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The Wanted Cowboy (Cowboys After Dark Book 5)

Page 7

by Maggie Carpenter

  “I’ll be fine. I could use a good run,” Robbie chuckled.

  Hanging up the phone Luke walked back to Tess and shook his finger at her.

  “You are in a whole heap of trouble, girl,” he scolded.

  “I know,” she whispered, “but can you save that until later?”

  “Uh-huh, but you can be thinkin’ about it,” he said firmly. “That tub’s probably about ready, let’s get you into the bathroom.”

  “That would be good,” she nodded. “I was so cold when you found me. I thought I was going to freeze to death.”

  “Come on,” he sighed.

  Taking the frozen vegetable packet off her ankle he scooped her up and carried her to the bathroom, then placing her carefully on the side of the tub he turned off the faucets.

  “You need help gettin’ those clothes off?”

  “Maybe my jeans,” she murmured.

  “Stand up on your one good foot and lean back against the wall,” he instructed, “I’ll slide them off you.”

  With his help she limped to the wall, and as he undid the zipper and began to carefully slide the jeans down her legs, catching her panties as he did, his cock stirred at the sight of her perfectly trimmed, beautifully curly bush.

  “Ouch,” she cringed as he slipped them over her ankle,

  “I promise it’ll be better fairly quick,” he remarked throwing her clothes aside. “Arms up.”

  Raising her arms above her head he pulled her sweater over her head, then her T-shirt, and discovered she was sans a bra.

  “I find them confining,” she confessed, a slight smile crossing her face. “I only wear one when I have to.”

  “Works for me,” he chuckled staring down at her luscious breasts. “Be careful gettin’ in the tub,” he warned. “Sit on the edge and swing your legs over, then slide in, but hold on to me while you’re doin’ it.”

  With his help she managed to move into the bath without incident, and sinking into the hot, inviting water she let out a long, deep breath.

  “Oh, my, gosh, this feels unbelievable,” she murmured.

  “You rest there a while,” he said tenderly, enjoying the sight of her naked body in the clear water. “I’ll be back to get you in a bit. If you need me just call out. I need to check what supplies are here, and I wanna make sure Ghost is okay, but don’t you dare try to get out of that bath by yourself, you hear me?”

  “Yes, Luke, I hear you, and I won’t,” she promised.

  Letting out a sigh of his own Luke moved back into the living room, picked up the quickly melting peas, and after returning them to the freezer he found one of three beers left in the fridge. Gratefully dropping down at the kitchen table he took a long swig.

  Man, what a turn this is. Can’t say I’m not happy to see her but I sure wish she’d gotten here in one piece. Damn, she followed me all the way here. Ain’t that somethin’?


  Sitting in the local tavern nursing a beer, Dwayne gazed across at the many bottles lined up behind the bar. He wasn’t looking at them, not specifically, he was simply staring forward lost in his thoughts. Kevin, the bartender, had seen Dwayne grow up, and in spite of life having dealt the young lad a tough hand of cards, Dwayne was usually a happy sort, taking things in stride. Seeing the troubled look on his face, Kevin knew whatever was troubling the young deputy had to be serious, so he moved closer and stood in front of him, hoping Dwayne would start talking, but when he remained quiet and continued to simply stare into space Kevin decided to push.

  “You wanna talk about?” he asked.

  “Huh?” Dwayne frowned.

  “Whatever’s on your mind. You wanna talk about it?” Kevin repeated.

  Dwayne looked around, and even though there was no-one in earshot he leaned across the bar and lowered his voice.

  “What’s a fella to do,” he began slowly, sporting a pained expression, “when he knows somethin’, and he should tell, but if he does it’ll get another person in real bad trouble when they shouldn’t be?”

  “Let me get this straight,” Kevin said slowly, “you have information about someone, and if you share it, that someone will be in trouble, but they’re not guilty of anything. Is that what you’re sayin’?”

  “Yep, that’s about the gist of it,” Dwayne nodded.

  “Sounds a bit confusing,” Kevin remarked, “but in my book, when choices seem difficult you should do what you think is right. If that means keeping what you know to yourself, then that’s what you should do.”

  “It’s so wrong,” Dwayne said shaking his head.

  “What is?” Kevin asked completely confounded.

  “What happened to this fella,” Dwayne frowned. “It’s so wrong.”

  Kevin knew Dwayne wasn’t the sharpest pencil in the pencil box, but he had a big heart and was as honest as they came, and it was obvious the problem was weighing heavy on his shoulders.

  “Then, if you can, you need to make it right,” Kevin said simply.

  Dwayne stared at him, his brow deeply furrowed as he processed Kevin’s advice, then a moment later he broke into a broad grin.

  “You’re right, Kevin, that’s exactly right, and that’s what I’m gonna do, dang it,” he proclaimed jumping from the bar stool. “Thanks, buddy.”

  “Glad I could help,” Kevin smiled, and watched Dwayne stride purposefully away.

  As Dwayne headed home, wondering how he could help Luke Larson, he saw Robbie’s bright red truck pulling into the local lumber yard. On an impulse he hit his brakes and lurched into the parking lot, reaching the truck just as Robbie climbed out.

  “Hey,” Dwayne waved.

  “Hi,” Robbie replied, “do I know you?”

  “Not officially, I mean, we’ve seen each other around and such. I’m Dwayne Johnson, I’m the Sheriff’s nephew,” he smiled.

  Robbie felt a knot in his stomach, and trying to remain calm he closed his door and leaned back against the truck, waiting nervously to see why the young man had stopped him.

  “Is there something I can help you with?” Robbie asked.

  Dwayne stared at him, unsure what to say, then seeing all the people around them he decided it wasn’t the best place to have a conversation.

  “Uh, could you get in my car for a minute?” he suggested.

  “I’m really pressed for time,” Robbie replied, starting to feel a shadow of panic. “There’s somethin’ I’ve gotta get done, and I’ve gotta do it right now.”

  “If it has anythin’ to do with Luke Larson I wanna help,” Dwayne blurted out.

  “Huh? Why…what…why would you say that?” Robbie stammered as felt his face grow hot.

  “I really think you should get in my car,” Dwayne insisted. “There are too many people around, they might hear us.”

  Pulse racing and completely bewildered, Robbie nervously moved around Dwayne’s car and jumped in the passenger’s seat.

  “Okay,” Robbie began, keeping his voice even, “why don’t you tell me what you meant by that.”

  “Sure, okay,” Dwayne nodded. “The thing is, I’m a deputy.”

  “Oh, shit,” Robbie groaned.

  “Oh, no, you don’t have to worry,” Dwayne reassured him. “I’m on your side.”

  “Would you please explain?” Robbie pressed, fighting his frustration. “You’re not making much sense.”

  “Sure, sorry, this has been confusing for me too, and I don’t always talk well,” Dwayne apologized, “I know the guys at the station laugh about me, and my uncle, he’s says being a deputy will make me a man. I don’t want to be a deputy, I want to work with animals. Animals like me, and I like them back. I understand them, you know what I mean?”

  “I’m sorry you’re having such a hard time being a cop,” Robbie replied controlling his growing irritation, “but I really need to know what it is you want from me.”

  “Like I said, I want to help you and Luke. I was at the ranch earlier, I heard you guys talkin’. I know Luke’s at th
e Anderson’s hunting lodge, and that he didn’t do what everyone claims, and I wanna help you both so he can be a free man again. I wanna catch whoever set him up, I really wanna help, I really do.”

  Staring at him in disbelief Robbie shook his head, and while the young cop seemed completely sincere, Robbie immediately suspected some kind of trap.

  But if they know, why aren’t they at the lodge arresting him right now? This is completely bizarre.

  “If you’re a deputy, why would you want to help us? Why didn’t you immediately contact your uncle, or call for backup?” Robbie asked.

  “Because, like I said, I heard you talkin’. Luke didn’t hit old Nate on the head and steal that money,” Dwayne declared. “When I heard that I thought, well that’s not right, then I went and had a drink and talked to Kevin, and that’s when I realized I had to make things right.”

  “Wait, you didn’t tell Kevin-”

  “What? No, of course not,” Dwayne exclaimed, his eyebrows lifting.

  “Sorry,” Robbie apologized quickly, “it just scared me when you said that.”

  “It’s okay. I know I can be a bit slow sometimes, but I’m not that bad.”

  “No, of course not, sorry,” Robbie repeated feeling like an idiot.

  “Will you let me help you? I really want to, it’s just so wrong what happened.”

  “This is terrific,” Robbie declared, “and you can definitely help. Any chance you can take me to the train station?”

  At the hunting lodge Tess was propped up on the bed watching Luke settle on the edge of the mattress by her feet, the medicine chest nearby.

  After helping her from the bath he’d dried her off, smoothing the towel over her body, then dropping it on the bathroom floor he’d caressed her breasts and fondled her bottom as she’d rested her hands on his shoulders.

  “Damn, girl, you are so beautiful,” he’d groaned, his voice husky and deep.

  “Luke, take me to bed,” she’d moaned dropping her head against his chest.

  “Let’s see how you are tomorrow,” he’d sighed. “I think the first thing I need to do is tend to your injury.”

  Sweeping her up he’d carried her to the bedroom and placed her carefully on the bed. Now, with her ankle resting on this thigh, he was gently applying some liniment cream.

  “This is for horses, but it works great on humans too,” he smiled, and picking up the bandage from the medicine box he gently began to wrap the joint.

  “I feel so stupid,” she whimpered.

  “When I’m done with this you’re gonna call into work and tell them that you’ve come down with a dreadful cold and you won’t be in for a few days,” he instructed, ignoring her comment.

  “Sure, yes, of course,” she nodded.

  “Then you’re gonna call your brother and tell him the same thing. Make sure he knows not to bring you chicken soup?”

  “Uh-huh,” she nodded. “My phone’s in my pocket.”

  As he finished wrapping her ankle he sighed heavily and looked across at her.

  “I’m very upset with you,” he began, then climbed across the bed and sat beside her, “but to follow me all the way out here with no decent coat because you were so worried…I don’t even know what to say. You’re somethin’ special,” he smiled, “and what you did I’ll never forget.” Leaning down he kissed her softly, then moving his lips to her ear he whispered, “but you’d better not do somethin’ that crazy ever again.”


  It was the early hours of the morning when Luke woke with a start, then feeling the warm body next to him he let out a soft sigh, yawned, and rolling on his side he snuggled against her.

  The day had been a long and perilous one, capped off by Robbie’s stunning news about Dwayne’s desire to help. Luke hadn’t quite believed him, but once he’d spoken to Dwayne himself he realized the young deputy was completely sincere.

  “I have an idea,” Dwayne had proclaimed, “I have this dog, his name is Rex, and I’m gonna call Jeb and suggest we stay with Tess while she’s sick. Rex is a cross between a Golden Retriever and a Rottweiler, he’s real big and has this scary bark, but he’s super sweet. This way Jeb will know she’s being taken care of and I can get in the way if anyone comes over with soup or somethin’. Of course she won’t be here, but Jeb will think she is,” he’d finished, clearly proud of himself for thinking of the ruse.

  Luke had immediately taken him up on his offer, with the condition that Dwayne was to call him if he got worried about anything.

  “Me and Rex, we’ll be good,” he’d declared. “Rex scares the crap out of everyone, but he doesn’t even know the word mean.”

  Jeb was so exhausted after his frustrating wild goose chase to Longville, and then the long drive home, he’d not argued with Dwayne when the suggestion had been made, figuring the dog’s huge bark would ward off anyone if they attempted to break in, most especially Luke Larson; it seemed like an ideal suggestion.

  “Just so long as Tess is safe and taken care of and doesn’t mind the dog in the house,” Jeb had said impatiently.

  Just to be on the safe side Tess had called Jeb a second time, pretending to cough into the phone, and gave her assurance that Dwayne and Rex were most welcome.

  “Truth is I feel a whole lot safer with a big dog in the living room than a squad car sitting across the street,” she’d declared.

  With Dwayne in the picture and not having to worry about Jeb for a couple of days, Luke had relaxed a bit, but laying in the dark stillness his mind began spinning as he planned his next move.

  “You okay,” Tess asked softly, pressing against him.

  “Just thinkin’,” Luke replied.

  “You feel so good,” she purred moving her hands down his back.

  “How’s your head,” he asked, gently moving his fingers across her forehead.

  “It hurts a bit,” she sighed.

  “And your ankle?”

  “That hurts too,” she mumbled, “but I know what will take my mind of the pain,” she continued, reaching her hand down to his cock.

  The moment her fingers touched him he was lost. They wrapped around him, moving sensuously up and down his shaft sending delicious sparks through his loins.

  “You really do need a spankin’,” his deep voice groaned, “and a whole lot of lovin’, don’t you, Tess?”

  “Luke,” she moaned, “yes, I do, I need all of it.”

  “Roll over,” he crooned, “careful now, watch that ankle.”

  Helping her move so her back was to him, he brought his hands around to her breasts as he pushed his cock against her full, plump, soon to be soundly spanked bottom.

  “Such a gorgeous ass,” he crooned in her ear, “and you know it’s gonna be real red, real soon.”

  His whispered threat sent a surge of wet heat through her pulsing pussy, and as he traveled one of his hands from her nipples to squeeze her cheeks, she thrust back, a silent plea for more.

  “Not too red I hope,” she whimpered.

  “Yep, like I said, real red,” he repeated, giving her a sharp pinch.

  “Please slide inside me?” she begged.

  “Since you said please,” he murmured, and separating her lips with his fingers he impaled her, driving deep into her cunt with a single, powerful stroke.

  “Ooooh, Luke,” she groaned, “you feel so amazing.”

  He pumped, his thrusts strong and urgent, and Tess fell into the tumbling, fervent passion as the fingers of one hand sent hot tingles through her clit, while the other at her breasts delivered unpredictable bursts of pleasure and pain.

  With measured strokes he held her at bay, slowing when her body grew taut and her gasping breath signaled she was close.

  “Luke, please, don’t make me wait any more, please,” she finally begged.

  The words were those for which he’d been waiting, and nuzzling her neck he whispered wicked promises of shackles and crops, vibrators and butt plugs. Moments later the shuddering spas
ms possessed her, rippling through her sex, shooting sparks through her body. Urgently she began thrusting back to meet his cock’s rhythm, the pain in her ankle vague and distant, and when he gripped her tightly, groaning with his fervent climax, she let out a final, high-pitched cry of joy, then softly moaning fell limp against him.

  “Is this all some amazing dream?” she gasped.

  “No, it’s not,” he panted, “though you’re right, it does kinda feel like it.”

  “I don’t think I’ve ever been happier than at this moment, or more scared. I couldn’t bear it if anything happened to you,” she said fearfully, “and what if they find you before you can uncover the real culprit.”

  “Everything will work itself out,” he said quietly, then sitting up he gazed down at her, locking her eyes. “Tess, over the next few days I’m gonna have to take some risks, and I can’t be worried about you. I have to have your word that you won’t do anything reckless. You need to stay here, and if someone comes knockin’ on that door you’ll ignore it unless you know it’s Dwayne or Robbie. If it’s not must call me right away. I have to stay focused, do you understand what I’m tellin’ you?”

  “Yes, Luke,” she promised. “I do.”

  “I’m tellin’ you to behave yourself. Can you do that for me?”

  “Uh-huh,” she nodded. “I know following you was stupid, but not completely stupid, I mean what if-”

  “Hey,” he frowned placing his finger against her lips, “don’t even go there. I told you to get your butt home and you promised me you would, then you totally broke that promise and came after me. There ain’t nothin’ you can say that’ll get you outta the trouble you’re in.”

  Tess felt the flush burn across her face.

  “You’re right,” she whispered.

  “Let’s get some sleep,” he sighed slipping back between the sheets and pulling her into his chest. “Tomorrow I’m goin’ explorin’ and I need some good rest.”

  “Goodnight,” she murmured, “and Luke?”


  “I may be in a heap of trouble, but I’m really glad I’m here.”


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