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The Wanted Cowboy (Cowboys After Dark Book 5)

Page 16

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Can’t you just use your cell phone?” Daniel asked. “It’s going to be worse than when you drove up.”

  Opening the door and sending his light outside, Alex saw the mud and the fresh tree branches scattered across the ground.

  “You might be right. Okay, let’s go together in your car,” he agreed, “and once we get down the hill you can tell me how you found Patty Jamison, and exactly what happened with your brother.”

  Trudging across the muddy lane in the pouring rain to Daniel’s SUV, they were completely soaked by the time they climbed inside.

  “First thing I have to do is make that call,” Alex declared as Daniel started up the powerful Range Rover. “I need to make sure Tess is okay.”

  Grateful to be in a big, safe, four-wheel drive, he pulled out his cell phone and put in the call to Dwayne.


  Still parked under the trees outside the cafe, Dwayne was watching Robbie gesturing for him to come inside. He had seen Tess leave the table, then Patty too, had disappeared.

  “He wants me to come in?” Dwayne muttered to himself. “I think that’s kinda weird. Why would he want me to come in? It could spook Patty.”

  Unsure what to do, as was his rule he didn’t do anything, but a moment later his phone rang; it was Alex, and grateful for the distraction he answered the call.

  “Dwayne, where are you?” Alex asked urgently, shouting over the noise of the storm.

  “I’m at Tess’s cafe,” Dwayne replied. “Patty’s here and so is the foreman from Luke’s ranch.”

  “I’m on my way there but it’s slow going in this weather,” Alex declared. “How do you feel about going in and slappin’ some cuffs on Patty Jamison?”

  “Sure, I can do that,” Dwayne replied, feeling his stomach jump.

  “I’m still thirty minutes from you,” Alex continued, and I’m not sure you’re up to the task. God forbid something happens to you, but with another guy there to lend a hand-

  “I can’t see her right now,” Dwayne declared interrupting Alex’s thoughts, “and Tess left the table a few minutes ago.”

  “There’s a back way outta there, right?” Alex asked quickly.

  “Yep, through a storeroom,” Dwayne replied. “Do you think she’s bolted?” Maybe that’s why Robbie’s asking me to come in, because she’s gone, but why doesn’t he just call me?

  “Damn, she might have,” Alex grimaced. “You have to go in, Dwayne, I can’t risk her takin’ off, but go in like you were trained to go into a dangerous situation…gun drawn…the whole nine yards. Okay?”

  “Uh, sure, Alex, don’t worry, I’ll be fine,” he assured him, though his heart was beginning to pump, “and I’ll call you when the situation is contained,” he added, trying to sound like one of the senior deputies.

  “Just be careful and be smart,” Alex added, “and I’ll see if I can find someone to send over for back-up,” but it’s not likely. If they’re not with Jeb they’ll probably be handling emergencies and accidents. Dammit.

  “I’m goin’ in,” Dwayne exclaimed. “It’ll be fine, don’t worry,” and ending the call he started up his car, driving it to the front of the cafe.

  “Okay, I can do this,” he mumbled as he pulled to a stop, and taking a deep breath he stepped out into the downpour, drew his gun from its holster, and hurried to the door.

  Out of sight in the kitchen, after giving Tess a huge hug, Luke had ripped off his fake hair, mustache and beard, and peeled off the drenched, oversized coat, and though he was still in ill-fitting clothes he could move more easily.

  “Do you think you can do what I tell you just this once,” he whispered, staring at Tess intently.

  “Uh-huh,” she breathed sheepishly.

  “Stay behind me, and if Patty calls out to you, don’t answer.”

  “Okay,” she nodded.

  Holding her hand he crept to the wall next to the swinging doors, moving her behind him, but a moment later the sound of the bell signaled someone had come into the restaurant.

  “Oh, no,” Tess muttered under her breath.

  Moving just enough so he could see into the dining area, Luke let out a sigh of dismay; Robbie was tied to a chair, and Patty was holding the Taser against his genitals. Dwayne, having burst in holding his gun in front of him, seemed to be completely perplexed, and whatever Patty was saying she was speaking in a low voice; Luke couldn’t hear a word.

  “What’s going on?” Tess whispered.

  “Take a look,” Luke whispered back.

  Peeking over his shoulder she saw the scene, but Dwayne had apparently made up his mind and was lowering his gun and placing it on the floor. Ducking back behind him, Tess leaned her head against his back.

  “I’m such an idiot,” she breathed.

  “Yep, but you need to be a quiet idiot right now,” he scolded softly.

  “Hey, Tess, what’s keeping you?” Patty called. “The party’s out here.”

  Tess stayed silent, but her pulse was racing and she buried her head in her hands.

  Why didn’t I just do what Luke said? Why am I always taking risks? What’s wrong with me?

  “Tess!” Patty shouted. “Come on out or your boyfriend Robbie here gets his nuts tasered off.”

  Snapping her head up she grabbed Luke’s shirt, tugging at it urgently, but turning his head he lifted his finger to his lips, a silent order for her to stay quiet.

  “Fuck, is there a back door to this place?” Patty yelled.

  “Yeah,” Dwayne managed, “it’s through a-”

  “Shut up and walk,” she barked pointing the taser at him.

  “Where to?” he asked.

  “Smart ass,” she snarled, “where do you think, you big dummy? Into the back.”

  The unkind words stung, and Dwayne felt himself bristle.

  You’re gonna be real sorry you said that, real sorry. I ain’t no dummy and you’re gonna find that out real soon.

  “I’m waiting,” she said impatiently, waving the taser at him.

  Moving forward he headed towards the kitchen, and as they approached Dwayne was hoping Tess had taken off; at least she’d be safe.

  Just inside the doors Luke had moved Tess further behind him, and had placed his back flat against the wall making himself invisible to someone entering the small kitchen. Dwayne walked in first, and picking up his step headed directly to the storeroom door; Patty, eager to keep up with him hastily followed, and all Luke did was stick out his foot.

  Patty flew forward, hitting the kitchen floor hard, the taser spilling from her hand.

  “Owww, my knee,” she wailed as her body sprawled on the floor.

  Luke immediately grabbed Tess’s hand, ducking quickly into the cafe, and though it took Dwayne a few seconds to process what had just happened, he lumbered to the howling girl on the floor, and eliciting fresh yelps of pain he pulled her wrists behind her and locked on a pair of hand cuffs. Feeling like a million bucks Dwayne stood up, grinning broadly, and stared around the empty room wondering how the girl had ended up on the ground.

  “Great job, Dwayne,” Tess exclaimed appearing through the swinging doors, and grabbing him by his shirt sleeve she led him back into the cafe.

  Dwayne’s smile grew even larger as he saw Luke untying Robbie, and overjoyed that Luke was safe Dwayne marched forward throwing his arms around him.

  “It’s okay, Dwayne,” Luke chuckled quietly, pulling away. “You did great in there.”

  “You were in the kitchen,” Dwayne declared, “it was you who tripped her.”

  “Listen carefully,” Luke said gravely, “I was never here. It was Tess who tripped her up, and then you got the cuffs on her, you got it?”

  “But you’re a hero,” Dwayne frowned.

  “No arguments, this is your shining moment. I’m not ready to be taken in and I don’t want Tess in any trouble for helping me, you either, so remember, I was never here. Robbie and I are leaving. Wait until we’re gone then call Alex, o
r the station, whoever, just call it in. I’ll see you back at the house.”

  “How do we explain about Robbie taking off?” Tess asked.

  “Yeah, Alex knows he was here,” Dwayne chimed in.

  “He got himself free while you two were in the kitchen, and left to call for help because he’d left his cellphone in his truck. I’ll make sure he calls 911 when we leave.”

  “Can you please finish untying me?” Robbie demanded.

  “Sorry,” Luke apologized, hurrying back to undo the complicated knots Patty had created.

  “Heavens, sorry, Robbie, are you okay?” Tess asked moving quickly to help Luke with the rope.

  “Aside from having a heart attack when that crazy bitch had a taser against my willy, I’m fine,” he assured her. “What about you?”

  “Just feel really embarrassed, I should never have encouraged her to come over here tonight.”

  “We’ll discuss that later,” Luke interjected as he unraveled the last of the rope. “Right now Robbie and I have to get out of here, oh, and get rid of the fake hair, the coat, all the stuff I took off,” he said hastily.

  “I’ll see you soon,” she said, dropping her voice, “please be careful.”

  “I won’t be a wanted man much longer,” he purred, and giving her a quick, tender kiss, he headed for the door, Robbie following close behind.

  “I’m goin’ to check on our prisoner,” Dwayne declared as he watched them leave, and marched purposefully towards the kitchen.

  “Wait for me,” Tess said hurrying after him.

  Walking through the swinging doors, Patty twisted her head and glared up at them.

  “Where the fuck were you?” she wailed. “Would one of you please call me a fucking ambulance.”

  “You be quiet,” Dwayne growled, using a voice Tess had never thought him capable of, “and stop with that foul language or I’ll gag you.”

  “Bastard,” she spat.

  “Yeah, maybe, but I’m the smart bastard, not some dummy laying handcuffed on the floor,” Dwayne chuckled, and pulling out his cell phone placed the call to Alex.


  “Helluva night,” Robbie declared as he drove through the raging storm back to Tess’s house. “That dispatcher I just talked to said she’s sending backup to the cafe right away. I guess someone will come knockin’ on my door for a statement tomorrow.”

  “Maybe even tonight,” Luke sighed. “I hope Jeb’s okay drivin’ back here in this mess. He should be arrivin’ any time. Speakin’ of getting home, I can’t wait to get back to the ranch, to the horses, ride out to the back paddocks. God, I miss it. How’s Dusty doin’?”

  “She’s a real sweet mare,” Robbie replied. “Like her momma though, feisty as all get out.”

  “Yeah, Tess is that,” Luke sighed, and I don’t know what I’m gonna do with her. Apparently a good spankin’ doesn’t do the trick.

  “Seems like you’ve met your match with that one,” Robbie chuckled.

  “I’d say you’re right about that,” Luke grinned.

  “You wanna go in the front door tonight?” Robbie asked. “With all this weather and bein’ so late I doubt anyone’ll see you.”

  “I’d sure like to, but I’m not gonna start takin’ chances at this point. Nope, drive me around the back and I’ll sneak in like always.”

  “You got it, boss. You think this’ll be over in the next couple of days? You think you will be able get back to normal?”

  “I sure as hell hope so, Robbie. Things are happenin’ that’s for sure, but they need hard evidence to arrest that girl, and I don’t know what they’ve got. Let’s hope they can get a warrant and when they search her place they find somethin’.”

  “Yep, let’s hope so,” Robbie agreed. “Here we are. You don’t have a coat, you’ll be drenched by the time you get inside.”

  “Probably, but I’ll be under a shower in five minutes anyway. I just won’t take the time to dry off,” he smiled. “You be sure and drive safely home.”

  “I will, Lord knows I don’t need anymore drama tonight.”

  Stepping from the cab Luke hurried to the gate, but as he pushed forward it refused to budge. Cursing under his breath he managed to climb over the fence, but the wood was slippery, and as he was coming down the opposite side he lost his grip, falling into a mess of mud. Struggling to his feet, bedraggled and exhausted, he didn’t even bother to run through the rain on his way to the back door. Finding the key he slid it in the lock, and was immediately met by a threatening bark.

  “Rex, please,” he grunted, and as he pushed open the door the big dog jumped up excitedly, almost knocking him down.

  Pushing him off Luke closed the door on the howling weather, and not wanting to trek mud and drip water through the house he began stripping off where he stood. Rex, having been locked in the house for several hours, sniffed around the filthy wet clothes as they fell on the floor, and promptly lifted his leg.

  “Really?” Luke groaned.

  Completely naked he opened the door, and grabbing a wooden spoon left laying on the counter he pushed the clothes outside.

  Tess had left the television on to keep Rex company, and some of the lights burning so the dog wouldn’t be left in the dark when the sun went down, but she’d not turned on the heat. Shivering, Luke hurried to turn up the thermostat, then moved quickly down the hallway and into Tess’s bathroom. A few minutes later, gratefully soaping away the grime of the day and the cold of the night under a stream of hot water, he closed his eyes and leaned against the wall; he was completely and utterly drained.

  Back at the cafe, after Tess and Dwayne had given their statements, even though it was late, Dwayne was told to return to the station to write a report.

  “Can you take care of Rex for me?” he asked Tess, “I don’t know how long I’ll be, so I should probably just go on home. I can pick him up in the morning.”

  “Sure, of course,” she assured him, and staring out the window she watched Patty being driven away in the back seat of a squad car.

  Glancing back into the dining area she noticed Alex joining the handsome bartender who had quietly stayed in the background while the deputies were busy taking care of business. Deciding to get some answers about Daniel’s presence, and what had happened to cause Alex to send Dwayne in with his gun drawn, she moved quickly through the tables determined to get as much information as she could.

  “Will one of you please tell me what’s going on?” she demanded. “Why did you two show up together, and in a Range Rover not a patrol car, and why did you send Dwayne bursting in like Batman?”

  “Is it okay with you Daniel?” Alex asked.

  “Sure, we’re all Patty’s victims,” he nodded.

  “Daniel’s brother got involved with a woman called Jamie Patterson,” Alex started, “and long story short, she accused him of rape-”

  “Wait,” Tess interrupted, “Jamie Patterson is Patty Jamison?”

  “Yep, one and the same,” Daniel replied. “Clever huh?”

  “Unbelievable. Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt, what happened with your brother?”

  “He was arrested and convicted, but Jamie, or rather Patty, had totally concocted the whole thing,” Daniel explained. “She stole about twenty grand from him, along with some watches and other things, and once he’d been jailed she vanished. I’ve been trying to track her down with the help of a P.I. When he found her here I came out. I didn’t have much of a plan, just thought I win her trust then search her house for Simon’s things.”

  “She didn’t know you?” Tess frowned.

  “I was in England, Oxford to be precise, and no-one in my family told me what happened, they didn’t want me to sacrifice the year. They knew I would have come home right away, and they were right, I would have. When I did get back all I could think about was getting Simon out of prison.”

  “I went up to Patty’s cabin to bring her in for questioning,” Alex interjected, “and ran into Dani
el there, but that’s a whole other story.”

  “Did you find anything incriminating?” she asked hopefully.

  “We’ll go back up tomorrow, but it looks like she’s cleared everything out,” Alex frowned. “We might get lucky and find something in her car though.”

  “And Luke Larson?” Tess asked tentatively.

  “He’s still on the loose, still a wanted man; he escaped the pen, that’s a crime in itself, but I think it’s clear Patty may have been solely responsible for the attack on Nate and the robbery. We just don’t have a motive.”

  “Huh, well, I guess Jeb will keep me posted,” she sighed. “I’m so tired, I’m going home. Can I lock up or do you need to stay?”

  “No, I think we can clear out of here now,” he nodded. “Okay fellas, time for this lady to get home.”

  Three other deputies had arrived on the scene, and they nodded and smiled at her as they headed out.

  “Can I walk you to your car?” Alex asked.

  “Um, no, that’s okay. There are a couple of things I need to take care of before I can leave,” she replied.

  Alex’s radar beeped but he let it go, and as he made his way to the door he looked at her over his shoulder.

  You’re involved with Luke, you know where he is, and you’ve been helpin’ him this whole time. Don’t you worry, I’m not spillin’ the beans, just the opposite, I’m gonna help clear him.

  Locking the door behind them Tess turned out the lights and hurried into the kitchen, checked everything was off, then headed into the storeroom. She had hidden the clothes Luke had discarded inside the freezer, and as she opened the lid to pull them out she smiled.

  Wow, I’m really glad I kept this old thing. Who knows what would have happened if Luke hadn’t been able to hide in here? I’m never selling it, never.

  Throwing the clothes into a trash bag she moved outside and into the rain, getting soaked as she unlocked her car door, but she didn’t care; all she cared about was returning home to Luke. Finally pulling into her garage, almost tripping over Rex as she hurried inside, she found herself standing in complete silence.

  “Luke?” she called. “Are you here?”


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