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Venomous: (Alien Warrior Book 1)

Page 50

by Penelope Fletcher

  She stopped to glare, face misshapen.

  Nose crinkling, she spat in his face. “Unnatural.”

  Singing Water twirled to tromp through the haze without looking back.

  Venomous gave the male a moment.

  The vestibule was empty, so Cobra was able to deal with his sorrow in peace.

  Fiercely murmured, “That was horrific. You were right to stay, he is alone.”

  Venomous said nothing. He strode across the space and halted in front of the embarrassed Rä.

  “There is no need to comfort me. I nested with what you saw for over an aeon. That was the female no one but I knew existed.” Cobra’s head lifted, expression awash with abject relief. “Her hatred was a poison that infected my life. I am sorry it tried to consume yours.”

  “It is over. As long as you are at peace, that is all that matters. Do not forget my own life giver betrayed me. I know of poison.” He paused. “If ever you need a friend, my lair is open to you.”

  Cobra tried a smile, but it faded into an expression of intense longing. “Venomous One?”

  Patient, expectant, Venomous quirked a brow. “Yesss?”

  Hesitating, Cobra bowed his head and averted his gaze. “Nothing.” Frame sagging, he offered a lethargic good parting then turned to leave.

  “Cobra?” Venomous grabbed the male’s shoulder, wrenched him around then slammed the heel of a palm to his chest.

  Alarmed, Cobra struggled in vain to free himself from the grip of the powerful warrior before his disgrace was discovered.

  He gave up and twisted his face away in shame at Venomous’ sharp intake of breath.

  “Your hearts beat for her,” he whispered, feeling the beats under his fingers align with his own.

  Cursing, Fiercely elbowed Venomous aside then felt for himself.

  He shoved the other male away, infuriated, fists clenching, but then his gaze slid questioningly to his primary nest mate who appeared unruffled. “You knew!”

  “Aside from Singing Water’s screaming accusations, you mean?” Venomous clicked his teeth. “He knew slight, intimate details only we would know. Not because he was told them, but because he watches her.”

  “He is her lesser mate. He would know such things so he might better care for her.”

  “Truth, yet I sensed there was more behind it than preparedness. Always coming to high meal. How he reacts with crushing force when he thinks her in danger. He looks at her.... He looks at her the way I look at her, only with longing. He knows the value of what he covets.”

  Cobra made a pained noise, and looked as if he might be sick. “I vow I will never–”

  “Cobra,” Venomous interrupted with an upheld palm, exasperated. “Ask.”

  The male’s chin jerked towards his chest. “Ask?”

  “You are widowed, and aligned to my Rä’Na. You know our traditions.”

  Cobra’s mouth dropped open.

  He hissed, anima rising in a riotous flood of vibrant, blue-tinged shades. “You would consider it?”

  “I would accept it.” An amused snort. “Did I not tell you to ask?”

  “V-Venomous One,” Cobra stuttered shocked to utter words he’d daydreamed of speaking. “I wish for Lumen of the Stars to be my Rä’Na.”

  “You do not need time to grieve?”

  His back snapped straight. “I refuse to lose another moment of my life to that female.”

  Grinning, Venomous crossed his arms. “Then I will not stand in your way.”

  Flummoxed at the turn of events, Fiercely seemed ready to battle it out, but then exhaled gustily. “Grandfather’s hood!” A troubling thought occurred, and his brille narrowed. The emerald ripples of his anima roused in challenge. “Agree I am second. We will fight, if you prefer?”

  Overwhelmed by the calm acknowledgment of his formerly licentious feelings for their Rä’Na, Cobra hastily held out four hands claws down, showing the soft backs in submission. “I would be happy to be third.” His voice was a dry rasp. “Honoured.”

  Chest puffed, Fiercely clasped his shoulder and shook it roughly. “Then welcome, nest mate.”

  He stilled his congratulations, lips twisting oddly, and then he burst into hysterical laughter, slapping his thigh.

  Cobra startled.

  “What is funny?” Venomous asked keen to share in the joke.

  Fiercely jerked straight his shoulders quaking. “You have to tell our Rä’Na.” He bent over and howled, clasping his middle as he staggered.

  “Perhaps I should leave it a while,” Cobra muttered. “I do not wish to upset her when she is in swell.”

  Venomous bared fangs. “My Lumen may look fragile, but she is mighty when her temper is riled. You return to the lair with us.”

  “This might anger her?”

  “Yesss.” Venomous sighed. “I fear what happened to Singing Water will distress her human sensibilities. She did not take my life giver’s shunning well.”

  Fiercely sobered. “She must be scolded, Venomous. Had we not found out what truly happened, it would have ended badly. She was alone with that corrupt Rä’Na in our lair not a single moon ago. I vow, my hearts have not stopped racing.”

  Riding the goodbeasts back to the lair, Cobra pulled reins a number of times to receive condolences from Rä he hunted for, withstanding exclamations of distress and sadness his old Rä’Na committed such a wrongdoing.

  When the first Rä delicately inquired as to why he travelled in the company of the Rä’Veks involved in the downfall of his old life mate, he endeavoured to make noncommittal remarks, but a wily old a’Rä backed him into a corner.

  He forced Cobra to admit as he was Lumen’s lesser mate, he had asked to join the clan, had been accepted by the Rä’Veks, and rode to seek the approval of who he hoped would be his future Rä’Na.

  Rather than the denouncement expected, the a’Rä rushed him along, calling out a promise to pray to Zython to bless the union.

  As they reached the lair, Venomous and Fiercely received notifications to their communicators the a’Rä that aided Venin Stings the Sweetest and Singing Water had been confined, and would be adjudicated upon at the next conclave.

  Relieved, they stabled their mounts and went inside to find Lumen dancing to music with the Zýt.

  Half its muscled length coiled, its tail rattled in time to the beat.

  It bobbed unsteadily, spotted hood flaring as it wound around Lumen’s twirling body then playfully bumped against the underside of her jaw.

  Her wild hair was sloppily bound in a thong on the crown of her head, and she was dressed in a cream softsuit that made her skin glow.

  Spinning with a beaming smile, she threw herself at Fiercely, humming the dyad cadences of the melody when she couldn’t remember the lyrics.

  “Sweetheart, you smell yummy.” She nipped his lips then pulled free to wrap her arms around Venomous then crush her mouth to his. “I missed you. Come dance with us.”

  Laughing, she wiggled a circle around them, waved at Cobra then went to dance away.

  Fiercely switched off the music as Venomous caught her arm.

  Sensing the heaviness they brought to the atmosphere, she gave him a probing look. “Babe?”

  “Singing Water has been shunned, the remaining two accomplices who conspired against you are no longer a threat, and I no longer consider Cobra that Strikes your lesser male, but your third, and my nest mate.”

  Face slackening with each word, her welcome expression fled and her smile withered.

  A spasm of disbelief flitted across her face. “W-what?”

  Fiercely clarified. “Singing Water faced the shunning, the other two beast-coverers that sought to harm you–”

  She lifted a hand to disrupt. “No, I heard him, sweetheart. I just ... I just ... I....” Horror-struck, she double blinked. Pressed both palms to her cheeks, mouth making an ‘o’ shape. “I’m She, Tempestuous like the Wind.”

  “No,” Cobra refuted in a careful tone, shooting the other m
ales a worried look. He was scared her mind broke under the shock. “You are She, Lumen of the Stars.”

  “For Honour and Duty,” she shrilled as if that explained. “My life is a hologram drama, and not even one I like.”

  “Rä’Na,” Fiercely snapped. “What does a fictional production have to do with the discussion at hand?”

  “I can’t believe this. I don’t know what to think.” She pressed the back of her hand to her forehead. She turned on them suddenly, expression alarmed. “This shunning decree scares me. What happens when I do something wrong? Will you turn your back on me too?”

  “Never,” Fiercely vowed.

  “You can’t say that. Shit. I don’t believe this.”

  “You would not lift a finger to harm an innocent,” Cobra said deflated.

  This was not going how he’d imagined.

  Though what had he expected, her to love him?

  The last female he’d spent over ten solars with loathed him, felt sick at his touch.

  “Even I know this about you,” he finished.

  Lumen dropped a hand to her hip then hung her head.

  Dark spirals of hair covered her oval face until they could only see her shapely lips move. “I’m disappointed in you. This could have been handled different.”

  Venomous felt gut punched. “Everything I have done, I have done for you. Everything we have done is to ensure you are safe.” Anger stirred. “It is not fair for you to make that judgement knowing how hard it was for us to endure the shunning.” His tone hardened. “And it was handled by the Senate. They arbitrated fairly, without bias.”

  Sucking her lips into her mouth, she tried to avoid his gaze, but it slipped to him regardless, her stark emotions bared for him to see.

  Venomous growled. “My Lumen, your eyes are unkind.”

  “Because I feel that way.” She smacked her chest. “I have to be that way to process such cruelty. I feel like he discarded her.” She seemed unable to look at Cobra. “Like she was undeserving of a second chance. One I gave.”

  “You forget yourself. It was not your chance to give alone. There are others in this clan affected by what you do.”

  And if she knew how Singing Water threatened her life, I doubt she would sleep well, or try to make a friend again.

  “You’re right. I apologise. But after Venin, Roam and Gently, I couldn’t bear it. I was worried you were too angry to show mercy. You confessed as much afterwards. I didn’t want to put any more strain on this clan. And I....” Lumen looked at Cobra that Strikes then, anguished. “I didn’t want that for you. Not if it could be avoided.” Her expression reflected her inner turmoil. “She did wrong, but it worked out in the end.”

  “What of the next time she became jealous?” Fiercely demanded. “Would her heinous plans have escalated to such extremes there was no saving you the next time she struck?”

  “I doubt she would have repeated her mistake.”

  Without having to discuss it, the three of them said nothing of Singing Water’s declaration she would have continued in her quest of jealousy if not discovered.

  “That ‘mistake’,” Fiercely bit out, “was a carefully planned and executed attack that might have cost you your life. The life of our offspring.”

  “Beowyn didn’t hurt me.” She patted herself down then threw her hands up. “I’m fine.”

  “That is of no importance,” Venomous grated.

  Gaze twitching between them, Cobra remained silent, feeling somewhat out of place and unwanted.

  “What if it had not been a mercurial warlord that had you?” Fiercely asked. “What if it had been a slaver like Sorkbhal, or the Zutki trader, or the Dei San raider whose blade almost cut you to pieces?” She paled, but he refused to be swayed. “Think, Lumen. You cannot act as if such people are your friends. They would see you gone rather than happy.”

  Her chin wobbled. “Thanks for that, sweetheart. I now feel so safe and welcome here on this alien world.”

  “This is our home,” Fiercely spat. “Here you are the alien.”

  Whimpering, Lumen recoiled.

  Venomous hissed.

  He thumped his callous nest mate in the side. Hard. “Never say that again.”

  Cobra fired the male a scary look. “It was cruel.”

  “So?” Fiercely glowered even as remorse flickered across his brille. “She claims that is what we are, though we strive to keep her protected.” His gaze cut to his Rä’Na. “Despite her endeavours otherwise.”

  Lumen held up her palm. “Well, I guess I’ll be going to nest now. Alone.”

  After she fled, Venomous turned on Fiercely. “You hurt her badly. She fears being the only of her species. We are meant to make her feel secure. Welcome. If she does not feel she has us, what does that leave her?”

  Subdued, Fiercely clasped the back of his neck. “I took it too far.” He cursed. “I want her safe. It makes me crazed when she acts impulsively.”

  “There was nothing impulsive about keeping Singing Water’s involvement a secret,” Cobra said. “She did it to protect a great many people from pain, myself included. It was ill-advised, yesss, but I think we agree her actions were noble at heart.”

  Venomous murmured, “Our nest mate speaks truth.”

  Lumen stormed back into the living enclosure, her sleeping gown sweeping behind. “Why the hell haven’t you followed me?”

  Fiercely’s chin lowered, befuddled. “You said–”

  “I know what I said because I said it.” She glared. “I can’t sleep without you.” Her arm pointed over her opposite shoulder. “Now march your cute badonkadonk’s into that nest.” When they stared, she snapped her fingers, pointed, expression nonnegotiable. “Now.”

  Wary, Cobra backed towards the haze. “I will return–”

  Fiery eyes turned on him. “And where do you think you’re going?”

  He stilled mid step, foot lifted. “Home?”

  Lumen licked her upper row of teeth, eyes narrowing. “I don’t understand.”

  Fiercely mumbled, “Neither do I?”

  “You want in my nest?” Lumen asked Cobra.

  His foot lowered and he straightened. “Yesss.”

  “Then get the hell in there.” She spun on her heel and vanished under the archway, muttering, “Lucky I’m tired, or I’d ream you out, no matter how sexy you are.”

  They plodded behind her, undressed, and then climbed onto the lake of plush, dense furs, bolsters, cushions and blankets.

  They did not sleep side by side, but entwined in a warm tangle of limbs, their female in the centre.

  With an ease that let Venomous know he belonged, Cobra slid into formation, even if his expression was astounded.

  Lumen’s head was pillowed on Venomous’ chest, her thigh hooked over Fiercely’s, and, now her hand settled on Cobra’s stomach.

  The male tensed, but then placed his palm over hers.

  Venomous was the last to succumb to sleep.

  His gaze wandered over what was once a cold, lonesome nest.

  Warm air gushed over his scales as his Rä’Na breathed deep.

  His alien wife, with her bold temper and big, single heart made his chest ache.

  How did I think her anything but beautiful?

  Her slender hand cupped her belly, rounded with the seed he planted there, and she smiled her secret smile as she slumbered.

  Fiercely, scowling while at rest, had an arm flung out to the side, and twisted at his middle to face outwards.

  He would move no further, even asleep, in case he lost contact with his mate.

  His vivid green scales seemed darker in the dim light of the glister creep wreathing the ceiling.

  And now Cobra, his sapphire scales a striking contrast with Lumen’s warm brown flesh, curled towards her, his expression relaxed into one of consummate peace.

  He, Venomous One sighed in pleasure, lowered his head, and dreamed the dreams of a male contented.


p; Venomous watched Cobra that Strikes and Fiercely Comes the Night crest the sand dune that abutted the picturesque land he desired for his Rä’Na’s lair.

  He wanted to be furious by the encroachment, but experienced nothing but a niggle of irritation.

  They wanted the favour of their female.

  It was not their fault they lacked the knowledge to please her and dogged his every move seeking to learn from him.

  “This will do?” Cobra asked his expression dubious. “She will be satisfied with so small a lair?”

  Venomous glared.

  “It is small,” Fiercely added his gaze sweeping the mountainous, bountiful vale. “It does not show consideration for her high standards. Perhaps we should find another–”

  “Lumen is not like our females. She places value on genuine emotion and feeling, not on possessions. She finds this place soothing. The water. The seclusion.”

  And he’d decided it was the best place for her to get her confidence back.

  He knew being so exposed to the public eye when she was the only human on Rök made her uneasy.

  The new lair would give her the peace of mind she needed to tend to her outdoor spaces without scurrying inside each time a stranger passed then stopped to stare.

  She would feel comfortable enough to let their hatchling play, instead of curbing any exploratory exuberance, and hiding them away as if ostracised.

  As the cycles passed, his Lumen ventured outside less and less.

  He knew it was partly because she was increasing and nearing her laying time ... her labour, but it was also because she had had too many close calls with danger, and grown overly guarded.

  Though loathed to admit it, he wanted her to again feel confident enough to roam the province as she wished.

  “I do not think it is wise to allow her to segregate herself.” Cobra twisted his body to face Venomous head on. “It keeps her from accepting our ways.”

  Venomous chuckled. “Keeps her from accepting you is what you truly mean. Do not think I cannot see to the heart of your desires.”

  “I am her mate,” Cobra snarled more a venting of frustration than a noise of aggression. “Though she says she accepts me, she ignores me.”


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