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Sensual Erotica (Vol. 1): 26 Erotic Stories

Page 21

by Priscilla West

  “Probably,” Georgia said. She eyed him from head to toe, nodded and walked away.

  I swallowed a lump in my throat at the thought of Jeremy with a girlfriend. He had never mentioned anyone since he and Lydia broke up, but then why else would he reject me over and over again?

  The hours dragged on. I tried my best to think about work, not about how much I wanted to be close to Jeremy. We barely had time to talk as we dragged our way through rush hour, carrying trays of pasta, pizzas and bottles of wine.

  It´s better than spending the evening by the computer, I told myself. At least the customers were friendly.

  I loved writing articles for women´s magazines, but I was too social to be locked up in a room before a computer all day. Papa Bellugi was the perfect job on the side for a person like me. Especially considering it allowed me to be close to Jeremy.

  He had started working here a few months ago and I immediately knew I wanted him. His smile was to die for, and his dark-brown hair was perfect for running your hands through in bed. At least I thought so. We had never actually done anything else than flirt.

  Actually we had flirted already from the start, when he was still together with Lydia. She used to come to the restaurant and pick him up after work, and when I hadn´t seen her for a few weeks I finally gathered the courage to ask. He never gave me a reason for why they broke up.

  It was past midnight when I found myself close to Jeremy again. We were at the register, both preparing to collect the bills for our customers.

  Jeremy leaned close with that sexy smile of his. The proximity of his body was dizzying. He reached behind my back and touched my ass, gently squeezing my cheeks one at a time.

  I became wet at the thought of that hand against my bare skin and wished we weren´t in the middle of a restaurant. For a moment I could only stand there and enjoy his touch. Then I moved a little closer, hoping it would let him know how much I wanted him.

  Jeremy cleared his throat and snatched his hand away. I startled to see our manager walk up to the register.

  “Good work today, Emma,” he said in an Italian accent. “And you, Jeremy. Can you both work tomorrow as well? I´m short on staff.”

  I was supposed to have the day off tomorrow, but I couldn´t stand the thought of spending a whole day in my empty apartment. When I saw Jeremy nod, I did the same.

  “Sure, boss,” we said almost in unison.

  The manager gave us a knowing look. “Good. I´ll see you tomorrow, then.”

  I nodded and watched the manager leave. When I turned back to the register, I found Jeremy looking at me with a mischievous grin on his lips.

  “You´re really cute when you´re embarrassed,” he said.

  “Oh yeah?” I said. “Cute enough to buy me dinner?” I immediately wished I hadn´t said that. Was I getting desperate?

  Jeremy leaned forward and touched my ear with his lips. “Cute enough to give me ideas.”

  I smiled, thinking this was it. This was the moment when Jeremy was going to invite me out on a date.

  Before he could, however, we were interrupted again. Georgia needed to bring a bill to one of her tables, and she was not one for waiting. I sighed and returned to my own tables to take the last order.

  When the restaurant was empty I decided to try and find Jeremy again. He was nowhere to be seen, however, and I soon had to admit defeat.

  “Jeremy left a while ago,” Georgia said with a meaningful smile. “I thought he said goodbye to you.”

  “No,” I said with a heavy sigh. “No, he didn´t.”


  I quickly regretted coming to work on my day off. The only reason I had agreed to work was to have a chance to see Jeremy, but we were so busy I barely saw anything but trays, wine bottles and plates of fresh pasta. I knew he was there, though, because Georgia kept winking at me.

  I had been on my feet for eight hours straight when I decided I desperately needed a break. The restaurant was still full, but I decided that it simply would have to do without me for a while.

  I went to the kitchen to steal something to eat. A plate of bread rolls were just in my reach, so I took a handful and retreated to the back of the building. There was a storage room there where I might be able to sit down for a while. It wasn´t exactly private, since both chefs and waiters had access to it, but it was quiet compared to the buzz around the tables.

  As soon as I closed the door I knew I wasn´t alone in the room. Trying to hide the stolen bread rolls I turned around and prepared my speech of defense. Then my stomach jolted, because the other person in the room was none other than Jeremy.

  “Emma,” he said with a grin. “You´re hiding from work too, are you?”

  “I was just going to...” I stared, but a bread roll fell from my hand and gave me away.

  Jeremy laughed and showed his own hand, with a half-eaten roll in it. “Come here and sit down,” he said and patted a box of dry pasta beside the one he was sitting on.

  I sat down next to him, conscious about how close we were to each other. My body filled with longing for him like it always did when I saw him. For a moment I considered bringing up that dinner again, but I decided it would have to be his turn to make a move.

  As if he knew what I was thinking, he placed a hand on my knee. My skirt had fallen down my thigh, and now his hand was directly against my skin. The touch sent shivers up and down my legs. Just thinking about his hand there made me wet in anticipation. I wanted him so much, had always wanted him.

  He looked at me through a curl of his dark hair and smiled. I sighed in excitement and parted my legs. My movement made his smile even broader, and his hand moved even further up my leg. His palm was soft, his fingers nimble against the sensitive skin on the inside of my thigh.

  I sighed and dropped the bread roll, all thought of hunger and tiredness forgotten. My eyes went to the storage room door, where someone could walk in on us any moment now. Jeremy didn´t seem to care; he never looked away from my face. His hand slid further up the inside of my thigh, tickled at my skin and made me shiver in pleasure.

  He paused at my underwear and moved a finger up and down the textile. I parted my legs even further, looking into his big brown eyes. His finger found its way around the edge of my knickers and brushed against my wet lower lips. The sensation sent waves of desire through my body. I had wanted him so long, dreamed about a day when he might touch me like this. And here I was, with his finger against my clit.

  Jeremy´s finger brushed lightly against my skin, and I closed my eyes to enjoy the sensation. Then, with a start, I remembered that we were in a storage room without a key.

  I looked at the door and found, to my relief, that it was still closed. As I tried to listen if someone was coming, Jeremy slid a finger inside me. I gasped in surprise and pleasure. All I could do was stare at him. He smiled back at me with a mischievous grin at the door as if he wanted it to open. Then he began moving the finger back and forth at the same time as he rubbed my clit with his thumb.

  I sighed and felt my fear of discovery add to my excitement. Someone might walk in on us and have us fired, but that only made it more thrilling. Besides, I had wanted Jeremy for so long and wasn´t going to say no now. I couldn´t say no.

  I leaned forward and undid his belt with one hand. Another wave of pleasure coursed through me as I pulled out his cock and began stroking him. He sighed in pleasure and gave me the sexiest look I had ever seen. The sight of him and the movement of his fingers inside me were too much, and I bit my lip not to scream when I came.

  Jeremy smiled and glanced at the door again. I realized that it was only a matter of time before someone in the staff would walk through it and see what we were doing. Then I realized that I didn´t care. I wasn´t going to stop now.

  I pulled my underwear aside and moved towards him. He touched my thighs and moved his hands to my ass, gently squeezing my cheeks. I felt another wave of excitement wash over me. I had dreamed about him for so long, and now his hands
were finally on me.

  With a firm grip he brought me down on his cock. I forced myself to be quiet when he entered me, even though I wanted to scream. When I started to move back and forth on top of him, however, I couldn´t help but to let a little moan escape my lips.

  He silenced me with a kiss. I shook in pleasure at the touch of his lips against mine, those full lips that were always bent in a smile. His tongue searched for mine, and I let him find it with a breathless gasp. The sensation was so good I could barely believe it was all happening. Me and Jeremy, together!

  Then I remembered the door again. With a gasp I turned around, found it still closed. This time Jeremy slid a hand inside my blouse. He touched my breast above the bra, then slid his fingers to my back and undid the lock with a practiced twist of his wrist. I shivered as his hand slid over my breast and cupped it gently. His fingers stroke my nipple gently, making it stiff.

  I ran my hand along his stomach and up his chest, feeling his muscles ripple beneath the skin. Had I known he was this exercised, I thought, I would have insisted more on that dinner. Jeremy sighed in pleasure when I began rubbing his nipples, and then he moved his hands along my sides and grabbed my hips.

  His kiss became wild, his breath hot against my face. I knew we felt the same thing; we were worried someone might walk in on us and were still unable to stop. The thought made my stomach jolt. Surely we would be fired if someone saw us like this. Instead of making me worried, however, that thought made me even more excited and caused me to move even faster on top of him.

  Jeremy took my hips and lifted me up. In a few quick steps he had me pressed up against the wall, and I wrapped my legs around him and groaned as he began thrusting deep inside me. His lips were against my neck, his hands on my naked ass.

  I ran my fingers through his hair. How long had I wanted to do that? I moaned, realizing I had begged for it since I first saw him, even when he was together with Lydia. And now he was mine.

  The thought made me kiss him again. He gasped and thrust even harder, excited by the touch of lips as much as I was. His body pressed against mine and I became even more aroused as I breathed in the smell of him.

  Then I remembered where we were again and glanced at the door. Someone would be missing us by now, I was sure of it. Soon the manager would walk in and yell at us in Italian. Jeremy and I would be fired and I would have to live off my meager writer´s salary. I didn´t care, because I would still have this memory of me and Jeremy together.

  Jeremy glanced at the door, then swung me around to a stack of large boxes. He lay me down on top of them and ran his hands from my breasts to my stomach and finally to my clit. As he began stimulating me with his hand he thrust inside me even deeper than before. I had to bite my lip not to scream as pleasure pulsated through me.

  I had always thought his body was perfect, but now that I saw it move back and forth over me I realized he really was the sexiest man I had ever seen. The look he gave me was mischievous like always, full with joy and excitement. I returned his smile and hoped this wouldn´t be the last time we were together.

  A sound brought Jeremy to a halt. I held my breath and looked at the door, thinking this was it. Footsteps approached outside, then passed the door and continued down the corridor. I let out my breath, and Jeremy laughed quietly. Then he began moving inside me again and I forgot all about the rest of the world.

  The break only served to make us both more excited than ever. Jeremy moved faster, holding my legs up with a strong grip. I bit my lip trying not to scream, but couldn´t help but to let silent moans slip through. Jeremy was not doing any better; he grunted softly and moved his lips as if he was trying to say my name. His breath came in gasps as he moved faster and faster.

  I was unable to stay silent any longer and came with a loud cry. Jeremy groaned and collapsed on top of me, holding me tight. We lay like that for a moment, enjoying each other´s bodies.

  Then Jeremy stood up and buckled his trousers. I straightened my skirt and tried to undo some tangles in my hair, both nervous about the door opening now that we didn´t have anything else to occupy our thoughts.

  I had just managed to strap my bra when the door opened. The sound made me jump, and I exchanged a relieved glance with Jeremy.

  “Oh, you´re here,” Georgia said, purposefully not looking at either of us. “Didn´t notice you were gone. I just came to pick up a new roll for the register.”

  Jeremy helped her dig one up, and then she disappeared down the corridor.

  I let out a long sigh of relief. “That was close.”

  Jeremy grinned. “I´m pretty sure she knows anyway.”

  I shrugged and started chewing on a bread roll. “She thinks you have a girlfriend.”

  Jeremy moved close and brushed a strand of hair from my face. “I don´t. Not yet.”

  I swallowed the bread, trying to swallow my nervousness as well. “Not yet?”

  “I guess it depends.” Jeremy collected the last of the bread rolls and put them in his pocket. “It depends on if she forgives me for not inviting her out on a date sooner.”

  I raised an eyebrow at him. “Why didn´t you?”

  “I was worried it wouldn´t be the same if we became more than friends. But now I know it will be better.”

  My heart did a somersault inside my chest. “Do you really mean that?”

  “Of course.” Jeremy pressed against me, placed a hand on my ass and squeezed. “It´ll be a lot better. What do you say about a late dinner, tonight at my place?”

  I sighed and ran my hand over his stomach, wishing our shifts were already finished. “I say that´s a great idea, but I thought you didn´t cook?”

  Jeremy laughed and kissed me softly. “For you I will.”

  I smiled and led him by the hand to the storage room door. Outside we would be co-workers again, so I stopped and kissed him on the lips while we were still lovers.

  Election Night

  by Molly Roberts

  Normally I’d stand just offstage for this, but on this night, with this election, I want to be in the crowd, feeling its energy, savoring the night to come. I’m afraid, afraid of what might happen if I’m standing too close to him up there.

  I have a front row seat, of course. Although I’m standing ass to elbow with every blue-haired Republican in the party, I’m front and center, just the same; after all, I didn’t get to where I am without putting a few elbows in the right necks.

  Behind the empty podium a giant screen blares the final election results: GNN calls it for Governor Elect Trent Carter! The reporter squeals with the crowd, hands raw from clapping as balloons and confetti erupt from the ceiling and spill all over them.

  And still, after minutes of applause, the man of the hour is nowhere to be seen. An eerie hush falls over the crowd and, despite my best intentions, I take up the chant: “Governor Carter! Governor Carter!”

  I’m not alone for long; the crowd goes wild and suddenly, he bounds from behind the curtain, making me gasp. He does not look like a governor, despite the election results. Barely thirty-four, tall and fit with his trademark curly brown hair and crooked smile, Trent Carter takes to the stage and blushes; sincerely, legitimately blushes.

  I do too.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, it is late and you are brave to stay with me so long through this fight!”

  The crowd erupts, but none more so than myself. Having started as a campaign volunteer earlier in the year, I’ve had my eye on the future governor since the first day he strode into campaign headquarters. Apparently, I wasn’t alone. Four months ago he’d made me his personal assistant, and we’ve been side by side ever since. But tonight? Tonight is a special night, in more ways than one…

  “…So for all you’ve done for me, for this campaign, I thank you,” he was saying, loosening the garnet and gold tie I’d picked out for him earlier that morning in the hotel lobby. “But it’s late and I have a very important phone call to make to my opponent, so…I’ll let you all go home a
nd we’ll start work bright and early tomorrow morning!”

  Not if I can help it, I think with a devilish smirk, slinking through the crowd and racing to the ladies room. I beat the mad dash, but not for long. Locked in the corner stall, the seat down and my oversized handbag on top of it, I slide out of my khaki work pants and into the pleated maroon skirt I’d bought earlier that week, just in case he won. My victory skirt, I’ve been calling it.

  My long legs feel freed after working all day and, feeling naughty, I slide out of my white cotton panties and into a tight, black thong. Already, sliding it on, I can feel the first mist of anticipation on my glossy black pubic hair.

  I strip from my blue cotton work shirt, a must during the entire campaign, and free my small, A-cup breasts from their generic white bra. From my bag, I pull a black lacy bra, silky and smooth, on my nipples as I pull on a black turtleneck sweater over it. I trade out my campaign approved brown flats for small but sexy black heels and stride, clickety-clack, onto the bathroom tiles to pull my hair out of a ponytail and finger comb it down to my shoulders, applying a fresh coat of glossy maroon lipstick before striding out of the ladies room, a brand new person.


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