Book Read Free

Grace Falls

Page 9

by H. P. Munro

  “I’m not sure. Any recommendations?” Maddie asked, looking absently at the pastries in the display cabinet.

  “The road out to the Falls is lovely,” Lou mused, pushing the lid onto the mug and walking back towards Maddie. “Or you could head out west, that’s quite a nice drive,” she paused as she remembered a task that Alex was due to complete that day. She clicked her fingers. “Actually, if you take the Falls road, could you do me a favor and drop something off?” She scurried off into the kitchen, returning a moment later with a full container box, “This is a delivery for Glenda Hayes, she lives out that way. Alex was going to deliver it today but, judging from the phone call I got from her earlier, she’s probably not in a fit state to drive.”

  “Yeah I met Teddy earlier and she said they’d had a bit of a night,” Maddie laughed. “So where is this place?”

  Lou picked up a napkin and spent the next five minutes drawing a map to the Hayes’ home and giving Maddie instructions. Finally, sure that she had a good idea where she was going, Maddie picked up the box and the napkin and headed out to the car.

  She took a sip of coffee as she drove following Lou’s neatly drawn map, it was only when her stomach rumbled that she realized that she had forgotten, thanks to all the ‘directions’ chatter, to get something to eat. Her eyes trailed lazily down to the container sitting on top of her grey hooded top on the passenger seat beside her, she chewed nervously on her lip feeling the draw of the contents pull her in. Eventually her hunger dictated the decision, she nestled her coffee mug between her thighs and pried the lid from the container, glancing down greedily at the brownies that were packed into the box.

  “Sorry Mrs Hayes,” she muttered lifting a brownie and sighing in pleasure as she took her first bite. She quickly finished it licking her fingers to make sure that she didn’t waste a crumb from the delicious treat. A minute later her hand inched back towards the box to snag another brownie. “Just this one I promise,” she said taking a hungry bite.


  Alex groaned loudly. “Why are you shouting?” she asked in a pained tone.

  “I’m not!” Lou said defensively. “It’s not my fault that you and Teddy got drunk as a three-eyed spider on a blue tick dog last night,” she added crossing her arms disapprovingly.

  Alex bent over and thumped her head down onto the counter. “Kill me. Just put me out of my misery,” she picked up the large knife sitting on the chopping board beside her and held it out behind her towards Lou.

  “Don’t tempt me,” Lou replied, she turned to leave then, remembering the day’s earlier events, spun back round. “Oh you don’t need to thank me by the way, but I’ve saved you a drive out to the Hayes’ today. The doc’s taking the delivery out.”

  Alex snapped upright, wavering slightly at the head rush the action caused.

  “What did you say?”

  “The doc, she came in for breakfast and was going out for a drive so I suggested the Falls road and if she was going that way she could drop off Mrs Hayes’ delivery. Oh God, I just realized, we got so distracted about the drive, she didn’t order any food,” Lou shrugged.

  Her eyes widened as Alex walked towards her with the large knife still in her hand, “When did Madeleine come in here?”

  “’bout four hours ago?” Lou replied, not sure why Alex was suddenly acting so anxious and pointing the kitchen knife in her direction.

  “She was driving out to the Falls in the golf cart?”

  Lou shook her head, “Nope! That would be ridiculous! Peter’s given her his T-Bird. Which I think is odd ’cause…are you listening to me?” Lou asked as Alex picked up the phone, tapping the side of the knife against her leg nervously as she waited for whoever she was calling to answer.

  “Hey Glenda…Hi, it’s Alex…I’m great thanks…I just wondered have you seen the new doc?” she paused listening. “No…oh!” her eyes narrowed shooting Lou a glare. “Okay well I just wanted you to know that I may struggle to get out to you today, would Monday be okay. Do you have enough?” she nodded listening, eager to end the call. “Okay, I’ll see you Monday. Take care,” she said smiling into the phone, the same smile immediately disappeared as she slammed the phone down. “No no no no no no no,” she muttered running a hand through her hair as she pointed the tip of the knife towards Lou. “Do you have any idea what you could have done?”

  Lou looked at Alex in puzzlement, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  Alex put the knife down with a loud clatter and started to pace, mumbling to herself.

  “She should have been there, unless she maybe goes in on her way back…that would be a possibility…but if she hasn’t and if she’s…Oh God,” she groaned, grabbing her car keys.

  “What?” Lou asked still none the wiser as to what her boss what going on about.

  “The delivery for Glenda is…special,” Alex said slowly. “I make her special brownies to help with her MS.”

  Lou’s mouth gaped open. “Those were pot cakes!” she almost yelled.

  Alex shushed her, “Do you want the whole town to know!” She pushed open the door of the kitchen and lifted the counter, “I’m going to go see if I can spot her. You’re now on your own today and if Matt comes in tell him to keep Jessica until I call him.”


  Tapping her fingers impatiently against the steering wheel, Alex drove the empty Falls road. She scanned the distance for a glimpse of the red of Peter’s T-Bird and let out a relieved sigh when she spotted it parked at a jaunty angle beside the road. She pulled her car up behind the stationary vehicle, got out and looked in through the window. Her shoulders slumped as she realized the car was empty before her face crumpled into a tearless sob of dismay when she spotted the plastic container, now only housing a few stray crumbs.

  “Oh God, she’s eaten the lot.”

  She turned shielding her eyes from the sun and swept her head from side to side trying to spot the doctor. “Madeleine!” she shouted, groaning as she received no response, she shouted several more times, eventually hearing a distant ‘Alex, is that you?’ in reply. She almost jumped into the air at the sound and sped off in the direction of the shout. “Where are you?” she shouted.

  “Alex, you have got to see this!” Maddie yelled.

  Alex ran to where she spotted a flash of grey against the brush and trees, then skidded to a halt as she saw Maddie bending over pointing towards something on the ground. Her eyes widened in horror as she finally saw what Maddie was pointing at.

  “Be vewy, vewy, quiet,” Maddie said mimicking Elmer Fudd, her finger placed haphazardly against her lips. “This is my friend Pepe,” Maddie said with a large messy grin on her face. “Pepe, meet Alex.”

  About three feet from Maddie, watching her movements carefully was one of the biggest skunks that Alex had ever seen.

  “Madeleine, I need you to come to me…real slowly,” Alex said gulping.

  Maddie looked at Alex, “You look pretty.”

  Alex couldn’t help the smile that tugged at her lips.

  “Well thank you Madeleine, but I really need you to come over here by me.”

  “No not pretty,” Maddie’s face scrunched up and she shook her head, Alex’s eyebrows rose at the rescinded compliment. “Hot, I mean really hot,” Maddie said nodding. “Like rip your clothes off and kiss you all over hot.”

  Alex swallowed hard at that thought, “Okay Madeleine. I’m super flattered, but really right now I need you here.”

  “You do?” Maddie replied sexily. “That’s good ’cause I really want to do things to you...naughty things,” she purred. She slowly stood up straight and started to walk towards Alex, who was torn between breathing a sigh of relief and holding her breath at Maddie’s proclamation.

  “Oh wait,” she pointed back behind her. “I need to say bye to Pepe.”

  She turned back quickly, ignoring the cry from Alex who could do nothing but watch in horror as the quick movement finally startled the animal. In one swift
movement it planted its front legs and spun round with its tail in the air, Maddie recoiled as the spray hit her square in the chest.

  “Oh God,” she screamed, her hands flapping in the air.

  “It’s okay, you’re okay,” Alex said approaching her. Immediately the acrid smell from the skunk’s only defense invaded her nostrils and she started to gag. “Don’t touch it,” she instructed as Maddie retched. She turned away from Maddie and took a deep breath. Holding it in she quickly moved towards the tall doctor and started to pull the loose fitting grey hooded top, carefully with fingertips, up over Maddie’s head. When she had it free she held it at arm’s length before tossing it as far as she could into the bush.

  “Hey!” Maddie said watching her top land on top of a bush.

  “Trust me, you don’t want that top anymore,” Alex replied leaning down to smell Maddie’s T-shirt to see whether the spray had managed to get through more than the first layer of material. She managed artfully to block from her mind that she was inches from Maddie’s breasts as she undertook this task. Her nose wrinkled at the smell, “Yeah you need to lose the T-shirt too.”

  Maddie gave a deep chuckle, “Are you trying to get me naked?”

  “Seriously, as much as I really want to get you naked, you smelling of skunk is not how I pictured it happening,” Alex muttered, pulling at the hem of Maddie’s T-shirt to encourage her to lift her arms. She peeled the shirt from her and tossed it in the same direction as the hoodie.

  Maddie stood in her bra, one eyebrow cocked teasingly, “You wanna smell the bra, in case that needs to go too?”

  Alex momentarily lost the power of speech, her mouth opened and closed as she considered the offer. She let out a quiet growl as she pulled off the hooded college top that was an integral part of her customary hangover self-pity outfit. “Put this on,” she said handing it over to Maddie, who flashed a disappointed look at her.

  They walked back in silence towards the cars. “Gimme the keys,” Alex asked holding her hand out. “I’ll drive you back.” She decided that leaving her car out on the road would not result in Peter throwing a hissy fit that would occur if the T-Bird was abandoned.

  “I…” Maddie looked at her, her lips pursed as she tried to remember what she’d done with them.

  “Please don’t tell me they were in your top,” Alex practically wailed.

  “Umm,” Maddie dug her hands into her jeans’ pockets, a look of relief washing over her face as her fingers found the key for the car.

  “Thank God. Right, get in,” Alex opened the passenger door and Maddie slumped into the seat pushing the empty brownie container onto the floor before she sat on it.

  By the time Alex had run around the hood, Maddie was deep in concentration studying her hand. “There are twenty-seven bones in the hand,” Maddie said, her tone awestruck as she twisted her hand back and forth. “Isn’t that amazing!”

  “Awesome,” Alex replied absently as she put the key into the ignition. “Put your seat belt on.” Her mind was whirring with what Maddie had said moments before the skunk struck. She knew that in part, the amount of drugs in Maddie’s system could be responsible for lowering her inhibitions; however, the thought that was persistently hammering at her head was that those feelings must have been there already. The drugs wouldn’t create those. She turned to check that Maddie had her seatbelt fastened, seeing that the doctor was still looking intently at her hand she rolled her eyes and leaned across her to grab the other half of the lap belt.

  Maddie dropped her hand as Alex’s head appeared under her chin as she rummaged around to locate the seat belt. She took in a deep breath, inhaling the coconut scent from Alex’s hair, “You smell way better than a skunk.”

  Alex snorted as she pulled the belt over Maddie’s lap and fastened the latch, “You really know how to flatter a lady.” She looked up into Maddie’s eyes, her smile froze in place as she saw Maddie’s pupils dilate, making her brown eyes appear almost black, eyes that appeared to be focusing dangerously on her lips. “I need to get you back to town,” Alex said in a ragged voice, as she pulled her body back from the warmth of Maddie’s. Her heart thumped in her chest as she turned the car in the direction of town.

  “I really do,” Maddie snaked a hand up Alex’s arm. “I can flatter for hours.”

  “Okay space cadet, you need to take your twenty-seven bones and put them on your lap,” Alex huffed, trying to keep her composure.

  Maddie chuckled withdrawing her hand and putting it on her lap as instructed. They drove for a few minutes until Maddie broke the silence. “I’m really hungry, do you have any more brownies?” she asked looking down towards the empty container.

  Rolling her eyes, Alex gently pulled her back into her seat, “I really think you’ve had enough brownies for one day.”

  Chapter Five

  Maddie cracked one eye open. Immediately it narrowed in confusion. She had no idea where she was, she was in a comfortable bed, but not her own, and so she shifted trying to give her one open eye a better view of her surroundings.

  “Hey sleepy head.”

  Her other eye snapped open as she recognized the voice behind her. She slowly turned around; sitting up on the bed next to her, reading, was Alex.

  “Hey,” she responded, her throat felt dry and her head was fuggy.

  Alex handed her a glass of water, “Drink this.”

  Maddie sat up the covers falling from her as she moved, she grabbed at them as she suddenly become conscious of her nakedness. She took the glass avoiding Alex’s eyes, “What happened? Did we?”

  “What do you remember?” Alex asked.

  “I was driving and eating those brownies that Lou gave me, and after about a half hour I started to feel a bit weird so I pulled over.” She screwed her face up in concentration, “After that I’m a bit hazy.”

  Alex closed her book and placed it on her nightstand. “You mean you don’t remember?” she frowned and held her hand against her chest. “We had the most amazing sex I’ve ever had. I mean really amazing and you don’t…Oh God I feel so stupid.”

  Maddie’s jaw slackened, “Oh my God…I…we...”

  “Relax Madeleine, I’m teasing,” Alex laughed. “I’m sorry. Those brownies were hash cakes. I make them for Glenda to help with the symptoms of her MS. I found you out on the road. You were higher than a sweet Georgia pine.”

  Maddie nodded, relieved that they hadn’t slept together and she’d no recollection of it. That would be something she wanted to be in complete control for. “So is there a reason why I’m in your bed naked and…” she sniffed as her nose caught an unusual smell. “Why do I smell of tomatoes?” she asked.

  “You got zapped by a skunk, so I brought you back here to get cleaned up and sleep it off. Tomato juice takes the smell away.”

  “What time is it?” Maddie asked.

  Alex checked her watch, “Ten p.m. Can I get you anything?”

  “I’m kinda hungry,” Maddie admitted. “Could I have some oatmeal or something?”

  Alex smiled, “Sure.”

  Maddie looked down under the covers. “Did you?” she stopped giving Alex an anxious look.

  “You did that by yourself,” Alex patted the covers above Maddie’s thigh.

  “Oh…did I do or say anything?”

  Alex looked up towards the ceiling and let out a soft breath, “Do anything, no. Say anything, well let’s say you were…enlightening!”

  Maddie raised her eyebrows questioningly.

  “There are twenty-seven bones in the hand,” Alex said leaving the room.

  Maddie let out a long sigh relieved that she hadn’t made a complete fool of herself.

  “Oh,” Alex’s head popped round the doorframe. “And that I’m hot and you want to do naughty things to me,” she grinned and disappeared downstairs to fetch Maddie’s oatmeal.

  Her foot had only touched the first step when she heard Maddie’s anguished cry from her bedroom.

  Maddie pulled herself out
of Alex’s bed, mortified that she had apparently thrown herself at the blonde woman while off her head. She pulled on her jeans and scanned the room for the rest of her clothes. Unable to find them, she picked up a soft flannel shirt that Alex had laid beside her jeans and put it on. She tiptoed down the stairs not sure whether Jessica was in bed and, when she reached the kitchen, stood in the doorway watching as Alex hummed to herself while making her oatmeal.

  Alex moved around her kitchen humming nervously as her mind worked overtime. It had been spinning ever since Maddie had announced that she wanted to do ‘naughty things’ with her and, now Maddie was awake and knew what she’d said, Alex felt uncertain as to what her next move would be.

  She stirred the oatmeal, satisfied with its consistency she poured it into a bowl and collected a spoon, almost dropping both as she turned and spotted Maddie standing in the doorway. “Oh hey,” she said in surprise. “I was going to bring it up to you.”

  “It’s okay, you’ve already done so much,” Maddie replied moving into the kitchen and taking a seat. “I couldn’t find my clothes,” she added giving the shirt a small tug.

  “Yeah, your sweat top and T-shirt are decorating a bush and your bra is in the wash, it wasn’t too bad but there was still a slight smell from it.” She placed the oatmeal down in front of Maddie, who eyed it nervously unable to look at Alex without embarrassment coursing through her.

  “Thank you,” she said quietly, picking up the spoon. “Is Jessica here?”


  Maddie coughed awkwardly as Alex placed a cup of coffee in front of her and sat down, cradling the cup in her hands.

  “About what I said,” her hand stirred the spoon in the oatmeal watching as the thick gloop quickly covered over the trail the spoon made.

  Alex cocked her head to the side waiting for Maddie to continue.


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