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The Wanted Cowboy (Cowboys After Dark Book 5)

Page 10

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Shush,” Dwayne whispered as the dog began to move his feet and his whine increased. Rex immediately licked his lips and sat down, but Dwayne knew he was on high alert.

  The gate clicked, signaling their arrival, and as it pushed open he barely saw Tess, more just her face; dressed in the black coat her body was barely visible. Luke moved in behind her, closing the gate behind him, and the two hurried across the lawn.

  “Hey, Dwayne,” Luke whispered as they approached.

  “Are you guys doin’ okay?” Dwayne asked as they moved past him and Rex. “Should I fix some coffee or somethin’? What can I do?”

  “Dwayne, you’ve already done so much. I don’t know how to thank you,” Luke replied soberly.

  “Really, Dwayne, you’ve been amazing,” Tess echoed.

  “I feel so bad about what happened to you,” Dwayne frowned. “I had to do somethin’.”

  “I think we should all go to bed, and in the mornin’ we’ll figure out where to go from here, and you big guy,” Luke grinned, staring down at the odd-looking large dog, “you’re a champion. Not a peep when we walked up.”

  Rex tilted his head and whined, then lifted his paw.

  “He’s adorable,” Tess smiled. “I want to talk to him when we get up. Right now though, Luke’s right. I’m totally wiped.”

  “I’ll try to be real quiet in the mornin’,” Dwayne said earnestly.

  “Not to worry,” Luke assured him. “Goodnight, Dwayne, and thanks again.”

  Dwayne watched them head off to their bedroom, feeling uncomfortable about following them down the hall, so he waited until he heard their door close, gave Rex a treat, then led him back to the guest room.

  “They sure are nice people,” he mumbled as he pulled off his clothes and climbed back into bed. “Real glad I know he’s innocent.”

  After a quick shower, Tess and Luke snuggled between the sheets, and though exhausted their aching need would not be contained. Aware of Dwayne sleeping just down the hall Luke instructed her not to make a sound, then sent his mouth first to her neck, then lips, then to hungrily devour her nipples as his fingers toyed between her legs.

  His cock, standing at attention, rubbed against her, and fighting the need to moan she wrapped her fingers tightly around his shaft. Clenching his teeth, silencing his desire to groan his pleasure, he rose up and grabbed her ankles, lifting them in the air and pulling them wide apart.

  She gasped at the sudden exposure, and as he moved his pelvis forward, touching the tip of his cock against her, she wriggled her hips in a blatant invitation. Wasting no time he slid into her depths and lowered his body on to hers, wrapped his arms around her, and holding her tightly he gently rode her forward until their mutual moments took hold.

  It was a gentle journey on a smooth lake, crossing the finish line in sweet orgasmic euphoria, a coupling that spoke of their growing intimacy. Laying in his arms, completely drained, she passed out with barely a murmur; Luke, engulfed in their closeness, knowing he was safe for another pass of the moon into daylight, sank into the mattress and drifted in a dreamless, deep sleep.

  Across town Jeb wasn’t so lucky. Not wanting to wake his wife with his tossing and turning he’d slipped from bed and padded into the kitchen. Pouring himself a scotch he plonked himself down at the breakfast table, crossed his arms, and leaned forward on his elbows.

  You either got away, or you never left. You sure as hell weren’t on that train when it pulled in Longville, and no-one in those first three towns have seen you. Four more to go, and if you ain’t been seen in them then where the hell are you, Luke Larson?

  Taking a swig of his scotch his frown grew deeper.

  Seems kinda interestin’ that Tess got sick about the same time. Wonder if there’s anythin’ to that. No, couldn’t be. Dwayne’s been babysittin’, still, I think I’ll go knock on her door in the mornin’, see how she’s doin’. Can’t hurt.

  Gulping down the last of his drink he set the glass in the sink and wandered back to the bedroom. His wife, Glynis, stirred and rolled over to welcome him as he climbed into bed.

  “The hunt for Luke Larson troublin’ you babe?” she mumbled.

  “Yep, don’t know where he got to,” Jeb muttered.

  “I think I know why he came back here,” she continued.

  “You do? Why?”

  “That’s what innocent men do, they go back to where they were wronged and try to fix things,” she yawned. “Isn’t that what you’d do?”

  Jeb frowned at the ceiling as he pondered his wife’s words.

  “Damn, you’re right, that’s exactly what I do,” he agreed.

  “So, that tells you two things, he didn’t do it, and he’s still here.”

  Rolling on his side and raising himself up on his elbow he stared down at his high-school sweetheart.

  “You always were smarter than me,” he smiled.

  “And better looking,” she grinned.

  “That too,” he chuckled. “It’s still my job to find him and arrest him. It don’t matter what I think.”

  “Sure it does,” she argued. “You can be huntin’ for him, and huntin’ for the truth at the same time. Open up the file, Jeb, take a look at it with fresh eyes. Maybe something will jump out at you a second time around.”

  “I’m not a detective, Glyn,” he said soberly.

  “No, but you wanted to be once,” she reminded him, “and that Alex fella you keep talkin’ about, don’t you call him Sherlock behind his back? Get him on it.”

  “You know, maybe I will. I’m gonna talk to the Sheriff first thing, tell what you said. Makes all the sense in the world. I’m gonna check on Tess too, see how she’s doin’.”

  “You should, just don’t bring back anything contagious. Those are my last wise words for the night,” she yawned, and promptly rolled over and went back to sleep.

  Closing his eyes Jeb thought about the number of times he’d had doubts. So many people spoke so highly of Luke Larson, and every one of them claimed Luke was not a guy who’d push a girl for sex or attack an old man.

  But he was the only one seen in the area, and we found the weapon he used and all that money stashed in his garage. Who else could it have been? Huh, I think I’ll have a chat with Patty Jamison, check her statement. Good a place as any to start, and maybe I’ll take Alex along for the ride.

  Pleased with his decision he rolled over, and spooning his wife immediately fell asleep.


  “Why does my butt still hurt?” Tess complained.

  “Cos I spanked you good and proper,” Luke replied as he snaked his cock home cuddling her from behind, “just as you deserved.”

  “Oh, Luke, you feel so good,” she purred.

  “Even with a sore backside?”

  “Yeeees,” she moaned, thrusting her tits into his busy hands that had wrapped around her. “I’m so glad Dwayne went out early this morning.”

  “Mmm, me too,” Luke hummed, “I’m sure he knew we needed to be alone, at least for a while.”

  “Or he just needed to walk Rex,” she murmured.

  “Regardless, are you ready for me to fuck you senseless?” he whispered, kissing her neck as he slowly rode her pussy.

  “As long as you don’t stop if he comes back,” she giggled.

  “Ooh, you are such a…” and finishing his sentence with his cock, he plunged forward, making her catch her breath in joyous surprise.

  Shifting back from her body he moved his hands from her breasts to hold her hips, and gripping them firmly began to rapidly pump his piston, watching her bury her face into a pillow to stifle her cries. He continued to ravage her, determined to take her to the hilt without a single pause, and as the balloon began to hover, and her cries grew in volume and pitch, he maintained his momentum for just a few moments before accelerating the pace.

  “Luke,” she gasped as she lifted her head, “I’m there!”

  “Me too,” he breathed, “come for me,”

/>   Bucking back at him she couldn’t stop her squealing whine of elation, urgently pulling a pillow against her face to muffle the sound as she surrendered to the deliciously powerful orgasm. She could hear his heavy but faint groans as he reached the pinnacle with her, and when he collapsed at her side she mumbled into the pillow.

  “What did you say?” he panted.

  “I said,” she gasped pulling away the pillow, “I didn’t know sex could be like this.”

  “It’s pretty damn great,” he agreed, still trying to catch his breath.

  “I feel as if I’m living some kind of dream,” she sighed rolling into him.

  “I hope it stays a dream,” he remarked, “and doesn’t turn into another nightmare.”

  “I’ll run away with you if it looks like that’s going to happen,” she promised.

  “That’s not-”

  A loud banging on the front door made them both jump, and glancing at the clock Tess let out a small cry of surprise.

  “Holy crap, it’s almost 10:30,” she exclaimed. “I had no idea it was so late.”

  “I’m not surprised,” he said quietly, “we needed that sleep. You’d better see who that is.”

  Hurrying from the bed she grabbed her robe, and running through the house she reached the front door, but when she peered through the peephole she gasped in disbelief; it was Jeb. Doing her best to control the fear in her gut she took a long, deep breath.

  Shit. Okay, stay calm, be normal.

  “Hi, Jeb,” she said, opening the door just enough to lean drowsily against the frame. “Sorry it took me a while, I was still sleeping.”

  “At this time of day?” he frowned.

  “I’m sick, remember?” she frowned. “What’s up, it’s cold and I don’t feel good?”

  “Just wanted to check on you,” he replied. “Where’s Dwayne?”

  “I guess he took Rex out, I don’t know, I was asleep,” she said pointedly.

  “Glynis wanted to know if she could bring you anything, soup, food, whatever. Can I come in or are you gonna keep me here on the doorstep?”

  “Jeb, sorry, but I need to go back to bed. Tell Glynis thanks but I can’t really stomach anything right now.”

  “Poor kid,” he said softly, beginning to feel guilty for having woken her. “Go back inside, I’ll call you later.”

  “Any news about Larson?” she asked casually as he turned to leave.

  “Not yet, no-one in those small towns off the tracks saw anything, but we’ve still got more checkin’ to do,” he answered. “Glynis thinks he’s still in town.”

  Tess felt a sudden knot in her stomach, and stared at her brother in what she hoped appeared to be idle curiosity.

  “She does? Why is that?”

  “She thinks an innocent man would come back to clear his name, and it’s an interestin’ point,” he remarked. “I’m gonna open up the file and have read through.”

  “Huh, well good luck with that, and now I’ve gotta go, I’m feelin’ a bit dizzy.”

  “Feel better, sis, sorry I got you outta bed.”

  “It’s okay, I’m glad you care,” she said with a half-smile, and closing the door she moved quickly back to Luke.

  “How’d it go?” he asked as she dropped the robe and crawled back into bed next to him.

  “Better than I expected,” she remarked, “but Glynis, Jeb’s wife, told him she thinks you’re still in town, and I quote, an innocent man would return to clear his name.”

  “Smart woman, smarter than her husband,” he grimaced.

  “Her husband is going to reopen the file,” she quipped, feeling the need to defend her brother.


  “That’s what he said. He’s gonna have another look through it and I know him, he can be like a dog with a bone. Glynis has started him thinking and he won’t be satisfied until he’s sure he knows the truth.”

  “Let’s just hope the truth he’s convinced of really is the truth, not what everyone thought the truth was months ago,” Luke retorted.

  “Yes,” she said solemnly, “and let’s hope he gets there soon. I want you to get your life back, I want to walk through town holding your hand.”

  “Hey, it’ll happen,” he reassured her. “You don’t sound right, are you okay?”

  “I guess being back here is really hitting me. At the lodge it was like a romance novel, being locked away up there, hiding out, but here the bad stuff feels so bad. What if you can’t prove you didn’t do it, what if…”

  Unable to finish, her brow crinkling, feeling tears of fear threatening to burst through, she nestled against him, finding comfort in his powerful hold.

  “I’m not gonna rest until this is over,” he said softly, “and I’m not gonna get caught. Don’t forget what Jeb said, I’m a crafty fella. You and I are gonna clean this mess up.”

  Afraid to speak she closed her eyes, inhaling his scent, relishing the feel of his wiry chest hairs against her cheek and the strength of his arms as they held her.

  “I love you,” she whispered, “more than you can know. I couldn’t stand it if you were taken away.”

  Feeling his heart swell, Luke took a deep breath and fought his own surge of emotion.

  “I love you too, Tess, too much to let that happen,” he breathed.

  “I was such an idiot to listen to everyone back then,” she muttered. “You should spank me for that too.”

  “Shush now, you coulda turned me in when I walked into the cafe but you didn’t. People were yappin’ in your ear all those months ago, but when it was just you and your heart and I walked through that door, you helped me,” he purred, “on some level you knew I’d done nothin’ wrong.”

  “You’re right, I felt it the minute I saw you sitting at my counter,” she admitted.

  “Let’s get up and have some breakfast,” he suggested. “Dwayne’ll be back soon, and I’m sure he’d like some good grub. You take a shower first though, cos if we do that together we’ll stay in there the rest of the morning.”

  “I think that’s a very good idea,” she replied breaking from his bear hug, wiping away a stray tear that had managed to escape.

  Staring at him intently she thought how amazing he was, then kissing him softly she slipped from the bed.

  As Luke watched her pad into the bathroom he sighed heavily. No amount of wishful thinking was going to get him out of the trouble he was in, only careful planning and concentrated action would do that. Hearing the sound of the back door opening and closing, Luke closed his eyes.

  Dwayne’s back, good. I can lay out my idea to them both over breakfast, but I’ve gotta make sure I’ve got all the angles covered.

  A short time later, after a full meal of pancakes, eggs, bacon, and toast, Tess began piling the dishes on the counter ready to load them in the dishwasher.

  “That was the best breakfast I’ve ever eaten,” Dwayne declared. “I’m gonna start comin’ to your cafe. You’re a real good cook, Tess.”

  “Thanks, Dwayne, and you’d better come in, I owe you a heap of dinners for what you’ve done for us,” she beamed.

  “Tess, don’t worry about those dishes, I need you to come and sit down for a minute,” Luke said firmly.

  “Sure,” she replied as she dropped into a chair.

  “You have both done so much already,” Luke began, “and I’m as grateful as I could be, but I need to ask you for more,” he said solemnly. “If you’re not comfortable followin’ the plan I’m about to lay out, don’t sweat it. It’s askin’ a lot and it’s fine if you wanna bail, especially you Dwayne, your career is at stake.”

  “Dang, I don’t even like my career. I keep tellin’ my uncle I wanna work at the animal shelter,” he declared, instinctively dropping his hand down to pet Rex sitting happily beside him, “but he won’t listen, so I’m not worried about any kinda career as a cop.”

  “Tess, I don’t wanna put you in harm’s way, and this isn’t exactly doin’ that, but I’m still not sure
about it,” Luke frowned.

  “Why don’t you just tell us what’s in your head then we can decide, but I can already tell you I’ll do anything, and I mean anything, to help you, you know that,” she said, an almost scolding tone in her voice.

  “Me too,” Dwayne exclaimed.

  “When this is over you two are gonna be gettin’ one hell of a thank you,” he declared, feeling an unexpected lump in his throat. “I truly never expected this kinda help when I came back here.”

  “So, tell us,” Dwayne said impatiently, “I’m dyin’ to hear.”

  “Right, this is what I need you guys to do.”


  Patty Jamison hummed happily as she brushed her hair and checked her reflection in the mirror. Every Friday night she went to Barry’s Bar, a festive place that had a live country and western band, half-price drinks and all kinds of free munchies. She had yet to meet her dream man, but she was sure when she did it would be at Barry’s.

  Once upon a time she’d thought she had. Luke Larson, a rugged, handsome cowboy who’d put her over his knee and playfully spanked her until she’d squirmed so much she’d almost fallen off. Though she’d been shocked and embarrassed she’d been totally turned on, and the sex afterwards had been nothing short of an exploding box of dynamite.

  She often thought about that time, how he’d ripped out her heart and stomped all over it, but those days were in the past, and when he crept into her thoughts threatening her with tears she would carry out a ritual to exorcise him.

  It had happened several times over the last few days. News traveled quickly in the small community, and she’d heard that he was on the loose. Luke Larson was a wanted man, and quite possibly lurking the streets.

  Donning a dark green shirt and black jeans, she pulled on her black cowboy boots, grabbed her favorite suede jacket with the fringe, and checked her purse to make sure she had her can of mace.

  Can’t be too careful, if you are around I might need this. What a fucking asshole you were. I’ll happily spray you if you cross my path, you bastard.


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