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Page 9

by Sam Destiny

  “Listen, and listen hard, beautiful. If a guy doesn’t cuddle with you he just might not be the right one. What man could possibly refuse to touch the girl he adores? And trust me, I’ll let you know once I have the feeling you get clingy … which will probably never happen simply because we don’t have enough time for each other as it is. Ever since I met you I feel as if I can’t say a thing right, but not because you are so difficult, or girly, but because you are different. Maybe that’s just me not knowing how fast is too fast, or how slow is too slow, but…”

  She kissed him then and there, her soft lips crashing down on his in a movement that was almost bruising. He gasped and she swept her tongue inside his mouth to taste him. Jazz was surprised, grabbing her hips tight while she nipped at his lower lip before sucking it between her teeth, only to come back for seconds. Tessa angled her head, intensifying a kiss that Jazz already would have declared as a hot-as-hell meeting of tongues. Once she pulled back, he was breathless.

  “Whatever you feel like is just right. And you and I feel just right. I don’t care what the others say. To you I’m ready to be me, sexy Tessa, and whatever else I feel like being.”

  “I only heard sexy,” he teased, pulling her close again since she had stepped back slightly.

  “Watch it, I have a lot of nice little fantasies in my head,” she replied, making him feel hot and cold.

  Tessa might actually be just the distraction he had needed.

  “Tell me,” Jazz demanded after Tessa’s announcement and she was startled for a moment, before reminding herself that her intention was to be someone else; someone cooler, someone who could keep a guy’s attention.

  “I don’t know, I was thinking outdoors sounds pretty awesome. Pushing that jacket off your shoulders, opening those nice uniform pants and then maybe going down on my knees,” she said, not even forcing her voice to sound sexy and sultry because just the thought made her wish they’d be outside. After all, it wouldn’t be every day that Elsa from Frozen did the deed and sucked a guy off.

  “You need to shut up. And you better not move away until my head stops replaying that scene in my mind,” he mumbled next to her ear, gently nipping on her earlobe.

  She closed her eyes, feeling a shiver run through her body.

  Pulling back slightly so she could look at him, she kissed his nose, smiling then.

  “I think you and I could drive each other crazy,” she grinned and he just nodded, gently pressing his lips against hers. She liked feeling his hands flat against her back. She felt almost small underneath them, and nothing could make her feel more protected.

  “I think you’re already driving me crazy,” he gave back with a laugh. His stomach rumbled then and she stepped back.

  “I thought you were at a dinner earlier,” she remarked and he nodded, breathing deeply.

  “I was thinking of you all the time, and how mad or disappointed you’d be. I was sure you’d be gone and I was wondering how best to make it up to you. I picked up flowers on the way here. Four bouquets from a gas station because I didn’t know which you’d like most,” he admitted and Tessa stared at him.

  “You’re kidding, right?” she wanted to know and he grinned, grabbing her hips.

  “Hey, if you leave me hanging, who’s gonna give me the attention outside that I need?” he teased and she laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck to draw him in for another kiss.

  “Hey, lovebirds. We’re getting out of here. Are you coming, Tessa?” Hilary asked, joining them. Her makeup was messed up around the lips, clear evidence of her having found another willing make-out partner. She acted less like a grown woman and more than a horny teenager, but Tessa decided to ignore it.

  “Leave her alone, Hils,” Aimie slurred next to them, making Tessa realize that she was slightly unsteady on her legs as well as somewhat incoherent.

  “Are you drunk?” Tessa wanted to know and while Aimie instantly shook her head, Emma nodded.

  “Yeah. Girl couldn’t handle the vodka-cocktails,” she reported and Aimie held up three fingers.

  “I just had two,” her friend promised, prompting Tessa to give her kiss on the cheek before shaking her head with a grin.

  “I’m sure,” Tessa replied, winking at the other two.

  “I’m gonna make sure Jazz gets fed and then, maybe, I’ll come back home,” she said, feeling how Jazz squeezed her hand. He obviously liked that answer a lot.

  “I’ll leave the door unlocked. And remember, Tessa, you need a guy that ruins your lipstick, not your mascara,” Hilary remarked and then pulled Aimie away. Tessa stared after her, blinking.

  “What did she mean by that?” Jazz asked and Tessa turned to him, shrugging.

  “She has some issues. And I mean huge issues, but so far I thought she’d say something as soon as she’s ready. Obviously though, I need to push after all and ask what is up with her.”

  “So you didn’t cry because of me?” he asked, surprising her with his serious expression and the way he cupped her cheek, his thumb swiping over it as if he was wiping away invisible tears.

  “No,” she instantly replied. If, at all, he just had made her squeak. “Jazz, you make me feel amazing. Nothing else. Hilary’s just in a funk. But now, let’s go and grab some food. I can’t stand knowing you’re hungry,” Tessa teased, kissing his hand while walking towards the door.

  “Don’t you have a jacket?” Jazz wanted to know and she turned to him, letting her hands glide along her hips.

  “And ruin this outfit? Please,” she answered, rolling her eyes. Truth was, she had expected to get in a cab, into the venue and then reverse the process. She simply hadn’t thought she’d be out long enough.

  “Health over sexy outfit,” Jazz decided, shrugging out of his uniform jacket and placing it around her shoulders. She cuddled into it, thinking that she couldn’t have imagined anything better.

  “It’s close to one. I don’t think we’ll find any restaurants open, so I might have to take you to a cheap diner,” Jazz remarked, his expression one of disdain. He didn’t like the idea much, she guessed.

  “What’s wrong with fries, milkshakes and a good burger?” she wanted to know and he lifted his shoulders.

  “Nothing, but with your outfit I just thought it should have been more classic, elegant,” he admitted, holding out his hands in a gesture of peace.

  “Anywhere we go is classic enough for me, Mr. Hot Soldier,” she grinned, and it was the truth. With his tie and the button-down he could probably make a broken-down shed look like the Hilton. She just loved looking at him and hoped that she’d never forget that men could be just right, too.

  Jazz wondered if he should take Tessa’s hand or not, deciding that since she was going to do what felt right, he would do exactly the same.

  Taking her hand, he had to shiver. It was ice cold.

  “Damn, do you want me to drive us to the place I have in mind? It’s just four blocks down, but you’re…”

  She paused in the middle of the sidewalk, coming to a stop in front of him.

  “Just kiss me, and I’ll be warm.” He cupped her shoulders, drawing her in just enough so he could kiss her lips. He needed to keep her away from him because she was so tempting he got hard and he wasn’t keen on making her aware of it.

  “You and I should not be kissing out on the street, I think,” he smirked after pulling away. His breath already came short even though he hadn’t kissed her longer than a minute.

  “What? Are you scared you can’t resist me?” she teased.

  “Yes,” he replied, his tone serious. She sobered almost instantly, blushing the cutest kind of scarlet. “Oh, you were joking,” he then added and she smiled, lowering her eyes.

  Was there anything he didn’t enjoy in her? That coy little girl was just as amazing as the sexy lady he had seen in her only some thirty minutes back.

  “Can I trust Tank to be a really good guy? I mean, except when he’s being an asshole towards me?” she asked and he stared
at her, picking up a brow.

  “Where did that question come from?”

  She shrugged, pulling his jacket a little closer around her shoulders. “Tank took Evy to eat. He saw her, grabbed her arm and asked her if she wanted to go and eat a burger with him. I knew she wasn’t eager to hang with us, but I’m not sure he was the right choice, either,” she explained, entwining her fingers with his again. She really was warming up.

  It surprised Jazz to hear that Tank had taken any interest in a girl besides wanting to sleep with her, but he didn’t comment on that.

  “She’ll be fine. He’s good company. I promise, he’s pretty good at keeping you from worrying. And I got the impression that’s something Evy needs. Please, I’d walk through fire for him, so don’t wrack your pretty little head about something unnecessary,” he told her, kissing her knuckles, then opening the door of the diner. It really hadn’t been a long walk, but he still thought they should have taken the car, simply because leading someone as beautiful as her back through the night got more dangerous by the hour. Some parts of Monterey weren’t nice, even though one of the most expensive hotels was just around the corner.

  “Elsa, yo, come over here and let me warm up your frozen mouth,” a punk-ass called right after they had entered. He was with a group of friends and they made pretty obscene gestures towards Tessa.

  Jazz usually wasn’t the guy to react to bullshit like that, but with Tessa, all his protective instincts suddenly kicked in.

  “You know, something as tiny as what you are offering doesn’t even get passed my lips,” she called back, shutting the guy up more effectively than Jazz ever could have. It made him grin with pride.

  She bit her lip, obviously trying hard not to look smug.

  “You are pretty amazing, girl,” Jazz whispered, stopping her and pulling her back against him.

  “I figured even though some guys look hot with open wounds, it wouldn’t be the case with either them or you. This was purely a prevention measure. Trust me, usually I would think of an answer like that only four hours afterwards … or next week even,” she winked, leading him over to a booth in the corner. She should have looked out of place, but instead the worn blue leather-padded seats complimented her outfit perfectly.

  “Tell me all about you, Tessa. Your life, your family, everything,” he asked, wanting to know more about where she came from; how she had come to be like she was.

  “My parents are pretty awesome. I mean they are as long as you don’t put them together. You know how that is, sometimes people don’t mix well, but if you ever catch them alone, it’s an entirely different story. Neither remarried after the divorce and they spoiled my brother rotten. I love him, I totally do, but he’s just … I don’t know, it’s kind of hard to explain. I decided to move away in order to find out who I was aside from what my parents expected me to be,” she explained and he took her hand, ordering for both of them. Tessa didn’t protest and he liked it that way. He wanted to take care of her, no matter how archaic that behavior was.

  “So, did you find out?”

  She looked away, staring at the rosary beads a girl wore. She was dressed as a slutty nun. The beads probably were the only thing about her that looked holy.

  “No, not yet. I just know that I’m mess most of the time. It’s hard, because I know they want me to be someone I just can’t be.”

  She sounded hopeless and he touched her chin so she’d look at him.

  “What do they want you to be?”

  “Damn successful and rich,” she replied and he knew he had a questioning expression on his face. Wasn’t that what everyone wanted to be?

  “Well, what do you want to be instead?” he asked and she smiled slightly.

  “Happy. A mom. A radio girl. Married to the love of my life. I don’t think riches are necessary, but enough to live comfortably.”

  He lowered his eyes as a stab went through his stomach at the mention of her being married. He had no illusions about what they were and where they’d end up, but still that didn’t mean he wouldn’t be hurt knowing that she had gotten married.

  Would he ever forget the way Tessa made him feel, even if they only had spent three weeks together?

  He felt her fingertips grazing the skin on his cheek and he met her eyes again.

  “What?” she asked, her eyes searching his. “You look worried. Or hurt. I can’t exactly put my finger on it, but I still want to know what caused it. Do you think those are stupid goals? That I’ll waste a perfectly good life?”

  He couldn’t tell her that now, after she had mentioned all of this, he wanted exactly the same things. All his life had been about promotions, the Army and serving his country, but right there and then he would have been ready to leave it all behind just to give her what she wanted.

  “I think those are amazing goals. I just realized how different you and I are,” he remarked and she laughed, making him smile.

  “And you figured that out only now? You are disciplined and well mannered, I’m lazy and mostly have a hard time motivating myself to do the shit I need to do. You say about yourself that you are neat, I can tell you I’m not. You’d probably run if you’d live with me. And then, the most prominent difference between us,” she explained, the laugh leaving her voice. “You made something of your life. I took a trip half way around the world and ended up stranded without any necessities,” she finished.

  “Best thing that ever happened to me,” Jazz grinned.

  As much as she didn’t want to smile at his words, she could feel her cheeks hurting almost instantly from the beaming. It scared her that Jazz always knew what she needed to hear.

  He suddenly touched her cheek, making her look up. “What?” he asked, concern clear in his voice. Was she that easy to read for him?

  “Nothing, I … nothing. So, how…”

  “Don’t even think about changing the topic. What is it? I want to know what you think. How much could it hurt you to tell me your thoughts?” he wanted to know and she took a deep breath while he took her second hand, too, pressing her knuckles against his lips.

  “I’m just surprised how easy it is for you to say the right thing. And I don’t mean that you get lucky every now and then. I mean that no matter what the situation, you just open your mouth and poof! I instantly feel better,” she explained, raising her eyes to check for his reaction.

  His eyes sparkled and he started to laugh. “And that’s a bad thing?” he asked and she shrugged. Why did it feel like something bad?

  “I feel as if you can read my thoughts.” And it was true. Besides her totally crushing on him, she had thoughts that even made herself blush.

  “What would I be reading if I could?” he asked, leaning forward. She knew he was flirting with her and she was ready to take part, but just then the waitress brought their food. She knew how hungry Jazz had been and so she decided to give him some minutes. Maybe later, when they’d be alone, she’d answer his question.

  Luckily it didn’t take too long and they were out, walking back to his car. She knew he’d take her home, but she wasn’t ready to let the evening end. Even if it meant to have a make out session in his car because she worried that they wouldn’t have enough privacy in Hilary’s house.

  “Are you gonna tell me what I’d be reading on your mind?” he asked, drawing her closer. It made her shiver because even though she wore his jacket, she felt his warmth come through the material. His breath washed over her neck as he whispered into her ear, making this whole conversation so much more private than it possibly could be out there in the open.

  “I don’t know. I wish I could see what’s underneath that button down. You know, seeing you in a uniform like this makes me wish I could slowly unwrap this handsome package. Just a little sneak peek. Do you have tattoos? And don’t tell me, I want to find out myself. I want to brush my hands over your chest, and touch your stomach. I wanna feel your skin and …”

  Before she could actually finish this sentence she found
herself pressed against Jazz’s truck, his breath touching her lips as he exhaled.

  “Tessa…” His voice was hoarse, deep, and Tessa couldn’t help but smile.

  She was a minx, and a tempting one at that. The pictures she put in his head made him groan inwardly. How could someone be so damn sexy and yet seem so innocent most of the time?

  “Is that seriously what you think about?” God, how much he wished she’d start unwrapping him. As it was, he was burning for her right then and there. He’d be ready to let her do whatever she thought she needed to do to him. Would she follow through or was she all talk and no action?

  She licked her lips and then held his eyes. “That … and other things,” she said, her voice sultry and yet sweet. Oh, the noises she’d surely make once he could get her exactly where he wanted her right now!

  “I need to take you home. Now,” he whispered and it was true. No matter how much she teased him, she deserved so much more. Unfortunately she didn’t seem to think that because once he had opened the door for her, she moved up on the seat and drew him in, that dress riding up higher than should be allowed.

  Tessa kissed him as if she saw no tomorrow for them and he felt hotter than before. This needed to stop because even though she might not know where they were, he couldn’t forget it.

  He gently pushed her away and she gasped, staring at him.

  “I need to take you home,” he whispered hoarsely, combing a hand through his hair before placing his hat back where it belonged.

  “Do you?” she asked and he could see how she swallowed, fidgeting with her dress and moving back in the seat, facing the front.

  He also could see her lips pressed tightly together and he knew that with all the times he had said exactly the right thing, this suddenly seemed the only thing that mattered and it had been totally wrong.


  She smiled and swallowed again. “You wanted to take me home,” she reminded him and then shrugged out of his jacket, placing it carefully on the backseat, all the while acting as if he wasn’t watching her anymore.


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