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Page 10

by Karen Erickson

  “Yeah, well, Drake’s right.” He couldn’t resist her any longer. Grabbing Scarlett by the arm, he dragged her to him, forcing her to drop her folded arms. “Let’s go to that club and see what happens. Let it unfold on its own.”

  She smiled at him, her expression pretty and relieved and it took his breath away. “Really?”

  He kissed the tip of her nose, the nerves jangling inside. He chose to ignore them. Focused instead on the woman in his arms. “Really.”

  Chapter Eight

  The club was packed, the line to get in endless as usual. Trevor and Scarlett walked right up to the door to find Drake manning it, a friendly smile curving his lips when he saw them approach.

  The happiness on his face was unmistakable. He let them right in, a suggestive look passing between them. The heat in Drake’s brilliant green eyes reminded Trevor of the moment they shared together. How surprisingly good it had been…

  He glanced at Scarlett who watched him with knowing eyes. And he was struck by how good it was between them, too. Better than good, he viewed what he and Scarlett shared as perfect. He had a feeling it might be explosive for all three of them.

  “Want a drink?” Trevor spoke directly in her ear so she’d hear him.

  She nodded, her hair brushing his face, soft and sweetly fragrant. “I think I need one.”

  Hell, so did he. He was always up for some liquid courage when the going got tough. The potential of tonight had tough written all over it.

  “You look like you’re being led to your death,” Scarlett told him once they’d approached the bar.

  “I look that good huh?” He smoothed a hand over his head, felt the faint layer of sweat that had formed on his forehead. It was hot in the club, but the sweat was also caused by nerves.

  She nodded. “Can I admit something to you?”

  He shrugged. “Sure.”

  Placing her hands on his shoulders, she leaned into him, going on tiptoe so she could whisper in his ear. “I’m excited. I can’t wait to be with the two of you. I want to watch you and Drake together.”

  Her words made his dick hard. Little Miss Voyeur was ready to come out and play. Well, for her the playing was the watching. And though he didn’t mind a little watching, he also definitely wanted her participating.

  “Baby, if we’re doing this, you need to be a willing participant,” he whispered back right before he nipped her earlobe with his teeth.

  She shivered, sidling even closer to him. “What exactly do you want me to do?”

  “You want play by play?” He glanced around. They were surrounded by people. The bartender was at the other end of the counter handling orders. It was going to take awhile before they got their drinks, which was par for the course at this place.


  He smiled. “You’re just going to have to wait and see though I’ll admit I have my limits.”

  “Limits?” She sounded intrigued.

  “Well yeah. I don’t want to share you too much with Drake. Certain parts of you are mine.” Ah holy shit, he meant it, too. Any other woman and he wouldn’t have had a problem sharing. Hell, he’d done exactly that.

  Trevor recalled the last time he’d had a threesome, a few years ago. He and a friend had picked up a woman while spending the weekend in Vegas and brought her to his hotel room. They’d fucked all night long, even doing a double penetration that had made the woman go absolutely wild.

  He wondered if Scarlett would be willing to go for a double penetration.

  Hell, he wondered if he’d be able to deal with it. He wouldn’t want Drake to take her ass. He hadn’t even done that yet. But Drake buried deep inside Scarlett’s pussy?

  He felt like the biggest, most macho jerk ever but he considered that pussy his.

  “That sounds kind of romantic, Trevor. I thought romance wasn’t your thing.”

  “I can be romantic.” If she could hear his thoughts, she’d definitely not think he was romantic.

  She laughed, a tinkling like a bell and he stared at her, became engrossed in her. Her face, her smile, her sparkling eyes. The wild dark hair, her pouty, pretty mouth and creamy smooth skin he desperately wanted to touch all the damn time. “Prove it.”

  “You want romance?”

  She sobered, her eyes widened. “Well I don’t think it has a place in tonight’s activity, but if you’re willing…”

  Finally, he felt like they were on the same page. Hope filled him at the thought. Maybe they could make something work here. Build a future. One step at a time.

  “Glad to see you two made it.”

  Drake’s distinctive drawl sounded behind them, and they both turned to find him standing there, a slight smile tilting his lips. “Are we ready?”

  “Where are we going?” Scarlett asked, her gaze skittering to Trevor.

  “My place? Does that work?”

  Totally. It wasn’t his place, and it wasn’t Scarlett’s. They wouldn’t be reminded of this one night except in their memories.


  “It works,” Scarlett said with a nod just before she drew her bottom lip between her teeth. Her usual nervous gesture when things got a little unsure.

  Trevor slipped his arm around her shoulder and drew her close. “We’ll follow you over.”

  “Great.” Drake studied them for a moment, his eyes darkening the slightest bit. “Are you sure you want to do this? Trevor?”

  The apprehension was clear on Drake’s face as well. No surprise. The way they were approaching this was ridiculous.

  “Listen.” Trevor reached for Drake, clapped a hand on his shoulder and gave him a little shake. “I think we should hang out here for a while and have a couple of drinks. Loosen us up a little bit. If, after a while, we’re still approaching this like some sort of business deal about to go down then I say we cancel. But if we all can get into it,—” he shot a meaningful glance in Scarlett’s direction, “—then I say we go for it.”

  “That sounds good,” Scarlett said cautiously. “What do you think?”

  “Let’s do it.”

  “I need vodka.” Scarlett glanced toward the busy bartender, her voice sounding rough. “He’s taking forever.”

  Trevor released his hold on Drake and pulled her even closer. “Patience, sweetheart. He’s headed our way.”

  “I’ll get him to come our way,” Drake said, bellying up to the bar and whistling so loud the majority of the crowd turned to look in their direction including the bartender.

  Drinks were quickly obtained and just as quickly consumed. The club was packed, they were crammed at a little table huddled close together and the music throbbed, the beat heavy and pounding deep inside Trevor’s body, pumping through his veins.

  “We should dance,” he suggested, and Scarlett’s eyes lit up at his words.

  “Oh yes, that sounds perfect.” She was already standing, her body leaning toward the dance floor.

  “I don’t really dance,” Drake protested with a shake of his head, but Scarlett stood in front of the table, her hands on her hips, expression stern.

  “Don’t you dare try to get out of this,” she said, and Trevor laughed.

  “Don’t argue with her dude. She’ll drag you out onto that dance floor kicking and screaming.”

  All three of them headed toward the crowded dance floor, Scarlett holding each of their hands so they were linked. Finding a spot on the edge of the floor, they began to dance, Scarlett facing Drake, Trevor behind her, his hands on her hips in a possessive gesture. Already they were entwined, Drake staring at Trevor with undisguised lust, Trevor’s fingers pressing into Scarlett’s lush curves.

  He needed to say something before things got too hot and heavy. Needed to make it clear to Drake that this was a one-time thing he was doing for Scarlett and nothing else. It would never happen again.

  It would be too dangerous if it happened again. For everyone.

  Trevor was for this interlude, but he wanted to make certain things cle
ar. Scarlett belonged to him. And he wasn’t about to leave her for Drake.

  The music was fantastic, the beat strong and fast. The liquor was smooth, had slid right down her throat with ease. Scarlett could feel it coursing through her veins, warming her belly and making her head buzz. Just what she needed considering what was about to go down.

  Right at the moment, she was enjoying being the center filling inside a man sandwich. Drake in front of her danced surprisingly smooth for someone who said he wasn’t any good at it. And Trevor behind her, his hands grasped about her hips, his lower body bumped and ground against her ass in time with the music.

  His erection let her know that he was very much into this. Very much into her.

  She raised her arms above her head, her body swaying to the beat. Drake moved closer, invading her space, dancing with her in perfect rhythm. Trevor held her tight, moving with her, his cheek close to hers, his mouth on her ear.

  “You want to kiss him?” His whispered question made her shiver and she stared at Drake, her gaze zeroing in on his mouth. It was a nice mouth, firm yet full lips. She could certainly imagine kissing it.

  “Yes.” She let her arms fall back behind her and wrap around Trevor’s neck. “Do you?”

  “I want to see you kiss him first.” He licked her ear and she gasped, her butt nudging against him. “But don’t forget who wants you the most, babe.”

  Her body turned into molten liquid at Trevor’s words, his intent. The fact he was laying claim on her, reminding her of how he felt every step of the way. She should’ve found it annoying but instead she liked it. Loved it even.

  His possessiveness aroused her, made her feel good.

  Trevor’s hands on her hips guided her toward Drake, bringing them closer together and they continued to move to the music as one. Her hips thrust toward Drake, helped by Trevor’s guidance and Drake settled his hands on her waist, his fingers nudging Trevor’s. Drake pulled her upper body toward him, and her breasts brushed against his muscular chest.

  It was sensation overload already and they’d barely begun. To have two sets of large male hands upon her body, vying for her attention was heady. Her arms went around Drake’s neck, burrowing her hands in his hair. She marveled at the softness, the slight wave of it curling around her fingers. He watched her, his gaze locked on her face, his lips parting in anticipation and she tugged on his hair, pulling him down toward her mouth.

  They kissed. And it was much different from the innocent smooch at the theatre. His mouth opened over hers, his hot, seeking tongue trailing out to lick, meeting hers. She groaned and opened her mouth wider, letting him search her thoroughly and his hands tightened on her waist.

  And then she was ripped away from him, Trevor’s hand curving around her cheek and pulling her into his possessive kiss as if he couldn’t resist. His tongue licked deep, stroked hers with a delicious in and out rhythm that reminded her of sex. Of how his cock drove deep inside her body.

  He was a wonderful kisser. Drake was good, but Trevor was so much better. And when he released her, the sexy slumberous look in his gray eyes made her heart skip a beat or five.

  Her mouth dropped open when she watched Trevor lean over and lock lips with Drake. She stopped dancing, stood in wide-eyed wonder as she watched the two men kiss, their big bodies crushing her in between them. It was hot, their mouths connecting again and again, lips parted and wet and she caught a flash of tongues tangling.

  A shiver slithered down her spine and she realized she still held onto Drake’s neck, her face so close to the action that all she had to do was lean in.

  So she did. She leaned in, and she saw Trevor move away slightly from Drake with a smile. He kissed her, his tongue licking a path across her lips before he did the same thing to Drake. And Drake did the same thing to her before he licked Trevor’s.

  Oh God, it was so hot. Her panties were wet, her nipples hard and she licked her own lips, tasted both men on them. They were engrossed in each other, totally unaware of what was happening around them, and she loved it. Could hardly believe this was happening to her. Despite all of her sexual adventures throughout the years, she’d never done anything like this.

  She couldn’t want to get started for real.

  “We should go,” she suggested, her gaze meeting Drake’s for the briefest moment before it landed upon Trevor.

  “You sure?” Trevor pulled her to him, away from Drake’s grip. His hands slid up and down her hips, curving around to smooth over her butt. “You don’t want to dance anymore?”

  “I want to go back to Drake’s place and continue this,” she said, her cheeks flushing the slightest bit. She couldn’t help but be a little embarrassed over it.

  “Then let’s do it.” Trevor glanced up, the men’s gazes connecting and she saw something unspoken pass between them.

  “Let’s do it,” Drake echoed.

  Drake’s apartment was small, sparsely furnished but nice. He led them inside without a word, flicking the lock with a final click that sounded loud in the quiet of the room. Scarlett looked at Trevor, saw the reassuring smile on his face and she reached out, squeezed his hand.

  She needed the connection, the approval from this man that what they were about to embark on was all right. That no one was going to get hurt.

  She went to him, wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed a lingering kiss to the heated skin of his throat. “No one is going to get hurt, right?” Her question was a replica of her worried thoughts.

  “Not if we do this right,” Trevor murmured, his hands moving up and down her back in a soothing notion. “Just follow my lead, sweetheart.”

  With a nod she pulled away, the trust for this man she felt nearly overwhelming her. This was going to be good. Trevor would make sure of it. He always made sure of it.

  He took care of her. Despite her misgivings and bitchiness and general unpleasant behavior he always took care of her needs. Sacrificed his own in the process more than once, too. She’d been blind to it, too selfish, wrapped up in her own insecurities and worried thoughts to realize what exactly this man did for her.

  Well, she was done with that. Starting tonight, starting at this very moment, she was going to show her appreciation to him. She was going to give him everything he wanted, everything he needed, worship him with her mouth and hands and body.

  By the end of the night, he’d be begging for her. And she’d be begging for him. Drake would benefit, too.

  Though secretly she knew he would be the one most likely to end up hurt out of all of them. She didn’t want that to happen.

  “Let’s go back to my bedroom,” Drake suggested with a flick of his head.

  Trevor took Scarlett’s hand, and they followed him down the short hall into a rather large bedroom dominated by a king-sized bed. Drake went to the bedside table and pulled a lighter out of the drawer, going to the dresser and lighting the few candles that sat there. Immediately the room was illuminated with flickering candlelight, giving it a sensuous, mysterious mood that made Scarlett’s skin prickle with heat.

  She watched Trevor as he glanced about the room, his gaze, his stance one of command. When his gaze settled upon Drake, he gave a little nod and Drake’s eyes flared with heat. “Get undressed.” His gaze turned onto Scarlett. “You too, sweetheart.”

  Without any more urging Scarlett stripped off her clothing, her breath coming fast, her heart beating a million miles a second. Trevor continued to watch her as he took off his clothes, his gaze never leaving hers and when she glanced toward Drake, catching a glimpse of his almost naked form, she saw Trevor’s jaw harden.

  He went to her, his long legs taking him to her in mere seconds and she stood straighter, her breath leaving her in a ragged little sigh when he stuck his face in hers. “Look only at me, sweetheart, until I tell you not to. You do as I say.”

  Her breath completely left her. God, she loved it when he got so commanding with her. Even though she’d played the irritated woman before with him, s
ecretly she loved it. It made her wet, her clit throb. She kept her gaze on him as she tugged her panties over her hips, along her legs until she had them in a crumpled little ball of fabric in her hand.

  Trevor held out his hand. “Give them to me.”

  She did so, and he brought them to his face. He breathed deep, a wicked smile curving his lips. “You’re wet.”

  “Touch me and see,” she offered with a husky voice.

  His smile grew, and he shook his head slowly. “Not yet. Go sit on the bed and watch.”

  Scarlett went to the end of the bed and sat on the edge, feeling a little awkward sitting there nude while Trevor went to Drake. The two men were naked, gloriously so. She let her gaze wander over them, eating them up.

  Both beautifully formed yet different, Trevor was taller, broader, just a hint more muscular. Drake was lean with a long torso and arms, his thighs corded with muscle, his cock…

  She bit back a sigh. He had a nice cock. Not as thick as Trevor’s but his looked longer. Drake stared at Trevor with longing in his pale green eyes, his body leaning toward Trevor’s and Trevor reached for him, his hand going to the back of Drake’s neck.

  “Suck me,” he commanded. Drake went to his knees, his lips eagerly wrapping around the head of Trevor’s erect cock.

  Scarlett held her breath as she watched the two men. Drake moaned low in his throat, his hand wrapping around his own cock as he filled his mouth with Trevor’s. Trevor grasped either side of Drake’s head, guiding him upon his length, thrusting deeper with his every movement, fucking Drake’s mouth.

  It was the hottest thing she’d ever seen. She’d been afraid she might become jealous, watching Drake do anything to Trevor but it turned out not to be the case.

  Especially when she caught Trevor, looking at her, his gaze never left hers. He watched her with heated eyes as Drake licked and sucked him with enthusiasm, his breathing becoming heavy, his eyes heavy-lidded.

  It was so sexy, having his total concentration upon her.

  “Touch yourself,” Trevor urged, his voice a raspy whisper and she automatically slid her hand between her legs, finding herself sticky and wet, her clit so sensitive she gave a little gasp when she brushed against it. “That’s it, sweetheart. Make yourself come.”


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