Enemies Within: Inside the NYPD's Secret Spying Unit and bin Laden's Final Plot Against America

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Enemies Within: Inside the NYPD's Secret Spying Unit and bin Laden's Final Plot Against America Page 33

by Matt Apuzzo

  Gershon, Nina, 152

  Ghetto Informant Program, FBI, 130

  Gilani, Daood Sayed, 135, 158

  Giuliani, Rudy, 27–28

  Gonzales, Alberto, 150

  Greenberg, Ira, 82–83

  Guantanamo Bay, 19, 50, 154, 212, 261, 262

  Guatemala incident: CIA and, 32, 36, 37

  Hafeez, Abdul, 108–11, 113, 114, 116, 117. See also Somali, Saleh al-

  Haight, Charles, 52, 74, 78, 145–46, 148, 179–80, 181, 182

  Halimi, Saifur Rehman, 95, 99

  Hamad. See Shukrijumah, Adnan el-

  Hamas, 184–85, 186

  Hamilton, Lance, 283

  Handschu, Barbara, 44, 45, 46, 47

  Handschu rules/guidelines: activities of NYPD Intelligence Division and, 48, 50–52, 74, 78, 125, 132, 141, 142, 143, 144

  Cohen and, 50–52, 74, 78, 142, 143, 144, 145–46, 179–80, 181, 183, 197, 212

  and gathering of information, 86

  and Handschu case against NYPD, 44, 46, 47–48, 128

  and identification of terrorists, 132, 134, 141

  mosque investigations and, 179–81, 183, 279

  and oversight of NYPD, 48, 52, 142

  as “rubber stamp,” 142

  as safeguard for civil liberties, 50

  and shutting down cases, 197

  terrorism enterprise investigations and, 180–81

  Vinas investigation and, 212

  Haqqani, Husain, 157–61, 165, 166, 167

  Hayden, Michael, 111

  Heck, Brenda, 201–2, 283

  Heimbach, Michael: and backpacks from Khan apartment, 252

  Davis relationship with, 171

  and FBI-NYPD Intelligence Division relations, 148–49

  and Ostermann search in Zazi Denver investigation, 168

  post-FBI career of, 283

  professional background of, 169–70

  role in FBI of, 171

  Vinas investigation and, 219

  and white van investigation, 249, 250

  and Zazi entry into New York City, 61, 64, 201

  and Zazi-FBI interview, 266, 269

  Henoch, Margaret, 81, 83–85

  Herald Square subway bombing, 151–53, 192–93, 196

  Hersh, Seymour M., 47

  Hezb-i-Islami, 95

  Hezbollah, 81, 121–25, 229

  High Rise case (FBI), 6–7, 8–9, 205.; See also Zazi, Najibullah

  Hoban, Stephen, 196

  Hoffman, Abbie, 41, 44, 131

  Holder, Eric, 274

  Holland Tunnel, 60, 61–62

  Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Department of, 169, 212, 220, 253

  Homestead Studio Suites (Aurora, Colorado): Zazi bomb making at, 1–3, 267, 270, 271

  hot spots, 78, 86

  House Intelligence Committee, U.S., 47

  Hussain, Shabbir, 146–47

  Hussein, Saddam, 84, 165

  ibn Ali, Hussein, 146, 147

  identification of terrorists: and Handschu rules/guidelines, 132, 134, 141

  mistakes in, 147

  name-change program and, 135–36

  rhetoric and, 126, 128, 130–37, 138–41

  Imam, Ferid, 111, 114

  immigration information, 188, 195

  “imminent threat of death” letters, 209

  Indyk, Martin, 74

  informants: Abdelaziz case and, 153–54

  and Cohen-FBI relationship, 217

  “cooperatives” distinguished from, 175

  and Denver FBI investigation of Zazi family, 158, 166, 167–68, 171

  Elshinawy case and, 195

  identification of terrorists and, 128–33, 140–41

  importance of, 44

  Islamic Thinkers Society and, 216–17

  justification for, 278

  as “listening posts,” 128, 129

  mosque investigations and, 178, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 189, 190, 193, 195–96

  and NYPD-JTTF relationship, 153–54

  recruitment of, 128

  reliability of, 153–54

  Shata case and, 192

  Zazi investigation and, 173 See also specific person

  Information Analysis Center, Colorado (CIAC), 161, 162, 163

  “Intelligence Division—Strategic Posture 2006” (NYPD report), 190–91

  Intelligence Division “Intel,” NYPD: accomplishments of, 190–91, 196, 213, 280

  Afzali-FBI interview and, 244

  challenges facing, 131

  CIA compared with, 129

  CIA as model for, 66

  Cohen relationship with personnel of, 68–69

  FBI compared with, 20, 129, 147–48

  FBI as model for, 129–30

  FBI relationship with, 18, 24, 25, 123–24, 148–53, 209, 217

  foreign assignments of officers from, 81–83

  formation of, 17–18, 81

  funding for, 17, 282

  Handschu rules and, 48, 50–52, 74, 78, 125, 132, 141, 142, 144, 179–80

  identification of terrorists and, 128, 132, 133–37

  image of, 19

  JTTF relationship with, 17, 153–54, 173–74, 227–29, 270

  Justice Department relationship with, 150, 151–53

  justification for, 44, 278–79

  lack of expertise in, 65–66

  mission/focus of, 20, 148, 277–78

  mistakes of, 147

  as model for Boston police, 277

  mythology about, 280

  name-change program and, 135–36

  offices of, 18, 40, 75

  oversight of, 209, 280–81

  powers of, 147–48

  pressures on detectives in, 134–35

  recruiting for, 74–76

  revamping of, 40, 121, 125, 277–78

  secrecy about, 280

  September 11, 2001 and, 48–49

  shutting down cases of, 196–97

  size of, 17, 282

  terrorism enterprise investigations of, 180–86, 195

  uniqueness of, 147–48

  whistle-blowers and, 281 See also Demographics Unit, NYPD; rakers; undercover work; zone defense; specific person or investigation

  International Solidarity Movement, 145

  International Terrorism Operations Section, FBI, 58, 169–70

  Iranian Mission, UN: NYPD Intel-FBI relations and, 230

  Iraq War, 13, 79–80, 81, 84, 164–65, 212

  Islamic Center (Brooklyn), 195, 197

  Islamic Society of Bay Ridge, 191, 192, 197

  Islamic Thinkers Society, 140, 211–12, 213, 216–17

  Israel, 73–74, 83, 184, 212

  Jaji, Naqib (Zazi uncle), 254–56, 258

  Jaji, Rabia, 255–56

  Jergenson, Eric, 258–59, 262, 265, 267, 268, 269–70, 273

  Jewell, Richard, 257

  Jhinuk (Brooklyn restaurant), 86

  Johnson, Agnes, 145

  Johnson, Ray, 231, 244

  Joint Committee Investigating Seditious Activities, 73

  Joint Operations Center, FBI, 16

  Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF)—Denver, FBI: CIAC and, 163

  Denver Art Museum threat and, 157–61, 163, 165–68, 172

  raids during Zazi investigation by, 258, 263–64

  success of, 280

  Zazi investigation by, 157, 163, 165–68, 171–72, 204–5, 228, 252, 256–57

  and Zazi return to Denver, 239–42; See also specific person

  Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF)—New York City, FBI: Abdelaziz and, 153–54

  access to intelligence information by, 66

  Afzali interview with, 243–45

  and Afzali telephone calls, 228–29

  Ahmedzay interview with, 268–69

  CIA and, 14

  Cohen meeting with, 183–86

  Cohen refusal to put NYPD people on, 125

  Cohen relationship with, 151, 153–54, 229–30

  Cohen views about, 81

  formation of, 14–15
r />   as lead for Zazi investigation, 26

  local law enforcement refusal to participate with, 151

  Medunjanin interview with, 246–47, 268–69

  mosque investigations and, 183–86

  NYPD/NYPD Intelligence Division relationship with, 17, 19, 81, 151, 153–54, 173–74, 227–30, 270, 280

  and NYPD officers in foreign police departments, 81

  NYPD role in, 14, 15

  office of, 5

  purpose/function of, 14

  raids in Zazi investigation by, 242–48, 251, 253

  SCIFs at, 7–8

  size of, 15

  success of, 280

  and Zazi cross-country trip, 10, 54, 62

  Zazi investigation/surveillance by, 173–74, 176–77, 199–207, 209–10, 224, 227–28, 230–34, 235–39; See also specific person or investigation

  Justice Department, U.S.: Alavi Foundation investigation and, 16

  and black site interrogations, 73–74

  and civil rights case against NYPD, 279

  and Cohen concerns about Handschu rules, 52

  “exigent letters” and, 208

  FBI subpoenas from, 205, 206

  Jewell case and, 257

  mosque investigations and, 178, 179, 185, 186

  NYPD Intelligence Division-FBI relations and, 230

  NYPD Intelligence Division relations with, 150, 151–53

  Siraj investigation and, 151–53

  warrants of, 206–7

  and Zazi-FBI interview and deal, 266, 267 See also specific person

  Kabul Kabob House (Queens), 88, 89

  Karim, Adbul, 95

  Karzai, Hamid, 102

  Kelly, Ray: and accomplishments of NYPD, 190, 213, 216, 257

  and cartoon controversy, 189

  and Cohen appointment as NYPD deputy commissioner for intelligence, 30, 39–40, 278

  and Cohen investigative powers, 181

  Cohen meetings with, 30, 66

  community policing strategy of, 28

  and decline of crime rates, 28

  and formation of NYPD Intelligence Division, 17, 19–20

  and future of Intel activities, 281–82

  Giuliani and, 27–28

  and identification of terrorists, 140, 141

  JTTF and, 81

  justification of Intel activities by, 278–79

  King praise for, 280

  mosque investigations and, 179, 185, 189

  as NY police commissioner, 26, 27–29

  NYPD-FBI relationship and, 30

  and NYPD Intel-JTTF relationship, 270

  and NYPD officers in foreign police departments, 81, 82, 83, 84

  and oversight of NYPD, 142, 283

  professional background of, 26–27

  refuses interview with Apuzzo and Goldman, 278

  and revamping of Intelligence Division, 277–78

  September 11, 2001 and, 26, 30

  Shata case and, 192

  Siraj case and, 152

  and women’s protest about Bell shooting, 145

  Kerik, Bernard, 27

  Khan, Adeela, 141

  Khan, Naiz, 200, 203, 224, 232, 242, 247–48, 251, 253

  Khan, Zakir, 104

  Khyber Agency, 105

  King, Peter, 280

  Knox, Jeffrey, 219, 220

  Koresh, David, 21

  Ku Klux Klan (KKK), 164, 182–83

  Lamb, Gerald, 10–12, 59

  Lambert, Doug, 166, 168, 171–72

  Larkin, Kevin, 237, 238, 241

  LaRouche, Lyndon, 45

  Larteguy, Jean, 259

  Lashkar-e-Taiba, 135

  Leads Unit, NYPD, 136

  Lebanese man: Hezbollah and, 122–25

  Lefcourt, Gerald, 43

  Leffler, Brenda, 161, 162, 163, 166

  Left Turn magazine, 145

  Libi, Abu Yahya al-, 216, 218

  Libutti, Frank, 66

  Lidle, Cory, 189–90

  Lieberman, Joseph, 127

  Lincoln Tunnel, 60, 62, 251

  Lindh, John Walker, 182

  “listening posts,” 128, 129, 130, 155

  local law enforcement: CIA relationship with, 67–68

  FBI relationship with, 30

  as refusing to participate in JTTF, 151

  Zazi investigation role of, 25–26

  London, England: bombings in, 3, 82, 112, 119

  Long Island Rail Road: threat to, 220

  Los Angeles International Airport: plot to bomb, 9

  Lusk, Clayton, 73

  Lyons, Amy Jo, 151, 183, 184, 185

  Mafia, 182, 205

  “marriage”: as al-Qaeda code word, 9, 157, 268, 279

  martyrdom videos, 118

  Maysonet, Angel, 246, 273

  McCain, John, 114

  McCarthy, Garry, 87

  McCollam, David, 234

  McHale, Thomas, 62, 63

  McJunkin, Jim, 58, 64, 201–2, 219, 220, 229, 283

  McLaughlin, Craig, 233, 234

  McVeigh, Timothy, 161

  media: and Cohen appointment as NYPD deputy commission for intelligence, 39–40

  Zazi arrest and, 272–73

  Zazi interviews with, 257, 269, 271 See also specific organization

  Medunjanin, Adis: Afghanistan/Pakistan trip of, 9, 16, 89, 103–18, 204, 246, 247, 268–69

  Afzali and, 232, 244, 246

  al-Qaeda and, 101, 102, 106–14, 117, 246

  attempted suicide of, 274

  computer of, 246

  cover story for, 103, 104–5

  and Denver FBI investigation of Zazi family, 158

  and Denver police questioning of Zazi family, 226

  drone attacks and, 112

  fake name of, 158

  FBI early interest in, 16

  FBI interview with, 273–74

  FBI surveillance of, 209, 274

  financing of activities of, 103–4

  FISAs for, 207

  and identification of terrorists, 155

  JTFF raid on home of, 243, 245–47, 248

  JTTF interviews with, 246–47, 248, 268–69

  lack of information about, 89, 221

  legal case against, 236, 262, 267

  martyrdom video of, 118

  Muslim student activities of, 100–101, 155

  NYPD Intel investigation of, 174, 176

  Pakistani police and, 106

  personal background of, 98, 100, 102

  as Queens College student, 100–101

  self-image of, 102

  spiritual awakening of, 100

  subway bombing plan and, 118, 200

  suicide bombing and, 101, 102, 109–10, 114

  as Taliban supporter, 102, 117

  terrorist training for, 218

  trial and sentencing of, 274–75

  and U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, 101–2

  views about U.S. of, 102–3

  Zazi-Ahmedzay pact with, 103–4

  Zazi confession and arrest and, 268, 271

  Zazi-FBI interview and, 269–71

  Zazi first meets, 98

  Meena House Café (Brooklyn), 132

  Mehta, Timothy, 81, 87

  Milestone Park (Brooklyn), 86

  Moayad, Sheik Mohammed Ali Hassan al-, 185, 186

  Mobil Oil: bombing of New York City headquarters of, 14

  Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh, 117

  Mohmand Agency, 214

  mosques/religious schools: and accomplishments of NYPD, 191

  cartoon controversy and, 189–90

  Cohen-JTTF meeting about investigation of, 183–86

  FBI investigations of, 177–79, 181

  and FBI-NYPD Intelligence relations, 149

  First Amendment and, 177, 180, 188, 189

  as fundraising for Hamas and al-Qaeda, 184–85

  Handschu guidelines and, 179–81, 183, 279

  and identification of terrorists, 126, 129, 130, 137, 139

  and “mosque crawlers,” 187, 278

bsp; public knowledge about investigations of, 192–93

  “radicalizers” in, 221

  raids on, 177–78

  as sources of information, 76–77, 78, 84, 187, 278, 282

  sting operations on, 178

  terrorism enterprise investigations of, 180–81, 188

  wiretaps on, 185–86, 188 See also specific mosque or school

  Moussaoui, Zacharias, 184

  Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 37

  Mudd, Phil, 77

  Mueller, Robert, 151, 168–69, 170, 208, 229, 268, 284

  mujahideen, 93, 101, 106

  Mujahideen Information Bureau (Flushing, NY), 95, 99

  Mumbai, India: bombing in, 57

  Murphy, Patrick, 44, 50, 128

  Murray, Bill, 83

  Muslim Brotherhood, 183

  Muslim Center (Bronx), 189

  Muslim Center (Brooklyn), 190

  Muslim Center of New York, 177, 199

  Muslim Student Association (Queens College), 100–101, 141

  Muslim student groups, 71, 100–101, 130, 139–41, 279, 282

  Muslims: African Americans as, 137

  building of files on New York City, 85, 86

  in Colorado, 162

  FBI relationship with, 179, 282

  fears and isolation of, 282

  in Flushing, New York, 175

  identification of terrorists and, 135, 137

  Medunjanin views about American hatred of, 247

  NYPD relationship with, 282

  post-9/11 questioning of, 49, 79, 98–99, 177 See also mosques/religious schools; specific person or mosque

  Muslims of America, 153

  Nabhan, Saleh Ali Saleh, 6

  name-change program, NYPD, 135–36

  Nasiri, Omar, 213

  Nasrulah, Sheikh, 215

  Nation of Islam, 42

  National Collection Division, CIA, 34–35

  National Counterterrorism Center, 169

  National Lawyers Guild, 42–43

  National Security Agency (NSA), 14, 53, 169, 203–4, 207, 210, 214, 279

  national security letters, 205–7, 208, 209

  NBC News, 213

  New Left: NYPD lawsuit of, 43–44

  New York City: decline of crime rate in, 28

  demographics of, 69

  ethnic neighborhoods in, 64, 73

  mapping of neighborhoods in, 73, 77, 78

  potential targets in, 113, 217–18

  subway system in, 92–93

  New York City Council, 82, 283

  New York City Police Foundation, 82

  New York Civil Liberties Union, 48

  New York Daily News: Ahmadinejad motorcade story in, 24

  and Cohen appointment as NYPD deputy commissioner of intelligence, 40

  New York Highway Patrol, 229

  New York Law Commune, 41, 42, 48

  New York Post: Kelly op-ed praise for Intel in, 213

  New York State Police, 15

  New York Stock Exchange: as potential terrorist target, 113

  New York Times: Black Panther story in, 43


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