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Risk (Desired Affliction Book 3)

Page 12

by C. A. Harms

  “Listen, Nat, Radley and I have had our fair share of troubles. You know that. You have to step back for a moment and look at the complete picture. You need to think rationally.” Megan brushed away my tear that dripped down my cheek. “You have to give the guy credit, he’s trying. Hell, anyone can see that he’s changed since he came here. The way he looks at you, the way he watches you from across the room. Sweets, that man is hooked and just now he looked so lost. Why would he risk losing such an amazing thing over some skank that meant nothing?”

  I took in a deep breath and attempted to dry my eyes.

  Chapter Eighteen


  “Lexi, I didn’t cheat on her, I swear. Those had to have been in my truck from long ago.” I felt defeated after spending the last ten minutes getting bitched out by Lexi. Man, this girl was brutal. I felt sorry for Kole; I knew he had to deal with her daily. No wonder she wore the pants in that relationship. She could be fuckin’ scary.

  “Adam, I swear to God, if you’re lying to me I will castrate you. Natalie doesn’t need any more heartache. You have no idea what she’s been through with men. Damn it Adam, she deserves a good guy.” Lexi’s love for Natalie was obvious.

  “Will you listen to me? Natalie means the world to me, I have no intentions of hurting her.” I paused and looked her directly in the eyes, “I love her and I never cheated on her.”

  I looked up as I heard heels clicking against the floor. The moment Natalie came around the corner my knees weakened. Her eyes were red and swollen from crying. My chest tightened and twisted.

  “You better not hurt her, I mean it,” Lexi whispered just before walking away. She hugged Natalie and whispered something in her ear before she and Megan walked in the opposite direction.

  I waited a few seconds before I walked toward her. I knelt down in front of her and placed my hands on her hips. Looking up into her eyes, my throat burned as I spoke. “Baby, I love you so much. In the beginning, yeah, I was trying to do the right thing and stand by you through this. I liked you and really enjoyed spending time with you, but it led to more so fast.” It was time to spill all the sappy shit that made most men feel like a pussy. But I needed to say it and she need to hear it.

  “I fell in love with you before I knew what hit me. You’re everything to me, and I wouldn’t hurt you. I know what that shit feels like and I wouldn’t do that to you.”

  The tears dripped from her eyes. “I believe you,” she assured me and suddenly I felt like a ton of weight had been lifted from my shoulders. “I know you have fears Adam. But I do too.” Her lower lip trembled and I swear I felt the effects of it deep in my gut. “I’m scared of losing you.”

  I stood up and took her in my arms, holding her close. “Natalie, I’m not going anywhere. I promise you.”

  We remained in that very position for what felt like hours. I just wanted to erase the last twenty minutes of hell and remember what we shared only moments before that.

  After the reception I took Natalie home and made love to her slowly like she deserved. Not that earlier in my truck wasn’t one of the sexiest things ever, but I needed her to know how much she meant to me. While we lay in bed and I wrapped my arms around her tightly, I felt complete.

  Over the next few days, things went on as usual. I made it a point to check every possible hidden compartment in my truck for any other pieces of my past that I just wanted to forget about.

  We both worked and she went to school; at night we stayed mostly at my place. I had more room and as she put it, my bed was like heaven.

  When Friday arrived I woke up early and got breakfast ready. I had a hard time sleeping, due to the excitement of Natalie’s appointment that day. Nat was now over thirteen weeks and into her second trimester. I was ready to hear our baby’s heartbeat again. It felt like forever since the last time.

  I woke her up with a tray of food and a kiss.

  “Morning, beautiful, you hungry?” I asked as I placed the tray next to her.

  She groaned and stretched her arms above her head.

  I watched as she took a deep breath through her nose. “Mm, what’s that smell?” Her eyes lit up as she took in the assortment of food in front of her. “Wow,” she said with a smile. This is unexpected. What’s the occasion?”

  I sat down beside her and kissed her just behind her ear. “Because I love you and I’m excited about our appointment today.” I stood up. “I’m gonna jump in the shower, eat up so we aren’t late.”

  I couldn’t remember the last time I felt this happy. It was as if each day with her only made me feel even more alive.

  I found Natalie in the kitchen fully dressed and ready to go, rinsing her dishes. She turned around when she heard me enter the room. “You ready to go?”

  I nodded and just as she was walking past me I gripped her hand and pulled her against me. Placing my finger under her chin, I tilted her face up toward mine. Kissing her softly, whispering against her lips, “I’m one lucky son of a bitch.” That didn’t even begin to cover it, but when she smiled up at me with a pleased expression I knew she understood.

  I kissed her once more before I led her to the door and into my truck.


  “Hello Natalie and Adam, let’s see how everything’s going.”

  We both looked up as Dr. Wilder entered the room. She took the seat on the stool next to Natalie and began her examination.

  “Things seem to be progressing well. Usually during this stage of the pregnancy I like to go over a few factors that may cause you to question the normalcy of things.” Both Natalie and I nodded as the doctor continued. “Right about now your little angel is about the size of a peach. The bones are beginning to develop and vocal cords are forming.” The doctor looked down at her chart and Natalie took the opportunity to look over at me and smile. I winked and we both turned back to the doctor.

  “Now, Natalie if you begin to notice any vaginal discharge, white, milky even, don’t be alarmed. It is perfectly normal to experience that during pregnancy.” My stomach rolled as the doctor went on to explain things to Natalie. Each word grew even more detailed and more disturbing. I shook my head as it started to spin. I stood from my chair to walk over to the window and that was the last thing I remembered.

  Things went black.

  The next time my eyes opened, I was looking up into Dr. Wilder’s face, and just over her shoulder I could see Natalie.

  “Damn, what happened?” I asked as I began to sit up.

  The doctor smiled and I heard Natalie giggle. “Well it would appear that you fainted. I’m not sure how you plan on making it through a full delivery if the talk of Leucorrhea causes you to see stars.”

  This only caused Natalie to giggle harder and I sat up and looked at her. “Yeah okay woman, you can stop laughing now.” I stood slowly as the doctor held onto my arm. “Okay, so big bad Adam fainted, laugh it up…ha-ha.” I sat down in the chair and let my head rest back against the wall, ignoring Natalie’s continued giggles and snorts.

  I had a feeling this would haunt me for years to come.

  After we heard the heartbeat and made Natalie’s next appointment, we made our way to the car. I knew she was dying to tell everyone I fainted and I also knew that I would never hear the end of this one.

  I dropped Natalie off at her car so she could catch her afternoon class and I went into work. I had a few clients scheduled this afternoon.

  The moment I walked in I could sense eyes on me and I began looking around in a suspicious manner. Radley and Kole both stood with their backs to me, hovering at the front desk. I wasn’t oblivious to the other workers standing around, snickering into their hands.

  As I walked closer to the desk, I could see why they were all laughing. Along the back wall was not one, but about twenty printed out photos of me passed out on the doctor’s office floor with my mouth hanging open. These jackasses had made a collage of pictures and they were plastered down the hall toward the locker room and weight room. I tried
not to laugh but looking at what they had done there was no stopping it.

  “Okay, yeah…real funny assholes.” I chuckled, because the shit was funny.

  With that comment, they both cut loose. Kole was bent at the knees laughing as Radley held his own stomach trying to hold himself upright.

  “Dude, seriously, you fucking passed out and you haven’t even gotten to the worst of it yet.” Kole added. “What the hell are you gonna do when you see the baby being born, man? You better have a backup coach on standby.”

  “Laugh it up, dickheads.”

  I walked past them as they both followed behind me. Once I opened my office I heard them both break loose once more. Those dicks had changed my screen saver on my computer to the same photo and had blown up pictures scattered throughout my office. I let them have their laugh as I walked in and sat down at my desk.

  I immediately picked up my phone and texted Natalie.

  Adam: Payback is coming your way, babe…beware.

  “Don’t cry, Adam…we actually emailed it out to all our clients. Maybe we can get you some sympathy tips.” Radley tried to keep a straight face as he shrugged his shoulders.

  I grabbed the stress-ball off my desk and threw it in their direction as they both ducked out of the way. Yep, this shit was gonna follow me around for a long time. Those fuckers just gained some dirt on me and I had a feeling there would be more hassling to come.

  Natalie was gonna pay for this. Oh, I’d get her back one way or another.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I couldn’t stop laughing after I received Adam’s text. I knew the guys would have a good time with the photos. I could just imagine the shit they were giving him.

  After Adam passed out I couldn’t help it, I had to snap a photo. There he was, this big bad soldier boy, tough muscular hard ass, passed out on the floor with his mouth wide open. It was the funniest thing I had ever seen in my life.

  I had every intention of using this photo against him whenever possible. I emailed it to myself just in case he decided to delete it from my phone.

  I needed a backup for sure.

  I went home after school to pack and get myself ready to leave in the morning for our trip. Adam wouldn’t be home until after 6:00 because he instructed a lifting class on Fridays.

  I decided to make him dinner, hoping to butter him up a little.

  I was just pulling the lasagna out of the oven when the front door of my apartment came open. I hid my smile and continued doing what I was doing.

  “Oh, making dinner for me, huh?” he spoke from behind me. “You feel bad for embarrassing me with the guys?”

  I turned around to face him and he wasn’t smiling. My stomach tightened as I looked up at him. I hated the thought that he might be mad at me. “Are you honestly mad at me?”

  He didn’t answer as he closed in on the space between us. I backed up to the counter and Adam placed one hand on each side of me, caging me in. He looked into my eyes with his eyebrows drawn together.

  I swallowed hard, thinking I’d really screwed up.

  All at once, his mouth and body covered mine, pinning me against the counter. His tongue darted out, rolling with mine, while my hands traveled up into his hair. I moaned against his lips and pulled him harder against me. Adam lifted me up onto the counter top and grabbed the waistband of my shorts. He began to guide them down my legs and take his place between my legs.

  “You can make me forget all about my day of embarrassment by letting me bury myself inside you. It’s the least you can do.” His signature sexy grin spread across his lips and I smiled in return.

  “Oh, I think I can handle that,” I said with my own cocky smirk.

  Over the next twenty minutes we both became lost in each other and forgot all about the pictures.

  We both went to bed early because we needed to be up and at the airport by 6:00 in the morning. I slept through most of the flight and even the drive from the airport to his parent’s house.

  I felt Adam nudge my knee and I opened my eyes. I looked up at him, questioning the reason for waking me. “We’re here, baby.” He pointed ahead as we drove up a long driveway.

  The house ahead of us was beautiful. It was a huge two story ranch home with a large wraparound porch. It had a three stall attached garage and just off to the left, set back was another large building. There wasn’t another house within miles and the openness was gorgeous.

  I could sense Adam watching me and I turned to face him. “This place is amazing. You grew up here?” He nodded and took my hand in his. “Wow,” I whispered as we continued up the driveway.

  It took no time at all for the car to be surrounded. Kyle and Tyler came running from the backyard as soon as they saw Uncle Adam climb out of the car. Kate and Keith followed closely behind.

  Kate took me in her arms immediately and hugged me tightly. “How are you feeling sweetie?” She placed her hand on my tummy. “And our little bean, everything okay?”

  I nodded. “Yeah everything’s perfect, thanks.”

  I felt Adam place his hand on my lower back as he leaned forward and gave Kate a kiss on the cheek. “Hello, Daddy.” She winked at him and he grinned proudly at her in return.

  It was that moment that I noticed the other two people standing back observing us. I immediately became nervous.

  Adam guided me toward them carefully.

  “Mom, Dad, this is Natalie.” He began the introductions. “Natalie, these are my parents, Melinda and Adam.”

  I looked up at his parents and his father spoke first. “Call me Bud, darling, otherwise things could get real confusing.” He shook his head and smiled kindly.

  “Nice to meet you,” I said.

  Adam’s mother took me completely by surprise as she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around me. “Oh sweetheart, it is so great to meet you.” She released me but continued to hold onto my hands. “We’ve heard so much about you.”

  I swallowed hard. “It’s really nice to meet you too. You have a beautiful home.”

  “Thanks honey. Why don’t we get you inside and settled? I’m sure you’re exhausted from traveling. I remember when I was pregnant and traveled with Bud for work, I hated not being able to get off my feet and relax.”

  She gave me no time to even put up a fight as she led me toward the house.

  As we entered the house I heard a loud whistle come from the stairway. I looked up to see a young guy, obviously related to Adam, walking down toward us. They had the same build, even though Adam was thicker. They shared the same hair color and you couldn’t mistake that sexy grin.

  Adam appeared once more at my side and wrapped his arm possessively around my waist.

  “Damn, Adam, Kate said your girl was cute, but she didn’t say she was gorgeous. I can see why you finally decided to stop waking up with random women.”

  Adam tensed up. “Enough, Brock.”

  “Okay, boys, be nice, and Brock—pick your tongue up off the floor. You look ridiculous,” Kate scolded as she walked past, pulling me in the direction of the kitchen.

  This house was amazing, with such a feel of home and full of love. I instantly felt at ease with everyone as they acted like I had been around for years.

  Adam took a seat at the table and pulled me into his lap. He kissed my temple and rested his chin on my shoulder. “I told you not to be nervous, baby, they love you.” I smiled at him and he kissed my lips softly.

  When I turned back around, I noticed his mom was watching us closely with a large smile across her lips. I smiled in return and she busied herself once more with lunch preparations.

  The guys decided to go out and ride the dirt bikes and four wheelers. I immediately felt disappointed because I couldn’t go and Adam picked up on it quickly. “We’ll come back after the baby’s born and spend some time here. Then we can go riding, let Mom babysit. How’s that sound?”

  I wrapped my arms around his waist and stood on my tip toes. “Good,” I wh
ispered just before I kissed him.

  Once the guys were all gone, I helped in the kitchen. Kate and Melinda were so much alike it was almost unbelievable.

  “How was the wedding?” Kate asked.

  “Beautiful.” I smiled back at her.

  Melinda leaned against the counter right next to me. “I’m so happy Adam finally found a good girl. Kate adores you and I can see why Adam has fallen in love with you. You are such a sweet girl.” I looked up at her and she seemed so sincere. “I’m so relieved he’s settled down and that he’s going to be a father.”

  I blinked past the tears that pooled in my eyes, “I love him, too, Melinda, very much.”

  She smiled at me and Kate broke the silence. “Mom, do you have any more flour?”

  “On the bottom shelf, hun.”

  After a moment, Kate emerged from the pantry off the kitchen. “I think you’re out, Mom, I grabbed the last bag last night.”

  After Melinda went into the pantry and came out empty-handed, Kate decided to make a run to the store. “Natalie, do you want to ride along? I can show you the cute little town we grew up in.”

  “Sure, I’d love to see where Adam spent his younger years.”

  I followed Kate to her Tahoe and crawled inside.

  “My mom’s just really happy for you and Adam. To be honest, Natalie, we never thought we’d see the day he would grow up. I’m sure he’s told you about Breann by now.” I nodded and she continued. “That girl really messed him up, and after that he just gave up on happiness. I’ll admit when I first heard you were pregnant I felt saddened,” she confessed. “Not because I was going to be an aunt, but because I thought Adam would get spooked.” We parked and Kate looked over at me. “He woke up though, and now he’s gonna be a daddy. He has done a complete turnaround and it really warms my heart that it’s you he found happiness with.”

  “Thank you, Kate.” I tried to hold back the pesky tears that always seemed to overpower any other emotions I felt.


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