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SEALs of Summer: Military Romance Superbundle - Navy SEAL Style

Page 83

by Sharon Hamilton

  Thankful that Jenna was still safe, warm and cozy in her bed and as far away from him as possible, he climbed the jet’s walkway.

  The pilot welcomed him aboard. “Good morning, Lieutenant Commander. Are you ready?”

  “All set. What’s our estimated flight time?”

  “Seven hours, fifty-five minutes,” the copilot answered from the cockpit.

  He set his watch alarm to go off in five hours. He’d get some rest.

  “The refrigerator is stocked back there. Please help yourselves.” The pilot motioned toward the back of the cabin.

  “Will do.” Mack stepped inside the cabin. His mind circled back to why the pilot spoke in plural when he got the ever-loving surprise of his life. “Shit.”

  Curled up in a seat, warm and cozy, was the bane of his existence.


  She wasn’t in her bed. Neither one of them was safe.

  She woke to his stream of curses. Uncurling her legs from underneath her, she rose. “What’s wrong?”

  He shook his head. “You’re here.”

  “I slept here. I didn’t want to hold you up, Mack.”

  “You aren’t going,” he growled.

  “We discussed this.” She crossed her arms.

  “Not enough, apparently. I can’t let you go. It’s too dangerous.”

  She stepped closer. They weren’t eye-to-eye until she tipped her chin up. “Let me go? EXtreme Adventures wants me to handle this.” Her eyes dipped lower and quickly back up. Heat rose to her cheeks. Apparently, she remembered other things she used to handle.

  Good. He wasn’t the only one having a hard time with this reunion. The coconut fragrance of her freshly shampooed hair was enough to upset his equilibrium. It seemd only fair that she’d be overcome with hot memories too.

  “So do it from your desk. You take care of intel while my team takes care of business.”

  Through clamped teeth she said, “I hired you and your team, Mack. That makes me the boss! Got it?”

  “Dammit! I promised you wouldn’t go.”

  “You promised who?”

  Without another word, he slung his backpack over his shoulder, the sleeping bag under his arm, stomped into the cabin, and took a seat away from her.

  She sat down and latched her safety belt. “We’re ready,” she called to the pilot.

  Like hell they were. He was definitely not ready for a long jet ride with Jenna. Staring out the window, he shook his head. What was he going to tell the admiral?

  The copilot shut the door to the cockpit and the engines started up.

  It was close to half an hour before Mack stopped breathing heavily—not in a sexy way, more in a want-to-strangle-Jenna-Collins-boss-of-the-world way—and another ten minutes to find the words to express his feelings that didn’t involve four-letters.

  He got up and sat next to her. She was scrawling notes inside a book. “Hey.”

  “Hey.” When she looked up, he noticed the dark circles pooling around her brown eyes. “Talk to me about the team. How many guys will meet us at the airport?”


  “Just five of you! That’s not enough. I’ve got guys ready to go in Ecuador and Colombia. How many do you think we need?”

  He looked her in the eye. “We don’t need any more than the five of us.”

  “But Mack, that doesn’t seem—”

  “They’re the best, Jenna.”


  “No maybe about it, babe. No one better at this sort of mission than a SEAL team. They are the best.”

  “All right. With your men and my guys—”

  He crossed his arms. “Your guys. Are they military trained? Cops? Search and Rescue?”

  “No. But they have weapons and—”

  “We aren’t bringing in anyone else to muck up the mission.”

  She blew a hard breath out her nose. “I don’t like being interrupted.”

  He grinned. “I know.”

  Cursing, she tossed the notebook into the seat on the other side of her.

  His grin widened. Bring it on. He was ready for a fight, relishing the idea of getting it on with Jenna. About time.

  “I hate this! Every minute we don’t hear from the Harmonds makes me think the worst. I’m scared for them.” Her face was too pale.

  It was a low blow that hit him right where it counted. Instead of squaring off with her, he fought the urge to rub the chill bumps on her arm. “We’ll do our best to get them out.”

  “But what if…” She white-knuckled the arms of her chair. “What if we’re too late?”

  That was more than a hypothetical. In reality, one or more of the Harmonds could be dead already since a ransom call had not come in. Those CRAF guerillas had been far too quiet for kidnappers. Mack didn’t like it. Had CRAF changed their M.O? Were they using the Harmonds as human targets? Prisoner of war pawns? Had the family been shot or blown up during a cartel invasion?

  “There’s no way to tell until we get there.”

  “Oh, Mack. Those kids.” Her face registered the horror going through her mind.

  Mack’s insides twisted because he’d witnessed the carnage she was imagining—other children, other countries. But it didn’t matter. No child should have to suffer in the ways he’d seen. No one should. It wasn’t until his brain registered the softness and the warmth under his palm that he realized he was rubbing her arm. Her gaze followed the movement of his hand which seemed to be slowing down of its own accord, moving up her shoulder, and squeezing gently as it went. She put her hand on his and held on, as if she didn’t want him to let go.

  “I can’t stop thinking about them. My mind won’t shut off.”

  He’d never seen her like this before. Not fragile, but not a tower of strength, either. That hint of vulnerability stirred him up in a way that needed to be shut down. Immediately. He moved his hand off her shoulder and shifted away from her in his seat. He had to keep reminding himself that Jenna was the one who shredded him. The enemy.

  But this woman beside him? She didn’t seem like that Jenna, exactly. The new Jenna was softer and messed with his head. He was starting to forget why he was so pissed at her. What’s worse, he had the insane desire to pull her into his lap, tuck her head against his chest, and whisper that things would be okay. What the hell was the matter with him?

  “Get some sleep.” The gentleness in his own voice surprised him. “I’ll go over the surveillance maps.”

  She blinked slowly, as if her long lashes were too heavy. Turning on her side, she put her head back on the chair.

  Good. She needed rest, and he needed to get to work. He stood and spread the maps on the table and used a magnifying glass to study the terrain. Where was the best spot to set up camp? Launch his strike? Escape to?

  “I missed you, Mack.”

  He didn’t turn around. He held very still and listened. Nothing but silence back there. Shit, now he was imagining things. Get a grip! And get her out of your head.

  Mack went back to studying the maps.


  Jenna tucked her feet under her and tried to rest, but her heart hurt—for the Harmonds and for herself. It took seeing him again to realize she was still in love with Mack Riley. She’d never met anyone as full of life as he was. The man was smart, funny, considerate, and hot. Very, very hot. Looking at him made her pulse kick up.

  He was the perfect man except for that one deal-breaking flaw—he’d never be hers.

  She could only borrow him until his next tour of duty or secret mission. Damned Navy. Would she always be fighting against it? It owned Mack, just as it had owned her father. She couldn’t fight the Navy, and she wouldn’t live that way anymore. It was torture to love a man who’d give his life to save the world, but refused to live for her. Loneliness was keeping his side of the bed warm when he didn’t come home. But the real heartbreaker? Knowing he’d choose to run off to fight his wars every chance he got and leave her behind. Mack was a fighter. She ne
eded a lover.

  Giving her heart and soul to a SEAL had been a mistake. He’d made his choices long ago, and they didn’t include her. No matter how much she loved him, needed him, desperately wanted him, she couldn’t be enough for him. Being with Mack wouldn’t work. Still, she wished it could.

  Curled up in her seat in the corporate jet, she soaked up the beauty and strength of the man before her as he poured over his maps. Doing his job, yes, but he was here. Even though he didn’t want to, he came. It meant something, didn’t it?

  Could it mean as much to him as it did to her?

  He was beautiful. Rugged, tough, capable. Before she could stop herself, her gaze traveled from his hard-set mouth, down the cords of his tanned neck, stuttered briefly on his huge biceps, and got hung up on the bulge of his camouflage pants. Her eyes seemed frozen there—riveted to the one place she shouldn’t be looking. Her gaze bounced back up to his face and met his eyes.


  “I can’t sleep,” she said softly.

  Understatement of the world. Would she ever sleep again?


  She’d been watching him. Why? What was going on inside that pretty head of hers?

  Jenna rose and walked away from him. Slowly, unstable, as if not used to her “air-legs.” She leaned against the bulkhead, gazing out the window into the inky sky.

  “Jacob and Anna are out there somewhere. What are those monsters doing to the kids? Will they torture them?” Whoa. That last bit came out much too high, not Jenna’s voice at all.

  In three strides, he was by her side. “Don’t do that to yourself. Trust they are all right for now. They are worth more to CRAF alive than dead.”

  She made a strange squeak when he said the word “dead.”

  “Look at me, Jenna.” Cupping her jaw, he turned her face toward his. “Are you okay?”

  Tiny diamond drops clung to her lashes. The instinct to grab her up in his arms was powerful. Back off, Riles. Holding her now was definitely not a good idea. It was the poster child for bad idea. He jammed his hands into his pockets.

  “How do you do it, Mack? How can you shut down the horrors? Does it all go in a box?”

  He frowned. “In a box?”

  “That’s where my dad used to put mom and me.”


  “He compartmentalized his life. Dad told me once he had a box for everything that wasn’t Navy-related so that he didn’t get distracted during the heat of battle. It was the only way he could work. When he stepped out the front door for duty, he left our problems behind. Mom and her alcoholism? Thrown in the box. Jenna Ann, the little girl who clung to his legs and begged him not to go? Dumped into the box. Slam the lid and run.”

  “When did you eat last?” He studied her face.

  “I’m not hungry. I’m sick to my stomach. I keep running through the scenarios, but I have this horrible feeling that no matter what we do, we’ll be too late. I hate feeling powerless.”

  He understood that feeling too well.

  “None of this is your fault, remember that. And you’re not powerless. You’ve hired the best the U.S. Navy has to handle this for you. A helicopter load of power and experience will be heading to Colombia. Try to relax.”

  “How can I relax when there’s this big thing sitting on my chest making it hard to breathe? Gunshots and screaming keep sounding in my brain. Oh, Mack. You saw the satellite feed. They shot Andrew. If he dies, will it be worth it for CRAF to keep the family alive for ransom? Or will they…will they kill the kids?” She hugged herself, trying to shut the emotions down. “Dammit, I can’t stop shaking. I feel cold inside.”

  He grabbed her shoulder. “Jenna, you need to sit down.”

  Her feet were rooted. “I wish I could get the images and sounds out of my head.” She pressed her fingertips to her eyelids. “Put them in a box like my dad did. Sweet Lord, I wish I could…Andrew’s dead. Isn’t he? Marcella too? I won’t let them hurt Jacob and Anna. I promised.”

  “Listen, you might be going through shock. Did you eat anything last night? Yesterday?”

  She shook her head. “I can’t remember.”

  “Sit down. Your adrenalin has been pumping for so long that your system’s on overdrive. I’ll get you something.” He eased her back into her seat.

  In the small galley he found a carton of milk, premade turkey sandwiches, and chocolate chip cookies. He smiled at the cookies, remembering that Jenna had a real thing for chocolate. Then he grinned in earnest when he remembered he has a real thing for chocolate on Jenna.

  Had! He corrected. Chocolate and Jenna shouldn’t be mixing in his brain. Not anymore.

  He watched her eat half a sandwich and a cookie. “Drink your milk too, little girl.”

  “Yes, sir.” She sipped it out of the miniature carton.

  He sat down next to her, and with his thumb, wiped off her milk mustache.

  “That was good. I feel a little better. Sorry I lost control.”

  “You have the right to do that now and again, Jenna. It’s human.”

  She didn’t respond to that. Instead, she rose to toss her trash in a garbage bag.

  He checked her out for himself and noted that her trembling had stopped. And she did indeed still have the cutest ass on the face of the planet.

  “Sleep,” he ordered.

  She chewed her lip. “I can’t.”

  “Go on. I’m right here.” He stripped off his vest, fanny pack, knife, and gun holster. He kept them all close in the seat next to him. “We both need our rest.”

  He stretched out his long legs and closed his eyes. Soft music piped through the stereo system, and Mack felt sleep tugging him down. He was tired too. Being around Jenna was a lot harder than he thought it would be.

  A bump against his shoulder made Mack open his right eye. Jenna’s head had slid sideways, and she now used his deltoid for a pillow. She snored softly. Her blonde hair fell forward and spread across her face. How could she sleep like that? Gently, he lifted her hair and pushed it back, like he used to do.

  Then he did something he’d probably be sorry for later—he pulled her arm over him and wrapped it around his chest. That was better. He always slept well with Jenna wrapped around him. Shit, he was such a sap. Smiling, he sunk into deep sleep.


  Jenna’s heart pounded and terror clung to the edges of her consciousness.


  Her eyes flew open. She was sleeping on Mack? Even more startling was how right it felt. How safe and perfect. Sadness tore at her. When this was all over, she’d never see Mack again. How would she survive it this time? What if she couldn’t? And if this was the last time she’d be close to him…

  Take your chance, Jenna. You might not get another one.

  She moved slowing, quietly, not wanting to wake him. Gently, she pressed her lips to his bicep. He tasted and smelled exactly as she remembered—a heady mix of salt and soap and maleness. More. She hadn’t felt that desire in so long. And now that it was back, she couldn’t stop it. Grief twisted up with her need. She wanted Mack and would never have him again. It was madness. She kissed his arm again and again. Moving closer until she was nearly on top of him. His eyes opened, and still she couldn’t stop herself. Rubbing his chest, she kissed his neck.

  “Jenna…” His voice was deep, but not gruff.

  “I need you, Mack.” She had no right, and yet she still climbed into his lap. Looking into his blue eyes, she ran her fingers over his hair.

  She needed him deep inside her, filling her up and touching her everywhere. Maybe with his hands on her she could stop worrying for a while. Stop hearing the screams. Stop seeing the hurt in his eyes and know that she caused his pain.

  He didn’t move. Didn’t kiss her. He had every right to reject her, but it hadn’t occurred to her that he simply wouldn’t want her. He wasn’t attracted to her anymore? And then she felt his erection through his pants, gloriously pressing hard against her. She’d never been so re
lieved in her life.

  Pressing into him, she sighed, “You want me too.”

  His hands, so warm on her back, fisted her blouse. “There’s never been a problem of wanting you, Jenna.”

  “Make love to me.” She ran her finger over the new-to-her scar that started at the corner of his lip and ran toward his chin. “Please, Mack.”


  Mack was no idiot. Needing him was different from loving him. Jenna Collins wanted to use him to smother the horrors in her head. If she were any other leggy blonde, he might not complain. Hell, he’d go along with sex therapy any day of the week with a blonde, brunette or redhead half as good looking as the one currently in his lap. Blowing off a little pre-mission stress might do him some good too.

  But this wasn’t going to work. Not with Jenna. She had keys to places inside him he’d locked and bolted. He’d be damned if he’d give her the opportunity to open them up again. Especially if she wasn’t sticking around. He wasn’t living through that hell again.

  He should push her away. Dump her on her cute ass, Riles!

  But he couldn’t. Jenna was his kryptonite.

  He ran his hands inside her skirt and up her soft thighs. Grabbing her panties, he ripped them off with a giant tug. Jenna gasped. Her eyes were pinned to his, her lips parted. With one hand, he felt around until he located the button to lower his seat. The other hand gripped her buttocks, not softly, pinning her to him while the chair reclined to horizontal.

  Her fingers dove into his hair while her tongue plunged into his mouth. They dueled for dominance. Jenna was all fire and heat, burning him with each touch, each kiss. Holding his face in her hands, she lapped at his tongue, lips, nibbled on his jaw while she rocked slowly, steadily on his hard cock. She knew what she was doing, and oh baby, she was doing it right.

  He growled with impatience, gripping her ass, moving her faster along the length of him. She stopped moving altogether and fumbled with his zipper. He moved her shirt and bra aside, exposing one of his favorite nipples. Hers. He lifted his head up to suck her, and the moan of pleasure she made was nearly the end of him. She pushed him back into the chair and kissed his mouth while opening his pants enough so that she could fist his swollen cock. He roared inside her mouth, dying with need.


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