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Discovering Treasure

Page 11

by Crystal Mary Lindsey

  If the others had been taken aback by her suggestions before, they were completely floored now. What would Treasure come up with next?? Kelvin stared with his mouth agape. Connor’s chest was shaking with contained laughter and Thomas nodded in agreement while seeing Treasure’s vision. Finally he found his voice. “Well, we call our beautiful town of Glen Arbor, Vision Valley. Now it’s living up to its name.

  Saturday was a busy day for all. Even Connor and Thomas came back to give a helping hand. Timber that set outback in the yard of the Hardware for years, and grey with age, was still plenty good for building the framework. Ella and Nellie cooked the Saturday meals and for their Sunday picnic lunch. Treasure was left to feed and water the chooks, collect the eggs, and tether and water the cow. She wrote to her uncle asking him to visit for something important, at Connor’s request.

  After this, she became the runner of odd jobs. She had decided to make short notes for her testimony talk on Sunday, and would use her grandmother’s picture off the wall to get the message across of never being fearful.


  Treasure’s testimony

  The church on Sunday was full. Had word gotten around about Treasure and her testimony? It seemed so, but the more the merrier; as there were some people in this town who needed waking up. Following hymns, prayers, and announcements, Thomas introduced Treasure as Lady Bernice Seymour’s granddaughter.

  “Treasure came to see me the other day, very excited at having discovered the goodness of God. Knowing that we are to proclaim Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, Treasure wanted to bear witness to all of her faith in him today.”

  Silence stilled the air, and every eye watched, as Treasure walked up the front to stand on the platform. She carried the beautiful picture of the nurse from her grandmother’s wall.

  “I didn’t know my grandparents that well, and I only visited here a couple of times as a child to stay with my grandmother. What I do remember of her was that she was very honest and always kept her word. I have actually learned more about her since coming to live in her home, than I did before, while she was alive. I don’t wish to show off by saying this, but for those of you who didn’t know of my grandmother’s remarkable life, I will just say this. She worked effortlessly to demonstrate through years of dedication that adequate nutrition helped to eliminate disease. For this she was awarded the life title of ‘Lady’ by King George. Since she rarely used her designation, many of you are likely not aware of it.

  It would be nice to say that my understanding about how to be and act like a Christian was passed down to me from my family. However, in sorry fact it wasn’t! Although I now believe my grandmother did acknowledge the Lord by this picture that resided on her boudoir wall, and I will show it to you all in a moment.”

  It was time to take a sip of water for her parched throat. So far so good, and she said a silent prayer for God to guide her words, so that they helped the listeners in some way.

  “I came to this town to run away from my old life. That’s what I thought I was doing anyway. In reality I believe God was directing Ella and me, back to himself. Not many of you would have heard of me, but I worked as an international model. Ella, was a talented designer of woman’s hair, and we both lived and worked in Paris.” She paused for a moment and smiled. “That’s why Ella named our dog Paris, after the wonderful life we lived there. I also modeled in Milan- Italy, New York and London. Now some of you younger women might wonder how I could leave all that behind and come here to live.” She stopped talking to get her point across, seeking out the young women, to see who was paying attention. She was glad to notice Connors receptionist Evelyn Cosgrove, among them, sitting forward and concentrating with interest.

  “The life of a well-known model may seem like a dream to those who have never experienced fame. In actual fact, it is very hard work and people try to make you do things that are not always savory. Thankfully, I was blessed with a very wise mother who stood for no nonsense. Otherwise, I may have been seduced by wicked schemers and ended up as many do, utilized and abused. And believe me, that is not a nice place to be left in.”

  Treasure looked slowly around –, her words were having the affected she hoped, and for this she was so glad.

  “How many of you come to church on Sunday because you think it’s the in-thing to do? Yes, there are many who do this so that others will think they are a good person!” She looked about and saw no one took her up by providing an answer. “There are at least eight people here today who have not admitted the truth of this.”

  Her gift of Discerning of Spirits had kicked in and she knew exactly who these persons were, but would not judge them as this was not what her Lord would want. Instead she looked around again, taking in every single person but deliberately looking a fraction longer into the eyes of the deceivers.

  “We can fool people but we cannot fool God. Remember Jesus died on the cross for our sins before we even sinned, and he deserves our true devotion, honesty, respect, and love.”

  Gazing at the clock on the back wall, Treasure knew she had gone over her time. She then glanced at Thomas, and with a smile and nod from him, she continued.

  “I want to share a very important scripture with you that I have only recently come to know and understand. It’s found in Second Timothy one: seven. ‘For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.’ So now I want to ask you a question. Who puts a spirit of fear into us?”

  She was pleased to see some hands raised. But the one she was especially delighted to see, was that of young Evelyn. Smiling at her, Treasure held her hand towards her. Proud to be chosen Evelyn stood and answered, “Well, God would never give us anything as ghastly as a Spirit of Fear, so that must come from the devil.”

  Treasure felt she would burst with jubilation, her message had struck home!

  “So now I want to show you the picture belonging to my grandmother. It is that of a nurse, whom my grandmother was. But what astounded me was the message written on the bottom. It is the scripture I have just spoken of here today. Seeing this, I understood my grandmother had a trust and faith in God. I believe that through her belief she was able to find the power and execute her knowledge to help others in a profound way. I am going to hold this picture up now for all of you to see. Look and remember. With Jesus Christ in your life nothing is impossible when you allow him to lead yourpath and destiny.”

  Treasure held up the picture to a silent congregation for a few minutes to allow God’s message, time for contemplation. Then she bowed her head and prayed aloud.

  Tears swelled and overflowed in the eyes of many. Treasure walked back to her seat, and Thomas Elderby walked up and resumed the pulpit. He opened his Bible, and then stood looking out on the sea of faces.

  “I believe Treasure has given my sermon for me today. I hope many of you think hard about her message. There is just one thing I would like to add. In Proverbs 29:18, it is written, ‘Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.”

  The young Shepherd looked out at his sheep. “Treasure spoke about a spirit of fear. If we allow that spirit into our lives then we will never accomplish our true vocation, or vision. – We all need to have a vision because without one, we feel hopeless and we give up on life. Now not everyone has the same vision, and that’s how it should be. In life we all help one other with whatever gifts God gives us. When we use what he gives us to our best capacity, then he will bless us for doing so. Never think your gift or your vision is too big to attain or too small to be important. Read your Bible and you will see, God used the simple people to confound the wise, and to achieve great feats. You are all special to him, so make him proud. Now let us stand and sing our thanks.”

  The hymn chosen could not have been more appropriate. ‘Praise God from whom all blessings flow.’

  Many stopped Treasure for a talk on her way out the church doors. Some of the older folk remembered her grandparents, mother an
d aunt well. They all said it was a pleasure to meet her and to see her love for Jesus and for the help she was bringing to the valley.

  Evelyn Cosgrove waited at the back of everyone else, wanting to speak to her last. Treasure felt Evelyn may need privacy so led her over to a table farther back than the one Nellie and Ella were beginning to set. Evelyn’s father stood keeping an eye on them from afar while talking to Connor, perhaps realizing Evelyn needed time.

  Evelyn smiled weakly, “You knew didn’t you, when you said there were people who only came to church for show, you knew I was one of them. I saw the way you looked me right in the eye! I feel so terrible.”

  Treasure listened with an occasional nod. It was best to let the girl speak it out without interrupting or being judgmental.

  “I see now how very bad mannered I appeared to you the first time you came into Connors office. You see, I’ve lived in this hick town all of my life. I’ve never had the chance to travel like my brothers have, them being boys. That’s the hard part of being a country girl, you don’t get much life.”

  Ella kindly came over and gave both Treasure and Evelyn a cup of tea, offering milk and sugar and waiting for them to be added before walking away again. Evelyn was at a loss for words, she believed life was hopeless. Treasure could only imagine with a strict country father, that it was likely that way.

  “What would you like to do, Evelyn, is there anything at all that you feel might be interesting?”

  She took one of the girl’s hands in hers and caressed it in the way her mother used to do with her when giving comfort. Evelyn lifted her eyes, looked straight into Treasure’s, and posed the question to her that Treasure had hoped she wouldn’t.

  “How did you know about me and those others in church? And how come you didn’t tell who we were. That was kind of you.”

  Treasure chuckled; Evelyn didn’t realize that a couple of weeks ago she would have put them in quick smart with no concern about feelings. But her attitude was softening with the love of Jesus and knowing how he himself forgave. Realizing this in turn helped her to understand that no one was perfect and they needed to work out their own salvation as she had had to do. So now Treasure attempted to give Evelyn an explanation.

  “Listen, I was much like you once. The only person I thought about first, was myself. Then I realized my attachment for my mother and later my friend Ella. Loving them was a gift from God that I didn’t comprehend at the time. God is love, and when we can give ourselves over to that unselfish love, we received love, in return. That’s when we understand that in caring for others and having them care for us gives meaning to life.” She took a long sip of her tea, so Evelyn did the same.

  “And now I will tell you a secret, and then I am going to ask you to do something to help you to understand that secret. Can I trust you with that?” Treasure knew that sharing secrets was a way of getting someone to know you feel they are can be trusted. She wanted this lass to begin to feel better about herself and know that she was important. With a rapid nodding from Evelyn, she shared.

  “Many times in my life I have known things that of my own accord were impossible for me to know. I used to call it my sixth sense. What a silly name that is, and it really means nothing. Well, Evelyn, now I know that God, who is the ruler and the King of the whole universe, gave me some special gifts. I am no better and no more entitled to get these gifts than anyone else. In fact, many people are given these gifts. Some people reject them. Others accept them and use them for good. Now your part in this secret is to read First Corinthians chapters 12 and 13. Then, you will understand more about this, and perhaps, you will ask God what your gifts are. After you do this, just sit and love on him. Sing a hymn or just keep praising him. I am sure that he will tell you something. Now –, that something might feel like it’s you telling yourself. But, if it’s something you would never have thought of, then it is God telling you.”

  Treasure leaned over and gave Evelyn the biggest hug, and then kissed her cheek. “Never forget you are a child of the King, and as that, you are his princess.”

  Evelyn looked like a light had come on inside of her. She stood up and looked over to where her father waited. “Thank you so much for talking to me today, Treasure. Can I come and see you some times and have more talks?”

  “Oh course you can.”

  Evelyn walked over to rejoin her father, then turned to wave, and her father did the same. Treasure felt stronger within, knowing this young girl would go a long way in life and also knowing it wouldn’t be too long before she accepted also Jesus.


  That other letter

  Connor took off for Melbourne that same Sunday afternoon. He said he needed an early start next morning and for that, a restful night. Mr. Wallace, the vet planned a trip to Sydney with his wife and son to order what was needed for his almost completed clinic. So he hand delivered another letter from Treasure to her uncle, requesting to visit earlier than he anticipated. This was in regard to the reading of Primrose’s second correspondence. God was in control again; otherwise the mail would have taken over eight days to be delivered.

  Kelvin began work in earnest on Ella’s salon. He hired a helper and Ella with Parish were constantly underfoot. Not that Kelvin minded, he had never experienced companionship as he did now since coming to live at Treasures.

  Meanwhile in Sydney, Marcus Kingsley was surprised to receive the letter when Treasure knew he was to visit again in a few weeks. Why it was important for him to be with her he was unsure, but he immediately made plans to drive, leaving very early on Thursday morning.

  Connor was having a busy time in Melbourne. Not only did he have the court case to prepare for and attend, he was also being fitted for a new type of lighter prosthesis for his leg. This took a few appointments due to measuring, fitting, adjustments and re-fitting, but by Friday morning he was very happy with the result. Now he just needed to get used to the lighter weight.

  The work with his client was over by one o’clock that day, and he was ready to head back to the valley. But there was something on his mind, and he felt it was important. He wanted to reassure Treasure of his love. She knew God loved her now, but to feel the love from someone else who she herself had professed to love, seemed very important. With this in mind Connor went for a stroll along Bourke Street where his apartment was located. Walking into a jeweler shop, he looked at solitaire engagement rings. – Which one? What were her tastes? In the end he picked a plain white gold with an oval red stone, thinking of her light skin and the red in her hair. If she didn’t like it, he’d bring her back with him for an exchange. Encased in a red velvet box, it rode in his pocket and he prepared for his trip back home.

  Uncle Marcus arrived early in the afternoon on Thursday. Treasure was astonished that he’d driven himself all that way, as it was another of out of character act. She informed him of the letter Connor was to read to them on Saturday and of Connor’s advice for him to be present. This was a puzzle, however, Marcus had faith in Connor and was happy to be included as family.

  He changed clothes straight away and after a sandwich and cup of tea to carry his hunger over, he got to work digging out the foundations of the footpath from the front gate to what would be Ella’s salon front entrance. This was another revelation to Treasure, never in her life had she witnessed him performing laboring work, and so she questioned him why he would do it now. He put down the shovel for a moment and sat on the verandah with a cool glass of lemonade. He informed her, there was nothing he enjoyed more than getting his hands dirty, but her mother had been opposed.

  “Who do you think planted that rose arbor out the side of the house?” He looked at her with a twinkle in his eye. “I designed it and built every bit myself while you two were overseas. I swore our gardener to secrecy of course.” He chuckled and stood. “Now back to work, and –,” he paused mid-step –, how did you think I kept fit all these years?” He looked at her with a secret smile. “Muscles don’t come from sitting around.
Your mother thought they came from playing golf.”

  He had her laughing then. All the negative thoughts she’d carried about him faded into a distant memory as he began to delight in life. Thinking about him as she carried his glass back into the kitchen, Treasure felt he couldn’t be more in age than his late forties. Why, maybe he’d marry again, and next time perhaps it would be to someone with more in common.


  Saturday dawned and the letter to be read sat in Connor’s hand.

  “I believe what I am about to read will be a shock, and I am now thankful for the time allowed between this and the first one. I feel both Treasure and you also Marcus, have both been strengthened together in your new-born faith, and so will be much more able to withstand what you hear. In God’s Word we are told there is a time under the heavens for all things. Whether or not this will be the right time only you will be able to understand. For what it’s worth, I know this letter will bring both sadness and happiness, as I was the one who was asked to dictate it. So you will note it is not handwritten as in the case of the first one.” He looked at Treasure now. “Primrose managed to write the first letter and then her strength was depleted. So you will find it has been typed, by myself I might add, because your mother wanted the utmost secrecy. However, you will see she did sign and date it herself.”

  They all sat in Grandmother’s office with the door closed. Kelvin and Nellie had both been asked to please keep all noise down until the letter was read. Following that, it would be nice to have morning tea. Connor looked extremely uncomfortable and a little sad. He cleared his throat and read.

  “My dear beloved’s, yes, you who are all close to my heart will be listening to these words in wonder. Marcus, I’m afraid I never fully appreciated your sacrifices; and probably at times I even looked down on you. However, you were always there when I needed a shoulder to lean on or a handkerchief to cry into. Looking back over the years, I don’t know where I would have been without your kind and devoted heart. Please know I love you, and it took me almost until the end before I was wise enough to realize it. I am so sorry, but please, remain close to my girls because I know they will always make sure you are cared for, and you deserve that.”


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