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Tagged for Life

Page 23

by Sam Destiny

“Thank you,” she smiled, then walked over to the bench Evy was now sitting on.

  “You can go with them,” her best friend instantly told her, but Tessa leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees.

  She figured now was as good a time as any to mention the baby. Knowing that Aimie and Emma both had talked to Evy because of it and she figured it was finally her turn again.

  “I know you got opinions from Emma and Aimie concerning your … situation. Any conclusions?” she wanted to know and Evy laughed humorless.

  “Still inconclusive. To be honest, I was thinking a lot about that suggestion you made. The one about you and me moving in together,” Evy said.

  Tessa smiled a secret smile, not turning back to look at her best friend. “What about it?”

  “I should’ve known you’d reconsider after the whole Jazz-incident,” Evy whispered and finally Tessa turned to her friend, her expression going soft.

  “I’m your best friend and nothing and no one can change that,” she promised. “Am I worried how this all will end? Sure. You, a baby, and me: Can that work? Maybe. Maybe not. I’d be stupid not to worry, but you not keeping that baby simply isn’t an option.”

  “It’s what Tank said, too,” Evy mumbled and Tessa almost fell off the bench.

  “Come again? Who said that?” she asked in utter disbelief.

  “You heard me right. The night you all went to that Halloween party he took me to a diner, put a burger and fries in front of me and said, ‘getting rid of the baby is not the way to go’, then he dove into his own fries,” her best friend told her and Tessa could almost feel her jaw hitting the floor. A quick glance down confirmed though that her jaw, in fact, was still in place.

  “Tank? That Tank? The asshole-best-friend-of-the-most-amazing-soldier-Tank?”

  Evy gently smiled down at her hands. “He’s actually pretty decent once he stops being a total jackass. Jazz is his best friend, and I guess just like me, Tank was as taken aback by you as I was by Jazz. I should have known you aren’t able to do casual, and I guess Tank knew that, too. I don’t think your handsome soldier is the one for flings, either. I know now that I shouldn’t have encouraged you to see this as fun and just enjoy your time while seeing this as a chance,” she stated.

  “But -” Tessa tried to interrupt Evy.

  “Let me finish, please,” Evy pleaded and Tessa shrugged, staying silent. “I should have been the first one to see that he’s a keeper. I should have encouraged you to turn this into more because … if someone can pull this off, it’s you.”

  “Stop it, you’ll ruin my make up,” Tessa sobbed. She felt her hands tremble and her heart swell with love for the person that was almost her sister. She hadn’t expected this talk to take the turn it had. Wiping a tear away she leaned in and hugged her best friend.

  “You’re the keeper,” she replied and Evy kissed her cheek, squeezing her tightly.

  “So, you’re still okay with me moving in with you?” Evy eventually asked and Tessa instantly nodded, grinning widely at her. She had no idea if this would work, but she decided to see it as an adventure for now. It was hard planning your life, which was what Tessa had learned in the last two weeks alone, but at least they could aim for making this right.

  “Finally you two made up for real. Awesome,” Aimie called, coming closer. “Come with me now. That roller coaster is fun!” She started to tug on Tessa’s arm when Tessa’s eyes fell on a flushed Hilary.

  “What the hell happened to you?” she asked and Hilary glared at her while Emma and Aimie burst out laughing.

  “Let’s just say I need sweatpants with Minnie on them,” Hilary snapped.

  “Yeah, the jeans maybe just rubbed her the wrong way,” Aimie teased.

  “Or better the right way,” Emma added and finally it clicked and both Evy and Tessa burst out laughing. Tessa wiggled her eyebrows, asking if Hilary was sure that she didn’t want a second round.

  Hilary grabbed Evy’s arm. “We buy pants and you three go back in,” she ordered, leaving with Evy while Tessa followed Aimie and Emma.

  “Much better,” Emma said softly, making Tessa turn to her.

  “What is?” she wanted to know.

  “An honest smile on your face,” her friend explained and Tessa shrugged, blushing.

  “It feels better, too,” she admitted and then looked up at the ride. “And now, let’s conquer the beast,” she grinned. With linked arms the three girls went to the entrance and Tessa couldn’t deny that for now she seriously felt as if nothing could hurt her anymore.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Can you stop pacing?” his mother asked and Jazz stopped. He was nervous enough about seeing Tessa again, especially since realizing that he would be asking her for more time. It didn’t help that his mother and sister weren’t ready to wait inside for them.

  Hilary had agreed to drive Tessa to the hotel that Jazz had booked for his mother and sister, and, just because he was selfish, for Tessa and himself. She had agreed on staying one night with him for now, but he planned on convincing her to spend every night with him as long as his mom was there. After all, he had to work during the day and Tessa could hang with her girls then.

  “Is that hers?” Kris asked as another car came up the street. It wasn’t Hilary’s, but that didn’t change that his heart picked up speed every time they asked, only to settle down again whenever he realized it was the wrong one.

  “Can you two please give me the chance to welcome her alone and prepare her?” he asked for the hundredth time, but again both shook their heads simultaneously.

  “No way. We need to make sure you don’t tell her any horror stories about us … or warn her. Whatever it is you consider necessary,” his mother fussed and he threw up his hands in defeat.

  “I just want to kiss her and hold her for a moment. I just want to be glad she’s back without you two watching my every movement,” Jazz all but snapped, but before either his mom or his sister could react, Hilary pulled to a stop next to them. Tessa got out of the car, her back to them and Jazz held his breath. She was laughing at something the girls said inside the car, but the smile froze on her lips as she turned around and saw Jazz waiting together with his family. He could see her swallowing while holding onto the little backpack she seemingly had packed for the night.

  “Ohmigosh, you’re so pretty,” Kris squealed, going over to hug Tessa tightly before Jazz had even realized what she was planning. He stepped closer and saw Tessa nodding, but he couldn’t decipher what his sister was whispering in his girl’s ear.

  “Now, Kris, let me look at this girl,” his mom demanded and Kris stepped back.

  Tessa looked like a deer caught in the headlights. “Miss Connor,” she greeted politely and Jazz noticed how her smile threatened to slip.

  “Please, when I said call me Ela, I meant it,” his mother insisted and Tessa took a fortifying breath that made Jazz wish he had insisted on those two waiting inside. His mother patted her cheek. “You seem off, girl,” she then commented and Jazz almost snorted.

  “Err…” Tessa started, then shrugged. “I was in the car for six hours and I had hoped I’d be able to shower and freshen up before I’d meet you. I wanted to make a good first impression and not smell like a Burger-turned-old,” she explained, pulling a face. It was too cute, but Jazz could totally understand her.

  Kris buffed him in the side. “Perfect,” she mouthed and he had to bite his cheeks since it was mainly what he was thinking, too. Kris moved from his side and back to Tessa. Jazz was too slow reaching for her, so his sister could pull his totally overwhelmed girl in her arms another time.

  “Kris, could you please…”

  Kris ignored him though. “You’re amazing, Tessa, so stop worrying, okay?” she asked and Tessa threw a pleading glance at Jazz.

  “Can I finally have a moment with Tessa now? You two step back and give us a second,” he demanded, putting on his soldier-tone. He reached for Tessa’s hand, yet she was reluctant about
letting him pull her close, furrowing her brow.

  “I stink, and I was thinking it would be you and me in the beginning,” she admitted, finally letting him draw her against his body. “I wanted to shower before I met them,” she explained quietly while his mother and sister moved away far enough to not hear every word and yet not as far as Jazz had hoped. The other side of the door would be his preferred place for those two.

  “Oh, but it was okay to stink for me?” he teased, hoping to ease her tension. She raised a much-saying brow, making him feel hot almost instantly.

  “I thought we’d be able to shower together,” she whispered and finally he leaned in to kiss her, breathing in deeply. This was what he had been waiting to do ever since she had left.

  “I love where your thoughts are heading, but…” he sighed, resting his forehead against hers. “Sadly this will not work just yet. You must be hungry though. Oh wait, you said something about a burger,” he remembered and she nodded.

  “We stopped at Burger King for food. Hilary forgot to book breakfast for the last morning,” she groaned and he had to laugh.

  “So are you hungry?” he wanted to know and she nodded. “Okay, how about I take those two crazy ladies back there into the restaurant inside the hotel and you shower and then come back down? Is steak okay?”

  She moaned in delight, mentioning herb butter that was melting and he guessed his pick had been dead-on. He kissed her nose. “I’m gonna give you forty minutes. I’ll order so the food is there whenever you are down,” he told her and still, he wished he’d be able to go with her.

  She agreed and he handed her the key card, telling her which room was theirs. She looked at him for a moment, but he just gave her a smile. “See you in a bit,” he nudged and she nodded, turning away, walking into the hotel and towards the elevators.

  “You should make sure that she knows she left a good impression. She looked a little taken aback and we don’t want her to hate the whole evening, do we?” his mother asked and Jazz looked up in panic, then he followed Tessa, catching her before she entered the elevator.

  “I’m sorry. I know it’s too much right now,” he started, but she hushed him almost instantly.

  “I was hoping for a long welcome-back-kiss and then a fresh look to prove that I’m a decent girl. Now I’ll have to wait for that long kiss until this whole dinner is over,” she winced, “and hope that I’ll be able to make it up to your mom later on,” she admitted and he took her bag from her, setting it down on the floor next to them before framing her face. He kissed her, letting his tongue run along her lower lip before slipping it into her mouth, tasting her as if he had never kissed her before. His hands went from her face over to her shoulders and down her body until with just a tiny nudge she jumped up and wrapped her legs around his hips. The kiss made him want the exact same thing she obviously had wanted when saying that alone time had been in her plans.

  Breaking the kiss, he put her back on her feet and stepped away, breathing heavily. “I’m so glad you’re back,” he whispered while she cuddled into his arms. He knew she was just going upstairs and would be back by his side in no time, but it didn’t change the fact that he had a hard time letting her go.

  “Just shower and then come back down. I want you to be you, and no one else, so no need for extra long sessions in front of the mirror,” he pleaded, then kissed her forehead. She gave him a beaming smile, appearing much more relaxed now.

  “You know, just in case no one ever told you, Jazz, you’re pretty perfect,” she grinned. Hitting the elevator button another time, she entered and he went back to join his mom and sister in the restaurant.

  Tessa stared at herself in the mirror. She was pale since she had caught only two hours of sleep the night before. All the girls had settled in Hilary’s and her bedroom, talking all night about actors, the weather and dream guys. No one had been really surprised to hear that Jazz was turning out to be Tessa’s guy of choice.

  She’d had a long night and an even longer drive following that. A shower would make her feel better, yet she probably would still be pale as a ghost in the end.

  Shaking off her worries, she hurriedly undressed and showered, surprising herself by how fast she was. Then she started to blow-dry her hair, knowing it would take the longest. Once that was finished, she pulled out the few clothes she had thrown into her backpack. It seemed Jazz would actually get his wish since jeans and a sweater were the only clean clothes that had been left from the trip. Of course, that had been before she had realized Jazz wouldn’t be joining her in the shower. Now she wished she had told Hilary to go home first so she could have gotten ready there.

  Deciding that it was too late now anyway she dressed, smiling to herself as she pulled Jazz’s Army hoodie over her head, then gathered her hair into a ponytail. Besides a little mascara she decided against make-up. Slipping into her sneakers and grabbing the keycard, she left the room.

  Taking a deep breath outside of the restaurant, she put on a smile and went inside, finding Jazz almost instantly. His eyes lit up when he spotted her and he stopped talking, making her feel as if she was wearing a ball gown instead of her dressed-down clothes.

  He pulled out the chair next to him and she sat down. He leaned in instantly, kissing her right below the ear. “This is by far the best look on you,” he whispered and she couldn’t help but giggle.

  “Liar,” she replied, then decided to focus on the other two that, to her dismay, kept her from doing all those things she had on her mind. One, for example, was letting her hand go up his thigh under the table, just to tease him a little. She wouldn’t do that to him though. Yet.

  He kissed her neck again.

  “Stop it, your mom is watching,” she fussed, trying to put on a straight face while her skin seemed to tingle from those little touches.

  “You’re right. So, Mom, before we go any further into this dinner, why don’t you start your girlfriend-inquisition? I know I should have gotten her social security number and criminal records beforehand, but after all I didn’t know she was going to become so important to me,” he said, giving her a quick smile.

  His mother looked utterly shocked, her cheeks turning pink.

  “Please, babe, your mom doesn’t have enough time to read through my whole criminal record tonight, but I’m sure if she wants to I can get all six hundred seventy two pages to her by Wednesday,” Tessa drawled, putting on a fake Southern Accent.

  Jazz choked on a sip of coke while his sister instantly started laughing.

  “Seriously, what did you think was the reason I ran to the US after being fired? I’m an industrial spy and got caught. I needed to get away. Luckily the MI6 offered me a job and so I could get out while still making money. The whole thing with you was planned. Even though … you were late and I had to wait forever. But admit it, I’m pretty good,” she grinned and Kris was laughing all the more while Jazz just shook his head at her.

  “Funny, Missy. Very funny,” he growled and she tried hard to catch her breath, but laughter kept bubbling up again and again. She felt slight hysteria coming on and knew it was because meeting Jazz’s mom wasn’t as relaxed as she had hoped.

  Maybe it was because she knew that she was in love with Jazz and that this thing would soon be so much more serious if he was ready for it, or it simply was the fact that she hadn’t been prepared for this dinner, but either way, she felt her heart racing in her throat.

  “I think she’s hilarious,” his mother finally offered, a wide smile splitting her face. She looked so much younger then, patting her hand softly. “You two seriously are cute together,” she then added.

  Tessa was glad that she hadn’t said they were a cute couple because couple implied that they were indeed serious, but Tessa preferred taking them to that level first. She hoped that they would be able to work this out somehow and since she had set her mind to it, she was pretty sure they could. Even if they only had another week to figure out their next course of action. After that she’d
happily be called Jazz’s girlfriend.

  “What are you smiling about?” he asked quietly, making her realize that she had lost track of the conversation while being lost in thoughts.

  She leaned in and kissed his nose. “Nothing really,” she said. “I’m just glad to be here.” He seemed pacified by that and Tessa focused back on her food and the talk about the latest book Kris had read. This was something she could do, she felt good with. Books would be what would get her in the good graces of Jazz’s family.

  The next day after his shift on the base Jazz stood in front of Hilary’s door. He had dropped Tessa off in the morning and now wanted to pick her up so they could go and see a movie with his mother and his sister.

  “Come on in, she’s not quite ready,” Hilary excused Tessa, leading him into the living room where the rest of the girls sat. Contrary to the first times he had been alone with them, he no longer felt nervous about spending time among them. As usual, they all started talking at the same time, asking him about the dinner with his mother or the impression he thought Tessa had made.

  “You all are horrible,” Tessa scolded, coming into the living room as well. She walked over and kissed him chastely on his lips.

  “I…” Hilary started, but the doorbell interrupted her. Obviously they hadn’t expected anyone else and she sighed. “Be right back.”

  The room that had been filled with chattering girls turned silent just a second later. The girls were just too nosey, wondering who was coming.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” There was no mistaking the tension that crept into Hilary’s voice and Jazz saw how the girls all tensed in response.

  “I needed to see you, baby,” came the reply in a male voice.

  “Fucking ex,” Tessa growled, surprising Jazz with the anger in her tone.

  “Why is he showing his face here again? Hils told him to never bring his cheating ass back,” Emma added in a quiet whisper, then silence spread again.

  “Take me back. I know you are still in love with me. There’s no new guy, right? Don’t even come with that excuse,” the dude went on and Jazz decided that he definitely didn’t like him.


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