyes were just as mean as she’d remembered. He wore the disguise of evil--all black ... although it was no disguise.

  He laughed and it sent waves of disgust rolling through her stomach.

  "I wondered how long it would take you to come sneaking into my study."

  Her lips quivered. "What ... what are you ... you...?"

  He arched an eyebrow. "What am I doing here?"

  She nodded.

  "When I discovered your claws were in my son, I decided to cut my vacation short and put a stop to your plans." He yanked on her arm, bringing her up against his body. "Do you honestly believe I’ll let you continue seducing my son?"

  Her head fell back and she stared into his cold eyes. When his grip tightened, she whimpered. "I want my necklace back."

  "I don’t think so, my sweet."

  Anger removed the ice from her blood and ignited it to fire. "But you’ve accomplished everything you need. There’s nothing left for me to do."

  "You’re wrong, my sweet. There’s one last thing I need from you."

  Tears threatened, but she blinked them away. No matter what it took, she’d fight him--and win. "No, John. You’re not going to use me again."

  Finding her strength, she pushed him away and stepped back. His eyes widened, but then a sneer curled his lips.

  "I love a good fight."

  "Go to hell."

  "You’ve never acted like a hellcat before. This ought to be entertaining."

  "I’ll have you know after midnight tonight, the necklace will stop working."

  He threw back his head and laughed. Slivers of dread cut through her and she wrapped her arms around her middle. When he met her glare, he reached into the pocket of his black pants and pulled out her necklace. She gritted her chattering teeth.

  "But there’s still a little while before midnight."

  He rubbed the jade and diamond necklace, stroking the pad of his thumb across the dragon. Zoetan’s energy shot through her and she closed her eyes. She hadn’t experienced this force since the last time he controlled her six years ago. No! I mustn’t let him win! But the longer he rubbed the dragon, the more heat rushed through her blood.

  His eerie laughter brought her eyes open. He pulled the string around his throat holding his black cape and let it fall to the floor. Taking a step forward, he grinned. "Colette, my dear, come here."

  Moisture swam in her eyes, but her legs obeyed. In three steps she was in front of him.

  "Colette, I want you to seduce one more person."

  She shook her head and clenched her jaw, fighting the sob ready to explode from her mouth. Tears streamed down her cheeks and she swallowed the lump of fear cutting off her breathing.

  "Colette, you’re going to seduce me."

  Desire spread through her from the necklace’s power, but she fisted her hands, fighting the urge to touch him. He cupped her face and tingles danced over her skin. I must make this stop!

  His mouth covered hers and she was helpless to cease his kiss. She opened her mouth, allowing his tongue to enter. Squeezing her eyes tight, she held still while her lips obeyed his prompting, her tongue had a mind of its own and caressed his.

  "Touch me," he instructed.

  Tears streaked down her cheeks, but her hand lifted to his chest, rubbing circles all over him. He dropped his hands and cupped her breasts. Her nipples hardened and she cursed her body--the power that damn necklace had over her.

  His fingers plucked at her tips, making them rise more. On their own, her fingers opened his shirt and ran over his torso. Heat from his body blended with hers, and she sobbed. No! This can’t happen.

  He broke the kiss and moved his disgusting lips down her neck and over the exposed skin between her breasts. Using his fingers, he moved the material off the points his mouth sought. His tongue stroked across a nipple, creating moist heat to gather between her legs.

  His teeth nipped at her and she cried out. "John, please--" she sobbed openly.

  Leaning back on the corner of his desk, he brought her between his legs. He took her hand and placed it over his bulge. She cupped him, wishing her hand would obey her mind and yank the blasted organ from his body.

  "All those years," he mumbled. "All those times I watched from afar as you seduced my friends, and I wanted you. I wanted you so much I ached."

  She sniffed. "Why didn’t you take me then?"

  "Your purpose was to seduce other men for their money. I couldn’t take my pleasures on you until I had what I wanted."

  He slipped his hand over her hip, down her thigh to the opening of the skirt then pushed his hand inside, cupping her bottom and pulling her against his throbbing arousal. Her stomach churned. Too bad she didn’t have anything in it to bring up and dump over him.

  Bending his head, he captured her breast again, sucking it roughly into his mouth. She cried out in pain, her tears continued to pour.

  A knock pounded on the door and it opened. "Father, are you--"

  Adrian! She tried pulling away, but John’s arms tightened around her. She swung her head toward Adrian. Color faded from his face as his gaze raked over her. His lips thinned, his hands balled into fists. Ashamed, she lowered her head and cried.

  * * * *

  Anger flared in Adrian’s chest--and he wanted to strike out at something, someone. He’d been watching Colette from afar and waited for her to find what she was looking for--the reason she wanted into his father’s house. He never thought this would be the reason.

  "You lied," he ground out. "Both of you lied!"

  His father had the gall to pull Colette closer to his body as if protecting her. "Son, this is not--"

  Adrian held out his hand. "Don’t say it. As of now, I’m no longer your son."

  He spun on his heels, ready to depart, but bumped head-on into Lori. Her eyes were wide and filled with tears as she looked over his shoulder at the couple caught in a scandalous embrace.

  She raised her shaky hand and Adrian gasped. A gun pointed in his direction. "Move inside." Her voice was low, demanding.

  He nodded and backed away. She followed into the room and shut the door behind her. She waved the gun toward his father. "Go over there."

  John had pushed Colette away and stood straight. Adrian ached to hold the woman he thought he’d loved and comfort her, but her guilty eyes kept him from following his instincts.

  John slowly lifted his hand, reaching for her. "Lori, put the gun down."

  She shook her head. "I wouldn’t do that if I were you."

  "Now, Lori, leave my son and Mrs. Carmichael out of this. We can talk about this privately."

  She belched out a loud laugh. "Privately?" She patted her round stomach. "This is what happened the last time you wanted to talk to me privately."

  Adrian cringed.

  Lori switched her glare to Colette and pointed the gun at her. "I knew something was up between the two of you." She waved the weapon. "You’re the reason John wanted me to have an abortion."

  Colette shook her head, her eyes filled with tears. "No, you can’t be more wrong. I hate him. I loathe the very ground he walks on."

  Adrian wrinkled his brow. Then why was she in his father’s arms while he slobbered all over her exposed body?

  "Your story doesn’t work, bitch," Lori sneered.

  "But you don’t understand." Colette turned and looked at Adrian, her watery eyes pleading. "You just don’t understand. He was controlling me." Her voice broke. "I just wanted my necklace, but he controls it." She clung to his arm. "Adrian, I love you. Why would I want your father to touch me?"

  The ache in his chest grew until he couldn’t breathe. Damn, why did he believe her?

  She continued. "Your father wanted you to walk in on us. He planned this for your sake--don’t you see? He wants me out of your life."

  Adrian glared at his father who now held guilt in his eyes. A bead of moisture hung on his father’s brow. Colette was right.

  He cir
cled his arms around her and pulled her close. She buried her face in his neck and sobbed. "I love you, Adrian."

  His heart clenched with sorrow and tears pricked his eyes. His throat was tight. "I love you, too."

  Lines appeared in John’s forehead, his lips thinned. "This is bullshit! You can’t believe her. She’s a whore."

  Adrian shook his head. "And you’re controlling her, so what does that make you? The pimp?"

  "Shut up!" Lori screamed. "Right now I don’t give a damn about your problems." She glared at John. "I want you dead, you bastard." She steadied her hand and narrowed her eyes, pointing the gun at John’s chest.

  Colette gasped and clung to Adrian’s arm. Although he hated his father, he didn’t want to see him killed by a jealous lover.

  By the crazed, blank look in Lori’s eyes, she was going to pull the trigger.

  He pushed Colette aside and jumped toward Lori. The gun exploded and Adrian clutched his chest.


  Adrian fell to the ground, his hand covering his bloody chest. Colette screamed and rushed to him. Oh, no! No! Her heart beat a heavy rhythm against her ribs. She lifted his head, laid it in her lap and moved her shaky hand to cover his bloody chest.

  His breathing grew ragged, pain etched in his eyes as he stared at her.

  "You’re going to be all right." She tried to keep her expression steady although her voice wasn’t.

  She glanced at Lori who stood still, shock evident by the fading color in her face. John rushed to her and took away the gun. Lori’s eyes rolled to the back of her head and she collapsed.

  John glanced at Colette. "Can you save him?"

  She nodded then paused. He had her necklace--the dreadful necklace that had ruined the last ten years of her life. If she took it back, she’d be a witch again ... but she wouldn’t be able to grow old with the man she loved.

  From down the hallway, the grandfather clock chimed. Bong. She glanced at the clock on the wall.


  She looked back at John. "No, I can’t save him, but you can. Bring the necklace here."


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