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Tagged for Life Page 13

by Sam Destiny

  Absent-minded her fingertips kept tracing the tattoo.

  The angel’s wings were spread over his shoulders, the tips going up his arms a little bit. She followed the lines of the drawn dog tags and then brushed her fingertips over the metallic line of his real ones. Jazz was beautiful, inside and out, and his back was the icing on the cake. It was powerful, tempting and strong. She leaned in and kissed it, gently rubbing her nose against the skin while pulling herself closer.

  She could get used to waking up like this. In fact, she couldn’t remember the last time she had slept that well. Not that anyone knew, but insomnia was her constant companion, which caused her to be less inclined to party than she ever had been.

  That morning though she felt as if she could move mountains. Maybe it was the sleep, or maybe it was simply the guy next to her that made her ready to tackle the world.

  “Just keep kissing me,” he rumbled, his voice deep with sleep and she wanted to melt. She followed his plea and kissed his back, every part of the tattoo until goose bumps spread over his skin and didn’t vanish anymore.

  “You are killing me,” he said quietly and she chuckled while he turned around, brushing some hair out of her face with a gentle gesture. There was something in his eyes, but Tessa couldn’t say what, yet it made her stomach tingle as if a million butterflies just had erupted in there.

  Jazz had seen Tessa in jeans and sweatshirt, home girl style, and he had seen her in a dress that had taken his breath away, but seeing her first thing in the morning, sleep still softening her features and leaving her hair in a mess, he knew it was his favorite look on her. She never had been more beautiful to him.

  “Morning, beautiful,” he whispered, brushing his finger over her cheekbones. There had been something so intimate about the way she had kissed his back; tender and careful in order to not wake him, that made him wish he’d get the same treatment every morning.

  “Hey,” she whispered, closing her eyes at his touches.

  “We should do that again next weekend,” he grinned, and her expression instantly saddened. She sat up, her bare back to him, combing her hands through her hair.

  “We can’t,” she said quietly and he sat up as well, missing the warmth next to him. He kissed her shoulder, letting his hand go up and down her spine.

  “I know, the girls…” he started, but she shook her head and then closed her eyes, resting her chin on her knee.

  “We are going to Disneyland. We’ll be staying the entire weekend,” she explained and he nodded against her shoulder.

  “It’ll do you good. You and the girls, I mean. It gives you all some time together away from everything. Plus, all the Disney characters will keep your mind occupied and no one can fuss at you for thinking of me constantly,” he teased, and she looked over her shoulder, her eyes searching his. He wasn’t sure what she was looking for. Did she want to hear that it was okay or rather that it wasn’t?

  “You still have another weekend, right?” he wanted to know and her face broke into a breathtaking smile.

  “I know this is most likely not how you planned it, but -” He interrupted her with a kiss, cupping the back of her neck to pull her closer and feel more of her.

  “We’ll make it work,” he promised and no matter what, he was determined to wake up next to her at least once more.

  Tessa paused in front of Hilary’s door, hoping to keep her wide smile in check, but it proved hard.

  She came in and even in the hallway she could tell that the girls were listening for every little sound. Suddenly Tessa was glad she had told Jazz goodbye in the truck instead of anywhere else.

  The moment she stepped around the corner, the girls were babbling.

  “And then the bird just shit on me,” Emma said.

  “Yeah, Sean Paul makes the worst music ever,” Hilary announced.

  “It’s not a book I ever read,” Aimie told them and Evy picked up a brow.

  “Do you really consider her that stupid?” she asked and the others sighed while Tessa leaned against the doorframe, crossing her arms in front of her body.

  “No, of course not,” Aimie said, giving Emma a glare. “Bird shit?”

  “You all could have laughed as if we’d been in a middle of a discussion,” Emma gave back.

  “It would have been the smartest idea, I have to admit. Most believable, too,” Tessa admitted and then stepped inside. Instantly all of the girls made room for her on the sofa, staring at her as if she held all the secrets in the world.

  “So, did you have sex?” Hilary asked, earning a punch from Emma.

  “Come on, Hilary! She just stepped foot into the house,” Evy said in exasperation.

  “You all want to know,” Hilary mumbled, rubbing her arm.

  “We did not have sex! Please, I’ve only known him for less than a week! I’m not one of those girls! He gave me a shirt and turned his back on me while I changed, then he switched off the light after I slipped under the covers and only then undressed and followed. When I woke up this morning he already wore a shirt again. And he just held me. There was no making out or anything. It was perfect and he was such a gentleman,” she explained, being surprised that she was able to stay absolutely serious. She even had managed an outraged expression when they had suggested she had slept with Jazz.

  Silence surrounded them until Hilary’s jaw dropped.

  “Shut up! That’s what we got you this night for? So he could be a gentleman? We wanted him to pull your hair, scratch your back and leave you breathless and happy! Not … I don’t even know what you are,” Hilary fussed and the rest of the group laughed while Tessa felt her cheeks heat. Even though Jazz had pulled her hair, he hadn’t been rough at all and as much as Tessa had loved their night together, she really wanted what Hilary had just mentioned.

  Next time, she promised herself.

  “I’m sorry,” she just said, shrugging and putting on a regretful expression. “Really, we went to the beach, ate out and then we talked and cuddled until I fell asleep. It was the best night of sleep I’ve ever had,” she told them and didn’t even lie while doing it. It made her bite her cheeks. Emma watched her, obviously being onto her, but she made a point of looking away.

  “All your questions answered? Peanut and I need a walk. Will you come, Tessa?” Evy asked and Tessa got up, thinking that some fresh air would make her heated cheeks cool down.

  “Put on a scarf and a jacket. It might not be cool at first, but after a little while it sure gets cold,” Tessa explained, cuddling her nose into the scarf Jazz had given her. If it went on like that she’d have all his clothes at Hilary’s place.

  “We are not done talking,” Aimie called from the living room, eliciting a round of giggles from the other girls.

  Evy and her stepped outside, Tessa burying her hands in the pocket of her coat and they hadn’t even gone three steps when Evy turned to her.

  “Was he gentle?” she asked with a soft smile.

  “He was a tender lover and still, oh-so-sexy,” Tessa gave back. “I think he might have left a love bite or two,” she then grinned.

  “I knew it! You little bitch! You just didn’t want to spill the dirty secrets,” Hilary called from the front door, making Tessa burst out laughing.

  She linked arms with Evy, being incredibly happy. Evy was beaming just as wide as she was and she couldn’t help but think that nothing was better than sharing this happiness with someone else.

  Running noise made them turn around and the other three joined, grinning.

  “We want to know, too,” Emma said, a pleading look on her face. They were all dressed for a long walk now and Tessa shook her head with a laugh.

  “He was perfect. There were a few moments where I thought this would probably end in a quickie on the bed of his truck, but it wasn’t. He was sexy, and sweet, and all the things I wanted him to be,” she told the others and once they all more or less swooned with her, she knew that she had found the best girl group on the planet.

  “Fuck!” Tank threw his controller across the room and it shattered with a lot of noise against the wall.

  “You are paying for that,” Jazz said calmly, leaning back while crossing his legs at his ankles.

  “Don’t look so smug. You never beat my ass at this game and today you do nothing else. She must have been one hell of a lay,” Tank grumbled, but Jazz just laughed.

  “You can’t stand to lose because usually I let you win. We need to change that. You are spoiled.”

  Tank seemed ready to reply something, then thought better of it. His best friend was silent so long that Jazz finally lost his smile, too.

  “What’s up? Are you worried she will take time away from our bro-hours?” Jazz asked, but Tank shook his head.

  “No, she’s gone in a little over two weeks and you most likely won’t see her again.” As much as Jazz knew that this was true, or at least the most likely scenario, he still didn’t want to hear it.

  “Yes,” he just said, waiting. If Tank wanted to tell him what was up, he would.

  “Did … did Tessa say something about … I mean … did she say something special?” he asked and Jazz stared at him, wondering what he was aiming at.

  “She just told me why she texted me with that weird message, but besides that, nothing else,” Jazz shrugged.

  “Like … no discussions or talks or so?”

  Something was up, and Jazz couldn’t figure out what it was, unless…

  “She didn’t say anything about Evy or anything Evy might wanted her to pass along,” Jazz replied and then watched how Tank’s shoulders sagged slightly. There was no telling if it was relief or disappointment.

  “Obviously no more drama for her. I am glad. I always knew a good burger could fix a whole life,” Tank grinned, obviously having caught himself.

  “You’d be telling me if something more was going on, right?” Jazz asked, not even reacting to the joke.

  “She’s pregnant by a jerk and she’s from the other side of the world. I’d never start something with someone like her. Not even for a night,” Tank gave back, outrage clear in his voice.

  “Just making sure,” Jazz replied, wondering what else he could say, but Tank was already up.

  “I’m gonna get a controller from my room so I can show you who’s the true champ,” his best friend growled, leaving.

  Jazz leaned back again, wondering if he’d see Tessa again that night or if she figured since they had just said goodbye in the morning, there wouldn’t be any need.

  Just then his phone announced a message:

  I’m gonna text you the moment I think the girls go to bed. Next time you see them, they’ll have a giggle fit. Sorry I couldn’t keep it to myself. x

  Tessa gently brushed Evy’s hair out of her face. She had fallen asleep in her lap while they all had watched a chick flick and as much as Tessa wanted to call Jazz, she was still glad Evy slept peacefully.

  No matter what her best friend said, she still looked paler than usual and red-eyed most of the mornings.

  “At least she’s asleep. I can hear her crying most of the night.” Tessa looked up, surprised to find Emma coming back into the room. “I just wanted to tell you goodnight because I figured you’ll be up, waiting for Jazz again,” Emma went on, sitting down at the end of the sofa, covering Evy with a blanket.

  “I was, but I’m more than glad she’s asleep, so I’m not gonna call him. I worry that if I wake her up now, she won’t be able to get back to sleep.”

  “And if you still tell him to come?” Emma asked and Tessa shrugged.

  “For now I’m gonna let her sleep. How are things, Em-Jay?” she wanted to know and Emma gave her a slight smile.

  “Things are pretty good. Marriage turns out to be fun still,” Emma winked and Tessa grinned. Emma had been married for more than a year now and in the beginning she had been a little worried some of the things they said were true, like a routine coming in and everything getting boring. “Hubby still adds a trip every two or three months and it’s just so much fun whenever we go away.”

  Tessa grinned. “And, kids? Did you finally talk about it?” She remembered that Emma had mentioned she wanted some, but her husband wasn’t so fond of the idea and Emma had worried about addressing it again.

  Instantly her friend’s face sobered. “Actually, I did. He didn’t show many emotions, he just looked at me and shook his head. He said children weren’t in his plan, but that he’d still prove to me how much he loves me,” she explained and Tessa picked up a brow. She had to be honest; she wanted kids one day and a guy that was against that … well, it most likely wouldn’t work out.

  “Is that okay with you or not?” she carefully asked and Emma shrugged, looking for a moment at Evy.

  “For now it’s okay. I just can’t help but think that one day I’m going to resent him for it if I don’t have children. Now we are still young, but in a few years … one day I’ll be too old to have a baby and then, what will I do then?”

  Tessa didn’t really have an answer, but she suspected that Emma didn’t need one.

  “You think Jazz will want children?” Emma surprised her by asking and Tessa found herself at a loss for words.

  “Jazz and I are a three-week-item, Emma. It never crossed my mind to speak to him about his wish for children. Seriously, I’m not in the position to ask him if he’s thought about a family. Besides the fact that this would be a long distance relationship…” She shook her head, because she was not made for those and Jazz had a goal. “… I couldn’t stand the thought of him having a family with someone else. Right now I can’t even think beyond the next night. This thing between him and I is right and perfect at the moment, but who says there could ever be something between us in everyday life?” She wouldn’t even allow herself to go there.

  “You won’t find out, which is probably good,” Emma agreed. “We all need a fantasy sometimes and I have a feeling from now until you die Jazz will be your fantasy. And I mean that in the best way possible. You will find a guy at home, one you’ll adore and still, whenever you fight, you’ll need a place to escape. And Jazz will be that place. You’ll think of the time here, and the way this was surreal in a good way. Then you’ll look at the guy next to you, realize he’s amazing, but real, and then you’ll be happier than before because those three weeks? They are an escape, but not a home.”

  Tessa picked up a brow. “Okay, so … who is your escape?”

  Emma blushed deeply, proving Tessa right that Emma knew exactly what she had talked about.

  “You’re not gonna tell me?” she probed, and Emma sighed.

  “Charlie Hunnam, that’s my escape,” she admitted and Tessa couldn’t suppress a groan. She didn’t like that guy at all, but then luckily tastes varied.

  “Do I want to know what kind of scene you imagine then?” Tessa questioned and Emma started to grin, making Tessa regret the question almost instantly.

  “So, it involves some handcuffs and some toys and we…”

  “Frank Lampard. That’s probably my crush. Or John Cena. Maybe even James Franco. Or all of them,” Evy whispered quietly, her voice thick with sleep.

  “We didn’t mean to wake you,” Tessa said instantly, but Evy sat up, shaking her head.

  “I was worried you’d let Emma finish that absolutely dirty fantasy of hers and my baby didn’t need to hear that,” Evy teased. Stretching, her best friend reached out for Tessa’s cell, being not half as subtle about it as she probably thought.

  “Oh,” she then said suddenly and got up. A minute later she came back in with Jazz.

  “He waited in front of the door,” she said and Tessa grabbed her cell, clicking through the messages. He had texted her more than forty minutes ago.

  “I didn’t hear … or see, or…” Tessa got up from the sofa, but in not more than two steps Jazz had crossed the distance between them, bending her back with a deep kiss. It made her head swim and her heart skip a beat.

  “We were off to bed anyw
ays,” Emma said, getting up from the sofa as well. Both her friends gave Jazz a smile and Tessa knew that the couple had their blessing.

  “Why don’t you stay? You don’t look tired,” Jazz remarked and both girls turned back to him, surprised. Checking back with Tessa, Emma shrugged.

  “It’s true. I’d be tossing and turning in bed now,” she admitted and Tessa smirked.

  “I want to stay, too,” Evy said and Tessa gave Jazz a thankful smile before she settled with him on the couch.

  “If I bring wine coolers, can I join? I even have a beer for Jazz,” Hilary said from the door. She was in her pajamas, looking much more innocent than she was. It made Tessa smile.

  “I don’t drink when I drive,” Jazz said. “Thank you though.”

  He kissed Tessa’s hair while Hilary gave everyone a glass and then poured juice in Evy’s, making it look almost as if she was sharing the drink with them.

  “One’s still missing, right?” Jazz wanted to know and Tessa nodded.

  “Should we wake her?” Emma asked.

  “As if I can be asleep with all this talking,” Aimie said from the door, making everyone laugh.

  “We were quiet,” Tessa gave back, feeling guilty.

  “Hush, she wasn’t asleep. She probably sat behind the door like we all did, wondering if soldier boy would come,” Hilary announced, making Jazz chuckle. Tessa turned to him, beaming. She liked that she had them all together right now. This way at least no one felt left out and, best of all, she didn’t have to decide between all of them and him.

  “Thank you for being you,” she said quietly, knowing that this probably was a rather uncomfortable situation for him. After all, it was the first time he was alone with all of them.


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