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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 2)

Page 136

by Vi Keeland

  “Who the fuck is with Matt?” I said staring in shock.

  I quickly glanced at Nicole hoping she wasn’t seeing what I was seeing. Matt had arrived with some girl. Both of her arms wrapped around his waist, and she was kissing his neck. Matt and the rest of the team where high fiving everyone in celebration of their victory. Matt especially seemed to be enjoying himself laughing and having a great ole time with his teammates. By the look on Nicole’s face, it was obvious she saw what was going on and took off into the dark woods.

  “What the fuck!” Garrett said. “I knew I didn’t like that guy for a reason.”

  Matt walked right past us with a smug look on his face. “What the fuck, Matt,” I shouted at him. I couldn’t keep my mouth shut. There was no way this dickhead was going to break my best friend’s heart.

  Matt stopped directly in front of me. “What sweetheart you jealous? You want a piece of me too?” He laughed.

  “Oh please, in your fucking dreams!” I shouted back at him.

  Garrett got right up in Matt’s face, they were nose to nose. “What the fuck did you just say to her you piece of shit.”

  Matt had a shit eating grin on his face. “I think your girl wants me,” he said, nodding his head in my direction.

  “What the fuck did you say?”

  “Let me say it again a little clearer. . . I . . . Think . . . Your . . . Girl . . . Wants . . . Me,” Matt said condescendingly.

  Garrett huffed, “She wouldn’t go for a piece of shit like you.”

  “Oh No? Well it would be a step up from a fucking loser like you,” Matt said poking his finger at Garrett’s chest.

  Garrett slapped it away. “Don’t fucking touch me.”

  “Why? What are you going to do about it?” A crowd was starting to form around Garrett and Matt. The entire football team was lined up behind Matt like a wall.

  I knew Garrett could hold his own against Matt, but there was no way he could fight the entire football team. I had a sick feeling this was going to end badly. I tugged at Garrett’s arm. “Come on, he’s not worth it,” I said into his ear.

  “Yeah, go ahead leave,” Matt laughed.

  Garrett and I turned around to walk away when we both heard Matt say, “You pussy whipped fuck!”

  Garrett swung around and punched Matt square in the jaw. Matt was completely caught off guard and fell to his knees. “Get up mother fucker,” Garrett growled as his chest heaved.

  “Garrett stop! He’s not worth it!” I yelled.

  “Leila go find Nicole and go to the car.”

  Matt’s team mates were helping him up, and they didn’t look happy. This was not good, and I had no idea how Garrett was going to get out of there alive. I desperately looked around for Howie and Joe. There was no way this was going to be a fair fight, even if they did come to Garrett’s defense.

  By the time I found them in the crowd, Matt was back up on his feet and walking towards Garrett. His lip was split and bleeding, and as he wiped the blood from his lip with the back of his hand he said, “Oh you stupid fuck! You’re going to wish you never did that.”

  He took his jacket off and handed it to the slut he showed up with. I got in between Garrett and Matt. “Matt! Just stop! We are leaving.” I turned to the slut he brought to the party. “And you! He has a girlfriend you know and she’s my best friend. Or should I say, he HAD a girl friend.” I looked over at Matt with a look of disgust on my face. “Nicole’s too good for you, anyways.”

  “Oh please, that bitch is all talk and no action,” he scoffed coldly. He looked back at his teammates, and they all started laughing.

  “Come on, Garrett! Let’s go!” I dragged him away.

  “Yeah, Garrett listen to your mommy,” Matt said mockingly.

  Garrett stopped walking and his fists balled up. “Let it go. He’s not worth it,” I said. “We need to find Nicole. She’s out in the woods somewhere.”

  “Yo Garrett! This isn’t over,” Matt yelled as we walked into the darkness to find Nicole.

  It took us about twenty minutes to find her. She was sitting on the ground leaning up against a tree hugging her knees crying. “Oh honey! He’s a worthless, two-timing piece of shit. Don’t give him the satisfaction of your tears,” I said as I sat down next to her wrapping my arms around her. She was ice cold and shivering.

  “And to think I was going to sleep with him after the big game,” she said through her tears.

  “Well if it makes you feel any better, Garrett punched him in the mouth and bloodied his lip,” I laughed.

  “He did?” She said half laughing yet still crying.

  “He sure the hell did,” I said with a huge smile on my face looking up at him.

  “I hate to break up this love fest, but can we get the hell out of here before the entire football team comes after me,” Garrett said.

  “Jesus, that was a fucked up night,” Garrett said.

  “Yeah, it was. I am pretty sure Michael is nothing like Matt. I’m telling you her entire face lights up when she mentions him. I’m beginning to think he’s the one for her,” I said with a smile.

  “We should probably start getting ready to go. I know how long it takes for you to do your hair,” I said teasing him.

  He was looking incredibly sexy lying on my couch with his wife beater and basketball shorts. Just looking at him got me excited, my stomach did somersaults. Checking the time I felt slightly disappointed because I knew there was no time to sneak in a quickie. I never wanted to rush anything when it came to Garrett. I knew our time was limited, and I wanted to spend as much quality time with him as I could.

  Garrett rolled off my lap. “Let’s go lazy, it’s time to get ready,” he said extending his hand to me to help me off the couch. “I want to wash that sweet body of yours in the shower.”

  I pulled him at the waist into my body. I wrapped my arms around his chest, and as I kissed his shoulder I whined, “I would love that but we don’t have enough time. It’s almost 5:30, we need to leave here in less than an hour.”

  “Don’t worry, Babe, I’ll tap it when we get home,” he laughed reaching his arms around me grabbing my ass.

  We barely made it to the restaurant on time but as usual Nicole was not here yet. Nicole was one of those people who is late for everything. I’ve been telling her for years that she will be late for her own funeral.

  I felt my purse buzz as we were walking through the front door of the restaurant. I searched through my purse for my phone. “I bet you a million bucks it’s Nicole telling me she’s running late,” I said looking up at Garrett.


  We’ll be there in 15 minutes.


  Ok. . . So we’ll see you in a half hour. LMFAO


  Bahahahahaha. You’re so right.


  I’ll put our name in and meet you in the bar. It’s kinda crowded.


  Okay. Sounds good.

  “Glad to see she hasn’t changed,” Garrett said winking at me.

  “Nope, she hasn’t changed at all. Come on lets go get a drink they’re going to be at least a half an hour.”

  “A half an hour? I’m starving,” he said grabbing his stomach.

  “Oh, stop whining and buy me a drink,” I said jokingly.

  We found two seats at the bar and ordered our drinks. We sat in silence checking out the scenery. The bar area was loud and there was a huge mechanical bull in the middle of it. The ambiance was very rustic and the bar itself looked like it was made out of huge logs. The sign over the bar said Saloon in old western looking writing. There were pictures hung on the walls of cowboys, horses and lots and lots of cattle.

  Out of the blue, a voice came over the loud speaker. “Who’s ready to ride the bull?” The voice boomed. The patrons in the bar went crazy, screaming and hollering. Garrett and I looked at each other and both burst out laughing. A line began to form at the far end of the bar near the bull.

nbsp; “I think you should ride that thing, Babe.” Garrett winked at me.

  “Are you out of your mind? I’m not getting on that thing.”

  Garrett leaned into me. “You would look so fucking sexy riding on it. I can picture you naked on it, writhing. Fuck, I’m getting hard just thinking about it,” he breathed heavily nipping my ear lobe. He put his hand on my leg and slowly moved up my thigh. “I’m so glad you wore a skirt tonight,” he said seductively while his hand worked its way higher and higher. He stopped suddenly. “You’re not wearing any underwear?”

  I shook my head and slowly licked my lips, spreading my legs giving him better access.

  “Oh Babe,” he moaned.

  He removed his hand from between my legs and brought his fingers to his mouth. Wetting his fingers, he quickly moved his hand back up my skirt. He slid two fingers inside me, and my breathing became staggered. I gripped the bar stool, and I raised myself off the seat. I was trying not to make myself too noticeable, but the majority of the bar was now watching people ride the bull. He slowly moved his fingers deeper inside of me. I closed my eyes and exhaled. “There you go, relax,” he whispered. “I want to make you come.”

  I was desperate for him. My hands were searching to unbutton his jeans. “No, no, this is all about you.” His thumb moved to my clit and began working it. I shifted my weight from one hip to the other trying to keep myself composed. The thought of getting caught committing a sexual act in public made me anxious yet it was an incredible turn on as well. These feelings were heightening my enjoyment as I thrust my hips trying to get his fingers deeper into me. “Garrett, I can’t,” I softly moan.

  “Shhh, yes you can,” he said bringing his mouth to my ear. “Come for me, Babe. I want to feel your wet pussy clench my fingers,” his voice had changed into a breathless growl. He took my hand and brought it to the front of his pants. “I’m so fucking hard. I want to take you into the bathroom and fuck you silly.”

  I managed to squeeze my hand down the front of his pants and began rubbing his hard cock. He quickened the pace of his thumb over my clit. “Take me to the bathroom,” I pleaded. “I need to feel you inside of me.”

  “Are you sure?” Garrett said in complete shock.

  “Yes, I’m sure. I feel like I’m going to explode.”

  He pulled his fingers out of me and helped me down off the bar stool. I felt flushed and red in the face. I looked around the bar wondering if anyone had any idea of what we had just done. I was relieved when I realized no one was paying attention to us. They were all watching the chick on the mechanical bull. She was yelling Hee Haw and looked like she was holding on like her life depended on it.

  Garrett put his hand on the small of my back as he ushered me towards the bathroom. I think I would have run there if it wouldn’t have drawn attention to me.

  “Hey where are you guys going?” I heard Nicole’s voice from across the bar.

  “Are you fucking kidding me,” Garrett exhaled. “She decides to show up now.”

  I swung around feeling like we just got caught in the act. “Hey! It’s about time you guys got here,” I said with a huge smile on my face looking up at Garrett.

  “Fucking A,” I heard him say under his breath.

  “Hey Garrett, you going to ride the bull tonight?” Nicole said joking.

  He looked down at me and said under his breath, “Oh, I’ll be riding something alright, but it won’t be that bull.”

  “Shhhh,” I said elbowing him in the ribs.

  He grabbed my hips tightly. “Oh Babe, I’m going to ravage you when we get home. I have the worst case of blue balls right now.”

  “Easy killer,” I said laughing.

  I couldn’t stop smiling.

  “What the hell are you smiling about? What did I miss?” Nicole asked.

  “Oh nothing, I was just thinking about something funny that happened today,” I said trying to get her off the subject. I did tell Nicole almost everything, but since Michael is here the last thing he needs to learn about is my sexual escapades.

  “Any idea how much longer for our table?” Nicole asked.

  “They should be calling us any minute now.”

  “Oh my God, I’m so rude. Michael this is Leila my best friend in the world and this is Garrett her boyfriend. I wait I mean her fiancé.” She said with a huge smile on her face.

  “Hi Michael. I have heard so much about you. I feel like I already know you,” I extended my hand, smiling at him.

  “I can say the same thing about you,” Michael said with a smile.

  “Hey man, it’s nice to meet you,” Garrett said politely.

  I could tell he was nervous. He doesn’t do well around people he doesn’t know.

  “It’s nice to meet you too. Nice tattoos,” Michael said smiling and admiring Garrett’s arms.

  “Oh, thanks. My tats can either be a good thing or a bad thing to people. You wouldn’t believe how often I am judged for having them.”

  “No man, no judgment here. They are amazing, I have a few too, but nothing like yours. Where did you get them?”

  I turned to Nicole and rolled my eyes. “Here we go,” I said laughing.

  “At least they are getting along,” Nicole smiled.

  “Very, very true,” I said agreeing with her.

  I heard my name being called over the intercom. Garrett and Michael were so engrossed in their tattoo conversation. They didn’t even realize our table was ready.

  “Umm. . . Excuse me,” Nicole said interrupting them. “Are you two planning on joining us or are you going to just stand there discussing tattoos all night long?”

  “Oh shit, yeah I’m starving,” Garrett said.

  “Yeah, me too, this one kept me waiting twenty minutes while she was getting ready.” Michael said directing his joke at Nicole.

  “Well, you better get used to it. She’s infamous for being late,” I laughed.

  “Alright, alright. . .” Nicole laughed.

  We had a great time at dinner. Garrett and Michael talked the majority of our dinner about tattoos. Michael pretty much interrogated Garrett about where he got his tattoos, how long they took and if he knew of any good artists in the area. Nicole and I just sat there and listened to them talk.

  “I can’t believe this we both have men at the same time AND they are getting along,” Nicole said in complete astonishment.

  “So where do you want to go after this,” I asked.

  For some reason, the guys heard this comment both of them stopping their discussion mid-sentence and they were now eavesdropping on our conversation.

  “Please tell me we are not going to some freaking techno dance club,” Garrett said flatly. “That music kills my soul with every beat,” he said smiling.

  “I think there is an 80’s rock cover band playing at Infinity,” Michael chimed in.

  I saw both Garrett and Nicole perk up at the mention of the 80’s music. They both were obsessed with 80’s rock. It was quite comical.

  “You guys want to go there? I’m down. I really don’t care where we go,” I said.

  Pushing his chair back and standing up. “It’s settled then, 80’s rock here we come,” Michael said smiling at Nicole.

  Watching the two of them warmed my heart. You could just see how much they liked each other. There is nothing I want more than to see Nicole happy, and I truly believe Michael may be the one.

  Chapter Nineteen

  The next few months went by like a whirlwind. Both Garrett and I were busy with wedding preparations and work. Katie and I were in prime time wedding season, which kept me very busy. Garrett and I barely spent any time together. We would discuss wedding plans over the phone. I would email him pictures of the invitations or flowers I liked. He told me to pick out what I liked, it didn’t matter to him. The only thing that mattered was I was going to be Mrs. Garrett Levine.

  When it came time to choose our ceremony location it was a no brainer. “Our” spot at Wales Park––we had so
many memories there. Some were good, some were bad. It just seemed like the right place. Danny was nice enough to offer us the bar for the reception site. I knew it wasn’t anything fancy, but it worked for us.

  I just got off a double shift at Danny’s. My head was pounding, and my feet had heart beats. I dragged my tired ass up the flight of stairs thinking about how wonderful it was going to be to take a hot shower and go to sleep. Unlocking my door I fully expected to see Molly sitting on the counter waiting for me, but she wasn’t there. I heard a strumming noise coming from my bedroom. For a second, I began to freak out thinking someone was in my apartment, but once I stopped and listened to the sound I knew exactly who it was.

  I quietly crept down the hallway to my room, stopping in the doorway. I stood there watching and listening to him play. He looked so sexy lying in my bed with only his boxers on playing the guitar. My heart began to beat a little faster watching his fingers move up and down the strings so eloquently.

  I remembered back to the time when he tried to teach me how to play when we first started dating. I gave up pretty quickly telling him holding the strings down hurt my fingers. He did manage to teach me a couple of chords, but I was just as happy laying on his bed listening to him play. I found it so soothing.

  I let him finish the song he was playing then I walked into the room. “G? What are you doing here?” I asked smiling from ear to ear.

  “Hey Babe. What I can’t come visit my fiancée?” He said jokingly. “I missed you and wanted to spend the night with my girl. Come here and gimme a kiss.”

  “No offense, but do you mind if I take a shower first? I stink like beer. Some asshole knocked into me while I was carrying a pitcher.”

  “Who was it? You want me to kick his ass!” He laughed.

  “Hell no! You’ve caused enough trouble at Danny’s. Just give me five minutes. I need to get this stench off of me.”

  “Can I join you?” He said raising his eyebrows.

  “To be completely honest I really just want to get in and out of there.”


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