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SEALs of Summer: Military Romance Superbundle - Navy SEAL Style

Page 100

by Sharon Hamilton

  “Yes!” She kissed his chin. “Yes!” She nibbled his jaw. “Yes!”

  He kissed her so deeply that it took a second to realize that a commotion had erupted on the helo. Everyone on board was cheering. Mack grinned and continued the most important business at hand—loving his girl.

  “There goes your sweetheart, Charles.” Willy said.

  “You win some, you lose some.” Charlie said.

  “You never had that one, my friend,” Ty said.

  “Nah, those two were made for each other,” Tavon agreed. “She has been through a lot and could use a little TLC.”

  “Ah, Tavon, I didn’t know you were such an old softie.” Willy made kissy noises with his lips.

  Tavon punched him in the arm.

  “Ow, dude! That hurt,” Willy rolled his shoulder. “You might have broken it.”

  “Not too soft, eh, William? Tavon doesn’t punch like a girl named…let’s just call her Willy.”

  Willy drove Charlie back into his seat.

  “Hey! Don’t make me turn this helo around,” Ty said.

  “Boys,” Mack whispered against Jenna’s lips. “Can we have more?”

  She pulled back. “Little Mackies or EXtreme Team members?”

  “Why not both? But I was thinking more along the lines of little Jennas. Sweet and as beautiful as their mother.”

  “Oh, Mack,” she said again.

  He still didn’t know what it meant. But he thought he liked it.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Ty landed the helo in Quito without any problems. The kids jumped up and waited by the door. Willy and Charlie helped to lift Andrew Harmond to his feet and Marcella followed close behind.

  “Nice and easy,” Mack warned.

  They all exited the Knighthawk and gathered around it. Mack kept his weapons in the cases by his feet.

  “Welcome to Ecuador.” An official approached them. He was a little guy with dark skin and an apologetic expression. “My name is Alejandro Lopez. I am in charge here. The Ecuadorian government has asked me to express our regrets for the trouble that you have been through. CRAF guerillas are a huge problem. Please accept our deepest apologies. Let us help you receive the care and service you need. The ambulance is here.”

  “Good. My husband needs to go to the hospital,” Marcella said.

  “I would suggest that you all go to the hospital, as well. Just to make sure you are okay. You will receive the finest care.” Two paramedics approached. Señor Lopez spoke to them in rapid fire Spanish. “These men will get a stretcher for you, Mr. Harmond. They will take you by ambulance to the hospital.”

  While the EMTs lifted Andrew into the stretcher, Jacob ran over and gave Jenna a big hug. “Thanks for saving us. I’m sorry I lost your gift in the jungle.”

  She eyed him. “Was it a penguin?”

  “Nah, nothing alive.” He looked down sheepishly. “I’ll try to get you something else. Maybe for Christmas.”

  “You don’t have to. But that would be nice.” She gave him one more squeeze. “You guys take care of one another, okay?”

  “We will.” Anna gave her a hug too. “Mom says no more trips for a while. Maybe next summer we’ll go somewhere, but probably not quite so exciting.”

  Jenna nodded. “I get that. Bye, guys.”

  As Andrew was carried toward the ambulance, reporters rushed him.

  “Mr. Harmond! Are you okay? Tell us about the daring rescue! How did you get out alive?”

  Andrew pointed toward the team. “We got out with a little help from our friends.”

  “That’s it for now. My husband’s been shot, and we need to get him to the hospital,” Marcella said.

  “You were shot? Mr. Harmond tell us more about—” the reporters voices were cut off as Andrew and his family were taken inside the ambulance. The reporters raced to their cars to follow behind.

  “Talk about ambulance chasers,” Tavon said.

  “Yeah. That’s sick. No one stayed back to interview us!” Willy complained.

  “Is anyone going to hang out and wait for the B-2 bombers to come back and buy us drinks?” Charlie wanted to know.

  “Hell, yeah! Hey, Señor, can you point us to the Pilot’s Bar?” Willy asked.

  The man’s eyebrows lifted. “I am surprised you know of it. It is very small and quite…well, I would not call it clean. And the policia are called there frequently.” He leaned forward and whispered, “Lots of fights.”

  Willy pumped his hand in the air. “Perfect!”

  The man frowned. “It is around the corner. Not too far.”

  “You coming, Whitehorse?” Willy asked.

  “Of course. Sounds like my kind of place,” Ty said. “Tavon?”

  “Yeah, all right. Not too often I get the chance to drink an Air Force Bomber crew under the table. How about you, Mack?”

  “No. You guys go without me. My fiancé and I have unfinished—” He stopped short, his gaze raking over her.

  She felt her face burn. Was he really looking at her like that in public?

  “Business, brother. The end of that sentence is business.” Tavon’s deep rumbly laugh rolled over her. “Okay, you two. Go. Get a room for a change.”

  Mack grinned. “Sounds like a great plan.”

  He wrapped his arms around the Handly brothers. “You boys stay out of trouble.”

  “Us?” Willy blinked innocently. “How is that possible?”

  “It isn’t. Trouble is what we do,” Charlie said.

  “That and women.” Willy laughed. “Sometimes at the same time.”

  “Watch yourselves! Make sure you know who the trouble is and where her daddy lives,” Mack said.

  “That’s a lot to ask, Mack,” Willy said. “How am I supposed to keep all that straight? It’s too much, right, Charles?”

  “For you, William, yes. It is two whole things. He’s better remembering one thing at a time, Mack. Or a partial thing.”

  “I can’t help it. God gave some guys big brains.” Willy shrugged. “Ladies like what I’ve got better.”

  “I give up.” Mack slapped them on the backs. “You’ve got my number if your asses land in jail.”

  Jenna stepped forward. “I want to thank you guys again. If we need to mobilize the EXtreme Team again, I’ll give you a call.”

  “You better.” Willy lifted her into the air and swung her around.

  “Take care of her, Mack. If she gets tired of you, tell her to look us up,” Charlie said.

  Charlie had a crush on her. She might have one on him too if there was no blazingly brilliant man named Mack Riley. Next to him, no man could shine as bright in her eyes. Mack was…hers.

  Mack didn’t sock Charlie, which was a first. “See you around, numbskulls. Stay away from the CO’s daughter!”

  “Ah, man. Do we have to?” Willy chuckled.

  “You better. He’ll shoot you if he catches you in bed with her again.”

  Ty extended his hand and Mack shook it. “This was fun. Hope to see you soon, Mack.”

  Mack chuckled. “Yeah, it was fun. You pulled off some amazing helicopter maneuvers out there. I always feel safe with you at the controls. Except for that time in Kosovo.”

  “Kosovo?” Jenna asked again.

  “You don’t want to know, and we can’t say.” Ty pulled Mack into his arms and pounded his back. “It means a lot that you feel that way, Mack. Are you re-upping?”

  “I’m not sure. I’m still thinking about it.”

  Ty dipped his head sagely. “It’s not going to be the same without you, my friend. But there is something to be said for ending on a high note before crossing over to greener pastures. And those pastures—” he pointed in Jenna’s direction. “Are pretty sweet.”

  “You’re a smart old Apache.”

  “I’m younger than you, old man. But I’ll take smart. See you around.” Ty followed after the Handlys.

  Tavon hung back. The big man acted as if he did to not want t
o say good-bye.

  Mack strode over and hugged him. “Be good. Don’t snap anyone in half without me.”

  Tavon lifted Mack off the ground. “See you on Thanksgiving?”

  “I’ll be there. You deep frying the bird again?” Mack ground out as if his ribs were being broken.

  Tavon put him down. “If Alyssa will let me. We had to get extra fire insurance the last time. So…we’ll expect the two of you.” He cocked his head toward Jenna.

  “Sure. If she still loves me by then.”

  Jenna curled her arm through Mack’s. “We’ll be there. Let me know what I can bring.”

  Tavon nodded. “Think hard about re-upping with the SEALs, Mack.”

  “I will,” Mack answered.

  But in truth he was leaning hard in the opposite direction. For the first time since he became a SEAL, he’d frozen in the field. Terror had seized him when the bastards took Jenna. He’d made mistakes. He hadn’t been as sharp as he should be, rushing ahead when he should have held back. He’d been a mess out there, and he knew why. Jenna. It was hard to focus with her sweet body nearby. But it was more than that. He knew what it felt like to be afraid for a loved one in battle. He didn’t want to make Jenna feel that scared again. It was torture.

  He gazed at his friend’s big head. Tavon was the big black brother his mother didn’t give birth to. But they were brothers all the same. He was going to miss Tavon fighting beside him, always protecting his six.

  “How about you, Big T.? All this adventure change your mind about retiring?”

  “Nope. It pounded home what is important. I like working with my guys, but I miss my woman and those snotty kids back home. I’m done with the Navy and the eight months on duty. It’s too long to be away. But I’ll be there if we have more private gigs like this one. The eXteme Team.” He chuckled. “I sort of like being Mr. T., and the time away from the family is doable.”

  “I get it.” Boy, did he get it. It would be hard enough to leave Jenna behind for months on end, but if he had kids? No way. It would be damned impossible. “Give Alyssa and the kids a hug from me.”

  “Will do, brother.” His dark gaze slid from Mack’s face and over to Jenna’s. “Oh, Ms. Collins? I need to speak with you. Privately. Mack, go get the gear.”

  Mack frowned. He didn’t like the serious tone. “What’s this about?”

  “You don’t need to know everything, Riles.”

  “Like hell, I don’t.”

  “Go on. It’s EXtreme Adventure business. I’ll catch up with you,” Jenna said, though she had no idea what Tavon wanted.

  They watched Mack go back into the helo, grumbling as he went.

  “It’s about my money…” Tavon began.

  “Ah, yes. Can I write you a check for the twenty thousand?”

  He put his huge hand on her arm. “You keep it. I will pay you to watch Mack’s back when I’m not around. Do a good job of it, or we’re going to have a talk, boss.” He motioned between himself and her. “You don’t want to have that conversation. Are you feeling me?”

  “Copy that, Mr. Sting.” She smiled. “Don’t worry. I love him.”

  “Yeah, I know.” He patted her shoulder. “Be sweet.” And Tavon walked away.

  Jenna had a deep sense of sadness watching her guys leave. She’d grown attached to each one of them. They were her guys. Her team.

  “What was that about?” Mack’s whisper in her ear sent yummy shivers up her spine.

  “Mmm. Nothing. So, sailor…”

  “Yes, babe?”

  She weaseled in so that she was pressing up against his rock hard chest. “EXtreme Adventures will put us up at any five-star hotel we want to stay in.”

  “Hmmm.” He wrapped his arms around her back. “That sounds accommodating.”

  “And I was wondering, Lieutenant Commander…” She ran her hands from his wide shoulders down his back.

  “I’m listening.”

  “What I mean to ask is …” She grabbed his gloriously beautiful ass. “Mack, do you want me…”

  He let out a deeply sexual growl, and she instantly went wet.

  “To make hot, passionate, dirty…” She pressed herself against his hard cock and slowly rocked.

  “Oh, babe.” He gripped her hard, his warm fingers digging into her back. “You’d better slow down.”

  “Slow down? I was asking if you wanted me to make love to you. All…” She was breathing heavily now. “…night…long?”

  “Yes. Please, Jenna.”

  She loved that they were re-enacting the first night that they’d made love. It felt so right to be starting over from here with her in the driver’s seat.

  “Let’s hurry, or I’m going to throw you down and take you right here.”

  She grinned. “Would that be so bad?”

  “Damned right it would be. I’m dying to see you naked! I want to take my time licking, kissing, and sucking every last inch of your sweet body.”

  She toyed with his earlobe. “Oh you will, Mack Riley. I promise you. You will.”

  He ran his hands up her sides, and then locking his fingers with hers, lifted her arms over her head. He kissed the air right out of her lungs, and Jenna Collins gave up control. Her knees buckled and she held on, knowing Mack would be there to catch her.

  Her SEAL was back where he belonged.

  The End

  Kimberley Troutte is a Southern California girl, born and raised. She lives with her amazing hubby, two awesome sons, one old dog, a wild cat, four very large snakes and various other creatures that the man/kids/dog inevitably drag in.

  She has a B.A in Business Economics and a M.S. in Systems Management, so of course, she writes romance! Kimberley has been an accountant, substitute teacher, caterer, financial analyst for a major defense contractor, real-estate broker, aerobics instructor and a freelance writer. She loves traveling the world and meeting new people.

  Look for these titles from Kimberley Troutte:

  SEAL EXtreme Team Series




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  A SEAL’s Song

  Jennifer Lowery


  I dedicate this book to my Dad, who gave me my Irish roots, and my voice. Thank you, Dad, for teaching me the beauty of words and song.

  Author’s Note

  Hello and thank you so much for purchasing SEALs of Summer! I’m happy to be part of this fabulous anthology and hope you enjoy my offering! A SEAL’s Song is a 50,000 word novel and the first book in my SEAL Team Alpha series. I’m excited to bring you more hot Navy SEALs of Team 5! Sign up for my newsletter so you don’t miss new release announcements and other special offers!

  Chapter One


  Darci O’Shea hit the deck, arms shielding her head as four armed men circled the group of people who’d been dancing, drinking and enjoying themselves until hostile shouts echoed through the warm night. The rest of the small crowd dropped to the floor as orders were barked to be quiet and do as told so no one would get hurt.

  She scanned the open-air bar for the elderly woman she’d been talking to earlier, worried about the lady’s weak heart. When she didn’t spot her, she prayed the poor woman had retired to her hotel room early.

  The men instructed them to remove their jewelry and toss their purses and wallets into the center of the floor. The only jewelry she wore was a precious Celtic knot necklace that had been passed down from her grandmother. It would break her heart to give it up to these thieves.

  Anger knotted inside her. The thieves had their heads covered with ski masks and wore black clothes, but their hands were uncovered. Three of them had dark skin, natives of
the island. But one of them had fair skin. American? He hadn’t spoken yet, so she couldn’t be sure. Regardless, she’d remember everything she could about these thieves to tell the authorities. They weren’t getting away with this.

  Thank God the bride and groom had already left for their honeymoon and weren’t here to see this. A beautiful wedding in a tropical paradise. It had been perfect. When the bride had called her to personally ask her to sing at her wedding, Darci had been flattered. Her Celtic Rock band didn’t typically do weddings. But Renee hadn’t wanted to hire the band, just Darci, to sing the most important songs of the wedding. At first she’d refused, telling the bride-to-be she wasn’t a solo act. But, her band had insisted she take the gig. It paid big, and who wouldn’t want to run off to the Caribbean for a weekend, all expenses paid?

  Paul and Renee Townsend would never forget their special day. And now, because of these thieves, neither would their guests.

  “Better do as he says,” someone whispered from beside her. She recognized the woman as the wedding planner. Pretty, mid-twenties, and she’d done a great job planning the wedding down to the last detail. If Darci ever met Mr. Right she would hire this woman to plan her wedding. Well, if her band’s album went platinum.

  When the fair-skinned man noticed she wasn’t moving, he walked over. Before Darci moved, he dropped down on one knee and grabbed her throat in a strong grip as he tried to remove her necklace.

  Darci lashed out, aiming a kick at his groin, but he turned so her blow landed on his thigh. He cursed and backhanded her. Pain exploded in her head and she fell back, clutching her cheek.

  Shouts erupted around her, along with gasps and screams from those watching. He grabbed her and jerked her to her feet. Darci’s head swam. She met his gaze. Blue eyes. Blond-tipped lashes.

  Then he pressed the barrel of his gun to her head.

  “Anyone else care to disobey?” He spoke in a New York accent.


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