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The Timeless One

Page 4

by Lexy Wolfe

  "Names," Terrence murmured. "Everything is about names to the Desanti."

  Dzee's touch gentled some in amusement. A name is the only thing one can carry that cannot be lost, even in death, unless the gravest of sins has been committed against the tribe or Desantiva itself. Then they are ritually rendered nameless and outcast, welcomed only by others of their kind if they live. Terrence closed his eyes as if he could feel Dzee's caress on his cheek. Be the man you want to be known as. Others will respect you in the future as much as they love you now, Sumyr. It will only be a matter of...

  "Time." Looking at his shoulder, Terrence smiled ruefully as the Totani's presence in his mind faded. "I should not be so impatient, eh, Petal? If I am to become a Guardian, I will have more time than I know what I would do with." The forest sprite giggled quietly as he tickled her.

  "Who are you talking to?" Terrence looked over his shoulder to see Ophilia walking over, then looked away again with annoyance, still displeased with the young Forentan woman's obstructions with the Desanti. Her eyes widened to see Petal looking up at her with large eyes. "A forest sprite!" She sat down next to Terrence. "I had heard that new Illaini would have a forest sprite companion, but I'd never heard of one around Master Ash. I heard so many stories of everyone trying to catch sight of it."

  "They prefer to remain hidden from others' eyes. Usually. Petal is decidedly more... extroverted." Terrence held his hand for Petal to step onto, then held her out to the Guardian Adept. "Petal, this is Guardian Adept Ophilia. Guardian Adept Ophilia, this is Petal. The others do not know about her yet," he stated flatly. "She attached herself to me before the Goddess officially..." He held up his right hand as explanation. "And then things seemed to be happening all at once. There just wasn't time to reveal her presence and explain her to my companions who are not Forentan."

  Ophilia chuckled softly, offering her finger to Petal who put her own hand atop the woman's fingertip in greeting. "The rather quirky nature of time is something you will discover the longer you are in the company of Guardians. Sometimes, there is so much time you feel as if you are going to go mad with boredom or impatience. And then there seems to be no time at all to do everything demanded of you, which will drive you mad."

  Petal took wing and circled Ophilia as she inspected the young woman. "Adept look much like Illaini Ash's bossy woman," she informed Terrence blithely.

  "My mother works for the Illaini Magus?"

  The sprite suddenly zipped close to hover in front of a surprised Ophilia's nose. "Adept have sweets to eat? Bossy woman makes very good sweets."

  "Petal!" Terrence scolded. "That is very rude of you." The green and yellow sprite stuck her tongue out pertly, quickly flying out of reach of the mage's playful swat.

  Ophilia could not help but laugh. "It's okay. I don't mind at all. If there is one thing Mother is known for is her pastries. Baking was one of the things I did enjoy." She reached into her pouch and took out a very small sweet roll. "Here you go, little one." She had two more in her hand, offering one to Terrence. "Illaini Ash's bossy woman, huh? Sounds like my mother finally got her wish to serve Forenta's most powerful." The young woman sighed wistfully. "I'm glad. She waited for so long."

  "Miss Kelafy is your mother?" Terrence asked in surprise, then considered the young woman thoughtfully. "I guess I should not be surprised. Miss Kelafy is a remarkable woman. She would even take Dusvet Almek to task." He smiled as Petal settled onto his shoulder to eat the pastry. "Master Ash adores her for her boldness."

  Ophilia giggled. "That is definitely my mother. She always emphasized the welfare of one's charges over any propriety. She forever skirted social norms as a servant. Naveene adored her. Others... well. Few appreciated her like they should have." The woman's smile faded as she looked at Terrence anxiously. "She is doing okay, isn't she?"

  "She is worried about you." Terrence looked sidelong at Ophilia. "She does not show it in front of others. But I happened to overhear her speaking to Master Almek once." He studied her for a moment before asking quietly, "You do not seem the heartless sort. Why have you not written her a letter at least letting her know you are alive and well?"

  "I cannot," Ophilia sighed. "I am not allowed, you see. It is tradition, once accepted by the Timeless One, to have no contact with the outside world until the tests to become a full Guardian have been endured, whether they are passed or failed. Some extend the rule to the moment you leave to come here. Though Jaison bent that rule a little. He let me write a letter home so I could tell Mother I would not be writing for a little while." She closed her eyes. "I thought I would... learn faster. It was so long ago. She must be worried sick."

  Terrence shrugged one shoulder. "She seems to be doing fine. I think she either trusts that you are well, or has given up hope entirely." Terrence echoed Ophilia's wince, forgetting not to use Desanti bluntness. "Sorry. But at least she will have the happy surprise to find out you are alive. Dusvet Almek might know more about how she is. They used to talk together a lot. He enjoyed her company."

  The young woman smiled sadly. "My mother is a good woman." Shaking her head, she leaned forward eagerly. "So, tell me the news from Forenta! Unsvet Jaison says I was the first Forentan Adept actually from Forenta in many years, because Se'edai Magus Ysai Oberlain decreed that Guardians had to request permission to take a Forentan citizen away, and she always refused, so there isn't anyone here who... well, you know. Understands how things are there."

  Terrence smiled a little and turned to face her as she mirrored him. "Oh, there is quite a bit to catch you up on. The biggest change is Ysai is gone. She turned out to be possessed by a darkling..." he began, Ophilia's eyes widening in shock as he spoke.

  Chapter 10

  Laying on the bed next to Skyfire, Lyra stared at the wall while her hand rested on Skyfire's bare chest over his heart. Listening to the slow, dull thud of his heartbeat, the tears started falling again. Her eyes flew open in surprise when his arm wrapped around her tightly. "Skyfire?"

  Golden brown eyes blinked blearily, as he reached up to catch the tear mid-fall. "Why are you crying? Has someone died?" A surge of worry roused him fully. "Not Lord Almek?!"

  Laughing and crying at the same time, Lyra embraced the tall, dark Desanti fiercely tight. "No! I am worried about you and Storm and Master Ash!" she told him, as if he had asked the silliest question that could be asked. "You have slept for nearly a full day! I am not used to any of you sleeping for so long. Even Master Ash does not sleep as long as most."

  With a grimace, Skyfire pushed himself upright, keeping his arm around Lyra. "The only times we sleep more than usual is when we have been grazed by the edge of the sword." Lyra looked confused by the strange euphemism. "Nearly died," he clarified for her. He kissed her brow gently, but he did not tell her to stop worrying. "Thank you for watching over us, Lyra."

  "You... you do not think I am being... overly dramatic?" Lyra whispered, her eyes averted and cheeks brilliant red.

  "No, not at all," Skyfire assured her. "In Desantiva, watching over someone is the deepest sign of love." Keeping his arm around her shoulders, he let her help him to his feet, leaning on her to keep his balance. A small smile of pride softened his features. "I heard your 'discussion' with that other Forentan woman." He chuckled when her fair features betrayed her emotions by deepening in color. "I was relieved you were not trapped into inaction by fear. And I was proud of you."

  "What?" She went to bring him food and water as he settled in the chair at their room's small table. "Proud? How can you be proud of me? I attacked a Guardian Adept!" Eyes focused on her tasks, she said in shame, "I had no self control at all. I should have been strong like Master Ash."

  "Pfft." Skyfire waved a dismissive hand. "Don't be absurd. The way Forenten control their emotions is poisonous to the spirit. Hiding them away, wrapping them around each other, never setting that energy free until something breaks loose. Then is when they have no control. An knot of emotional energy becomes its own entity that can t
ake control away from a person and that is when terrible things can happen."

  Lyra blinked a few times. "Is that what Storm meant when she told me control is about how you direct your inner beast?" She waited until he drained his cup, refilling it before sitting across from him. Her eyes remained on her clasped hands in her lap. "I never asked her to explain because I did not want her to think I was stupid for not understanding what she tried to teach. It was very odd to me that Desanti would see emotions the same way as we do. Or at least, call them the same thing."

  "Your people see the beast as an enemy. We see it as a part of ourselves." Skyfire tilted his head, sadness for her in his eyes that went unnoticed. "Fear is the most difficult emotion to learn to control, and the one Desanti start with the earliest in their lives. And even then, we must wrestle with it constantly." With a wan smile, he said gently, "It is natural that strong emotions run away from you. You have never been taught how to properly manage them."

  Lyra looked up sharply. "You can stop emotions? I thought that was impossible. That they could only be repressed."

  "Forenten," Skyfire muttered, rolling his eyes. He ate in silence while he tried to think of the words to explain what had always been an unspoken truth in Desanti society. "Emotions cannot be stopped anymore than the Vodanya's tides or the movements of the sun or moons can be stopped. They are the voice of your heart, and if you smother your heart, you die." Reaching out, he clasped her hand. "Emotions are energy. Desanti learn to channel that energy to release it in acceptable ways. It is especially important when emotions run strong."

  Thoughtful, Lyra murmured, "That is why Storm yells and trains so much." The blonde young woman shook her head. "She is always so angry?"

  "Storm is... intense. She very rarely displays anger because it reveals weaknesses that can be used against you. In fact, you can feel when she is angry, the same way you feel an approaching storm. You'll learn to tell what she is feeling after you get to know her better."

  He drained his cup of water, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "The only time I ever heard Storm yell in anger was when Ash brought insult to her and she destroyed the dining room table and almost left us for good. I do admit, I think that was the only time I have ever known Storm to nearly lose control of her emotions. She is not someone who would willfully damage another's belongings. But it was better the table than a living being." He lightly tapped Lyra's hand when she started to reach for the carafe to refill his cup, tsking. "I am not helpless, my heart. I can pour my own water."

  "But it is my place to serve my betters, and Master Ash had hired me to serve you and Mistress..." she began, falling silent when he tapped her hand lightly again.

  "We are not superior to you, no matter what you want to believe," he pointed out before resuming their discussion while he refilled his own glass. "When Storm yells, it is when she is afraid, or shamed, or some tangle of emotions that confuse her. Better to be perceived as angry--"

  "Than to be perceived as weak," Lyra finished for him with a heavy sigh. "Is Desantiva so terrible that being seen as weak is so damning?"

  Pushing himself to his feet, Skyfire walked to where his clothes and weapons sat, getting dressed methodically. "For a normal Desanti, not at all. If you are willing to accept your place in society." Lyra's expression was quizzical. "Everyone learns to fight in Desantiva. Not everyone is a warrior, but warriors are above others, because it is they who protect their tribe. And no one is like Storm." His last words were quiet as he held one of his Githalin blades to stare at the hilt.

  Lyra walked to Skyfire, resting her cheek on his upper arm as she followed his gaze. Her voice was a simple statement of fact. "You love her."

  Turning to look down into Lyra's eyes, Skyfire put his hand beneath her chin, his thumb caressing the line of her jaw. "You do not?"

  Averting her eyes, Lyra mumbled, "Yes. No! I mean, I love Storm, but... but... N-not like that--" Her words stopped when he covered her lips with his fingertips.

  "Things are very different in Desantiva than in the outlands," Skyfire said quietly. "Love has nothing to do with companionship bonds. What you call marriage, we call lifemating, and it is... discouraged."

  "What? Why?" Lyra wondered.

  Skyfire looked up towards the ceiling, closing his eyes. "Ah, Kailee. How can I explain so she can understand?" he asked. At first, Lyra thought he was exasperated with her questions. But when a flash of pain crossed his features and the black silhouette tattoo deepened in color, she realized, "You are speaking with a-a Totani because of me?" she whispered. "You aren't mad at me?"

  Relaxing as the pain eased, Skyfire smiled at her. "Yes, I speak with Kailee. No, I am not angry with you. Desanti do not question anymore, so we forget why we do things as we do now. Our lives have been unchanging since a few generations after the Great War." Clasping her hand in his, he said, "Desanti have a responsibility to ensure that the people survive and endure. It has always been more important that we choose who we mate with based on their breeding potential than how we feel about them. A child may know their bloodlines, but they belong to their tribe. The tribe is... everything to us. All the words for friends and family the other nations have, we have only one within the tribe. Tlisan. There are no orphans such as your people have."

  Lyra's eyes were wide in shock. "But... I thought you married to have children?"

  The man shook his head. "That union is called a season dance because it needs only last until pregnancy is assured or it becomes obvious there will never be a child produced. Some choose the same mate each season, but if a man or a woman is considered a good breeder, there is a great deal of competition for them." He remained where he stood as Lyra turned away, watching her in silence with an unreadable expression.

  "You call... you call Storm your th'yala." Turning to face him, she wondered, "Isn't that like a husband and wife?"

  Skyfire shrugged one shoulder. "Emil would call it 'friends with benefits,'" he said dryly. "Th'yala is about the heart, not breeding, or even sex, though we see sex as an expression of love as much as it is a function of mating. Th'yala is not limited to a single person, though it can be complicated if you have more than one th'yala and they do not like each other. It is not limited to gender or tribe or anything except... that you love each other enough you would be willing to give up your life for each other without hesitation."

  Lyra considered this for a time. "So, seasonal pairings are to have children outside of love and th'yala is about love without children. So... what is a lifemate?" Her brow was furrowed as she tried to grasp the foreign concepts.

  "It is a spiritual binding," Skyfire said with such reverence, Lyra could not help but stare at him. "When two souls become one, sharing all they are with the other, forever, even beyond death. It is discouraged, because..." He closed his eyes. "When one half of the pairing dies, the other has such despair from the loss they often lose the will to survive. And may never find each other again when they are reborn. Our lives are too short."

  "Oh, how terrible," Lyra said, closing the distance between them and hugging his arm tightly. "That is why you had been so worried about both of them? Because they were lifemates but born to people who see the other as the enemy?"

  The tall man kissed the top of her head. "For that and many other reasons, my beautiful Lyra." Stepping back so he could take her hand in his, he said, "Come. The drizar and drizzen need attention, and the drizar needs reassurance about Storm."

  "Sometimes, I think the drizar is more people than animal," Lyra quipped with a soft giggle, thinking about the ornery creature. Skyfire just smiled at her observation as they walked out of their room to the boisterous greetings of the bard and gypsies relieved to see them.

  Chapter 11

  Groaning, Ash roused, squinting at the unfamiliar surroundings in confusion. His eyes snapped open as his mind cleared in sudden alarm. "Storm!" He winced at the pain from sudden movement. The moment he saw the slight Desanti woman beside him, everything else was
forgotten. He touched her too pale cheek anxiously, finding her skin far cooler than it should have been.

  Despite finding the steady, albeit weak pulse along her throat, he frowned in consternation that he could sense nothing from her. "Storm? Storm, your spirit can't have fled." There was no response. "Goddess, please wake up!" he begged with quiet intensity. He closed his eyes, pressing their clasped hands against his forehead. "Please, Aelia. Please, wake up."

  Green-gold eyes rolled open, unfocused and staring. "Ash?" He tightened his hold on her hand, pulling her other reaching hand atop their clasped ones, holding her hands tightly. "Ash, I feel so strange. Where are we?"

  "I don't know where we are." Keeping one hand holding hers, he reached out to touch her cheek again. "I know we are safe. That is all that matters." His expression creased with deep worry. "Beloved...?" He ran his thumb above her eye as he traced the line of her eyebrow. She did not even blink. "Beloved, your eyes..."

  Storm shook her head as she finally pushed herself up to sit. Her voice a painful rasp, she demanded, "Where is Almek? He is alive, isn't he? Are we at Fortress? He has to be alive." With determination, she struggled to get her bearings. "It can't be for nothing. It just can't."

  "Aelia!" Ash held her by the shoulders and shook lightly to get her attention. "Aelia, what is wrong? Why can't I see through your eyes or... or sense your soul at all?" He did not attempt to hide his outright fear that the bond they shared, the bond that had enabled them to create the portal to Fortress, had somehow been broken with the effort.


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