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Sensual Erotica (Vol. 1): 26 Erotic Stories

Page 15

by Priscilla West

  “I think it’s time for you to see your tattoo.” He was slightly breathless, his eyes slumberous and warm.

  He guided her up the beach to the mirrored storefront of a sex shop. He lifted her shirt and slowly peeled the bandage away. In the mirror, she saw a red heart, the letters T and D entwined inside it. Their initials. She drew in a quick breath of surprise. She turned to face him.

  “From the moment I saw you,” he said. “I knew you were the one for me.”

  “I don’t know what to say.” She touched his chest through the shirt, her heart beating fast, the wildness of what he had done overwhelming her.

  “Say you’ll give me a chance to be the man for you.”

  Tina slid her arms around his neck, kissed him, moved her hand under his t-shirt, felt his skin, the sleek muscles moving beneath her touch.

  “Take me home,” she said.

  He took her hand and led her down the street and up a flight of stairs. Into a dark apartment and an even darker bedroom.

  “I want to see you,” she said.

  He turned on the lights. She reached for him. Touched his skin. Peeled off his shirt. Kissed him. He groaned with pleasure, pulling her into him. She felt his hard cock. Heard his fast breathing. Heard her own accelerated breath. She wanted him. This incredible and spontaneous man. She wanted him. He wanted her. His blazing dark eyes were proof of that. So was the thickness of his hard cock in his jeans.

  “I want to fuck you.” He jerked off her shirt, nearly ripping the material. Yanked open the buttons of her jeans. Jerked the denim down to her knees.

  Tina panted with the excitement of it, at the passion in him, the blatant desire. She quickly finished what he started, taking off her jeans, her shoes.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful.” Darren growled the words as his eyes devoured her nakedness.

  He sank onto the edge of the bed, tugging Tina with him. But she pulled her hand away, unbuttoned and unzipped him. His long cock sprang out of the opening in the jeans. He moaned with pleasure as he hands touched his hardness, squeezed it. Then she climbed into his lap and sank her wet sex down on his cock.

  Her nakedness. His fully clothed body. The feel of his chest against her aching nipples. His cock inside her. All these things fed Tina’s desire. She began to move on top of him, massaging his length with her pussy, taking him deep then pulling back, again and again until they were both gasping.

  The bed jerked under them as she took him, high on her own power, her dripping pussy like a wet mouth around him, sucking and squeezing him, their bodies slapping together with each movement of her on him. Her breasts leapt in the air as they fucked. Her breath coming harsh in her throat. Sweat dripping down her naked body as Darren gripped her hips and held on to her while she controlled the ride. She rolled around his cock like a tornado, her pussy sucking and swallowing him, the liquid sound of their movements loud and sweet in the room.

  He gasped her name in her ear. “You’re perfect!”

  Tina’s body began to quake from the inside out, a wild heat exploding between her legs, in her belly, up into her throat. She cried out his name as the orgasm rushed through her. Darren gripped her hips even harder, finally shoving his cock savagely up insider her again and again as he chased after his own cum. And he found it, howled in the madness of it, his head flying back, his shout echoing loudly in the room.

  “Fuck! That was…that was the best.” He slid his arms around Tina, his cock softening but still inside her. “Marry me.”

  She stared at him in shock, a part of her already preparing to say yes. Damn Craig. Damn the life she had had before today. Tina opened her mouth to answer him.

  “Okay, maybe this is too soon,” Darren said with a rueful laugh. “At least move in with me. Do it tonight. Right now.” He gently gripped her arms, his eyes meeting hers in urgent passion.

  Gladness tumbled in Tina’s chest. This man wanted her as much as she wanted him. And he wasn’t afraid to show it. There was only one thing to say.


  Nick’s Secret

  by Molly Roberts

  “So, here we are…” Nick said as he opened the car door for me. He held out his hand to help me out of his blue mustang, and smiling, I took it. We just came home from Kat’s homecoming party, and I could still smell the scent of the champagne that was spilled in my mini dress as Kat “accidentally spilled” it across my chest. Don’t ask me how she did it. She just did.

  The night wind softly blew around us as we walked towards my porch, and I suddenly felt the chill that went with it. Nick must have seen me shudder a bit because he suddenly stopped, removed his coat and draped it in my shoulders. I discretely inhaled his sweet scent. How can one man smell so…intoxicatingly good?

  Nick and I have been dating for weeks now, and I can honestly say that I loved each and every moment of it. He’s a total gentleman, and very funny too. The fact that we can talk about almost anything under the sun—from our mutual nerdish Big Bang Theory Series addiction to our never ending debate regarding our own political beliefs (that we agreed to disagree on eventually)—made it clear that he’s the perfect guy for me. Well, “almost” the perfect guy, actually.

  “Did you have a good time?” He asked as we stopped in front of our door.

  I took a break from fumbling in my purse for keys and smiled at him. “Yes, I actually did! And to think that I had been quite hesitant to attend that party…Had you not been insistent, I would have—” I paused. I could feel him behind me, his strong arms circling my waist. I instantly felt heat rush through my body.

  “Had I not been insistent, you would have what?” He murmured against my ear.

  I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck and stared in his hazel eyes. “I would have totally ditched the party and have you take me elsewhere.” I murmured back.

  He gave me a smile back (a smile so hot that I bet it would make lots of girls strip in front of him just to have him do it again) and kissed my lips. I met his lips with mine, letting him feel the heat of desire that was starting to fill my whole body. He broke the kiss, way too soon for my taste, and then kissed me in my left cheek. He let out a deep breath, and then he smiled again. “So, I’ll see you at six on Friday?”

  “Huh?” I said, disconcerted with the sudden turn of events. What a way to change the subject.

  “I said, I’ll pick you up at six on Friday. Remember? For my birthday?” He teased.

  “Oh, right. Yeah, I guess I’ll see you then.” I forced myself to smile as he turned and walked back towards the car.

  And that was that. See, this is why I said that he is “almost” the perfect guy for me. We’ve been going out for almost two months now, and the most that have happened between us is a good, fifteen minute make-out. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a very good kisser, and I could spend the entire day just kissing him. It’s just that…well, it would be nice if I could get more than that.

  I sighed as I walked inside the house. I was about to head up to my room when I smelled something in the kitchen. I quickly headed to that direction and found a half-naked, towel-clad Brent stirring something in the pan.

  “Oh! I mean, sorry.” I quickly turned around and covered my eyes. I’m not a prude, but seeing my best friend’s boyfriend in nearly his birthday suit and feeling tingly all over due to the sight of it just wasn’t right.

  “Relax, virgin. The merchandise ain’t yours.” He teased as he turned to his cooking again. Realizing that I overreacted, I laughed and dropped my hands to my hips instead.

  “Okay, first of all, I’m not a virgin.” I feel frigid and lonely and whatever else a woman who hasn’t had sex for almost half a year (the ‘before nick’ sex abstinence included) should feel right now and they all point to me not being a virgin at all. “Anyway, where’s Jessica?” I said, changing the subject and trying my best to look at him from waist up only.

  “Right over here.” Jessica said as she stepped into the kitchen as well. Her ebony
hair was wet, which usually meant that she just stepped out of the shower after a hot pussy-eating, penis thrusting fun times. Did I just say that? Man, I better get some soon, or I’ll end up swallowing the next naked man that I see. I sat in the nearest kitchen chair, rolled my eyes at Jessica’s wet hair, rubbed my temples and sighed.

  “Somebody didn’t get their booty call today.” Brent said, giving Jessica a full smack on the lips.

  “Ugh, go get yourselves a room will you?”

  “We already did, and we’ve been paying our share of rent, just in case you haven’t noticed.” Jessica shot back. “Did he just say that you didn’t get any? I thought you and Nick went out today?”

  “Yep. We did. But that’s pretty much it.”

  “What? Hang on, one quick second.” Jessica went to the cupboard area. She appeared after a couple of minutes, holding three wine glasses on one hand and a bottle of plum wine on the other. “Okay, I’m ready. Details, please.” She said as she poured the wine into the three glasses and handed one over to me.

  “There’s really not much to tell. We went to Kat’s birthday party. I got my dress soaked with champagne over my breast area. He looked, did nothing except hand over a perfectly white hanky to wipe the mess up. Then after a couple of hours he took me home. Then he kissed me in the porch. Then he let go, way too quickly if I might add. Then he said that he’ll pick me up on Friday. Then he turned and went home. End of story.”

  “Wow, there’s a lot of then’s in your story, and none of them interested me at all.” Brent laughed.

  Jessica nodded. “So that’s why you’re so cranky. I should’ve just set you up with someone else, had I known that this would happen.”

  “If I didn’t know better, I’d swear he’s gay. Why is he acting like you’re wearing a chastity belt of some sort? I thought Jessica said that he’s nice and—er—quite knowledgeable of things?” I noticed that Brent stuttered a little and had ended his sentence in a bit of a rush. I saw Jessica giving him a small slashing gesture in the neck.

  “What the hell do you mean by that?” My gaze travelled from Brent to Jessica, who looked a bit uncomfortable with the turning of the subject. Something’s up, and she’d better tell me.

  “Okay,” Jessica took a deep breath and, in a resigned voice, began talking. “Remember when I told you that he had a girlfriend before and that they broke up for no apparent reason?” She said and I nodded in response, waiting for that other shoe to drop. “Well, I know someone who was friends with Nick’s ex… and that someone said that the ex broke up with Nick because of—um—sexual differences.”

  “Sexual differences?”

  “Hey, I didn’t know! Dip your head in a bucket of ice will you, I can almost see your nose blowing off steam. Geez,” Jessica held up her hands as if in surrender, and I instantly chastised myself for losing my temper.


  “Tell you what, why don’t you give him an ultimatum of some sort. You know, like… tell him that you’ll dump his sorry ass if he doesn’t ram you against the wall real soon or something.” Jessica choked on her drink as soon as Brent finished his sentence. Grinning, he reached for her and rubbed her back.

  I grinned too, grateful for my friends’ concern. Actually, I’m thinking of doing just that. Minus the telling him part, I mean.

  “This is it.” I told myself in front of the mirror. I am either having some tonight, or I’ll be asking Jessica to post an ad for a nice looking date tomorrow morning.

  I looked at the clock on the wall. Nick will be here in a couple of minutes. In the span two months, he has proven to me how punctual he was. I looked at myself in the mirror. I had my auburn hair worn sexily loose on my shoulders, perfectly complimenting my olive green mini dress. It’s got a really low neck line, emphasizing the swell of my full breasts. I remembered seeing his eyes widen when he initially saw my champagne-soaked white dress a couple of days ago, so I have decided to tease him up a little by wearing this specifically for the occasion. I paired it with a cute, really high Fuck-me heels that Jessica and I managed to snag in one of our feel-good shopping sprees. If he still doesn’t budge after, then fuck it. It’s goodbye Nick, hello porn sites for me again.

  Nick arrived on time, as usual, and as soon as I greeted him in the doorstep I realized that I’ve made the right decision for my ensemble. He appeared stunned for a moment, and I could see heaps of desire in his eyes as I let him take me in. Then he seemed to collect himself and said, “Are you ready, Sandra?”

  Was it just me, or did he sound a bit huskier than usual? I decided to keep my thoughts to myself and see where this takes me.

  “So, where are we celebrating?” I said as we started to drive away. “Well…I did prepare something different for the both of us today…” He said, and I can hear some hesitation in his voice. That made me curious. He seldom feels shy about telling me something. I stared at him, and I can’t help but become awestruck with his gorgeousness. He’s wearing a black shirt that emphasized his muscles, and I wondered if he’d look as good when he takes it off. Sigh.

  “Sandra? We’re here.” I heard him say. I was so absorbed with my inner musings that I didn’t realize that we’ve already reached our destination. We are in front of a big house that is in the middle of a hectare of land, surrounded by well trimmed bushes and blooming begonias.

  “Oh, right. Wow, is this where you live?”

  “Yep. I inherited this from my grandparents when they passed away,” Nick said as he parked in the garage. “I got it when I was sixteen and lived here ever since.” He laughed, and then waved at the old man who opened the garage door. “That’s Mcgregor. He’s in charge of maintaining the landscapes of the house.”

  Nick helped me out of his hummer (I thought it was rented for this occasion) and together we walked towards the big oak door. He turned to face me as we reached the front steps. “Sandra, I want you to go in first.”

  I nodded. I don’t know what his game is, but since it’s his birthday I decided not to question him. I opened the door, and was utterly surprised with what I saw.

  The interior of the house would have been pitch black, except that there were probably a hundred red mood candles lighting it. Petals of red roses were scattered around the floor, creating a path that leads to…

  “Hello, Master.” A middle aged lady in a butler uniform greeted us before we reached the dining area. Then, turning her attention to me she said, “Hello, you must be Sandra.”

  I nodded, too surprised to speak. He’s got a gardener, and a lady butler. Huh, who would have thought that the guy was rich? “Sandra, this is Winona, she’s the one who keeps the house in order.” Nick smiled at he took in my expression. I must have looked like an utter fool because I could see that he was trying not to laugh.

  “Winona, you can leave us, I’ll take it from here.” He said. The lady nodded, and was gone. I suddenly realized that I don’t have the slightest clue of who Nick truly was. I looked at him accusingly. “You didn’t tell me that you’re damn rich.”

  Nick laughed at that. “Would it matter?”

  “Yes! I would have dressed a little bit nicer or something.”

  He wrapped his right arm in my waist. “Sandra, you don’t have to do anything. It’s my birthday, and what I want is to give you something…different. Besides, I asked Winona and Mcgregor to take the night off, so no one will be here but us.”

  The idea that we were alone in this romantic setting excited me. I could feel that familiar tingling sensation starting to crawl in my body. Maybe there’s hope for him after all.

  As the evening progressed, my mood transformed from okay…to good…to better. Nick personally served our dinner (He told me later that he himself cooked everything, which was great and all since that’s one hobby that I never cared to venture on), and it was when all the food was served that I noticed something. All of them had some kind of aphrodisiac (oysters, figs, asparagus…you name it, it’s there) in it. The tingling sensation wa
s building up now (with the help of aphrodisiacs, I bet), and it was almost eating me alive. As we ate, Nick kept the conversation alive with wit and humour, along with some sweet compliments here and there that made this dinner one of the best that I have ever had.

  “I can’t believe that colleague of yours actually thought that he was doing it with their housekeeper,” I said, laughing at a green joke that Nick told previously.

  “Yeah, well…we were in junior high then, and he came from a very conservative family so he was so shocked to see an older woman wearing a maid outfit beside him.” He laughed with me.

  “What I don’t get is why he had to run to the bathroom to hide from her,” I said in between hiccups. “I mean, first of all, there is nothing wrong with the idea of having sex with an older woman, none the less someone who has enough experience to venture into role plays confidently.” As I noticed that his expression changed from happy to… was that anxiousness that I saw?

  “Nick, is there something wrong?” I said, concerned with his sudden change of mood.

  “Nothing, it’s just that…” he paused, took a deep breath and began talking again. “Sandra, I know that we’ve been dating for quite some time now,” he said as he took my hand. “And because of my previous relationship experience, our sexual relationship hasn’t been progressing much.” As he said that, he brushed his fingers in the hand the he was holding, sending jolts of electricity through my body. I have to keep myself in check to not jump his bones right there and then. I am officially super horny right now. “It’s just that we feel so right together that I don’t want to mess things up between us just because I have a different…ah, sexual preference going on.”


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