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Finding Her

Page 18

by Rita Hestand

  "I am exploring you, as you did me." She teased him. Her hand went from the taut muscles in his arm down to his flat muscled stomach. She let her lips carry her further. Moving her hands over his stomach, she sighed happily. "You are beautiful to me Aiden."

  He chuckled softly. "Beautiful?"

  "Yes, so beautiful, so lean, so strong."

  He chuckled softly, "I'm flattered. I am yours to explore then."

  She was no longer shy. She had always loved Aiden and there was no sin in what she was about to do. For she belonged to him now and she would do anything for him.

  She moved slowly down his body, to his flat muscled stomach. Her hands glided over him there, softly, admiring his body as she went. "You have many muscles."

  He chuckled.

  She went lower, finding him erect. Her hands went over him there, thoroughly, she looked at him, he was so magnificent. She felt his hips and his backside and smiled. She pulled his backside up as she cupped his buttocks. Then miraculously her mouth took him in. Her tongue glided over him slowly, getting used to the size of him, the tip of him and then she began to move, and he moved with her. She moaned softly. She kept up the sweet torture as he began to respond wildly. She felt his hand go down her back, holding onto her. He began to shake with a response, and she moved more quickly, keeping up the rhythm. Suddenly he exploded with an orgasm that told her she was doing it right. She sighed with pleasure.

  He gripped her with his arms now, holding her, moving her up against him.

  "You are quite a woman, and I want you so bad I can't see straight." He finally kissed her lips and she smothered him with kisses.

  "Did I do it alright?"

  "Alright, any better, I'd be dead. But dead with pleasure." He smiled at her and kissed her once more.

  "I want to please you in every way… " she cried.

  He shot her a sexy grin, "Well, sweetheart you are off to a great start."

  They hugged and petted each other for over an hour, liking the exploration, enjoying the sweet little touches.

  But there was much to do, and he knew it. He sighed heavily and kissed her hard and long on the lips. Then they finally got up and dressed.

  "Do you think they'll all know?" She asked bashfully.

  "They will if we don't wipe these silly grins off our faces."

  "No one has ever touched me like you. I cannot help how I feel about you, I never could. I love you Aiden."

  "And I love you. Our wedding night will be even better. I promise."

  "If it's much better, I might die." She grinned.

  He grabbed her to him and looked into her eyes. "We'll die together, I'm certain of it. But many years from now. We've got years of pleasure ahead of us."

  She grinned. "I like that."

  "Today we officially bury the White Silver Fox, are you ready for that?"

  "Yes, yes I am." She told him.

  "I can't take you with me to the burial. It's too dangerous. One day we will return, and you will see, the monument to the White Silver Fox."

  He kissed her solidly on the lips and they walked out of the bedroom.

  Chapter Eighteen

  "So, what are you plans for the day, Aiden?" The Ferguson's asked.

  Aiden sat sipping his coffee after having a big breakfast with them all. His hand was under the table, squeezing Lucy's, letting her know he remembered well their night together.

  "Today I'm putting the White Silver Fox away for good. From now on, she no longer exists. The whites and the Indians will have to come to grips with that. Major Marsh won't get the chance to hang her as an example.

  "What kind of man even contemplates hanging a woman?" Mr. Ferguson asked.

  "The wrong kind. My father loved my mother and respected her. He taught me that, and it's one thing I remember about them. But some men don't learn that."

  Angus looked at him, "How will the Indians take her death?"

  Aiden glanced at Lucy. "They will mourn her death, but it's part of the reason I want a stone for her. Lucy was a big part of their lives for years. They loved her, and the stone is for them more than anyone. To let them know she wasn't forgotten."

  Lucy squeezed his hand under the table.

  "Will you miss them Lucy?"

  Lucy nodded, "Yes, I will. I will hold them in my heart forever."

  "I'm glad to hear that," Mrs. Ferguson said.

  "Oh, why?" Lucy asked.

  "Because they were a big part of your life, and a big part of who you are now."

  Lucy smiled.

  Mrs. Ferguson can we borrow your wagon to get the headstone?"

  "Of course."

  "I need to ask you one more favor. I want to marry Lucy tomorrow. I know that is very soon, but we can't wait any longer. Can you help arrange a small wedding at your church for us?"

  "I can, and I will. We'll ride over to Camp Livingston and get that taken care of. Be glad to. Will she need a disguise of any kind?"

  "Wish we could disguise her hair."

  "I can put it on top of her head, and she can wear my big hat."

  "That would be good. Just can't take any chances."

  "What about a dress for her to marry in?"

  "I've got one, Gloria picked it out for her, a friend of ours and it's the color she loves, baby blue."

  Lucy smiled.

  "Will you and Mr. Ferguson attend along with Angus and Pumpkin."

  "Of course, wouldn't miss it for the world." She grinned.

  "Before you go, there is something Mr. Ferguson and I have wanted to talk to you all about."

  Angus started to get up, "Please don't leave, this include you and your wife too."

  Angus nodded.

  Mrs. Ferguson took a deep breath and looked at her husband who nodded, "Go ahead dear, tell them."

  "Well, I don't guess you all know that our children are moved off. Our son, Henry moved to Mississippi, he's a President of a bank there. He's married with three children and he's very happy. Our daughter moved to Boston with her husband who is a doctor. They don't get down here often, neither of them. And as you can see, we are getting up in age. But my husband and I have talked it over and want to offer you a proposition."

  Aiden stopped to study them with interest. "Go on."

  "Well, we wrote letters to our children about this, and I'm thinking it will relieve them a lot if we do this. They all make quite good money where they are at and neither of them intend to move back home or even back to this area. So, we want to propose that the four of you live here with us. No one bothers us much here. But no one sees to us either. And we're getting up in age. If the four of you could help us work this farm, and perhaps see to us in our old age, the farm is yours… "

  Aiden's jaw dropped, Angus looked surprised if not shocked. "All of us?"

  "Yes, this place is sizable, we can't keep it up any longer. But with you here, we have the room, if you could see to us in our old age, the farm would be yours. We want to be buried here. So, what do you think?"

  Lucy was aghast.

  "We could stay on and help you without out you giving your place up to us." Aiden told them.

  She put her hand on top of his and smiled. "I know you could son, but no one wants to feel as though they are taking advantage of someone. Neither do we. We can't afford to pay anyone to stay with us. And our children are worried that we might die, and they would never know it. We like all of you and with us all working together, well, it would be a good thing."

  Aiden studied on it. "We could help you out, but you don't have to do that… "

  "I want to do that. You need places to live, a future. We need help. The property would go to the four of you at our death. Please accept it?"

  "It's too generous, ma'am." Aiden shook his head.

  "Please, we are desperate. This farm is well run, but we can no longer see to all of it ourselves. We are worried about our future as well as you are yours."

  Angus frowned, "I don't like taking it from you, but I know what y
ou are saying is practical. I'm willing if Aiden is."

  Aiden looked at Lucy. "I'm a natural healer, you two won't die soon. I can help you."

  "Then it's settled. I'll inform my children."

  "You sure they won't be upset with this, ma'am?" Angus asked.

  "No, they'll be relieved that someone is here watching out for us."

  "Alright ma'am, it's fine with me." Angus nodded and told Pumpkin. Pumpkin looked at the lady, then got up and went to hug her, with tears in her eyes.

  Mrs. Ferguson cried too. "You don't know how relieved we are to hear this. Then it's settled. We'll write our children and inform them. They all make good money and they certainly don't want to live here any longer, but they do want to know how we are from time to time. They'll be very pleased. And when the time comes, that we are gone, please let them know so they can come home one last time."

  "Of course, but are you sure they'll be happy with this?" Lucy asked.

  "Very happy, they've been concerned for some time. It will relieve them to know someone is watching over us."

  "Alright ma'am, if that's the way you want it. But if you change your mind later, just let us know."

  "I don't think we will change our minds. I think we've found a solution to all our problems. You all need a home, we need caretakers."

  "Consider it a deal, then."

  "Fine, we'll go in a week or so and draw the papers up."

  They all agreed, but the four of them were stunned at such an offer. Still, like Angus said, it was a practical solution too.

  Lucy was stunned, but happy.

  The Ferguson's had two wagons, one was for hauling and one was more a carriage. Aiden and Angus took the hauling wagon and their horses tied on back. Aiden drove Angus out to the burial site and told him he'd wait for him to return. Angus got his bearings of the place and left to get the headstone. "Shouldn't be but a couple of hours there and back." Angus told him.

  "I'll be here."

  Aiden knew there was a chance that soldiers from the fort might pass by, so he climbed the tree and waited.

  He didn't have to wait long, three soldiers on horseback passed by and noticed the grave.

  "Lookie there, reckon who died?" Two lean and one rather rotund soldier leaned on their saddle horns and stared at the fresh grave.

  "Don't know, could be anyone." The lean man on the far said.

  "Say you don't think it might be that White Silver Fox Injun gal, do ya?" One of them asked.

  "Aiden did tell everyone it was under some big oak tree."

  "Reckon we ought to dig it up and find out?"

  "I ain't for robbin' graves Joe. There's a lot I'd do, but that ain't one thing I'd mess with."

  "Me neither," Sam added.

  "Should we tell the Major where it's at?" Joe asked.

  "Nah, let him hunt fer it himself. He darn sure don't do us no favors. Gonna get us in a war, he's so all fired crazy for fame and promotions."

  "That's the truth. Let him find it himself then. Let's go we go to get back. We are supposed to be lookin' fer Aiden."

  "What would we do if we found him? I ain't takin' him back to be hung. If that prissy Major wants him that bad, he can get off his ass and look for him, himself." Joe said with a chuckle.

  "Dern straight." Sam agreed.

  Aiden almost laughed.

  " Sam seemed to be the leader and they turned around and headed back to the fort.

  Aiden let a breath out. "That was close," he sighed.

  It was a couple of hours before Angus got back and Aiden looked grimly into the wagon to see the fine job that Harold did on that tombstone.

  "It's down right beautiful." Angus told him.

  Aiden nodded, "It is. Guess the Indians will be proud of it."

  "Means a whole new life for her, don't it?"

  "Yeah, and I'm anxious to get started."

  "What do you think about the Ferguson's. I mean that wasn't something I seen comin'." Angus shook his head.

  "Me either. But if you really think on it, it makes a lot of sense. Their kids don't have time to get back often to see after them. They are aging and the place could use some extra help, which they can't afford to just hire them. It sure will give us all a good start. As long as their kids are for it, I seen nothing wrong with it. You and I can handle most of the work easy."

  "Sure, we can. And the girls love takin' care of the house and cookin'. I just honestly never thought we'd have a place to settle into." Angus shook his head. He took his hat off and scratched his bald spot in the back.

  "You know Aiden, that Mrs. Ferguson welcomed Pumpkin just like she was white, tickled Pumpkin to death. And she let her cook too."

  "I think this might work out really well. And we'll just have to make sure if any army scouts or anyone comes around, you'll have to do the talkin' or the Fergusons."

  "Makes sense to me. I wanted to make a place for Pumpkin all along. Just never had much money to deal with. Always deal in furs and stuff, so money was scarce."

  "Don't feel bad, I never had much either."

  Aiden got the shovels out of the wagon and they fixed the stone, it looked kind of fancy sitting under that tree. One day, when things settle out, he'd bring Lucy here to see what he'd done. He wanted to take her to see her folks grave too.

  Finished they put their tools up.

  "I had some company while you were gone. Only they didn't know I saw them."


  "Soldiers. One of them thought about digging the grave up. The other two discouraged that thought. I'm sure glad. Said they'd let the Major find it himself. I got to thinking. You think they'll dig it up?"

  "Could be. Depends on just how bad they want to find her."

  "Even if he doesn't believe she's dead, he'll think she went back to the Cheyenne's."

  "That's true."

  "Maybe I ought to dig up some poor woman's grave and put her here, later."

  "I wouldn't do it now. Too dangerous. We better get."

  "Say, you gotta come to my wedding tomorrow. You and Pumpkin."

  "Wouldn't miss that for the world."

  "Me either." Aiden smiled.

  "You're pretty crazy about the girl, aren't you?"

  "Yes sir, I am. When she jumped out of that tree at me that day. I lost my heart for sure." Aiden laughed.

  "Jumped out of a tree?"

  "Yeah, right out of that tree, and kissed me like there was no tomorrow." Aiden shook his head.

  Angus laughed, "You got it bad son."

  "No worse than you," Aiden punched him on the arm.

  Angus laughed, "I guess your right. Ain't every man that finds the right woman."

  "That's the truth."

  "Hey, I told Frank and Gloria if things get bad at the fort, to come on out here."

  "Good, I'd hate to see them get hurt. And if there is a war, people will get hurt, Angus." Aiden told him. "We've been through a lot of heartaches and good times together."

  "With Sitting Bull as angry as he is, and Custer as reckless as he is, no telling what might happen." Angus told him as they put the tools in the wagon and tied their horses on back.

  "But if they are forced off their land, it could get bad. They've claimed for years there is gold in those hills. If the miners get to thinking like that again, it will get crazy. I don't figure it will happen before late spring. They will parlay with other tribes for a while, decide who will go with them, then bring them all together."

  "Let's get home before it's too dark."

  Angus whipped the horses around and they headed for the farm.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Because it was the night before the wedding, they made Aiden sleep alone downstairs on the serpentine-backed sofa.

  "It isn't that comfortable to sleep on, but it's only for one night. You realize you can't see her again until the wedding, so say your goodnights now." Mrs. Ferguson chuckled and ran off.

  Lucy stood silhouetted by the window staring out. "You think you
can sleep on this thing?" she asked staring at it.

  "I don't know, but I'll give it try. I'd rather be with you, but after tomorrow there won't be any problems with that."

  "I'll miss you, already." she said from across the room. Her smile spread.

  "Not as much as I'll miss you," he chuckled, then stared.

  "Did you and Angus get the stone up?"

  "We did. It's beautiful. Someday, I'll take you by there to see it."

  "I'd like to see it." She whispered. "I love you Aiden."

  "Then come give me a goodnight kiss that will hold me until tomorrow."

  She moved toward him. He took her in his arms, he tiptoed to give him a kiss. But she nearly fell, and he picked her up in his arms and sat down with her, his kisses going all over her face and neck.

  When she came up for air, she whispered. "Last night was wonderful."

  "Tomorrow night will be even better."

  "Are you scared?"

  She smiled against his lips, "No, anxious."

  "Dammit, don't say that. So am I."

  She smiled. "I can't believe it, tomorrow I'm going to be Lucy McCoy."

  "Finally." He smiled at her.

  "Why didn't you say something sooner about how you felt?" She asked curiously.

  "I did with all those kisses we shared."

  "I thought you were teasing me."

  He took her hand and placed it on the bulge in his pants. "That's not a tease, sweetheart. That's what you do to me, when we kiss. I couldn't concentrate on getting my job done when we kissed. I doubt I'll sleep tonight."

  "I want you to sleep, and rest up, because tomorrow night I want you, all night long, inside me, making me yours."

  "God woman, go to bed, before I take you to bed tonight."

  "Alright, I'll behave. I just wanted you to know how much I love you."

  She got up and started to leave the room. "Lucy," he called softly.

  She turned to look at him. "I'll remember looking at you last night in the moonlight. I'll remember that for the rest of my life."

  She smiled sweetly, "Goodnight Aiden."

  "Night sweetheart."

  He sighed and fixed his covers. He'd need a lot because Lucy wasn't there to warm his back.

  The next morning was chaotic. Breakfast was ready for the men, but the women were all upstairs getting ready for the wedding.


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