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Sensual Erotica (Vol. 1): 26 Erotic Stories

Page 6

by Priscilla West

  Tryggr, blond hair wet and plastered to his head, beard soaking from the rain, bent to take off his muddied boots and leave them next to hers. Then he took off his axe, the braces holding the scabbard for his sword.

  “Lady,” he said roughly. “I am sorely in need. Will you have me?”

  The bulge at the front of his trousers left no doubt about what he needed. Emma licked her lips, the towel still held up to her body as she watched him. She had been lonely for so long. Nearly two years without a man to tend to her fires. Few men remaining in the village had been half the man her husband was. And the Vikings had been brutal to her at every turn. Except this one. He’d protected her. He’d fed her. And she could see by the fierce burn in his eyes that he wanted to love her as well.

  Her deepest womanhood responded to him. To the blaze in his eyes. The bulk between his thighs. The promised gentleness. She felt her body grow wet for him, eager to have a man again, at last. Emma licked her lips again.

  She nodded.

  Tryggr released a harsh sigh, breathed loud in her little cottage. He pulled off his wet tunic and hung it where she had left her wet dress on the rack by the door. She gasped softly at the sight of his chest, thick and wide, battle scarred in places and ridged with muscle upon muscle. Tryggr took off his trousers and finally stood naked before her. His manhood thrust aggressively in the air. Emma dropped the towel she’d held up in front of her body.

  They watched each other from across the room, taking the measure of what they saw. She was the one who made the first move. She held out her hand and he came across the room, big and blond and frighteningly muscled. But a man who had been kind to her. A man.

  In her bedroom, she shoved aside the rough woolen sheets on the bed, sat down on the thick mattress and pulled him down with her. That was all she knew how to do.

  “Lady...” He gasped softly. Gratefully.

  The rain pounded on the roof, on the muddied ground outside. He pushed her back onto the bed, looking at her as he braced himself above her with one powerful forearm. He touched her wet hair, her face, tracing her mouth with a long finger. “I’ve wanted you for so long,” he rumbled.

  Her mouth tingled from his gentle touch. Emma blinked up at him in the semi-darkness of her bedroom. His hand moved down to her neck, tracing its fragile length, along the delicate lines of her collarbones, down the line between her breasts leading to her stomach and her wet sex. She sighed at his soft touch. It had been so long.

  Another harsh breath rushed out of him. Emma could feel his hard length between her legs, firm and needful. She squirmed under him, her wetness and excitement growing.

  He touched her everywhere, lovingly and gently, as if it had been months or years since he’d seen a naked woman. Emma sighed under his touches, her skin blooming with his tenderness. His fingers paused at the thatch of hair above her womanhood. He parted her thighs, parted the lips of her sex, his bright eyes eager on her wetness.

  “Beautiful....” he groaned.

  Tryggr kissed her wet lips. Emma jerked her hips in surprise. Her husband had never, ever...! Breath hissed between her teeth as pleasure sparked from the Viking’s tongue on her sex. She blinked furiously at the ceiling as he pressed his mouth to her hot and weeping center, spreading her with his fingers while his tongue licked the hot button of her desire, dipped low to slide inside her, thrusting deeply inside her damp and swollen body.

  Emma gasped as he made love to her, stroking the center of her desire, thrusting deeply with his tongue as if indulging in a delicacy he hadn’t had for a long time. He moaned against her flesh and she sighed, dug her fingers into his wet hair, spread her thighs wide around his head. Emma panted as his movements sped up, his tongue fluttering deep inside her, his fingers stroking her bottom.

  She clenched her teeth against her moans, not wanting anyone to hear. But then he touched her breasts. His big hands around her flesh, squeezing her nipples while he lapped at her sex, the sounds of his delicious enjoyment was like music in the room. Emma’s chest heaved as she panted for him. A tingling heat seared up from where he loved her. She bucked under his mouth, gasping, groaning. No longer caring about the noise. A searing heat overtook her. She clenched her eyes tight as her body went into a delicious shock, shuddering and coming around his tongue.

  The sound of her panting was loud in the room. Tryggr moved up her body, eyes glittering. His breath puffed hot and passion-scented against her face. He grabbed his thick maleness, traced it along the wet line of her sex, gathering moisture, covering himself with the essence of her desire. Then thrust deeply into her.

  Emma gasped from the thickness of him. She was full. Stretched more than she’d ever been in her life. Her fingers dug into the sheets. He groaned into her throat as he began to move, stroking her deeply with his heavy thickness. Soon, they were groaning together as Emma’s passion rose again. Higher. Her body quickened.

  He grunted. Slamming into her until her head whipped back and forth in the bed, her damp hair clinging to her cheeks and face, a fire consuming her from the inside out. And she was panting from her pleasure, her sex overflowing with wetness around him as he thrust and thrust and thrust and they were both peaking together and he shouted her name in her throat.

  After long moments, they moved apart. Emma sat up in the bed and looked down at the man she’d just made love with. He watched her too, lying on his back in her bed, his eyes lazy with sated desire. His big hand landed gently on her thigh.

  “Emma.” He said her name as if it was a treasured thing. “I offer you my protection and my body.” He stroked her skin, a surprising tenderness from such a big man. “They are yours to accept or to deny.”

  She watched him, feeling the quiet satisfaction in her body, the rightness of him in her bed, in her little cottage. A man of her own after all these years. A gentle man.

  “I accept,” she said, her voice quiet with conviction and certainty.

  His eyes warmed even more and he sat up in her bed, kissed her, surrounded her with the warmth and safety of his big body. After so long, it felt good to finally no longer be alone.

  The Pleasure of New Friends

  by Eva Morrison

  I rearranged the brightly colored sarong around my waist, pulling it down to emphasize the golden tan that had come up over the last few days. The fiery scarlet, greens and yellows that decorated the sarong’s azure background served as a striking contrast to my blonde hair and blue eyes. I pulled on the almost too small scarlet bikini top, wondering if a breast would accidentally fall out of it.

  “You look amazing.” John said from behind me. His hands came up and caressed the slope of my shoulders then he moved lower, running one hand possessively across my flat stomach and slim hips, “I could keep you in this room all night long.”

  “I know you could,” I said a bit impatiently as I twisted out of his grip. I loved for John to fuck me, loved to feel his hard prick inside my walls but we were on vacation on an island paradise and I wanted to see everything, experience everything, before we had to leave there.

  John didn’t take it badly; one of the reasons I loved him so much and married him was that he was so eager to please me. He knew I craved excitement like some craved air and we had been skydiving, parasailing, mountain climbing and we had even learned how to swordfight. I was very grateful to have finally met someone who could keep up with me, who was willing to give me the excitement I needed and who would let me go to whatever lengths I needed to go to get what I needed and mostly I was grateful I had found someone willing to push me to find new adventures.

  “I want to go out to the beach again, I would love to go deep sea diving. I know we don’t have that in the budget though,” I frowned at my reflection as I spoke.

  “I’m sorry sweetie.”

  “Let’s not dwell on it.” I said and skipped towards the door, enjoying the way the sarong’s hem swished against my bare legs. “It’s gorgeous outside.”

  It was. The sun beat down
on the soft white sand of the shore, palm trees waved in the gentle breezes and the sight of the enormous gates that kept the rest of the world at bay made my heart leap with elation.

  We could not afford it, of course. Flying to the Bahamas had been one of those spur of the moment decisions that had always marked major milestones in our life. It was our anniversary and John had just been promoted so we decided to just go for it. I had grabbed up my free flight points and we had found the cheapest room possible then winged our way to the private island, dead set on having some serious adventures.

  John is a good looking man with thick brown hair that falls in crisp waves across his high forehead, twinkling blue eyes and a full mouth that always seems ready to smile or seduce and I still look like the lingerie model I was before I decided to take a job as a flight attendant just because winging across the world is far more exciting than standing in front of a green screen posing for pictures. Neither of us mind using our looks or social skills to inveigle invitations onto excursions we can’t afford. Just the day before he had talked some woman into allowing us to ride around on her boat for half the day and I had shook my ass at a little bar until we had a table filled with free drinks so when we spotted the same couple we had talked to at dinner the night before we grinned at each other.

  “They have the room with the gated gardens and private pool,” John said in a low voice, “That thing has to cost a grand a night.”

  I smiled, thinking of our own tiny room, it was at the very back of the complex and while it had an ocean view that was lovely it did not have any of the amenities the other rooms had, like enormous Jacuzzi tub or marble floors or gold faucets. Not only that, some of the rooms came with the right to dock a boat and if I were not mistaken I had heard the two say they had sailed into the resort.

  “They may be our deep sea diving excursion,” I whispered.

  Adrenaline filled me just at the thought and John could see it, he immediately put his hand on the small of my back and guided me over to them, “Hello,” he said in his rich baritone, “We met last night didn’t we?”

  The couple was gorgeous. She was a tall slender brunette with legs that went on for miles, a set of firm and large breasts and lips that held a lovely pout on their slick red surface. He had the build of an athlete, trim and muscular. His hair was as fair as mine but his eyes were a dark brown.

  “We did,” she said in a smoky contralto. “I’m Alexa.”

  Her hand stroked against my sarong, one finger streaked across the flesh just above the material and a strange little shiver went through me. I was vaguely unsettled by her touch, it turned me on and I was not used to that, a woman had never really attracted me before.

  “I’m Kay and this is John.”

  “Derek.” He would be a Derek, looking at him my arousal made sense; he had that confident air that I like.

  We sat down at the bar and the conversation slid toward the island. Alexa professed to be bored, which surprised me. “I like the lack of Internet and television, it makes me have to come up with ideas of things to get into,” I said to that and she shrugged, an elegant little gesture that rolled her shimmery white sheath a bit farther down her deeply tanned chest. A brief glimpse of light pink made me flush a bit but not with shame, with lust.

  Again that desire made me feel slightly uncomfortable. She caught me staring and smiled as she casually tugged the bodice back up a slight millimeter, hiding the aureole.

  The night settled down around us and I began to feel a bit disappointed. Alexa and Derek seemed to be so blasé about everything: the big yacht, the extraordinary resort, the very ocean with its spangled waves and the rippling blue waters.

  “Why don’t we go back to our room?” Alexa finally said, “It’s getting too crowded and noisy in here and we have lots of liquor there.”

  “It’s a hell of a lot better than this stuff too,” Derek added as he set his glass down on the bar. “It will be fun.”

  “Lots of fun,” Alexa said, her hand going to my knee and lingering a little longer than it should have. I could see that John had noticed that gesture, what was more, it turned him on. I knew exactly where his prick lay in his pants and I could tell that it was a bit thicker than it would have been if he were flaccid. I had a feeling that the invitation held a bit more than just a few drinks and I paused, thinking about it for a few seconds.

  I looked around to buy some time, the other resort patrons had begun to crowd in and the dance floor was filled with bodies. The lights had begun to pulse in time with the music, making my head spin a bit. John gave me a little look that said he was game if I was.

  “Let’s go,” I said recklessly.


  “You have a great body.” Alexa said as we lay in the bubbling hot tub that sat in the middle of a garden in the back of her room.

  “So do you.” I returned.

  The scent of hibiscus and other flowers had made the night fragrant, the warm breezes rippled across our skins and the free flowing top shelf liquor had loosened all of us up. We were all tipsy and laughing, our bodies somehow all touching even though there was room for at least five more people in the huge tub.

  Alexa’s hand rubbed against my bare breast, about twenty minutes before we had all abandoned the suits we wore, I could not recall whose idea that had been. My nipples tightened under her fingers and I shot a look at John, he was watching with the same look of indulgent joy he wore when I played roller derby or rugby or attempted to joust. That expression made me feel bold and I reached my hand out, rubbing her breast in return. I was shocked by the way her nipple went taut so quickly at my touch; it hardened below my fingers until it was as tight as a small pebble. Derek was watching too and I felt a small jolt of pleasure when he reached over and rubbed a finger across first Alexa’s nipple and then mine.

  “I would love to fuck her just once,” Derek muttered and I blinked at him, why would he love to fuck Alexa just once, didn’t he do that already?

  Alexa giggled and kissed me, a long slow deep kiss. I responded; my mouth opening below hers and my tongue working against hers but then I moved back, my eyes going back to John. The thrill of it held me tight, he saw that and he had a gleam in his eye I had seen before.

  “I want yours and you want mine,” he said, “How about it girls, do you want to trade?”

  “I would love to,” Alexa said, “If Kay does not mind, that is.”

  I realized just then what they all meant, they wanted to wife swap. That meant John would fuck Alexa and I would fuck Derek. I had seen his heavy cock earlier, it hung long and thick even when he was soft, I could not imagine how big it would be fully erect. Thinking about his cock made something bigger than any excitement I had ever felt before slammed into me.

  “I’m in,” I said.

  We got out of the tub and headed inside the luxurious suite that the two had rented. The bedroom was huge, long expanses of marble floor showed below the heavenly smelling leather couches and the long deeply upholstered chaises. The bed dominated the room; it was larger than any bed I had ever seen. I felt apprehension start low in my belly but overriding that was lust.

  I didn’t know where to start but when Derek asked how I liked it John said, “Like this, get on your knees Kay.”

  I got on my knees, my mouth opening almost automatically. John was already hard, the head of his prick a slight purple from the blood filling it. I held my gag reflex down as he stuffed himself into my mouth, my tongue swirled all around the shaft and I bobbed my head, falling into the rhythm easily.

  “I can’t wait to see your cock in her mouth,” Alexa breathed and I looked up. Her eyes were shining and Derek had his arm around her waist. Naked they were both magnificent, his cock was already twitching in the nest of golden curls that surrounded it and her pubic curls were damp from pussy juice as well as the hot tub’s water.

  Derek said, “May I?” in a voice that held a note of humor and John slid out of my mouth. Derek reached down, his fingers st
roking lightly at the belly of his prick, I watched with lustful eyes as the warm meat grew stiffer and more elongated.

  A drop of pre-come slid out of the tiny hole and he used it to moisten the head. I opened my mouth and he put just the head of it between my lips, I licked at the slightly salty helmet, enjoying the taste and the sensation of the smooth skin against my tongue.

  “Oh my,” Alexa breathed and I tilted my head slightly so I could see them. John had arranged her on a long low chaise and she had her legs spread wide, he was kneeling between them and I could hear the soft lapping of his tongue against her folds. The scent of her arousal drifted to me and a jolt of passion shot through me. It was so sexy, seeing him licking at her pussy, that I almost forgot what I was doing.

  Derek brought my attention back to him by grabbing a fistful of hair at the base of my neck and dragging me forward while his hips arched out and into my face. Hot cock filled my throat, rasping slightly against the back of my tongue. I had never sucked a prick that large and I had to open my mouth wider, force my jaw to relax in order to take it all.

  “That’s good,” Derek said and Alexa moaned out, “He is eating my pussy so good sweetie and I love the way your cock looks stuffed down her throat.”

  Their conversation went back and forth for a few minutes, becoming dirtier with each second. Pussy juice leaked down my inner thighs as Alexa began to hump and thrust against John’s face and fingers. I could see the expression on her face, I knew she was about to come and I worked harder, sucking at Derek’s cock with all the energy I had. I swirled my tongue around the head then flicked it against the tender spot where the head and shaft met, I could feel that tiny ridge of scar tissue there and Derek moaned out loud, which sent Alexa into a near fit.

  “Suck his cock!” She cried, “Suck it while I come on your husband’s face!”

  John let out a muffled grunt and I felt that passion burst through me again, mixed with an excitement so intense my heart beat like a drum against my ribs. Derek thrust into my mouth a few more times and then he let out a howl and pulled out. Gooey white come spurted out of him, splattering me across my chin and chest. I stared down at the pearly white drops transfixed by the proof that I had just sucked a cock that did not belong to my husband.


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