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Beauty and the Brute

Page 7

by Nikki Winter

  A four-letter word careened from her and shattered against the air, competing with his low hum of approval when she moved against his face.

  “That’s right, sugar,” he purred against her skin. “What was it I told you to do the last time I had you here like this?”

  Her response hovered, waiting to be freed.

  “Say it. Say the words.”

  She couldn’t look at him. “You said to—” Her sentence cut short when an involuntary “Hoooo!” truncated it. Her eyes landed on Noel again just to find his glare firmly on her as his tongue encircled her rosette, pushing with insistence against the over sensitized ring of muscles that hadn’t been touched in…ever. But it felt as good as it did filthy and she loved every second of it, loved every second of his tapping away at her insanity.

  Every ounce of air within her lungs fled.

  He moved back a bit. “What did I tell you about hiding?”

  The man had his face buried between her legs, playing incredibly kinky games and he was worried about a little embarrassment?!

  “Are you ashamed of what you like, darlin’?” he questioned.

  She slowly shook her head.

  “Then what’s the purpose of turning away from me?” Noel pushed up. “Running from the fact that you might enjoy something a little…taboo?”

  Her mouth remained closed.

  “That you might like me to turn you over and stuff you full while biting your shoulder and fingering your ass?”

  A whimper escaped.

  His nostrils flared. “That’s it, isn’t it?” He yanked her by the ankles until they were meshed together, his strong thighs resting under hers. “You want me to keep playing. To keep edging you. All with that little virgin hole.”

  If she exhaled any harder, she’d be on her way to fainting. “Noel…”

  “On your hands and knees, sugar.”

  Apparently Alana wasn’t moving fast enough because he took the decision from her and flipped her over. She yelped and then gave over to that dark rasping whisper telling her to let him do what he pleased, to let him fuck her the way they both wanted.

  His hands drifted over her backside. “Gonna ask again, Alana. Is that what you want?”

  This time all sense of self preservation fled and she murmured, “Yes.”

  “No,” he told her. “I don’t want whispers. I don’t want you acting shy or guilty. When you admit you want something from me, you. Face. Me. You say it loud because there is nothing wrong about this. So let’s try again. Is that what you want, Alana?”

  She locked stares with him over her shoulder and answered as steadily as she could, “Yes.”

  That simple retort. It was said with so much conviction that he had to stop himself from just lunging at her with all the finesse of a lion who hadn’t eaten in weeks. Although, that was what he felt like. Starved. Deprived of the one thing he needed to keep going. She’d really managed to bewitch him, this woman. And he didn’t mind it one damn bit because there were some connections a body just couldn’t disregard. If Noel had thought for even the slightest moment that all he would ever enjoy with her was a few quick rolls then that was all it would have been. But there was more here. When he touched her…he felt alive. It was that same jolt he received the moment he stepped out onto the field, when he signed some kid’s jersey, when he got to dedicate his time to volunteering with those not as fortunate as he was. Dismiss that? No.

  His hands vibrated as he picked up the box of condoms and tore into them, foil packets flying in all different directions because of how Alana had grasped a pillow to bring to her chest, her back bowing, beautiful ass waving before him like an offering. He intended to take that offering.

  Latex was snapping onto his cock in mere seconds and Noel inhaled through his nose, trying to stem the staccato beat of his heart. He kneeled behind her, taking his member in hand to tease her wetness. He pushed the tip in and withdrew, pushed in again and withdrew. Each motion was repeated, each thrust gave her just an inch more until he got to the place of completely filling her as he’d promised. Her hips undulated in time with his strokes, her low keens growing louder the harder he pounded into her. The coil of her pussy was un-fucking-believable. The way her spine slinked and her hands fisted the downy fabric beneath her as her tits shook with every backwards move she made, had Noel gritting his teeth. He almost regretted taking her this way because he wanted to catch those keens with his tongue, press his fingers to the play of muscles in her back and feel them convulse. It was when she shot a seeking glance towards him, her jade eyes bright and glazed and silently querying, “What are you waiting for?” that he felt his control slip.

  Noel reached between them, allowing his digits to flutter where their sexes met, where she flooded his cock. Keeping their eye contact, he ran his thumb over her clit and around the engorged lips of her pussy, catching the cream there and then he brought it up to the tight flex of her ass. Alana’s lashes fanned when he touched her there and her breaths grew choppier under his attention. When he slipped his thumb past the resistance of muscle and up to the knuckle, she let go of the sweetest sound.

  “Feels just as dirty and as vulgar as you like it to, doesn’t it, sugar?”

  Her head bobbed.

  He fucked her harder. “And you don’t want me to stop, do you?”

  A head shake this time.

  “Say it,” her snarled, feeling the previously feather light brush of her cunt grow into agonizingly pleasurable squeeze. “Say, ‘I like your finger in my ass, Noel.’”

  She recited the words and his balls tightened. “I know you do,” he told her, watching as she caught the bottom rim of her mouth and bit down, strangled noises springing from her throat. “And I’ll put it there as many times as you ask. That’s all you have to do. Ask. I’ll fuck you there if you want me to.”

  “Oh God,” tore out of her. “Oh God. Oh God. Oh God.”

  “Is that what you’ll tell me next, darlin’? That you want my cock there?”


  Her sex snapped down on his length with the quickness and determination of a rattlesnake. But her hissing did nothing but make come roll up from its build of pressure and fill a condom that he suddenly wished wasn’t there. Foolish desires. They remained nonetheless.

  He didn’t stop moving against her until he was wrung dry. Alana fell face forward as he carefully extracted himself and stood to dispose of the protection. He found a clean cloth, warmed it for a few minutes under hot water and let it cool before padding towards the seemingly boneless woman curled into herself on his bed.

  He lifted one leg and gently smoothed the cloth down both inner thighs, stopping to take special care with her swollen flesh between. When he was done, he tossed the cloth into a near-by hamper and went through the task of collecting the scattered condoms to place in his nightstand drawer. By the time he was finished, Alana’s eyes were closed, her lips were parted and little sleep sighs were pouring out.

  Noel grinned and took to the mattress, rolling the duvet back as he repositioned them both underneath it. And when her much smaller frame curved into his side, fitting with ease and comfortable familiarity, he knew to blame all of the warmth in his chest on those goddamn legs!


  Ding. Dong.

  Noel’s head popped up at the ringing of the doorbell. A huff of sound came from another source on his right side and he realized someone was partially tangled with him under his sheets; their quiet exhales scooting over his nipple. Alana. She was in his bed, comfortably cuddled and showing no signs of rising.

  Diiing. Dooong.

  Annoyed, he ran his hand over her hip. “Need to get up, sugar.”

  She burrowed closer and shook her head. “No.”

  He bit back a smile. “I mean I need to get up. You can stay. There’s someone downstairs.”

  Alana rolled away from him without another complaint, pulling a pillow to her chest and throwing a thigh over it. That annoyance reared again. Th
at should be him. Noel released a breath and sat up before he got to his feet, briefly glancing at the clock on his nightstand. Noon. They’d probably been asleep for the better part of three hours.

  He shuffled over to a dresser and yanked out shorts, pulling them up his hips and tying them off. A t-shirt was next and then he was making his way down the stairs and towards the front door. He hit the bottom and could clearly see Ashleigh’s dark head through the tinted glass that topped the hard wood.

  “The hell do you want?” Noel barked upon swinging it open.

  His friend stood there with winging eyebrows and a duffle on his shoulder. He tapped the watch on his wrist and retorted, “Training.”

  Oh. Yeah. Noon. Training everyday at noon. Even during the off-season keeping in condition was always a priority.

  Squinting, Noel backed up and let him past. “I kind of can’t—” He stopped when he saw where Ashleigh’s focus had shifted. Alana’s panties were a few feet away from the stairs.

  Noel must have missed them earlier when he’d gathered her discarded clothing on the way up to his shower.


  Ashleigh swung his head from the panties and towards Noel and then back again. “Got something you want to tell me?”


  “Are you suddenly taking pleasure in the rub of lace beneath your thigh-pads? Does silk make you feel a little naughty on those harder days when you question if anyone notices your beauty?”


  “Those don’t belong to me, asshole.”

  The other man lifted his hands. “Listen, I don’t judge.”

  Noel opened his mouth.

  “No, no, no,”—Ashleigh placed one large and disturbingly meaty finger to his lips—“Hush now. It’s okay to be yourself with me. We don’t need secrets between us.”

  He slapped that hand off. And then he slapped Ashleigh.

  Ashleigh slapped him back. “Don’t get feisty with me. I just wanted you to know I accept you for who you are!”

  Noel walked off, picked up the panties and started for his laundry room.

  The giant idiot followed. “How many times have you strip-teased yourself in the mirror to ‘Loosen up my Buttons’? You can tell me, you brazen wench.”

  He tossed the underwear in with the rest of Alana’s things and started the washer. “The day I find a shovel large enough…”

  “When you say these things, I really feel as though you mean them.”

  “I do.”

  Ashleigh blinked. “Someone is certainly feeling saucy today.”

  Noel bumped him out of his way and sauntered into his kitchen. “I want your silence and I want it now.”

  “Why? Are you finally about to tell me Victoria’s secret?”

  Rubbing the bridge of his nose, Noel started his coffee maker. “Is there a reason why you don’t just use the gym in that high priced building you happen to occupy?”

  Ashleigh shrugged. “Staring at your flab motivates me.”

  “Your blood. On my hands. That can happen.”

  Placing his bag down, Noel’s friend took a seat at the breakfast nook and simply grinned. “I’m going to chance the guess that you managed to somehow convince this woman to return for your sexually depraved proclivities.”

  He snorted. “Guess whatever the fuck you want. I’ll tell you nothing.”

  Because Alana wasn’t a conquest. She wasn’t some cutie that had come sneaking into their locker room after a game, looking for a good time. She wouldn’t be categorized under, “Yeah, that was fun. I won’t call her again but it was definitely fun.” This was a discernible occurrence that he’d spend days rubbing his chin and smirking about. These were encounters that would keep him up at night when he had to sleep on the cool sheets of a hotel suite during away games. They were special. She was special. So he didn’t want any goddamn slaps on the back for what it was they shared. Not when he was trying to determine how to make it more.

  “Oh,” Ashleigh said, leaning back a bit. His stare turned knowing. “Oh.”

  Noel rolled his eyes. “Don’t start.”

  “I’m not starting anything,” he retorted. “Wouldn’t dream of starting anything.”


  Large hands went up. “I swear before my good lord and savior—”

  “Who doesn’t even know you.”

  “—that my commentary will remain behind the quiet recesses of a silent and observant nature.”

  “Good,” Noel responded, taking down three mugs. “Keep it that way.”

  Ashleigh eyed the third cup. It was one of the finer ones that Noel had with an intricate silver pattern some would say was “elegant.” He raised his gaze and looked at Noel. “Oh.”

  “Stop doing that!”

  “I told you! I am doing nothing!”

  “You are and you damn well know what!”

  “Do not project your discomfort and obviously bewildered emotions onto me! Your quandary is no fault of mine, good sir!”

  Noel sighed. “Doing vocabulary tests with Ari again? Preparing her for another spelling bee?”

  Ashleigh tucked in his lips, rapped his fingers against his mug. “Perhaps.”

  “She’s been kicking your fucking ass, hasn’t she?”

  The other man’s smile was dripping with pride. “I helped create a genius. A leader of tomorrow. A child of nobility and grace and—“

  “Intense narcissism,” Noel finished. “She’s a tyrannical narcissist who managed to chew through her play pen at two and command an army of toddlers that took over a daycare and held all its inhabitants hostage.”

  “That story has been exaggerated with each retelling. Yes, she chose to put newly acquired incisors to work by soothing her aching gums upon a questionably cheap material that should have been tested better on its age group. And yes, she and her friends may have gathered together with the mischievous intention to lock one daycare worker—who I later discovered was shorting my baby on animal crackers—in a supply closet. I’ll even go as far as to admit that she’s a bit arrogant but, it’s only because she knows that she’s better than…everyone.”

  Noel blinked. “And you believe that all of what you just said is linear, rational behavior for a child?”

  “Why wouldn’t I?”

  “Annnd this conversation is over.”


  “Hey, squidbilly!” Alana’s voice suddenly called out, the sound of her feet slapping against his hardwood floors announcing her arrival downstairs. “I’ve stolen a shirt to wear since my clothing has gone missing. You may as well get used to living without it because there is no way I’m giving up a tee that says, ‘To unleash the Kracken is to unzip my pants.’ It’s too freaking co—“ She stopped in the doorway of the kitchen, eyes enlarging a bit at the sight of Ashleigh. “Hi.”

  Ashleigh’s lips spread wider than Noel cared for and he pushed back from the nook, walking towards a bare legged Alana with his hand extended. “I don’t believe we’ve had the pleasure. Ashleigh—”

  “—Thyne,” she completed, pumping his hand. “Defensive end for the Blackbirds, previous player on and Miami—which doesn’t matter because I consider it a treasonous offense against Pennsylvania.”

  He laughed. “You and several different others. Delaware native?”

  She shrugged. “Delaware escapee but lover of her hometown nonetheless. You’ve had an excellent year.”

  “Think so?” He sounded entirely too interested in her response and was looking at her entirely too closely which was making Noel entirely too mental.

  “Eighteen assists, with an average of close to twenty credits in sacks and a rather frightening 40 yard dash time of 3 minutes and 50 seconds? Yes. You’re a monstrosity on field and you know it.”

  Ashleigh regally lifted chin. “A monstrosity? This description pleases me.” He looked to Noel. “It shall be arranged that Kanye’s song plays during my entrances from now on.”

  Alana snorted.
“If you think Chris will let that go over for even a moment…”

  At the mention of their head coach Christopher Tiegan, Ashleigh blew a raspberry. “I’m a monstrosity. I do what I want.”

  She patted him on the shoulder and every muscle in Noel’s body locked up. The touch was innocent. She’d just rolled out of his bed and was wearing his shirt. But she was still touching another man. Another fairly attractive man. Another fairly attractive man who could—and had—made a woman of God denounce her values.

  “Believe that, my friend. Let it feed your soul.”

  “My soul feeds on the souls of others, sweetheart,” Ashleigh drawled with a wink. “Namely those who annoy me.”

  Alana gave a solemn nod. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Walking forward, she missed the stare Ashleigh shot him over her head, mouthing, “Fine as all fuck.”

  Noel’s eye twitched.

  She pointed to the untouched mug. “That for me?”

  “Mm-hmm,” he managed to let out.

  “Thank you.” A kiss fluttered over his cheek. She took a sip from the cup and groaned.

  Ashleigh’s eyes rounded.

  “That’s perfect,” the woman, who was incredibly close to having her ass spanked raw, sighed next to him. She looked between the two men. “Am I interrupting a bout of male posturing?”

  Noel’s friend laughed slightly. “Nawl.”

  Alana’s brows raised a fraction. “Nawl?”

  Shrugging, Ashleigh repeated himself. “Nawl.”

  With a slight tap to Noel’s hip, she indicated for him to scoot his barstool further back. When he did, she hopped up into his lap and he made himself relax in order to keep from reacting to the unexpected move. Funny. Days ago she couldn’t get away from him fast enough and today…


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