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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 2)

Page 69

by Vi Keeland

  “Of course. We want you to have a real-life experience. Every Saturday you will spend time with a different Dom, living out your fantasies or his.”

  Brie shivered again at the chill attacking her body. She nestled into Marquis’ embrace, needing his warmth. “Is there anything special I should do?”

  “Remember what you have been taught. The Doms understand that you have had only three days of training.”

  “It sounds like tomorrow will be an interesting day.” She sighed gleefully.

  “I promise it will be an eye-opener for you.”

  “Can trainers bid?” she asked, half joking.

  “No, but I’m curious. Who would you choose?” he growled in her ear.

  “You and Sir for a little DP.”

  He snorted. “Will never happen, I guarantee it.”

  “Why not?”

  “Never mind why not.” He moved away from her, gathering Brie’s clothes from a chair and handing them to her. “Get dressed. You’ll have a long day tomorrow.”

  She knew she had said something wrong, but was too content to question him further. She slipped on her hose and skirt, then asked Marquis for help when she couldn’t get her corset tight enough. “Sting said I should wear it tighter.”

  He came over to her and helped her with the ties, almost taking her breath away when he pulled the cords. “Yes,” she squeaked, “that’s good.”

  “Do you do everything we suggest?”

  “Of course—that’s why I’m here, isn’t it?”

  “A natural sub through and through.” He tucked a curl behind her ear before opening the door to the auditorium.

  Their private time was over and his countenance instantly changed. He returned to being distant and menacing. She walked away from him, feeling a little shell-shocked by the change in him after their tender moment together.

  Brie could see that the other girls were getting set to leave. Lea looked in her direction and gave her a thumbs-up. She returned it with a little grin. Mary completely ignored her, standing up to leave with a self-satisfied look on her face.

  “Miss Wilson and Ms. Taylor, remember to get here early. The auction starts promptly at three in the afternoon, and you will return here at eleven for an hour-long debriefing. Get plenty of sleep. You should be fully rested for tomorrow’s event,” Mr. Gallant encouraged.

  Brie wondered what he was doing there. Were they planning to kick her out of the program tonight? The possibility frightened her.

  Ms. Clark confirmed her worst fears when she stated, “Miss Bennett, you will stay after class.”

  Lea looked her way and put her hands together in a sign of prayer before she left. Mary smiled knowingly and sauntered out of the auditorium as if she owned the place.

  Brie looked at the ground to appease Ms. Clark and asked, “Where would you like me to sit?”

  “You are expected to stand before the panel,” the Dominatrix ordered.

  She walked before them, her heart beating wildly. To find her calling and then have it snatched from her seemed incredibly unfair. She wasn’t going to stand for it!

  Brie looked up and stared each of them in the eye. “I have done nothing wrong. You have no reason to expel me from the Training Center.” Brie looked down once she had finished speaking, but not before she noticed the look of disgust on Ms. Clark’s face.

  “You have been called here tonight because of Mr. Davis’ indiscretion. In the twenty-five years this school has been running, we have never had such a breach of decorum,” Mr. Gallant informed her. “Such an act threatens the integrity of the program.”

  “It was my mistake,” Sir asserted. “Miss Bennett should not be made to pay.”

  Master Coen sounded displeased and snapped, “Maybe you should resign as headmaster.”

  “If you feel it is necessary.”

  Ms. Clark interjected, “We cannot afford to lose Mr. Davis. The school has been extremely successful under his leadership. I say the sub must go!”

  “Miss Bennett shows promise,” Marquis Gray said with conviction. “It would be irresponsible for this school to allow her talent to be wasted because of a trainer’s misstep.”

  Master Coen countered, “I have reason to suspect you have also fallen under the spell of this student. I believe she is a detriment to the school, not an asset.”

  “How can grown men talk about this woman as if she has mystical powers?” Mr. Gallant asked. “Miss Bennett is a hardworking, dedicated student who has done nothing but attempt to meet our rigorous standards. If we have trainers who lack restraint, that does not reflect badly on her. Miss Bennett is not the one to blame in this situation.”

  “Which brings me back to my original suggestion,” Master Coen stated. “I believe Thane should step down as headmaster.”

  There were several grunts on the panel. Brie could stay silent no longer. “Do I have permission to speak?”

  Several of the Doms answered at the same time. Most were yes, but one or two voices said no. Sir answered for them all. “Yes, Miss Bennett.”

  She looked him in the eye, willing herself not to cry. “I refuse to be the reason you resign from this school. As much as I want my training to continue, it is not worth that.” She held her head up and announced to the panel, “I willingly quit the program.” She turned away from them and started towards the door.

  You can cry later, she reminded herself. She heard furious whispering behind her. Before she made it to the door, Master Coen called out, “Return before the panel, Miss Bennett.”

  She held her breath as she walked back to them.

  The auditorium was deathly silent. Brie felt the eyes of all five on her. She wasn’t sure if it was a power play on their part, but she stood quietly, looking at the floor the way a proper submissive should.

  Sir finally spoke. “The panel has decided to reject your request to leave the program. You will continue on as a student here and I will continue as headmaster.”

  Ms. Clark added angrily, “You are expected to follow our commands to the letter. Do you understand, Miss Bennett? When I say jump, you’d better jump.”

  Brie did not look up, but answered clearly, “Yes, Mistress Clark.”

  “Additionally,” Marquis Gray said, “you shall not fraternize with any of the trainers outside the confines of your training.”

  Again, Brie kept her head down and nodded. Yes, they were allowing her to stay in the program, but they were still acting as if she was the problem. Well, she would prove them wrong.

  “I understand, Master Gray.” She wondered if he was smiling or frowning at her choice of title.

  “Brie,” Mr. Gallant said, “I want you to look at me.”

  She held her head up and gazed into his caring eyes.

  “We are here to provide you with the best training possible. I encourage you to go forward as if this had never happened. You are correct. You have done nothing wrong and you will not be punished for it. Your only job is to learn. We will take care of the rest.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Gallant.”

  “You are dismissed.”

  She bowed to the panel and left. Her heels clicked loudly, echoing in the auditorium. Instead of it being a lonely sound, she imagined that her footsteps resonated with power.

  To Sir, with Love

  What a crazy night!

  Brie had gone from the joy of having spent time with Sir alone, the evening before, to the torture of a Brazilian, of being forced to watch Sir as he mounted Mary, and of almost being kicked out of the program. It had been more than a normal girl could take. But…fully realizing her own power as a submissive and following that up with an intense experience with Marquis Gray had given Brie a high like none she’d experienced. There was nothing else on earth that could have made her feel this good!

  She lay on her bed, looking up at the ceiling. Despite that incredible feeling, something was needling her heart. She glanced over at her video equipment. This would be the first weekend that she wouldn�
�t be filming a short. It seemed a little tragic. Even though she hadn’t found success as a filmmaker yet, she still dreamed she would, someday. Was it possible becoming a submissive would steal that from her?

  No freakin’ way!

  She got off the bed and set up her camera. Maybe she wouldn’t have time to make creative shorts, but she could certainly record her thoughts as she went through her submissive training. Maybe she could make it into a documentary and sell it afterwards.

  Brie reapplied her makeup and fixed her hair before sitting down in front of the camera. She spent the next forty-five minutes going over her thoughts and impressions of the first two days—minus her tryst with Sir—and titled the sitting The Weeding Out Period. It was amazing to realize that over those two short days she’d discovered so much about herself. Brie had enjoyed sexual encounters with men she would have never considered partnering with before. She’d also addressed a deep-seated anxiety that had controlled her life since childhood, based on abuses she had suffered. Her dark Dom, Baron, had helped to soften her fear of African American men, and she sincerely hoped she would have further sessions with him.

  As far as the submissive lifestyle went, she’d learned simple etiquette and experienced personal and very real disappointment when she, as a sub, had failed to obey her Dom. What she hadn’t understood until now was that pleasing another, giving her power over to him, was a heady experience. It was a turn-on like no other. She was hooked.

  She signed off for the night, too tired to record her thoughts about Day Three’s lessons. It was probably for the best. It was still too fresh for her. She needed time to go over the many levels of pain and pleasure she’d experienced in that short duration of time.

  Brie closed her eyes and snuggled into her blanket. She was surprised that the needling was still pricking her heart. Then it hit her—the look in Sir’s eyes when he’d seen her with Marquis Gray.

  She was wide awake now. The look in his eyes had been as vulnerable as it had been after their intimate session together. It hadn’t been a look of hurt. No, it had been something much deeper than that. He’d knowingly risked his career just to spend time alone with her when he could easily have taken her virginity on the stage. Why would he have done that?

  Brie knew the answer: he’d wanted it to be private. They hadn’t had to share that moment with anyone else. Her heart began beating rapidly as she began to understand just how much he cared for her. His claim about the protection collar meaning nothing was a bunch of bull. They both wanted to claim each other, but her current training prevented it for another five weeks. Could she survive for that long? Yes!

  In fact, Brie was more determined than ever. At the end of the training, she would be the perfect sub. Sir had been willing to give up his position so that she could continue. She would make the most of her training and prove to everyone that she deserved to stay. By the end of it, she would force Ms. Clark and Master Coen to eat crow.

  She looked over at the empty pillow on the left side of her bed. She imagined Sir laying his head on it, looking at her solemnly. Brie got up and retrieved her little bullet ‘toy’—her best friend, at a time like this.

  She turned it on full blast, knowing no other speed would do, and then placed the frantically vibrating toy against her clit. Yum… Her body instantly relaxed and she gave in to the delicious vibration.

  Brie closed her eyes, imagining Sir’s naked body next to hers. He looked distressed, so she lightly caressed the crease of his brow. “I think sometimes a good Dominant needs the chance to let go,” she told him. He smiled slightly but said nothing.

  She took matters into her own hands and straddled his hips, rubbing her groin against his hardening cock. “You don’t have to say or do anything. Just lie there and let your sub love on your body.” She whipped off her top and smiled down at him.

  His eyes softened as he reached up and caressed her breasts. Brie tugged and pulled on her nipples, envisioning that her hands were his. She leaned over so he could take her nipple in his mouth.

  Sir sucked hard, the way he had the other night. She moaned as her body responded to the memory of it. “Sir, I like that you know what my body needs.”

  After giving ample attention to one, he switched to the other nipple. She cried out again, loving the way he suckled her. This time she felt a small contraction in her loins. Her fantasy was definitely working.

  She left him for a moment to pull off her panties and skirt. She wanted him to admire her bare little pussy. She stood up on the bed and straddled him so he could get a nice, long look. “Do you like?” she asked playfully. He nodded and reached up to touch it.

  Brie brought her finger to her pussy and played with it, just as Sir was in her mind. Her body wiggled and squirmed at the intimate contact. “You’re so wet, Brie,” he said hoarsely.

  “Wet for you, Sir.” She slowly descended on his rigid manhood. Even though she was wet and ready for him, his cock still stretched her. She groaned in delight.

  “Are you going to fuck me, sub?”

  “Yes, Sir. This sub is going to fuck you to her heart’s content.”

  He chuckled beneath her. Oh, how Brie loved the sound of his laughter! She pushed his entire length into her moist tunnel and then began rocking against his shaft. He grabbed her buttocks with his large hands, pushing himself in deeper.

  Brie pushed the toy inside her opening and felt it vibrate against her vaginal walls. She imagined his cock exploring her depths and thrust her hips to meet his mighty thrusts. In her mind, she pressed her hands against his chest so she had the leverage to grind harder.

  “You want it deep, don’t you?” he growled.

  “As fast and deep as I can take it, Sir.” Brie returned the bullet to her sensitive clit. It twitched pleasantly. Getting close…

  She pulled herself up to the tip of his cock and then slid back down on it. He liked it so much that he lifted her to do it again. “God, there is nothing as beautiful as that,” he groaned, and then he threw his head back. “I’m going to come if you don’t stop.”

  “Ah, but that’s my decision, isn’t it? I’m in control here.”

  He gazed at her lustfully. As a talented Dom, he had to control his orgasms for scenes, but not this time. She leaned over to his ear and whispered, “I want you to give in to the pleasure completely. Let yourself come with no thought for anyone else.”

  He grunted in frustration. “I can’t.”

  She pulled herself up again and slowly, ever so slowly, descended back onto his glistening shaft. “I need to feel you come inside me, Sir.”

  He could only watch her for so long and then he growled, grabbing her waist as he pumped her up and down on his hard cock. She felt tears come to her eyes as he let himself go, using her body solely for his pleasure. Those three little words were on the tip of her tongue, but even in her fantasy, she could not say them.

  Instead, she let the first wave of her orgasm take over. Her hip muscles tensed as a tremendous burst of sexual energy coursed through her, making her nipples hard. Her screams echoed through her bedroom, but she didn’t care. If Mr. Nguyen on the top floor could hear it and was getting his jollies from her passionate cries, so be it.

  Brie lay there trembling afterwards, her whole body tingling from the intensity of the orgasm. She turned off her toy and looked up at the ceiling again. As she fingered the little black collar around her neck, she murmured, “Sir, I hope somehow you felt that. It was amazing!”

  She snuggled back in her blanket, her body now satiated enough to rest. A half-smile played about her lips as her eyelids grew heavy. There was no doubt that tomorrow was going to be an adventure. Even so, nothing could compare to a session with Sir. Nothing.

  (Day 4)

  Brie Lives Her Fantasy

  Before her Auction

  Brie did not wake up until eleven the next morning. After such a challenging day at the Submissive Training Center, it seemed her body had needed time to recover. She shivered in d
elight at the thought that a Dom was going to win her in an auction in the afternoon, then take her to his place to reenact her most cherished fantasy.

  Her Indian warrior fantasy was one she had cherished and orgasmed to for years. She wasn’t sure how the Dom would be able to pull it off, but she was anxious to find out!

  She rolled out of bed and walked before the mirror to examine her Brazilian wax job. Her pussy looked completely different hairless. She could clearly see the outline of her clit in the reflection of the mirror. It surprised her how sexy it looked. She turned around and bent over. Her small rosebud of an asshole looked all pink and inviting. Her bare pussy lips beckoned to be taken. Yep, it’s a nice look. Despite the pain of yesterday, she decided it had definitely been worth it.

  Brie took a nice, long bubble bath. She needed the calming effect hot water gave her. Today, she would have to prove herself to Ms. Clark and Master Coen, both of whom wanted her out of the program. She thought it unfair that they blamed her for the tryst she’d had with Sir after school hours. Really, it had been Sir’s fault, but she wasn’t about to complain. Having him take her anal virginity in the privacy of the bondage room had been pure ecstasy. He had almost been asked to resign because of it, and the revelation of that still shook her to the core.

  Sir had been the one who’d invited her to join the Submissive Training Center in the first place. She remembered, with a giggle and a snort, the recording she’d made of herself playing with a miniature phallus and crying out Sir’s name.

  She fingered the thin collar around her neck. He’d given the protection collar to her in order to prevent other Doms from claiming her before the end of the course, but it was clear (at least to her) that by giving her the collar, Sir had really meant to keep her for himself. She would still experience the sexual pleasures of other Doms during her training, but the collar meant they weren’t allowed to fraternize with her outside the confines of the school. In the same vein, she would have to watch Sir train and enjoy the pleasure of the other subs. Would she be able to handle that for the next five-and-a-half weeks? She wasn’t sure.


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