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Page 4

by Sam Destiny

  “True, but then, I never fell in love at first sight, so I can say all I want,” he mocked, getting up to walk back to the Jeep he was repairing.

  “I’m not in love,” Jazz snapped, seeing how Tank vanished under the hood.

  “’Course not,” Tank agreed, but his tone said it all. Just when Jazz wanted to reply something the guy who’s position he was gunning for stepped inside the garage, reminding Jazz that he had gotten notice to come and meet his superior at two.

  “Sir, I’m sorry, Sir. We got held up repairing broken breaks and I just couldn’t get it done fast enough,” he told the Sergeant before the guy even opened his mouth.

  “Not good enough,” the Sergeant replied, eyeing Jazz’ hands.

  “I just cleaned up to come and see you,” Jazz assured him.

  “For real, Corporal Connor told me to finish by myself because he was coming to see you,” Tank agreed and the Sergeant watched them for a long moment.

  “Fine. Will you be joining me for a late lunch?” Jazz knew that it wasn’t a request, but he still nodded in agreement. He doubted that he’d even get as far as eating, because usually at those talks you split after your topic was dealt with.

  “Yes, I am.” Placing the pen he held on the table, he gave Tank a thankful nod. It was the second time his best friend had come to his aid. He needed to invite him for a beer Friday night.

  “Listen, Corporal,” the Sergeant started once they were out in the open. “Off the record? I know you’ll be taking my position if you’re just patient enough. Rumors have it that I’ll be getting promoted in nine months. Now I know that’s still a long time to go, but I wanted to talk to you about doing another deployment before then. After all, it will look good and you’re one of the best. Just don’t start doing stupid things now, like forgetting to meet your superiors.”

  Jazz closed his eyes, waiting for the utter excitement to settle in, but nothing came. The position he had been hoping to get finally seemed within reach and suddenly he just couldn’t find it in him to be happy about it. He deserved that rank since he had worked his ass off, but that was about all he felt.

  Then again, nine months was a long time and a lot could happen until then.

  “I’m sorry, Sergeant, I really am. I want this position and will do everything I can.”

  “I know. You know, with you climbing the ranks, a girlfriend might be something that makes you lose your way.”

  Jazz did a double take, freezing in his steps. “A what?”

  His Sergeant had the decency to look embarrassed. “Before I came I was at the front gate and a little brunette was there, being all charming and sweet and telling the drooling guys to give you a message. Something about a Tessa and her number in your phone. I know this is not my place to say something…” Then just don’t, Jazz thought. “… but this could really turn into a problem. You don’t want anyone to keep you from reaching your goals, right?”

  “No, Sir,” Jazz agreed quietly while wondering if he would have seen Tessa if he’d been up at the front gate that day.

  “Good. I knew you had your priorities straight. I’m signing you up for another deployment then?”

  Jazz nodded, not saying a word. The Sergeant slapped his back in a fatherly gesture and then walked off while Jazz took a moment to clear his head. Lunch was out of question since he wasn’t hungry. He should be feeling elated about the promotion he all but had been promised. Instead he found himself wondering how anyone could consider someone as adorable as Tessa a problem.

  Tessa was preparing a salad when Hilary came back into the house. Her friend had done a shopping tour, figuring she could get some sparkling wine and shots to get the girls warmed up for three weeks of partying and fun.

  “You took forever. I thought the girls and I would have to take apart your house to find some booze,” she accused and Hilary nudged her with her hip, wanting to reach the cupboard.

  “As if you all would drink so much,” she replied and Tessa shrugged.

  “I wouldn’t mind a nice sweet cocktail,” Emma explained from where she was watching Tessa prepare the food. Obviously Emma had decided that for three weeks she wouldn’t be a house mom. As the only one who was a mother, she definitely needed to put up her feet for once and Tessa totally didn’t mind making sure everyone was fed.

  “I don’t have cocktails, but I have everything we need to make amazing pasta tonight. I know you all are trying that scary thing called dieting, but that won’t be happening here. You’re on holiday, and that means we eat everything we feel like. And I feel like having noodles,” she laughed

  “Just because you know Tessa can cook those,” Aimie quipped and Tessa had to grin as Hilary shot Aimie a dark look.

  “No, I want it because I haven’t had it in forever,” she protested and Tessa poked her side before smiling.

  “I’ll make pasta for all of you, don’t worry. So, the girls and I talked about the witch costumes,” Tessa started, grabbing herself some lemonade before moving over to the table and giving Hilary the kitchen to herself.

  “You told them about my awesome plan?” Hilary pouted and Emma nodded.

  “Luckily she did. Ugly witches? Look, I checked the Internet and…”

  “No pretty sexy smexy hexy,” Hilary replied and Emma groaned, resting her head on the table.

  “But I want to be sexy,” she whined and Tessa couldn’t suppress a giggle as Hilary playfully slapped Emma on the back of her head.

  “We’re four damn fine ladies and for once we can be something different than what we usually are, so we go for ugly.”

  Silence spread at Hilary’s rather passionate reply until suddenly all reached for one of the costumes on the table.

  “I’m gonna wear that!” Tessa called.

  “No, I’m gonna have the hat,” Emma protested.

  Hilary just wanted to say something when her phone rang. Checking the screen she excused herself and Tessa cocked a brow.

  “What’s up with her?” Emma asked and the other two shrugged.

  “Give her some booze and I swear, we’ll tickle it out of her,” Tessa promised, making her mind up to uncover the mystery that was Hilary Deck.

  “Just gimme the damn phone back!” Jazz reached for it again, but Tank moved out of the way, laughing until suddenly keeping the laughter in.

  “Yeah, no, this isn’t Jesse, this is Tank … Thomas, I mean. I’m his best friend and I need to get his head back in the game. I think it’s best if we meet up and have him and her talk so he realizes that there isn’t more to this airport romance than there actually was. Uhm… Yeah. I know… Yeah…”

  “I’m gonna kill you for that,” Jazz threatened, worrying about what Hilary might think of him after this talk.

  “As if he handed his brain over to her yesterday. She’s just a girl. There are a million of them out there. Maybe if he…”

  Jazz had enough, grabbing the phone, hoping to be able to perform damage control.

  “Hilary, is that you? Listen, just ignore him, please. I didn’t. I mean … I heard you were at the gates and I just mentioned it and … it’s all good, you know? I just figured…”

  I just figured I need to pull myself together and stop rambling, damn it, Jazz thought, taking a deep breath. He sounded like a fool.

  “She’s been thinking of you and hey, you obviously have been thinking about her, too. I want to give her the chance to get all pretty and impress you while I think you need the chance to prove that you’re just as much a dick as her ex-boyfriend and that ass you call your friend. We need to clear her head, so meet us. Are you allowed to leave base?”

  “Sure am, Ma’am,” he said politely, wondering what he ever had done to Hilary for her to have such a negative opinion about him.

  “Good, feel like bringing a few buddies and ‘accidentally’ meeting us for a few beers and a good time tomorrow night? Just so you know, I don’t think you’ll show, which is why I won’t tell her you’ll come, but in case you will be
there, be prepared for her to be surprised,” Hilary announced.

  “For the record,” he started before Hilary had a chance to hang up. “She was pretty and impressive when I met her yesterday, so she could probably come and look like a twenty-four-hour-flight, I’d still be happy to see her again.”

  “Pussy whipped,” Tank announced in the background and Jazz pressed his lips together.

  “Bring that jackass, too. I want to kick his ass,” Hilary told him, then she hung up.

  “Great, dude. Thanks to you we do meet the girls, but, also thanks to you, I have no idea when and where because your big mouth gets me in trouble every time!”

  “Text her, she’ll let you know,” Tank replied, bored.

  He could have thought of that himself, but yeah, his mind was pretty empty. He’d see Tessa again and, if everything worked out, would even be able to talk to her.

  And just like that he was more excited than he had been in months.

  Tessa lay on her bed, checking her emails and messages for the umpteenth time, but there was still nothing from Evy. Technically Europe was fast asleep at this hour anyways, but still…

  Just then a message came though:

  Talk to you soon, promise. Haven’t forgotten you. Just a lot to do. Love, E

  Tessa decided against answering because something was definitely off. Tomorrow, whenever it would be daylight at Evy’s home, she’d be calling her best friend until she had no choice but to answer.

  Chapter Four

  Tessa twisted and turned in front of the mirror, not sure she was wearing the best thing possible for a night out in a bar. She hadn’t been able to get a hold of Evy and it worried her. If she didn’t hear anything soon she’d call Evy’s mother, asking for information. Someone had to know something, right?

  “You’re beautiful, Tessa,” Aimie said next to her and Tessa grinned. They all were dressed up and looking smokin’ hot. Whichever guys would cross their path; they wouldn’t know what hit them.

  “Are you done? I want to start on the drinking while we are on the way already,” Hilary announced from the door and just in that moment the doorbell rang, making it clear that the booked cabby had arrived.

  Tessa grabbed her scarf and her jacket, glad that her luggage had finally arrived. She felt good wearing her favorite pair of jeans and a purple top that was reaching over her behind and half way up her thigh, stretching her frame visually.

  “Hey, I know you’re worried about Evy, but can you do me a favor?” Hilary asked, holding her back at the door.

  “Sure, what?”

  “Try to have fun tonight, okay? She wanted you to enjoy yourself. She’ll come around and then you’ll find out what’s going on,” Hilary promised and Tessa hoped her friend was right.

  “Hils! Where are you? First you push, now you slow down?” Emma called, being the bubbliest of them all.

  “We’re coming!” Hilary called, grabbing a bottle of wine for the way.

  Tessa had no idea where they were going. The drive in the little cab proved to be more than what they had signed up for. The car obviously was older than old. The engine purred like a tiger in his hundredth year, sputtering regularly as if it was about to go out. The brakes were squeaking and still the girls tried to talk over the noise. It was loud and yet fun. Hilary gave the singles some flirt tips and Tessa sure hoped that girl would never get in the position of taking her own advice. Tessa sincerely doubted that smearing yourself with chocolate would win you any guy who was meant to stay.

  Just when they reached their destination and were ready to get out of the car, she felt her phone vibrating in her pocket. Taking it out, she saw Evy’s number. It was a voice call, but Tessa was so worried, she didn’t care about what this would cost her.

  “Evy, I’m…”

  “Pick me up.” It took a moment for the words to register because her best friend was crying like a maniac. So much for her hot party night out.

  Jazz rubbed his hands against his jeans, being nervous like a little boy. The guys had opted for waiting outside the bar so the introduction could be heard without troubles, but when the group of girls finally emerged from a cab, Tessa wasn’t with them.

  “She just got a call and…” a girl with blonde hair and pink highlights explained, just as Tessa got out, pressing her phone closer to her ear as if she was having trouble understanding whoever had called.

  Jazz’s heart was racing and he moved closer. He didn’t want to eavesdrop, but something about Tessa’s expression as she turned away from them got him worried.

  “What do you mean pick you up, girl? I’m in Monterey, remember?” she said. “Please, honey, calm down, I cannot understand a word,” she added and even from where he was standing Jazz could hear the sobbing on the other end of the line. Behind him Tessa’s girls and his guys got acquainted, laughing and joking just like it had been planned. The scene in front of him though made it pretty clear that the night would take a different turn than he thought.

  “She sure is hot,” Tank said suddenly next to him and Jazz kicked him in the shin.

  “Okay, airport. I’ll come and get you. Don’t move. Give me thirty minutes, I just … I’ll be right there. Please, don’t move.” The distress was clear in Tessa’s voice and Jazz wanted to hug her tight, making sure she was okay.

  She hung up and turned, freezing.

  “Jazz,” she whispered, a smile spreading over her face before she looked over her shoulder, cursing as she saw that the cab was gone.

  “Shit. I’m sorry, this is the worst timing ever because…” She shrugged, running a shaky hand through her blonde hair.

  “What’s up, guys? You finally want to go inside?” Hilary asked, joining them. The brunette though sobered as she saw Tessa’s face.

  “I can take you,” Jazz offered before Tessa had the chance to say anything at all.

  “Take her where?” Tank asked just as Hilary did.

  “I’m… I should just…” Tessa looked torn, her hands trembling while clenching the phone.

  “It’s fine. I came to see you and driving you means I get to see you,” Jazz reassured her.

  “Drive her where? Who was that, Tess?” Hilary asked, pushing past him to reach for her friend.

  “Evy. She’s crying and sobbing and obviously just landed. I don’t know what’s up. I’m gonna head to the airport. And I’m assuming she needs some quiet time, so how about you and the girls have fun and we’ll meet you back at your place later on?” Tessa suggested and Hilary turned back to Jazz.

  “You’d take her?” she wanted to know and he instantly nodded.

  “Dude, no! You can’t leave us stranded here for some pussy you want to meet from the inside,” Tank growled and Jazz made a fist, wanting to punch his best friend.

  “Oh, wow, yeah. Good, this pussy is taking a cab to the airport and you all can sort out your issues. I’m sorry, Hils. Just leave the door unlocked and we’ll talk later tonight, okay?” Tessa hugged her friend while Jazz wanted to tear Tank apart.

  “You all grab a cab back. I’ll see you tomorrow morning,” he ordered, then jogged after Tessa, who walked up the street in search of a taxi.

  “Please, wait,” Jazz called and she turned back to him, throwing up her hands.

  “What for? My best friend is at the airport and I need to get her. You…”

  “I have thought about nothing but you since we met and I don’t care what this is or will turn into, I just wanted to see you again. If that means ditching my friends and taking you to the airport to help your best friend, then that’s what we’ll do. Just let me be with you,” he pleaded and she rubbed her arms, trying to ward off the chill. “I have a car and a functioning heater,” he added, trying to bribe her.

  A small smile played over her lips, but she still looked hesitant.

  “I can give you my jacket, too,” he then offered and finally she cocked her head, nodding.

  “Okay,” she agreed and he walked her over to his truck, holding the d
oor open for her.

  “Airport, right?” he asked and she nodded another time, obviously lost in thoughts. This was most definitely not how he had planned their meeting to go, especially not with Tank making a comment like that.

  “I’m sorry, please don’t judge me based on what my asshole friend just said,” he started and she shrugged. “Tessa, I mean it. I was nervous and excited to see you today and I understand you’re worried, but maybe it would help you a little if we’d talk about something different until we found your girl. I’m not like my friends,” he tried another time.

  “It’s okay,” she replied and Jazz groaned. He knew what that statement really was saying: I’m pissed and no kind of groveling can make it right.

  “I planned on keeping you and him apart, because I knew…” The words died on his lips when she gently squeezed his knee, smiling.

  “I mean it, Jazz, I’m okay. Something’s very wrong with my best friend though and I was too self-absorbed to notice. Right now I’m just beating myself up for that,” she admitted, making him realize that not only worry, but guilt, too, brought on her reluctant talking.

  “You know, I don’t know her, and I don’t know you, but I’ve seen how protective that little brunette got of you, and I don’t think that would have happened with a person that sucks or is self-absorbed,” he reassured her, wanting to make her feel better.

  “Thank you for driving me. I hate being out alone at night and … I really like that you’re here. I’m sorry that this might not end the way you had hoped, but…”

  He interrupted her by taking her hand. “You and I are together and even if we might not get a chance to talk, I’m still gonna learn a lot about you tonight. In fact, I already did. You are loyal. I value that in a person.”

  “She’s my best friend. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for her because she has a tendency to save me from myself all the time. I just want her to be okay,” she explained and he wanted to kiss her hand just to reassure her that she had backup in this, too. Having no idea though what she wanted from him, he didn’t give in to the impulse.


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