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SEALs of Summer: Military Romance Superbundle - Navy SEAL Style

Page 109

by Sharon Hamilton

  They were in a crowd, safe for the moment. Heath and his sister wouldn’t try anything with witnesses around, but that didn’t mean they wouldn’t follow them back to Jack’s boat, their one safe place. There would be no escape then.

  That uneasy feeling she got when she started thinking about their situation skittered down her spine and she pressed closer to Jack. Warm and solid beside her, a rock she could lean on. The one thing she could count on.

  He gave her a squeeze, pressing her closer to his side, as they circled around an elderly couple lounging on beach chairs and sipping drinks with little umbrellas in them. Little things mattered and that small action was all Darci needed to chase her bad thoughts away. She sank into Jack’s side, soaking up his strength, and inhaling his masculine scent.

  They passed a vendor selling tropical flowers, fresh cut and vibrant. The dark-skinned man sitting behind the table waved to Jack to get his attention. The elderly man motioned toward Darci and said something to Jack she couldn’t hear over the couple talking loudly behind her. Jack nodded his agreement and smiled so tenderly at her that the rest of the world faded away. She didn’t notice Jack pay for the flowers until he handed them to her. Looking down at the bouquet of rare orchids, she wanted to cry, they were so beautiful. She brought them to her nose and inhaled the sweet, exotic scent.

  Jack leaned down and said softly in her ear, “They remind me of you.”

  She did cry then. Tears filled her eyes and the elderly man said something that drew Jack’s attention. She was too busy being an emotional female crying over flowers to pay attention to what they said.

  Jack said something in return and nodded before steering her away from the vendor. Darci wiped the tears from her eyes and held the flowers tight to her chest.

  She wanted to ask him what they had said, but they arrived at the fruit vendor before she could.

  Jack stopped at the table and let her go so he could pick out pineapples. Darci spied a vendor with beautiful bright-colored fabrics and knew she had to go see them.

  “Oh, Jack, there’s a table with sarongs. I’m going to go grab a couple.”

  Jack glanced over his shoulder and she read his thoughts. Too far away. That joined-at-the-hip thing. Not that she minded. In fact, she liked it very much but she really wanted to take a couple sarongs home to her sisters. And the colors and prints were so beautiful she just had to have one.

  “I won’t be long. You’ll be able to see me from here. I’ll be fine.”

  She could see him working the angles in his head. Behind that handsome face laid acute intelligence. He probably mapped out the quickest route to the vendor.

  Finally, he relented. “Okay, but stay where I can see you.”

  She saluted. “Yes, sir.”

  Jack grinned. “Smartass.”

  On impulse she kissed his cheek then hurried through the crowd to the vendor. She turned once to see Jack watching her, though she couldn’t see his eyes behind the dark sunglasses. But she could feel his gaze on her and it gave her goose bumps. She waved and turned back around.

  It didn’t take her long to pick out a sarong for each of her sisters and one for her mom. The one she picked for herself was woven with brightly colored flowers that reminded her of the orchids Jack had given her. She paid for them and turned around to see Jack standing at an angle, a pineapple in each hand. He looked deep in thought and she had to smile. This man took his fruit very seriously.

  She moved slowly through the crowd, watching Jack from a distance. Even though he concentrated on the pineapples she knew he tracked her every move. Her eyes traveled over the backwards baseball cap, the dark glasses, strong jaw and sculpted lips. She licked her lips as her gaze traveled lower over his broad shoulders and rock-hard abs then down his muscular legs.

  This man would never let her down. His word was his bond and nothing short of death would stop him from keeping it. Handsome and charming, strong and trustworthy. She owed her life to this Navy SEAL who could handle a weapon with skill and grace, use fighting skills that went beyond simple self-defense and make her laugh.

  As she watched him weigh the pineapples, giving serious thought to each one, she smiled. This man thought things through and didn’t make rash decisions. He may be quick on his feet, but every decision, no matter how hasty, was well thought out. She admired that.

  Her eyes dropped to his hands. He had strong hands, long fingers and muscled forearms. She wanted those hands on her and longed to be that pineapple. She drew in a sharp breath when he squeezed the fruit. Silently she willed him to look at her, but his attention remained on his task.

  Darci walked straight over to him and stopped a foot away. Thunder rumbled in the distance.


  “Yeah, babe?” His focus remained on the pineapple.

  Dropping her bag and the flowers, she took two steps and grabbed the front of his shirt. She fisted her hands in the fabric and pulled him down toward her. She stood on tiptoe so she could feel every inch of him pressed against her, and did what she knew he never would.

  She kissed him.

  Her lips met his and she knew there’d be no coming back from Jack’s kiss. And oh, God, she hoped he kissed her back. She felt his hesitation, the war raging inside him, so she shot down his defenses by nipping his lower lip. And then, heaven help her, the pineapples hit the ground and Jack’s arms were crushing her against his body.

  His mouth devoured hers, drinking her in like a man thirsting for water. She opened to him, drawing him in, telling him with her body what she wanted. The world ceased to exist as they gave in to attraction they could no longer deny.

  Jack’s arm locked around her waist while the other moved up to grip the back of her neck. His tongue slipped inside her mouth and Darci’s knees buckled. This was where she wanted to be. Forever.

  Jack pulled away and set her back on the ground, breathing heavily. She looked up at the fire burning in his eyes.

  “Hotel.” It came out a breathless whimper. Hotels lined the beach and the boat was too far away.

  Hunger flared in Jack’s eyes and his hands tightened on her waist. People were moving around them now, some smiling at the young lovers, others rolling their eyes and wishing they would get a room. The vendor demanded payment for the ruined fruit.

  A silent understanding passed between them and with a nod Jack paid for the fruit, grabbed Darci’s bag in one hand and her hand in the other and led her away from the beach to the first hotel he could find as another round of thunder rippled across the dark sky.


  They managed to pay for a room and make it into the elevator without touching. Jack had a discussion with their bodyguard, who nodded with a smug smile, and hung back to take the next elevator. Jack wanted to wipe the smug grin off his face, but cared more about Darci than a cocky cop listening outside the door.

  As soon as the doors closed Jack spun Darci against the wall. He ached in every bone and wished the elevator would get a move on.

  He crushed his mouth to hers, afraid of hurting her, but unable to stop. Her little whimper of pleasure drove him deeper into her sweetness. Her hands gripped his waist and he remembered too late his KA-BAR sheathed there.

  “Careful,” he murmured against her lips, moving her hands away from the knife.

  “Are we there yet?” she whispered, pressing her lips to the cords in his neck. They were hot and soft against his skin and Jack managed to keep a hold on his control. He wanted her with a vengeance and if she denied him now he would surely die a slow, miserable death.

  He could feel every soft inch of her and wanted her naked. Now. The elevator crept at a snail’s pace, almost undoing him. Darci’s arms were around his neck now, her eyes bright with passion as she stared back at him.

  Unable to restrain it any longer, Jack dropped the bags, put his hands under her tight backside and lifted her against the wall of the elevator. Her legs immediately circled his waist and Jack let out a low, guttural groan.

  “Jack,” Darci moaned. “Are. We. There. Yet?”

  God knew he almost was. He had never craved like this or acted with so little finesse in his life. He had always been able to control his urges, take his time to cherish a woman before he took what he needed. A woman’s needs always came before his, but with Darci he felt out of control. If he didn’t stop, he would embarrass himself.

  He wanted to kiss her, but he couldn’t risk it, so he dropped his forehead against hers and took a couple deep breaths.

  The doors slid open behind them and Jack quickly lowered her to the ground before anyone saw them. Thankfully, when he turned around the hallway was empty.

  “Finally.” Darci grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the elevator. “Which room is it?”

  Jack had to look at the key card to find out.

  At the end of the hall and Jack tried twice to get the door open. First he had the card in wrong and the second time his hand shook. Casanova he was not. If he didn’t get it together soon he would blow it.

  The door finally opened and Darci grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him inside. Jack grinned and tossed the key on the desk inside the door. Darci’s hat, scarf and sunglasses went flying, followed by his hat and glasses. He barely managed to set her bag safely by the door before she threw herself in his arms, kissing him like there was no tomorrow.

  When she pulled away she asked, “What about our bodyguard?”

  “You’re gonna have to keep it quiet,” he said with a grin.

  Her eyes widened. “He knows?”

  “He’s a man, babe.”

  She hesitated for a moment, then he kissed her and she went limp against him, the guard forgotten. Good, because it would take SEAL Team 5 to stop him at this point.

  He nuzzled her neck. Ah, God, she smelled like the wild orchids he’d given her earlier, tasted like coffee and the mango she’d had with her breakfast. With shaking hands Jack slid her tank top over her head and let out a low, gut-wrenching groan when he saw she’d chosen the aqua colored lace bra. The color matched her eyes and he considered dropping to his knees and begging her to have him.

  With a wolfish grin he wondered if she had on matching underwear. Then started to sweat. If she did, he’d be a goner for sure. He knew her brightly colored lace would bring him to his knees.

  He wanted to touch her, to see if her skin felt as soft as it looked, but he could only stand there and admire the beautiful woman in front of him.

  “Are you going to stand there and stare at me all day or are you going to make love to me?” Darci asked, her voice a husky promise.

  Jack’s grin widened. “Honey, I’m going to make love to you until you can’t move.”

  She smiled and crooked a finger at him. “Then what are you waiting for? Here, let me help.”

  Her hands dropped to the waistband of her shorts. He swallowed hard when she popped the button and eased down the zipper. Soon he’d know if her undergarments came in sets. And…the shorts landed on the floor and Jack groaned. He couldn’t look away from the tiny scrap of lace that matched her eyes. Blue was his new favorite color.

  Darci stood in front of him in nothing but two pieces of blue lace, tanned skin begging to be stroked. Restraint carefully in check, he let his eyes roam over her, taking in the proud tilt of her chin, the desire burning in her eyes, making them glow like blue fire and her slightly parted lips. Her chest rose and fell in uneven breaths and, God help him, her nipples were hard, jutting through the thin fabric. He couldn’t wait to cup her and take a sensitive bud into his mouth.

  But he did wait, forced himself to take his time. His gaze lingered on her flat stomach and drifted over the small piece of lace covering her womanhood. He knew how long her legs were, but couldn’t have prepared for the full length of them. Damn, the woman was every man’s fantasy. Slender, long legs and sexy as hell. Only one thing wrong.

  Jack reached out let her hair out of its ponytail, watching it fall in dark, silky waves down her back. Perfect. No matter what happened he would always remember her this way.

  “Your turn,” Darci said and reached for him.


  She wanted Jack naked. Now.

  Darci touched a hand to Jack’s chest, flattening her palm over his heart and feeling the steady beat. Not racing like hers. He had amazing control and she so wanted to break it.

  He watched as she unbuttoned his shirt and slid her hands over his shoulders, letting it fall to his elbows. Jack pulled it the rest of the way off. Then he stepped back and kicked off his shorts. She didn’t know when he’d disposed of his gun and she didn’t care. She wanted him too much to worry about small details like dangerous weapons. Darci smiled. A boxers kind of guy. She could handle that.

  She met his eyes and shuddered when she saw fire burning in them. No man had ever looked at her like Jack did. As if she was the most beautiful woman in the world. It made her feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. She’d never been very shy, but standing half-naked in front of a man she’d only met twenty-four hours ago should be reason to be. Darci felt lots of things, but shy wasn’t one of them. Sexy, turned on, weak-kneed and ready to jump Jack’s bones, maybe, but not shy.

  “You’re beautiful.” Jack’s gaze caressed her.

  “Then what are you doing clear over there?” she asked, even though he stood a foot away.

  “Just admiring.”

  No man had ever really taken the time to look at her before, and she found it very enticing. She hoped he didn’t admire too long because she needed him more than her next breath.

  Darci shivered beneath the weight of his stare and grinned when their eyes met. A slow, sensual smile tilted Jack’s lips and they moved at the same time. She laughed when Jack circled her waist and lifted her off the ground, spinning her in a half circle into the room.

  Hands on his shoulders, she lowered her head and met his lips halfway, aware that Jack walked toward the bed. She had no idea what the room looked like and didn’t care. Right now only Jack mattered.

  “Bed,” he murmured against her lips.

  Darci licked the corner of his mouth, loving the taste of him. “Yes,” she replied, sinking her teeth into his bottom lip. He groaned and hiked her up higher on his hips, then gave her backside a squeeze.

  He grinned, pressed a hard kiss to her lips and said, “No, honey, the bed is right behind you.”

  Darci glanced over her shoulder and saw that there was indeed a bed behind her. “Yep,” she said, wrapping her arms tighter around Jack’s neck.

  Jack leaned back and quirked a brow. “Would you prefer the wall? Or the dresser top?”

  The dark, husky quality to his voice sent shivers down her spine. “Yes and yes,” she said on a breathless whisper.

  Jack growled low in his throat. She melted. He dropped his head and nuzzled the hollow in her throat, his lips hot and wet against her skin. Her head fell back, giving him better access, and her eyes drifted shut. Any of the aforementioned surfaces would suit her just fine as long as he kept kissing her. Her legs wrapped tighter around his thighs, a moan escaping her throat.

  “I want you,” Jack said against her neck before nipping gently and drawing a gasp from Darci.

  She smiled. “I’m yours.”

  Chapter Nine


  Jack grinned. “Bed first?”

  Her smile turned sultry. “Bed first,” she agreed, then shuddered when he kissed the pulse beating wildly in her neck.

  The ache in his groin grew even more painful at her husky agreement. He had meant it as a joke, not wanting to put any pressure on her, but she came back and knocked him for a loop with her agreement. The prospect of having Darci more than once had him lowering her to the bed and trying to restrain himself from taking her hard and fast. He wanted to take it slow, cherish her and show her how beautiful she was.

  He trailed his hands down her arms, feeling goose flesh rise beneath his touch. Her response fueled his need for her. With a shaking
hand he lowered one bra strap down to expose the creamy skin of her shoulder. His lips followed, skimming the surface of her silky skin, marveling in the softness. He had enjoyed his share of women, but none of them were as soft as Darci. He didn’t remember ever being as attracted to a woman. He had never wanted to the point of physical pain.

  As much as he loved the aqua lace, he had to have it off. He tried to take it slow, but it got harder with each taste of her spicy skin. When he reached behind her to remove it, she lifted up, tore it off herself and tossed it aside, her eyes dark as sapphires. He covered her mouth with his, sliding his hands down her ribcage and lower to grip her hips. She curled into him and he drove her into the mattress with his hips, giving them both a taste of the pleasures to come.

  Darci moaned beneath him, her hands sliding down his back, kneading and rubbing while pulling him closer. Her soft whimpers drove him closer to the edge he barely stood on.

  Dipping his head, he closed his mouth around one of her nipples, drawing it into his mouth until she arched off the bed, bowing beneath him as she panted. Her hands burrowed through his hair, pressing him closer at the same time she pushed him away, the pleasure too much.

  Jack feasted on her other breast, loving the weight and texture. Perfect. Moving lower he used his tongue to lick a path from her ribs to her navel, dipping his tongue in and watching her stomach quiver. She moved restlessly beneath him now, her fingers digging into his shoulders. Her response urged him lower until he met the barrier of lace. He glanced up and found Darci staring down at him, her eyes glazed and a smile on her face.

  Grinning, Jack ran his tongue over the lace edge. Enjoyed watching her eyes close and her lips part. The sight of her like that almost undid him. With a growl he fisted the lace and tore the them off. Darci gasped then laughed, her eyes sparkling. Not at all upset about the loss of her panties.

  The skin of her inner thigh tasted like silk. Jack took a minute to simply explore the softness. Her legs were so long and shapely he almost wrapped them around his waist and drove into her. He barely held onto his control as it was. Being in this intimate position tested those boundaries.


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