Bad Karma
Page 19
She looked confused. Then suddenly her face cleared. “You were her first?”
He shook his head. “If she waited this long, I can wait a little while longer for her.”
Selena’s face displayed a wide range of emotions. “Mijo, I can’t count the number of girlfriends in your past. You’re telling me that you have not gone to bed with your Cassie?”
Javier closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Mama, I shouldn’t be talking with you about this, but no, I haven’t.”
Selena cast a sceptical look at her son. “She doesn’t interest you in that way?”
Javier gave out one deep snort of laughter. “Every moment of every day I want to bite her clothes off with my teeth and kiss her all over, but I’ve restrained myself only because I love her so deeply. Can’t you understand how much I love her?”
Selena slowly nodded. “I’m beginning to.”
Sky always felt anxious at the end of her shift. She clutched her hospital-issued photo identification card, ready to slide it through the time clock near the information desk. Today, a sweet-faced elderly volunteer manned the desk and smiled at her as she swiped her card through the slot at the base of the clock to punch out. Funny. That’s how I feel. Punched out.
“Have a good day, dear,” she chirped.
Sky managed a smile and turned toward the exit.
Zach was waiting for her like a tall, well developed guardian angel. He stood just inside the door, his hands shoved in the pockets of his jeans. From her position by the time clock, she could almost see the tiny flecks of gold in his green eyes. Those eyes lit up when he spotted her crossing the lobby.
When she neared, he tucked her under his protective arm.
There was something about the way he’d taken over the care and well-being of both Danforth sisters. She could have fallen in love with him for that reason alone.
But this man offered her everything; everything in the whole wide world. And he might just get her killed if she stuck around loving him too long.
“How was your shift?” he asked.
“Better, now that it’s over.” She stood on tiptoe to plant a kiss on his cheek.
His green-eyed gaze was scorching. “Let’s go home.”
Home. An aching hole opened in Sky’s chest. She yearned for the safety of a home that she couldn’t be chased away from, a haven to call her own, a sanctuary for the sinner.
Zach cupped the side of her face, disengaged the clip that held her hair and let it tumble down around her shoulders, and then ran his fingers through the mass of loose curls. He walked her to his car and settled her inside.
How could she tell him that she felt vulnerable and exposed in his open Jeep, when he thought his mere presence protected her. Glancing around, she felt phantom crosshairs trained on her, aimed to rip her apart in an instant.
Terrified, she kept her chin ducked and her body tensed, smiling a little as Zach chatted about plans for the evening.
When they turned onto the long stretch heading out to Zach’s house, Sky raised her head. The tendons in the back of her neck were stiff from the strain.
Glancing around, she tried to draw a breath. There weren’t any cars following them.
Zach turned to look at her, concern etched on his face. “What’s the matter, Sky?”
She mustered a smile and then shook her head. “Nothing.” Just my whole life. Maybe yours too.
He pulled up in front of the house and killed the motor. Reaching for her, he pulled her close. “Sky, we will get through this. You have to believe me.”
She nodded. Her hair made a scrunching sound against his shoulder.
“Come inside.”
She clung to him. “I’m sorry, Zach.”
Pulling back, his face looked incredulous. “What do you have to be sorry for? You’ve done nothing wrong.”
“Bringing all this to your life.” She bit her lip, afraid she might tear up. “You had such a happy existence before I came and complicated it. Now, you don’t jog on the beach or swim in the morning, because you’re afraid to leave me alone. You’re not doing the dolphin watch either. I feel like I’ve taken away all the things that make you happy.”
He came around to the passenger side, urging her to alight.
She put her hand in his and started her slow trek upstairs when he swept her up in his arms and carried her swiftly to the deck.
He set her on her feet, his green eyes flickering with a sentiment she’d never seen before--anger. “Let me tell you what you’ve brought to my life.” His voice was low and dangerous. He grasped her arm and drew her to sit on the chaise with him. “You’ve brought a whole range of emotion into my life that was missing before. When I wake up in the morning and you’re asleep in my arms, my heart is flooded with joy. And then I’m devoured by fear. Fear that I might lose you. Fear that some nut job might kill you. Fear that you’ll take off and leave this big aching void in my life.”
He stroked the side of her face and kissed her hard, drawing her against his chest. When he released her, she tried to speak, but he stopped her with his finger on her lips.
“Anger, let me tell you about anger. I’m never angry, but since you told me about this man who’s after you, I feel this seething fury in my gut all the time. I’m in a rage because someone is trying to take you away from me.”
Sky choked down the taste of tears clogging her throat.
“And you’ve brought passion to my life. You’ve aroused all my senses and made me feel incomplete unless I can touch you or kiss you or make love to you.” He laughed, a single, short terse sound. “This from a very independent guy. For the first time, I can really see the future, but I can’t imagine a future if you’re not a part of it.”
Tears she’d been fighting overpowered her and ran down her cheeks in two rivulets.
Zach kissed each wet cheek. “You have to promise me something.”
She sniffled and hiccupped, nodding her head. She didn’t know what he wanted, but she knew she’d give it to him, no matter what he asked.
“Promise me,” he whispered, his lips close to hers. “Promise me you won’t leave me, under any circumstances.”
“Zach, I...”
“Promise me.”
“I promise,” she choked out.
He wrapped his fingers around the back of her neck and leaned his forehead against hers. He expelled a breath. “We will get through this together. I promise you.”
“I hope so.”
He pulled away, still holding her close where he could gaze into her eyes. “Darla and Rafael came by earlier. They’ve identified the suspect. It’s the husband of the woman killed in the accident. He was abusive to her and she’d left him, but he was stalking her.”
An icy finger traced a line down her spine. “Stalking her?”
“They’re circulating his photo at the restaurants and hotels. Darla said they would get him and I have to believe they will.”
A flicker of hope kindled in her gut. This was more progress than the other police departments had made.
This sheriff had identified the stalker. Maybe there was a possibility that she would live to enjoy a happily ever after with Zach.
Javier rode with the windows open, inhaling the fresh breeze off the bay. He grinned when he saw his beloved truck, parked in front of Zach’s house, in line with the Audi and Jeep. Javier’s cousin, Jorge, had driven him and he pulled in next to the truck.
When Javier stepped on the bottom step, a bright security light came on, temporarily blinding him. He groped his way up to the deck, where he was met with more lighting.
The French doors opened and Zach stepped out to check him out, before motioning him inside.
When Javier stepped over the threshold, Zach set an aluminum baseball bat on the floor against the door frame.
Their eyes met and Javi raised his eyebrows.
Zach locked the doo
rs. “Rafael identified the stalker. We’re just taking a few precautions until they get him.”
Javier let out a long sigh. “Good. I hope it’s sooner rather than later.”
Zach gestured to the sling. “How’s the arm?”
Javier shrugged. “I’ll find out next week when I go back to get the stitches out.”
Cassie came into the living room in her bare feet, wearing shorts and one of her new knit tops. She grinned in delight when she saw Javier. “I thought I heard your voice.”
“I’ll leave you two alone. I’m watching a movie with Sky.” Zach disappeared into his room.
Javier held out his good arm to Cassie. “I needed to see you.”
Cassie crossed the room to embrace him, sling and all, her breast pressed against the back of his immobilized hand.
Javier cupped the back of her head with his free hand and lowered his mouth to give her an urgent kiss, his tongue slipping into her mouth, demanding her response.
She didn’t disappoint, her tongue engaging his in a playful dance that sent flames of desire licking at his libido.
“Hi, baby,” he whispered when she pulled away.
“Hi, Javi. I’m glad you’re here.”
“Me too. Is it safe to go outside?”
She looked apprehensive, shaking her head. “We don’t know what this guy might try next. He seems determined to come after Sky. Would it be all right if we stay inside?” She motioned to the sofa.
“Sure. Jorge’s waiting for me down below. I just wanted to be with you for a little while tonight.”
Cassie threw herself onto the sofa and pulled him down beside her. “I’m glad you did, because I wanted to be with you too.”
I have another little present for you.”
She shook her head, but grinned at him. “You should stop giving me presents. I’m already getting to be so spoiled.”
Javier felt giant fingers clutch at his heart. He cleared his suddenly husky throat and fixed her with an intense gaze. “You have no idea how I’d spoil you, if you’d let me.”
Gazing into his eyes, she caught her breath.
Javier kissed her again, wishing he had both arms to hold her. He pulled away, reaching into his sling and drawing out a cell phone. “This is for you. I programmed my cell number in here and the sheriff’s emergency number.”
“I need this so much! Thank you!” She was grinning, a rapt expression on her face as she examined the phone, its case the color of claret wine.
Javier felt a surge of pride that he could please her. “It’s nothing. I want you to be safe.”
She turned her pretty face to him, her eyes shining. “It makes me feel better to know that I can reach out and touch you, and be touched in return.”
“Baby, if you only knew how much I want to touch you right now.” He sighed. “I’d better go before I get myself in trouble.”
Cassie walked with him to the door and kissed him again.
He slipped out, hearing her lock the door behind him. He’d just gotten into Jorge’s truck when his cell rang.
A grin spread across his face as he recognized her number. “Hi, baby.”
“I wanted to tell you that I love you,” she said.
His voice broke. “I love you more.” He closed his phone with a snap, meeting Jorge’s grinning countenance.
“I’m happy for you, Primo.” Jorge started his truck and pulled away. “I hope this girl is worth all the trouble.”
“She’s no trouble.”
Jorge turned to give him a piercing gaze. “Javi, your girl is the meaning of the word trouble.”
“Shut up!” Javier growled as the truck roared down the beach.
The next morning, Zach stood watch on the deck as Cassie and Sky climbed into Javier’s truck. He felt uneasy about letting Cassie drive Sky to the hospital, but Sky had insisted she felt okay about it.
Cassie was meeting Darla for breakfast at The Net on her day off to talk to her about her martial arts experiences.
Zach smiled as the huge vehicle roared to life, the tires crunching into the sand. He was glad that the Danforth women were blending in with the Bailey family.
He made sure the alarm system was engaged and all access was fortified before climbing into the Jeep. He had an errand of his own and intended to carry it out in private. He could tell the girls later, but if it wasn’t good news he’d have a heads up and be able to prepare a new battle plan.
He pulled up to the sheriff’s office and entered, nodding to Ida, the office manager and dispatcher.
“Zach Bailey!” She reached up from her motorized wheel chair to embrace him. “You get better looking every time I see you. Go right in. Rafael’s expecting you.” She pointed to the glass door of his office.
“Thanks, Ida.” He winked at her. “You’re my girl. Keep my sister in line.” He laughed when Ida rolled her eyes.
Rafael motioned for Zach to come into his office and take a seat.
“Any good news?”
Rafael gave an almost imperceptible shake of his head. “My deputies are on the streets right now with pictures of Luther Franks. It’s been circulated to all the places that provide lodging, fuel and rentals of any kind.”
Zach felt a tightness in his chest. “Nothing yet, huh?”
“It takes time, Zach. How is Skyler holding up?”
Zach raised his brows. “She’s faking it, pretending that everything is all right. She thinks I believe her, but I can see right through her little act.”
Rafael clasped his hands together on top of his desk. “Do you think it’s a good idea for her to go to work at the hospital? That’s where she’s the most vulnerable. Anyone could walk into the emergency room with a fake injury and get close to her.”
“I’ve told her the same thing. If you’ll lend me a couple of pairs of handcuffs I might be able to keep both Sky and Cassie at home.” Zach leaned on Rafael’s desk, his face resting on his fists. “Sky thinks her presence is vital to the hospital, you know all that saving humanity stuff?”
Rafael snorted, shaking his head.
“And Cassie is actually looking at every man she sees, in case he’s this Luther Franks. She’s itching to kick his ass. She’s very protective of Sky.”
Rafael laughed. “I may have to deputize her.”
Cassie waved when Darla walked into The Net. She’d been chatting with Sybil while she waited.
Darla looked younger in her “civvies”. She could be any young woman meeting a friend for breakfast. Her short cap of auburn curls framed a face that appeared to be golden with her light smattering of freckles. Big brown eyes with long lashes, made her appear to be such a soft, feminine girly girl.
But a girl growing up with seven brothers could hardly afford to be girly.
The two women leaned in for a hug and ordered a surprisingly hearty breakfast.
Darla grinned across the table at her. “Tell me, Cassie, what do you want to be when you grow up?”
Cassie howled in outrage, throwing a wadded up napkin at Darla.
Darla ducked, laughing. “Just kidding. My dad Googled you, so I know all about your academic honors, Miss Cum Laude.”
Cassie frowned. “Not so loud. I haven’t figured out how to tell Javier. He thinks I’m just the delivery girl here at The Net.”
“Why not? He should be proud to be dating someone so smart and accomplished.”
Cassie shook her head. “Javier is not the kind of guy to point out a girl and say, ‘I’ll bet her IQ is over one-sixty’. He admitted that his initial attraction to me was purely physical. Only nerds are attracted to other nerds and aren’t intimidated by brainiacs. Javier did not fall in love with me because I’m smart.”
Darla guffawed indelicately. “I’m sure he didn’t. But he’s in love with you now. You can tell him the awful truth.”
Cassie shredded another paper napkin. “I will, when the time is right. I don’t want him to run screaming away.�
“Warren and Woodrow are going to be so disappointed. They both want to win your heart. The Bailey boys are not intimidated by brainy, strong women.”
Cassie balled up the shredded napkin and tossed it on the table beside the mini-jukebox. “Apparently not. Look at Zach and Sky. He treats her like every word that drips from her lips is pure platinum.”