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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 2)

Page 49

by Vi Keeland

  The van stopped and the engine was cut, making it easier for her to hear.

  “So do you at least believe it’s possible?” the Ka’al asked.

  What was possible? What had she missed?

  “Until proven otherwise, I’ll go with your hypothesis. But that doesn’t answer the question of what we…” Dallas’s voice drifted off as they left the van, both doors shutting with a soft click.

  Relax, she instructed her body. She might as well play this unconscious card until she got some information from them.

  The door at her feet opened. “…until we have Hij’Rozhod. Then if she has nothing to do with it, we can let her go,” the large alien said.

  “The hood is overkill, Thaegan. She’s unconscious, for chrissake. I’m not making her wear it.”

  So the Ka’al went by the name of Thaegan. Good to know.

  “Now that we’re here, I don’t give a shit about the hood. But keep her hands bound.”

  Gently, her head was lifted and the cloth maneuvered away from her face. Though it hadn’t restricted her breathing, Lilly couldn’t help but pull in a lungful of cool desert air. She covered it with a soft moan as if she were just roused from a deep sleep. Neither male moved, but when her body remained still, strong hands scooped under her knees and around her shoulders. The clean smell of Dallas drifted over her senses. The strong muscles of his arms and chest cradled her body as he lifted her with ease and pulled Lilly close. Her body reacted immediately, desire and energy humming over her synapses. It took all her self-control to remain lax and not snuggle into the warmth of his neck.

  Stairs creaked. Lilly chanced a peek at her surroundings. Rough-hewn boards were illuminated in the yellow wash of light from a single window. A rocking chair sat idle. She wondered if they’d brought her to the mining community in the desert. Even Garalon Five with all its updated building materials had residents who’d gone back to the land. She’d never been this far from the city’s center but had talked with enough locals and studied enough maps to know her way around the surrounding terrain. A bounty hunter had to know all the places a fugitive could run.

  Escaping from here would be difficult for sure, especially without the use of a luna vehicle, but if she was where she believed, then mountains lay just to the north. A night’s trek away.

  “Tie her here,” Thaegan commanded.

  “What the hell? I’m not tying her anywhere.” Dallas laid her on something soft.

  But rough hands quickly scooped her up. Thaegan let out a frustrated cry as if touching her burned. The way her nipples ached and her body throbbed, Lilly knew the energy still flowed. Add this to what she’d done to him in the alley and the Ka’al must be about ready to explode. Served him right. She hadn’t asked them to get in the middle of her takedown.

  His feet slapped across the floor as he dropped her firmly on a hard chair, her bound hands sliding behind the chair back. She let her head flop to her chest. Thaegan’s rough handling made it difficult to play the role of the unconscious victim. At some point she’d have to stop faking, but with her unconscious, she hoped they might be less guarded with their conversation.

  “I’m not touching her again.” Thaegan’s words came out on panting breaths. “And you will tie her to this chair. I’m not chancing having her hands free.”

  Dallas’s boots clicked across the floor. “You really think—”

  “I don’t think, Dallas, I know. This Seraphelium’s dangerous.”

  Whoa, stop the presses. She hadn’t heard that term since leaving Earth. How the hell had the Ka’al figured it out? Most aliens in deep space had never heard of her ancestors.

  “And while you’re at it, tie her feet to the chair legs.”

  “She’s not going anywhere.”

  “Do. It.” She heard the hard emotion riding on Thaegan’s words. Lilly wasn’t sure if it was anger or fear. She hoped the latter.

  Dallas bound first one ankle and then the other, spreading her legs wide. The unmistakable musky odor of her lust filled the air. Good. Even better than she hoped. Males couldn’t resist the smell of an aroused Seraphelium. It was almost as good as her touch. Time to put a plan in motion.

  Rolling her head side to side, Lilly groaned as if waking from a long slumber.

  “Lilly?” Dallas’ voice was soft, her name drifting off his tongue. It had neither the hard edge of anger nor the brittle tone of a man trying to control his lust. She wanted nothing more than to drown in its whiskey heat. But that was only a pipe dream.

  “Dallas?” Her eyes fluttered as she lifted her head and let it roll along her shoulders. She focused on the man kneeling between her legs, his wide palms warm on her thighs. A perfect position for her to do the most damage. “Where am I?”

  The deep brown of Dallas’ eyes betrayed no emotion but concern dug a deep V in his brow. “Do you remember what happened?”

  Yes, she remembered every detail. And these two males would pay for having gotten in the way of her capturing the Znedu. “No. I…I remember going back to the tavern in hopes you were there, but I didn’t find you…so I…” Her skin flushed from the lie, but she hoped he believed it was her shyness over their liaison. “I decided to find another client. A Znedu I believe. We’d just agreed to terms when a fight broke out—”

  “Oh, that’s fucking bullshit.” Thaegan strode around the chair, standing behind Dallas. The moment he caught her scent, the Ka’al’s shoulders stiffened. The muscles of his jaw bunched and the ridges along his forehead and nose pulsed with barely controlled emotion. “She’s lying,” the Ka’al said through clenched teeth. “You don’t remember trying to take a slice out of Dallas?” He crossed his arms over his chest, his fists clenching and unclenching as he fought for control.

  From the bulge in his pants, she wondered how much longer he could keep from touching her. She needed to get free. At this point, with no reaction to her scent from Dallas, it seemed the big alien was her only hope. No doubt the Ka’al and she were still bound by the energy thread she’d created in the alley. Lilly ramped her energy up a notch, hoping Thaegan would step closer.

  “I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.” She was stalling for time, trying to figure out how Dallas could be so close and not feel the sensual current crackling in the air. Her gaze flitted from the Ka’al’s obvious arousal to Dallas. But it wasn’t the fly of the human’s jeans that drew her attention. It was the gaping hole at his thigh. The flesh was covered in dried blood and showed only the slightest hint of the deep wound the dagger had carved out. Even with the medical advancements she’d seen in deep space, nothing prepared her for the sight. “Dallas, your leg…how’s that possible?”

  Color flooded Dallas’ cheeks and he stood abruptly.

  Thaegan growled low. “I’m afraid you don’t get to ask the questions here, woman.”

  “But he’s—”

  “Just fine,” Dallas cut her off. “No thanks to you.”

  “It’s not like I meant to—”

  “You,” Thaegan shook his finger at Lilly, the hatred narrowing his golden eyes to dangerous slits, “need to stop talking. I’ve never hurt a female. But there’s always a first time.”

  “Really, I—”

  A deep growl bounced off the wooden walls of the cabin as the Ka’al lunged for her. Dallas was quicker. His fist shot out, catching the alien in the jaw. Thaegan stumbled back and Dallas stepped between her and the angry alien.

  “Don’t do it, Thaegan. I’m warning you.”

  The hulking Ka’al’s stunned expression would have been comical if it weren’t for the animosity sluicing off the men.

  “How the hell can you defend her after what she’s done?” Thaegan absently rubbed his jaw. “She needs to tell us the truth. A little persuasion would be a satisfying means to that end.”

  Dallas worked his fist, no doubt shaking out the pain. “We’ll get her to tell us the truth, but not with violence, Thaegan.”

  The Ka’al screamed in frustration. “L
et me prove to you how dangerous she is.”

  “What the hell?” she countered. “A tiny woman against the two of you? How can I be dangerous? Especially trussed up like someone’s Sunday dinner.”

  Dallas turned slowly, his eyes darkening with some very negative emotions. “You know, Lilly, I’ve been wondering the same thing. I have no doubt whatsoever that you controlled first me then the Znedu and now Thaegan. I just don’t know how you’re doing it.”

  “But I do.” Thaegan stepped around Dallas and the human didn’t try to stop him this time. “I’ve got you figured out, Seraphelium.”

  It took all her effort to keep from reacting to the word the Ka’al spat out like a curse. She forced a laugh that sounded hollow even to her own ears. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, asshole.” She looked around Thaegan to where Dallas stood. The man’s broad shoulders were thrown back, his arms crossed over his chest, as if protecting his heart. She should have expected Dallas’ resentment after she’d used him, but to see it so visibly written in his hard expression, stabbed at her heart. She laughed again, this time with more conviction, trying to dismiss Thaegan’s statement. “Dallas, do you have any idea what this Ka’al is blathering on about?”

  “It appears Thaegan is the only one here who knows exactly what’s going on. As his partner, I have to defer to him. If he thinks an interrogation is the only way for us to move forward, then so be it. I’m not going to stand in his way.”

  Obviously, Dallas had decided to let the Ka’al do some persuading. Cold fingers of dread walked up her spine and lifted the hairs on the back of her neck. She forced herself to meet Thaegan’s critical gaze. Her body chilled as fear knotted in her gut. Lilly didn’t know these men. Had no idea what they wanted or who they worked for. If one thing had been confirmed for her in the last couple of hours, these men were on a mission. The only question was which side of the law held their allegiance.

  The Ka’al stepped closer. Laying his hands on the arms of the chair, he leaned in, the smooth heat of his cheek brushing across her face. He closed his eyes and filled his lungs with her fragrance. She squirmed in the chair, releasing the musky odor that must be driving him insane. Controlling the men while their libidos raged was her only hope.

  Warm air lifted her hair as he exhaled. “Your smell is sweet to be sure, Lilly. But we both know without your hands you’re quite dead in the water.” His voice was a mere whisper of breath in her ear. “I intend to prove what you are to Dallas. You can either cooperate or not. Either way, I don’t give a shit.”

  He straightened, and for the first time since she’d escaped captivity—Lilly feared for her life.

  The quiet snick of the Ba’alkin dagger was like a sonic boom in the stillness of the room. She couldn’t control the gasp of terror or the twitch of muscle as the sound filled the cabin. When Thaegan lifted it, the blade reflected menacingly in the low light of the cabin.

  “Dallas, you’re not going to let him…not with the Ba’alkin dagger?” The question trembled through her dry lips. “This is seriously out of control. I’m willing to answer your questions without violence,” Lilly begged as Thaegan laid the cold blade against her cheek, sending shivers of alarm through her veins. Lilly closed her eyes, waiting for it to rip through the pounding pulse of her jugular.

  Chapter Five

  Dallas trusted Thaegan with his life. In the past five years, the Ka’al had saved his ass more times than he cared to remember. But he wasn’t sure exactly what Lilly had done to his partner. Thaegan seemed hyped up on some drug that had him operating in an alternate dimension.

  “Thaegan, go easy with the knife.” Dallas shifted so he was in his partner’s peripheral vision. “She’s tied up like a prisoner of war, for chrissake. She’s not going anywhere.”

  The blade brushed down Lilly’s neck, the hard throb of her pulse lifting the alabaster skin of her throat. Dallas had kissed that spot, thrilling in the power he’d had to make her heart race. Now, as she forced her eyes open, the cold glint of fear offset the proud set of her jaw and Dallas worried for her safety. “Thaegan, put the God damn knife away.” The command did nothing to shift his partner’s attention.

  “I can’t,” he said without taking his eyes off Lilly. Thaegan dragged the tip of the blade down her chest. “You’re not going to admit anything unless we force the issue, are you, Lilly?” With a flick of his wrist, the first button of Lilly’s blouse flew through the air and bounced on the wooden floor. The noise split the heavy silence like a gong.

  “Thaegan,” Dallas said his name evenly, stepping closer to the chair. He wasn’t sure how he could take down the Ka’al without the blade injuring Lilly. Dallas was becoming more convinced with each passing minute that his partner was losing his grip on reality. “I really think you need to put the knife down.”

  With another twist of Thaegan’s wrist, the second button followed the path of the first. “Not going to happen, Sawyer. I intend to prove,” the knife flashed and a third button flew, “what she is. Then we’ll figure out what the hell she’s up to.” Flick, flick, flick and the last three buttons fell to the floor.

  Thaegan used the knife to part Lilly’s blouse, exposing the creamy flesh of her heaving breasts. The Ka’al leaned in close and inhaled her scent. The low purr of his partner’s arousal vibrated the air. Dallas had heard it before, but never when the big alien was holding a woman at knife point.

  “Jesus, Thaegan, what the hell are you doing?” Dallas stepped closer.

  Thaegan turned, aiming the knife at Dallas. “Back. Off.”

  “I’m not going to stand here while you rape Lilly.” He used her name on purpose, trying to keep everything personal.

  “Leave him, Dallas. The big, red asshole doesn’t frighten me.”

  Lilly shifted in the chair, sitting up straighter. The subtle roll of her shoulders accentuated her plentiful cleavage. The lines between her brow softened and Dallas could swear her mouth became fuller, more inviting.

  “The Ka’al doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He’s an oversized male with a knife. Probably trying to compensate for his small…parts.” Her chin jutted forward. “Strip me bare. I don’t give a shit.”

  Thaegan leaned in close, his mouth curving in a maniacal smile. “It’s exactly what I intend to do, Seraphelium.” The knife came up fast and hard, cutting the center of Lilly’s bra. The lacy slips of material fell away, leaving her luscious breasts exposed. Pink patches of skin showed where Dallas’ whiskers had burned the tender flesh earlier in the evening.

  “That’s enough.” Dallas spoke with conviction, trying to get his partner’s attention. When that didn’t work, he stepped forward, his hand coming up under Thaegan’s forearm and catching his wrist. He used his momentum to twist the knife away from Lilly’s vulnerable flesh and push the Ka’al away from the chair. “What the fuck are you doing, Thaegan?”

  Anger rumbled through the alien’s chest, vibrating the air. They both knew it would take nothing for Thaegan to break free of Dallas’ grasp. But his partner just stood toe-to-toe with him, the knife between them, his eyes locked on Dallas.

  “Get out of my way, human.”

  “You’ll have to go through me to get to her.” Dallas nodded his head in Lilly’s direction. “You’re better than this degradation.”

  “But I need to prove it. Even with her hands bound, she controls us.” Thaegan inhaled deeply. “Tell me her scent isn’t heating your blood.”

  Dallas couldn’t admit that. The moment he’d bound Lilly’s legs to the chair, he’d smelled the intoxicating aroma of her. It had brought him back to the silken heat of her flesh surrounding his cock. But he’d pushed that aside, he needed to focus on the madness overtaking Thaegan.

  He lowered his voice. “The only thing that’s important right now is finding out what she was doing with Grebetz.”

  “Sawyer.” He felt the muscles of Thaegan’s forearm relax. “She has the mark. I know it. I just don’t know where.” His pa
rtner stepped back, turning his palm up, offering Dallas the dagger. “It’s the kiss of evil. I had no intention of hurting her. I was just trying to find it.”

  Dallas took the knife.

  “You’re right. I shouldn’t be so close to the witch,” Thaegan said, visibly shaken by what had just happened. “You search her, and when you find it, you’ll understand the truth.”

  Dallas looked over his shoulder at Lilly. Unspoken questions ricocheted in her coffee eyes and trembled along her chin. He suspected his partner understood something he didn’t. The woman definitely had some kind of hold on men. And this was deep space after all. There was no reason Lilly couldn’t be some alien life form he’d never heard of. Resigned to keep her safe, Dallas decided to follow through with his partner’s plan.

  “What does it look like?” Dallas asked.

  His partner looked at him as if he’d grown a second Xerick head. “How the hell should I know? It’s a fucking male fantasy that I never believed would become flesh. But here we are.”

  Dallas walked back to Lilly. The corners of her sumptuous mouth trembled with a nervous smile. “If I untie you, would—”

  “You are not untying her,” Thaegan yelled.

  Turning around, Dallas faced a very angry Ka’al. “For chrissake, Thaegan, there are two of us and one of her.”

  “No. No. No. And did I say fuck no?” Thaegan grabbed Dallas’ shoulders, digging his beefy fingers into the muscle. “Please just trust me on this. Leave her bound to the chair. If there’s no mark we’ll release her and I’ll commit myself to the loony bin on Pteran Omega. Because then I’ll know this shit-assed heat sparking through my veins, driving me fucking nuts and making me horny as hell is all in my head and not something she’s doing to me.”

  “She’s not even touching you.”

  Thaegan released Dallas and waved his hands in frustration. “But it’s in the air. Like static electricity, it’s just hanging here.” Thaegan’s gaze dropped to Dallas’ leg. “But I think you can control her.”


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