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Viking Wolf

Page 20

by Griff Hosker

  The auctioneer showed that he was no fool. He roared, “Sold!” before I could change my mind. The silence was replaced by a buzz of noise as people discussed my action.

  I went to the table where the tallyman waited to take our coins. I stood behind Agnetha. She turned and gave a rare smile. “You are like me, Norseman, you see beneath the skin although I do not know why you paid in silver.”

  “The man deserves dignity.”

  “Those are the words of a noble man; a noble man who has money. You have a bargain there. Josephus can speak many languages and he was a captain until he was captured by Rorik and his pirates. He was a good sailor. If you had not bought him then I fear he would have had his throat cut. You certainly make life interesting when you visit.”

  This was wyrd. The man was a captain. His name did not sound as though he came from the north. Could it be that he knew the seas through which we would travel? Had the voice been the spirits in my ear?

  Having paid I went to collect my purchase. When I arrived they were fitting a thrall collar. “Do not bother with that?”

  “But he is a slave and he might run!”

  I turned to the auctioneer. “Do you think he could out run us? Come Josephus. Let us get you clothed.” I gestured for him to follow.

  He spoke in our language. It sounded awkward but he could be clearly understood. “Thank you, master. I will serve you well in the time left to me.”

  “That is out of our hands, Josephus. If the Allfather wills it any of us could make the last journey now.”

  There was a stall selling clothes and I spent some coppers to buy him not only clean and usable clothes but some for cold weather. He looked as though he would not last a strong breeze.

  He made to dress in the street. “No Josephus, your days of such indignities are over. We have a shelter on the ship you can change there.” I noticed the eyes on us as we headed for my ship. I trusted no one in this town, none save, perhaps, Agnetha. She alone had not tried to rob us.

  Once dressed Aiden made sure that the old man ate. Then, with the five of us sat around him I questioned him. “The auctioneer said that you were a sailor.”

  He stuck his scrawny chest out proudly. I was a captain. I had my own ship and I sailed the seas from Constantinopolis to the Rinaz. I had money.”

  “Until you were captured?”

  “Until I was captured. It was Rorik the devil who captured me.” He held out his stump. He did this after I was in chains and after he had butchered my crew.”

  “That is strange. Why did he not sell them? He struck me as a man who likes a profit.”

  “He is also a cruel man. I had a small crew of Greeks. They were fine boys but they were young and there were but four of them. When he took my arm they objected and they died.”

  “Why did he take your arm? It reduced your value.”

  “He wanted me for my knowledge of the seas. I have sailed these seas since I was a boy. I followed my father and my grandfather. There was a time when we sailed to the island of Mona and traded there.”

  Haaken frowned and Aiden said, “Anglesey.”

  “Yes it has become the island of the Angles now but my father sailed there when it was a powerful kingdom.”

  “You know the Middle Sea then?”

  He smiled, “Like the back of my hand.” He chuckled, “My right hand that is.”

  “Good for we sail there. Is that your home?”

  “I was born a day from the walls of Constantine. I will die there.” We all clutched our amulets. It was a bad omen when a man foretold his own death.

  “Will you guide us there?”

  He looked surprised at the question. “I am your slave as I have been for the last ten years.”

  “I will grant you your freedom when we reach your home. How say you to that?”

  His eyes welled up. “They say you are a wild and cruel man, Jarl Dragon Heart but I see something noble in you. I will guide you.” He patted the deck with his good hand. “It will be good to sail south again and feel warmth on my face for the final time.”

  “Could you teach me Greek?”

  He seemed to see Aiden for the first time. “Of course. We will have time.”

  “And how to speak Latin? I can read it but I have never spoken it.”

  “Of course.”

  “And can you help me make maps?”

  He nodded and began to laugh. “When I stood there waiting to be sold the three of you frightened me. I did not want you to buy me for I thought that you were like Rorik. Now I see that you are more like the nobles of Charlemagne. Yes, I can help you make maps. I was brought up to make them by my father.”

  “Then get some rest, we shall sail on the next tide.”

  His face became serious. “I would sail sooner. Rorik and his sea rats covet your sword and your ship.”

  It confirmed my suspicions. “Can we sail now?”

  “What does this vessel draw?”

  “Laden as we are, the height of a tall warrior.”

  “Then we can sail. There is a passage to the north we can use.” He hesitated, “If you can trust a one armed man to steer.”

  Haaken laughed, “Well he trusts a one eyed man to fight next to him so the answer will be yes.”

  “Cnut, have the men put their bows within easy reach. I want Ketil on the mast head and Magnus and Erik Short Toe at the prow. Do not make it obvious that we are preparing to leave.” I turned to Arturus. “Come we will prepare to slip our cables. We will walk along the jetty as though we are out for a stroll. Keep your sword handy. The rest of you, be ready for when we return. As soon as our ties are severed we sail north!”

  We headed towards Rorik’s ships. They were two drekar at the end of the jetty. I wanted to be able to recognise them and see how prepared they were for sea. As soon as we drew close I could see men boarding as quickly as they could. They were preparing for sea. They had thirteen oars on each side. I had sailed a threttanessa and I knew how fast they could be. However, like my old ship, ‘Wolf’, they both had a low freeboard.

  We were about to return to our ship when Rorik and his two warriors appeared. “Do not believe everything that old dog tells you! He is a liar! I should have cut his tongue out and not his hand.”

  “Thank you for your advice. I will give it the consideration it deserves.”

  “Why did you pay so much for him? Have you so much gold that you can throw it away?”

  “Let us just say he reminded me of two old men who were kind to me. I was repaying their kindness.”

  He snorted, “And I thought you were a warrior! The wolf indeed! You are weak if you show kindness! It is for fools and women.”

  For the first time he had dropped his mask and I saw beneath the skin. It was also clear to me that Josephus was correct. He desired my ship.

  “Come Arturus, let us have another wheat beer at Agnetha’s while we may and then we can return home!”

  I was not sure if he believed me but I wanted doubt in his mind about our destination. He was sure to have spies on the jetty and they would report that, when we left, we headed north.

  It was hard not to rush as we strolled back to our ship. “Take the forward rope and I will take the stern. As soon as it is untied, board. I will follow.”

  I saw Rorik’s spies. The two scrawny looking men were pretending to play dice while watching our ship. I nodded to Arturus. He slipped the rope. I watched the two spies. They were little bigger than Erik Short Toe although they were grown men. As I expected they both jumped to their feet. Before they could turn away I grabbed one under each arm. I took two strides and when I reached the jetty, hurled them into the water. There were two splashes and shouts. Everyone looked around and then began to laugh. Without bothering to see if they could swim I slipped the rope and leapt aboard. I only just made it. Aiden and Haaken reached for my arms. My crew had taken me at my word and obeyed me. The bow was already moving away from the land as the sail caught the breeze.

Aiden and Haaken laughed as they pulled me aboard.“That could have been embarrassing my friend. But it will make a good line for my latest saga!”

  As I stood at the stern I saw the two wharf rats scrambling ashore. Rorik would get the news but it would be delayed somewhat!

  Chapter 19

  I saw a wide grin appear on the face of Josephus as he edged us into the channel. His eyes flicked from the sea to the mast to the shore and back. “Aiden stay here with Josephus in case he needs anything.”

  “Aye my lord. Do you think Eawynn foresaw this?”

  I smiled, “Probably. We are just following a path already laid out for us. It is best not to worry overmuch.”

  I picked up my bow and slung my quiver over my shoulder so that it hung by my left hand. Haaken and Cnut picked theirs up too. “Are we expecting trouble then?”

  “Yes, Cnut. Rorik’s ships were ready to sail. They will be swift and he knows these waters as well as our pilot. Our best defence will be our bows. We can keep showering him with arrows whilst we row. Make sure our best archers are not used for rowing.”

  The islands around us looked very close to me. Josephus seemed unconcerned. There were islands and patches of marches as far as the eye could see. I returned to the stern. The island we had left was receding in the distance and I could see no sign of pursuit. Of course the threttanessa was a smaller boat and the two we had seen were not laden. They could take the southern passage easier than we could. Our size dictated our course.

  Eventually the land cleared and we could see the open sea. Josephus shouted, “What course, master?”


  He put the steer board over and watched the pennant on the mast head to check the wind. He seemed satisfied and nodded. “It is with us.”

  That was good news. We would not have to row. I felt that I could rely on my new crew member but I wanted Magnus, as well as Aiden, to benefit from his skills. “Magnus, go and watch the new steersman. He is an experienced captain and you can learn much. He is also old so spell him now and then.”

  “Aye captain.”

  I went to the prow. It was a luxury I would take. I wanted to see the sea before me. I knew that Rorik would come for us. He had two ships and we were a tempting prize. The weapons my men owned would be the envy of any warrior. Rorik would assume that he had the advantage for he knew these waters. I would have to outwit him. It was also pleasant to watch my ship sailing from the prow. I could see the way her prow cut through the water. It was clean and it was smooth. It was important to see how your ship sailed. I knew from the other end that she was very responsive to the touch. I looked forward to speaking with Josephus to learn his opinion and headed back to the stern.

  I noticed he kept us further from the coast than I would have done. I saw that he had allowed Magnus to steer, under his direction. Magnus appeared to be hanging on to his every word.

  “You keep us further out to sea captain. Why is that?”

  “More wind and fewer rocks, master. You have a fine spread of canvas aloft it would be a shame to waste any of it.” He patted the rail once more. “She is a fine ship. I have never sailed in one as fast or as responsive.” He touched Magnus gently on the shoulder. “Look at the mast head; a point or two to steer board. Magnus made the adjustment and we all felt the increase in power as the mast creaked a little and we heeled slightly more.

  He smiled at Magnus who beamed. “And the other reason for sailing further from the coast is that it keeps us from the likes of Rorik.” He pointed to the south. “He will come from one of the inlets further south and attack us. He will have his men rowing all night to reach us by the morning. There are many places and islands further south where he can wait and ambush us. He knows the lairs well.”

  “I wondered where he acquired his power.”

  “He has built up a fleet of ten or more ships. They are never all in port at once. The two he has in port are his biggest ones. Some of the others only have six oars a side but he uses them to herd ships to where he wants them. He is like a giant spider and he controls many weaker men. He is very cruel. I would rather die than fall into his hands again.” He looked astern and then up at the mast. “This will be a little too big for him I hope.”

  “And my men are resting. If he has his men rowing all night they will be tired.”

  “Aye he will. Do you intend to sail all night?”

  “That depends upon you, pilot. Do you think we can?”

  “If we keep a good watch and stand out to sea then I see no reason why not. Aiden here has told me that he has a rough map he has made. We can add detail once I am sure of our course and Magnus here has this powerful beast under control.”

  “Magnus is a good sailor and he will captain this before too long.”

  “This is how I learned my trade and my son before he and the others were butchered by Rorik.”

  “Your son was in your crew?”

  “He was and my nephew too. If they are alive then I have my brother and my wife to face when I reach Constantinopolis.”

  The sun began to sink into the west. Josephus looked at me with a question in his eyes, I nodded. He could command the crew. “Ketil, Eric Short Toe, take a reef or two out of the sail.” When the sun dropped behind the horizon Josephus said, “You see that star yonder.” He pointed and Magnus nodded. “Keep the prow pointed at it. When I have helped Aiden with his map and had a sleep I will relieve you.”

  “I can stay awake all night.”

  “I know but this old man is enjoying captaining again. Do not deprive me of that pleasure.” He went to the small shelter we had rigged on the other side of the stern. Aiden had a candle lit and the rough map before him. As the two sat and began to talk, in a mixture of Norse and Greek, I realised that this old man had come seamlessly into our lives and was now one of the family. He knew the sea like Olaf had but he was gentler and more considerate. Olaf had been a little abrasive. Like me he had been a slave and that made you behave differently to other men. Your freedom is more precious; having lost it once you are loath to do so a second time.

  I left them and went to speak with Haaken and Cnut. “We will be attacked in the morning. I want a six man watch all night. I will take the first, Haaken the second, Cnut the third. I will take the fourth and so on. Josephus is working wonders but he is old and he has not been well treated. We must nurse him along. He is the key to Miklagård. The spirits have sent him; of that I am certain.” I nodded towards him. “Keep him well fed and he may live to see his home.”

  The men were soon asleep; their snores providing a counterpoint to the creaking of the ropes and the swish of the seas at the prow. On land the noises would have kept men awake; at sea they were like a lullaby. I went to the stern. “Magnus you can rest for an hour or so if you wish. I have the watch.”

  “No, Jarl Dragon Heart, I promised Josephus that I would steer her.”

  “You like him do you not?”

  He nodded, “I never knew my grandfather. I would like to think he was like Josephus.”

  Wyrd! I had never known my grandfather and Ragnar had become the grandfather I had never known. I was pleased that I had been drawn to the islands of Syllingar. We were meant to do this. It was no longer about the treasure, it was about the voyage and our journey. Aiden would learn languages and have his maps and Magnus would become a captain. I did not know yet what Arturus and I would gain from it but that did not matter. We would change and that change would be for the better. The adventure was in not knowing what lay ahead.

  I saw Aiden and Josephus as they curled up in their blankets. I suspected that this was the first blanket the slave had had in many a year. Arturus had fallen asleep long before. I knew that he was keen to learn Greek as well as Aiden. He might have the intention but I feared he did not have the resolve. Still, if he learned a few words it might help.

  When it came my turn to sleep I found that my mind was filled with too many thoughts for it to be a restful one. The Otherworld se
emed much closer to our world than I expected. It was an uncomfortable thought. And I know that I was excited. Once we passed Navarre it would be as far south as I had ever travelled. I knew that it would be hot and I would see strange sights. Would it change me forever? I had heard of Vikings who had sailed south in search of treasure and adventure. None had returned home. Would I be the first?

  I was roused before dawn by Cnut. Josephus was steering and Magnus, Arturus and Aiden lay asleep at his feet. He could barely move they were so close and curled together.

  “You should have said something, I will move them.”

  “No master. This is a joy to me. I have three young minds. They are like the sponges of the middle sea. They soak up knowledge. I wish to pass on what I know before I die. Rorik tore my knowledge from me and my child that is why he will find a watery grave. The Allfather does not like such behaviour. He will be punished.”

  “You are not a follower of the White Christ then?”

  “I was baptised and all of those in Byzantium are Christians but when I was captured I lost my faith and I went back to the old ways. I do not like to turn the other cheek. I want vengeance. I want Rorik to suffer.”

  I could hear the passion in his voice. “If it is in my power then he will pay.” I saw the thin line of dawn on the eastern horizon. “Haaken, have the men stand to and prepare their oars. Let us eat before dawn in case our new friends from Frisia await us.”

  Josephus nodded, “There are islands coming up and we have to sail close to them. He will be amongst them. His small ships mean he can hide and they will have watchers. He will see us.”

  I nodded and thought about the sea battle to come. Torin One Shoe handed me and Josephus some of yesterday’s bread, some cheese and he sliced an onion in two. Josephus said, “That is more food than I would have seen in four days when I worked for Rorik!”

  “Eat, I need you well for this voyage. Tell me, Rorik will try to attack on both sides at once will he not?” His mouth was full of bread and he nodded. “How many men does he have on each ship?”


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