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Soul of a Predator

Page 14

by Angela Verdenius

  There was no mistaking that insignia. It had been adopted by Sonja's ex-crew.

  Bloody Elyse was taking him into an all-female band of space-pirates, and one that just about every bounty hunter and peacekeeper wanted to get their hands on.

  And he was bound by his word not to give away their location. His hands practically itched to do so, and he glanced at the console. Bugger his word. This would be the catch of the century.

  Even as he thought it, a presence behind him made him swivel his chair around to glare at Elyse.

  Typically, she didn't say anything. Striding across the floor, she sat in the chair beside him and started to coordinate the movements to bring the two ships side-by-side.

  Jaw clenched, Shaque swung his chair around to watch the screen. As they got closer, he saw a whole row of little white painted lines. There had to be at least a hundred or more beneath the skull and bones with the taunting feminine rose posy and garland.

  "That how many ships your friends have destroyed, not to mention while you were on board?” he asked grimly.

  A gleam of amusement showed briefly in Elyse's eyes. “You'll have to ask them that, hunter."

  "I can't believe we're making a stop for you to pass a happy visit with your cut-throat friends."

  "This isn't a social call."

  Shaque gave the ship a cold stare.

  "Information,” Elyse said quietly.

  "From them?"

  "You forget that one of those girls is my sister."

  Donika. She meant Donika. That meant she either knew something about his sister, or had knowledge perhaps.

  Taking a deep breath, Shaque checked the coordinates on the map and screen, only to realize with a jolt that every trace of the galaxy had been wiped from it. A blank map stared back at him. Even the coordinator and radar, not to mention the scanner, were devoid of all information. He didn't know where the hell he was.

  "Your idea?” He cut her a hostile glance.

  "Just removing temptation."

  "I gave my word."

  "So does Satan and he always bites you in the arse later."

  The woman had a point but Shaque wasn't in the mood to acknowledge it aloud. Even worse, it was just the kind of sneaky thing he would have done if their positions had been reversed.

  And did it really matter right now if it meant information about Nerissa? On this trip, he was bound to meet a lot of badly-wanted outlaws. He had to put his natural instincts on hold if he wanted to get the information he needed so badly. Providing he survived the Outlaw Sector, of course.

  Mentally stiffening his spine, he watched as Elyse expertly brought her ship up against the side of the Saucy Rose. She flicked several switches and two views came onto the viscomm, one of the inside of her own cargo hold, the other of the outside of the ship. Shaque saw the space tunnel lower down from its position above the door, and the cargo door opened. The tunnel moved outwards and connected to the Saucy Rose, joining them together.

  When Elyse got to her feet, Shaque followed, wondering if she meant to make him stay behind, but he was damned sure he wasn't going to simply stay in and wait. He didn't trust the space pirates, and he didn't trust Elyse. Whatever was going to be said, was going to be said in front of him.

  "Lose your lasers,” Elyse said.

  Shaque looked at her.


  "You really think I'm going in there unarmed?"

  "You really think you are going in there armed?"

  "I give up my weapons to no one."

  "Fine. Stay here."

  "That's not your call."

  Her smile wasn't pleasant. “Space pirates and me against one man. What do you think?"

  "That you've got no hope."

  "Lose the lasers."

  "I thought you trusted me."

  "You'd do the same to me. Lose them or stay here."

  "I'm coming."

  "Only I know how to work this ship and tunnel, Shaque. Without me, you've got no hope. Lose them."

  She had him there. He'd investigated her ship and found that many of the things she'd rigged herself, ensuring she was the only operator of the ship to know what she was doing. Without her ... Mentally swearing, he unbuckled the laser belt and draped it over one of the chairs.

  "The daggers."

  Mouth tight, he took the daggers from his belt and boot tops and laid them on the console.

  She looked at him.

  "That's it."


  Raising one brow coolly, he watched until she disappeared behind him. It was no surprise when his shirt was tugged out of his pants and her cool fingers slid beneath, finding and removing the dagger from his back sheath. Coming back around to face him, she grabbed his arm, raised it, pushed his sleeve up and slid the dagger from the sheath there, doing the same to his other arm.

  Her gaze slid over him in quiet contemplation.

  Deliberately, he spread his legs apart and stared hard at her.


  "Don't push it, hunter."

  "You never know what I've got hidden down there."

  She met his gaze steadily, and then took one step closer, her hand moving sudden and fast, even though her eyes never gave away her intent.

  In one lightning move her hand cupped him between the legs, squeezed lightly, and then slid right up to the front of him, leaving a hot path in her wake.

  Actually shocked, he stepped back, but before he could say anything, she quirked one brow at him. “I know now, and it's no threat to me.” Swinging on her heel, she strode from the cabin.

  Open-mouthed, feeling more than a little ridiculous and, yes, flustered, Shaque stared after her. He could feel the imprint of her palm still through his pants. It had to be the unexpectedness of a woman actually daring to put her hands on his private area without invitation that had his heart suddenly picking up pace and his manhood ... Damn her.

  Striding from the cabin, he caught up with her in the cargo hold. She was already stepping into the tunnel.

  Fine. This was not the time to say anything, but later...

  The cargo hold of the Saucy Rose was full of barrels, crates and rolled containers. Stolen goods. Many of the containers bore the name of the freighters that had been robbed by the space pirates.

  The fact that they didn't even try to hide it from him grated on Shaque. The women were too brazen for their own good. Or too brazen because they were so good.

  At the end of the cargo hold stood a big, buxom blonde and a fair-haired woman. The blonde looked him over slowly and licked her lips, a gleam in her eyes.

  The fair-haired woman was quiet, her gaze steady. Shaque knew who they both were—the man-hungry Illona and the captain, Brina.

  Of the two youngest members, there was no sign. It was known that this crew had two young crew members still in their teens, but no one had seen their faces. Maybe he'd get lucky and finally set eyes on them, then he'd be able to give a good description to the peacekeepers to put into the wanted file.

  "Elyse,” Brina said easily.

  Seemingly relaxed, the two space pirates nevertheless had their hands close to their lasers.

  Elyse glanced around.

  "Donika's coming down,” Brina said. “We thought it wiser to speak down here."

  Nodding, Elyse sat down on one of the low crates.

  No sooner had she spoken than the stairwell rattled as boots hit it and came down quickly. The brown-haired pirate stepped through the doorway into the cargo hold, her steady gaze going immediately to Shaque.

  He studied her closely. She had short brown hair, the same deep brown eyes and slim build as Elyse. They weren't identical, but neither could they be mistaken for anything less than twins.

  "All righty.” Donika crossed the cargo hold to look Shaque up and down. “Hunting with the hunter, huh?” She laughed in amusement.

  "Maybe I should frisk him for concealed weapons.” Illona was eyeing him hungrily.

  "He's fine,” Elyse said mil

  "Damn fine. What a damn waste that he's a poxy hunter.” Illona blew him a kiss. “Give me five minutes alone with him and I'll lure him to the naughty side."

  The big blonde was a brazen hussy.

  Brina didn't move a muscle, but Donika rolled her eyes.

  "I could add a notch to my collection outside.” Illona grinned.

  That explained the white notches near the insignia on the ship. It was this whore's conquests.

  "Hasn't been updated for a while.” Illona lowered her lid sultrily. “What say, hunter?"

  Shaque looked coldly at her.

  "Another day,” Elyse said. “We're here for information only."

  "Damn.” Illona sighed.

  "We'll be close-by if you want us,” Brina told Donika.

  Donika nodded and the women went up the stairwell and out of sight. Shaque had no doubt that they weren't far off. He looked at Donika. Her amusement had sobered, and she was studying him in turn, her brown eyes shrewd.

  They took the measure of each other, and Shaque wasn't surprised to find that she didn't like him. At all. Fancy that. The feeling was mutual.

  Sitting on the crate beside Elyse, Donika looked at her.

  "A girl child on Vultan gave me some things for Shaque.” Elyse held out her hand to Shaque. “Amongst them was this photo image."

  Pulling it from his pocket, Shaque smoothed out the crease from the fold and handed it to Donika, while positioning himself in front of the twins so that he could watch their faces while they spoke. Hands in his pockets, he studied Donika as she turned the photo image to face her.

  Pursing her mouth, she glanced at Elyse.

  "Say whatever you want in front of him,” Elyse said.

  Glancing from her sister to Shaque, Donika raised her eyebrows.

  Shaque gazed blandly back at her, silently willing her to start talking.

  "Anything,” Elyse added. “Anything to do with this photo image."



  Donika pointed at the brown-haired girl. “You.” Her finger slid across to the other girl. “This girl was with you when you came home."

  "Where did she go?"

  "I don't know. She was only with you briefly before being taken elsewhere."

  "You don't remember where?"

  Donika shook her head.

  "Do you remember who was with her?” Shaque asked sharply.

  "Don't get snotty, hunter.” Donika narrowed her eyes at him.

  Elyse ignored him. “Do you remember who she came with?"

  "You and a man called...” Donika squinted in thought and then sighed. “Nope, don't remember the name."

  Bloody hell.

  "Did she go with this same man?” Elyse queried.

  "Yeah. You know, Elyse,” she handed the image photo back to Shaque without looking at him, “Uncle Cy would probably know. He was there."

  "Good idea.” Elyse nodded.

  Folding the photo image carefully, Shaque slid it into his pocket again, but kept his eyes trained on Donika and Elyse. “Why would Elyse have been with this girl?"

  Donika shrugged. “They came on the ship together."

  "Where did they come from? A short trip?"

  Placing her palms behind her, Donika leaned back, bracing herself on her arms. “No."

  "No, you don't know, or no, it wasn't a short trip?"

  Donika smirked. “I didn't know you could speak more than two words at a time, hunter. You're normally so closed-mouthed. I've seen you, and not once did you say a single word. A grunt or a scathing look was more your style."

  And one day he was going to have this pirate crew entrapped, and then they'd see who would be the one doing the smirking.

  Drawing one knee to her chest, hooking the heel of her boot on the edge of the crate, Elyse leaned her forearm on her knee and looked thoughtfully at the far wall. “If she came with me, then possibly she was from the Inka Empire dungeons."

  Thinking back on the information on his handtronic, Shaque knew there had been no listing of Nerissa ever having been part of the experiments. No mention of her anywhere on Inka. But he'd nevertheless ask Atyon if there were any missing details, any mention of a mystery girl.

  "Uncle Cy said that you two didn't seem to know each other very well,” Donika stated. “And you certainly didn't part as bosom buddies. Just a nod from you and a nod from her, and that was it. She left and you stayed."

  "The craft carrying Elyse and Nerissa, where was it coming from?” Shaque queried.

  Donika's lips tightened. “Elyse from the Inka Empire, from that bastard Shari, and Nerissa from stars knew where."

  "But Uncle Cy might know,” Elyse murmured.

  "He'd know a hell of a lot more than I would. Bound to. He almost cried when he heard you were coming."

  So Elyse's family knew she was part of an experiment? Interesting.

  "I know what you're thinking, hunter,” Donika snapped. “And no, he didn't know where Elyse was. Supposedly she had died while still in the womb...” Her voice trailed off and she looked uncertainly at her twin.

  Elyse shrugged.

  Donika frowned.

  "Might as well finish,” Shaque drawled. “It might be a piece of the puzzle."

  "More like a piece of Elyse,” Donika retorted sharply.

  Even more interesting.

  "Do you want him to know?” Donika asked Elyse.

  Elyse gazed steadily up at Shaque, and he met it squarely. He could almost feel her eyes trying to see past his expressionless features. When she finally said, “It has nothing to do with this,” he felt a keen stab of disappointment, which he instantly dismissed.

  Donika smirked at him.

  "Anything else you can add about the image photo or the girl, Nerissa?” Elyse asked.

  "She was called Nerissa? Nice name. No, I don't know anything else."

  "I never mentioned her?"

  "Not once."

  "How long did it take for Elyse's eyes to go brown?” Shaque queried.

  Donika looked blankly at him.

  "In the photo image, they're blue. Now they're brown."

  Donika shrugged. “Mostly they're brown, but sometimes, just occasionally, they become blue. Don't know why, you'd have to ask Elyse that."

  And wasn't that interesting?

  Dropping her foot back to the floor, Elyse stood up. “Next stop had better be Uncle Cy, I guess."

  "With the hunter?” Donika's eyes widened.


  Donika started laughing. And couldn't stop.

  Wondering what the hell could possibly be so funny about him meeting their Uncle, Shaque looked inquiringly at Elyse, who only smiled slightly.

  Footsteps sounded down the stairwell and Brina and Illona appeared, their curious gazes going from Elyse to Donika.

  "What tickled her funny bone?” Brina asked.

  "Oh stars...” Donika gasped. “Elyse is taking ... the hunter,” she gave another peel of laughter before continuing, “ meet Uncle Cy!"

  Brina's mouth fell open and Illona's eyes rounded. Then both started laughing.

  "I said probably.” Elyse raised one brow.

  They laughed harder.

  "No word of this gets out to anyone,” Elyse said mildly. “Anyone at all."

  "Not from us.” Brina chortled.

  "Just let us know ... how it goes!” Donika howled with laughter.

  Right then Shaque just knew that Uncle Cy was going to be a nasty surprise.

  About to step aside for Elyse to pass, he suddenly felt her hand grab onto his jacket, forcing him to a stand-still. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw her behind him, her face angled down as she quickly wiped a drop of blood from her nose. Pocketing the rag, she straightened, released his jacket, and without looking at him stepped past.

  "Laugh it up, girls,” she said dryly and walked back into the tunnel.

  The space pirates kept laughing, their hilarity following Shaque and El
yse down the tunnel. But Shaque didn't bother with them. His curiosity was more than piqued by something much more intriguing.

  Elyse had been hiding her bloody nose from her own twin. Following her down the tunnel, he swept his gaze over her. What else was she hiding from not only her twin, but him?

  * * * *

  The flickering torchlight cast shadows on the fortress walls as the throne hovered above the paved walkway. The night sky was partially blocked out by something, but through the shadows Fredrico could see the faint glimmer of stars. The monstrous shadow moved slightly.

  The throne continued to travel slowly along the path while The Overlord thought quietly about many things that Fredrico didn't know about. Nor did he want to know much about what The Overlord had going on in his head.

  "The girl.” The Overlord stroked the stem of the flower he held.

  Fredrico waited, walking silently by his side.

  "The girl who gave the parcel to Elyse.” Lifting the flower to the slits that were his nostrils, The Overlord inhaled. The flower wilted a little. “I want her."

  Fredrico's eyes remained bleak as he continued walking.

  "Yes. I want the girl.” The Overlord looked at Fredrico, his slitted pupils dilating. “You will bring her to me."

  Fredrico nodded.

  "You will leave as soon as we get back to the hall."

  They continued down the walkway in silence.

  * * * *

  Leaning back in the chair, Elyse studied the names coming through on the viscomm. Once she had them listed from the disc that Atyon had given her, she brought up the profiles that were also in a small file on the disc. She frowned. They all seemed so ... ordinary. A storekeeper, a tavern owner, a soldier, and a planet shuttle pilot. Nothing remarkable in their profiles or image photos. None of them had blue eyes, none of them had any similarities to herself. Only two things were common amongst all of them—they were orphans with no known family, and all were dead.

  The only possible link was Donika's name. Being Elyse's twin, there had to be something there somewhere. Also, the people on the list being dead didn't mean there was nothing of importance about them. Hopefully, Uncle Cy would know. She'd arranged to meet him in the Outlaw Sector. From there, they would head to Vultan, the planet where the girl had first made contact with Elyse, and through her, Shaque. The girl with the most promising link.


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