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Soul of a Predator

Page 38

by Angela Verdenius

  Twenty minutes later, the spaceship landed in the docking bay on Ceron. Abra and Ricna, their faces and bodies hidden beneath hooded cloaks, were waiting for them. Their breaths came out white from beneath the heavy hoods. Because of the cold weather, they blended in with the other settlers, all of whom wore coats and cloaks.

  As soon as the ramp lowered, they strode up.

  Elyse swivelled the chair around and watched as the bounty hunters entered the control cabin.

  Abra and Ricna looked hard at her, and she raised one brow mockingly. They nodded curtly, and turned their attention to Shaque.

  "All is ready,” Abra told him. “When you move in on Sarita, we'll be holding positions around the permitter of the house, in case of any unexpected problems. We can take out the guards if they appear."

  "If Sarita comes out, you don't shoot her,” Elyse said.

  "She's your prey,” Abra acknowledged harshly.

  Shaque might love her, but this pack didn't like her. Elyse watched them in amusement. Shaque, for his part, obviously didn't care whether they liked her or not, and vice versa for her. But then, she didn't expect any different. As far as Shaque was concerned, he loved Elyse, and any problems she and the pack had with each other, wasn't his problem. As long as none of them hurt the other, they could hate each other's guts for all he cared. He was friends with his pack and lover to Elyse. His loyalty lay with both, and that was all he cared about. The rest of them, Elyse included, could sort out their own issues with each other—or ignore each other forever. It wasn't Shaque's problem.

  It was exactly the same way she felt with her pirate friends and Shaque. As long as they didn't hurt each other, they could either sort out their issues or ignore each other forever. It wasn't her problem.

  But it was interesting to watch Shaque with his pack. He didn't have to slide into the role of bounty hunter, he was a hunter. But seeing him as part of a pack was intriguing.

  He listened to Abra, his cold gaze giving nothing away, but she just knew he was analysing what Abra said with amazing speed and concise efficiency, sorting through for problems, weighing up the pros and cons, making a fast decision. That's what made him such an efficient hunter. His ability to analyse quickly, his cold-bloodedness, and his nerves of steel. His predatory outlook.

  And that turned her on. Well, he's not the only one who is sick!

  Shaque chose that moment to turn towards the viscomm, and he caught sight of her eyes. His own flickered in answering heat.

  She swallowed the growl that rose in her throat and lowered her eyes. It would be so easy to turn a little mutant, to prod his predator and inflame his senses, and have hot, pounding sex, but somehow she just knew Abra and Ricna wouldn't understand. They'd think she was attacking their friend and shoot her.

  They wouldn't be wrong about the attacking bit, but she had no doubt they'd be shocked if they just stood and watched Shaque attack her right back. Especially when bits of clothing started to be torn off, and she started growling and snarling, and Shaque got all hot.

  Amusement gleamed in her eyes when she glanced sideways at the bounty hunters.

  Oblivious to the byplay between Shaque and Elyse, they were talking to each other and moving towards the console.

  Elyse winked at Shaque and, turning back to the console, leaned her elbows on the armrests and waited to hear the final details of the plan.

  There was no betrayal of emotion in Shaque's voice as he brought up the plan of the house and grounds, and discussed the plan.

  "The house is big. Two stories, ten rooms each floor. Main dining area, obviously for entertaining. Private docking bay behind the house. The grounds are heavily planted with shrubs and trees. Good hiding places, but also providing privacy.

  "Abra, where will the pack be?"

  Abra pointed to various spots surrounding the house.

  "Good. We'll gain entrance, slip away and find Sarita."

  "How are you going to gain entrance?” Ricna queried.

  Elyse spoke up. “I could tell the guard I'm there to see Sarita on business."

  "If she's wary of strangers, she won't accept that."

  "And a lot of people know you.” Abra's lip curled slightly. “Mostly from old Most Wanted posters. Got another suggestion? Something better?"

  "Yeah,” she replied. “How about I drag you up the steps and tell the guard I have a bounty hunter for Sarita? That ought to get her attention."

  Abra glared at her. “Why don't you just tell her that you're a mutant? I'm sure she'd favour you over me."

  "You flatter me."

  "You think?"

  Shaque cut one cold glance at both of them.

  Elyse arched one brow at him mockingly.

  His eyes narrowed.

  She smiled.

  He might be the big bounty hunter, but no one controlled her. Well, except for her mutant when it was out of control.

  "The store owners send fresh produce every day, so a couple of extra store workers arriving won't be looked at too closely. Once inside,” he continued without removing his gaze from her, “we slip away and find Sarita, and that's when we attack. Elyse will capture or kill her, I'll take the guards down that are present. We get out, The Overlord gets notified of the capture or kill. We get what we were promised from him, the pack has Sarita's body if she's dead and gets the reward. If we capture her alive..."

  Abra smiled grimly. “Just knowing that bitch is going back to certain death is reward enough for us."

  "Nice and neat,” Ricna said. “But what if things don't go as planned?"

  "We get in there, shoot the shit out of whatever moves, you lot come in blasting. Just remember that Sarita is Elyse's. No one else's. If she dies by anyone's hand but Elyse's..."

  "Yeah,” Abra growled. “We know."

  Elyse looked from his face to Shaque's. They knew. The hunters knew she was dying.

  "They had to know,” Shaque said quietly. “They had to know why they couldn't take Sarita down, what the result would be if she is killed by someone other than you. There can be no cover-up. The Overlord knows everything to do with her.” His mouth firmed. “I won't allow a cock-up to destroy your chance at life, Elyse, not even your pride."

  Leaning back in the chair, she kept her face blank. The bounty hunters knew she was dying. Somehow, that didn't disturb her as much as she thought it would. What did disturb her was the thought that Donika would find out.

  Shaque knew exactly what she was thinking. “They have told no one. Their word is to be trusted."

  Relief filled her. There was no need for Donika to know unless something went wrong and there was no choice but to tell her.

  "Yeah, our word can be trusted,” Abra said sourly. “But you go mutant on me and try to rip my head off, and dying or not, I'll shoot you where you stand."

  Amused, Elyse smiled ... and let the growl rumble up from her throat.

  Abra started reaching for his laser.

  "Elyse,” Shaque said mildly.


  "Leave him alone."

  "Whatever you say, master.” Laughing inwardly, Elyse relaxed back in the chair.

  "I'll remind you of that later."

  Ricna rolled his eyes. “Can we please get on with the plan?"

  Leaning his hips back against the console, Shaque folded his arms across his chest. “The only question is when do we make our move?"

  "Today,” Elyse stated. “She's here now. She may not be tomorrow. Strike while she's here."

  They all nodded.

  "Timing?” Ricna queried, this time looking at Elyse as well as Shaque.

  "Near meal time,” she replied. “Most people are thinking of food rather than guarding too well around that time. Their concentration is already turning."

  "Is that family still there?” Shaque asked.

  Abra nodded. “But Vane reported back that they were leaving in another hour or two. We have a signal receiver planted in a tree near the boundary, and it picked up on two of
the guards talking not far from it."

  Satisfied, Shaque looked at Elyse. “How does close to midday suit you?"

  "Any time is a good time.” Already she could feel the calmness stealing upon her as mentally she went through the weapons she would carry.

  But as a mutant, did she need weapons? Yeah, she would. She wasn't turning mutant until inside the building, and even then, she might not turn. It would happen only if she lost control. If things went smoothly and according to plan, she might be able to do a clean kill and get away fast, without anything happening. If things didn't go smoothly...

  Ah well.

  * * * *

  Huddled into their cloaks, the lower half of their faces covered by thick veils, hoods covering their heads, Shaque and Elyse stood on the back step, a crate of food between them.

  The guard shivered. “Take it into the kitchen, along with the other stuff. And hurry up, here comes more stores.” Cold air puffed out from his mouth as he spoke.

  It was luck, Shaque thought, that made the guard too busy to take notice. Luck and extreme laxness when it came to doing a proper job. Nothing like a bit of peace to lull one into a false sense of security.

  But what was disturbing, was the amount of workers arriving behind him. A hover tray loaded with crates and barrels arrived.

  "Get it all inside,” the guard called to the shivering workers. “The food has to be ready for this evening for the extra guests."

  Elyse glanced sideways at Shaque as they entered the large kitchen. Shaque glanced around. The kitchen was quiet, but there seemed to be an awful lot of food sitting on the benches. But guests in the evening weren't a problem. This would all be over by then.

  Workers piled in behind them, carrying barrels and crates, filling the kitchen with chatter and thumping down of food onto benches. It was the ideal time to slip away.

  The rest of the house was quiet as they stealthily made their way through the corridor. Thankfully, Sarita didn't employ live-in servants, but merely had a couple of the settlement women come in during the morning to clean. She was cautious.

  "Shaque.” His name coming from the communicator in his ear made him step into a small room immediately to the side.

  Elyse followed, closing the door silently behind her.

  "Yeah?” he murmured.

  "Sarita has just left the house,” Vane said. “But she's coming back in a couple of hours. You just need to hold tight."

  "All right.” He glanced at Elyse, who nodded, having heard from the communicator in her own ear. “Where are the guards?"

  "Four have gone with Sarita, two are covering the front of the house, two covering the back, and the last two are supervising the stores being unloaded."

  "Which gives us free reign to explore the house and find Sarita's room. The scanner didn't pick up any alarm systems. None have been set?"


  "Good. Let us know when you see Sarita return."

  Moving stealthily, Shaque and Elyse moved through the house, hearing the distant voices of the store workers and guards.

  The rooms on the bottom floor were richly furnished. The big dining room had four long tables shaped into a square. Chairs lined the tables, along with place settings.

  "Guests,” Elyse said quietly.

  He nodded. A lot of guests.

  They moved through the house, and then quickly ran up the staircase, the thick carpet muffling the sound of their boots. At the top they split up by mutual consent, Elyse going to the left and Shaque to the right.

  They could still talk to each other through the communicators.

  A lot of the rooms above stairs were empty. Peeking into several of the rooms, he saw that the guards obviously slept on the same floor as Sarita, and her room was in-between theirs. Her room held the apparel that a woman used.

  "Found her room,” he breathed.

  "So I see,” Elyse's voice said from behind him.

  He hadn't heard her come in, and turning in surprise, he saw her in the open doorway. There was a deadly air about her. Her breathing was slow and deep, her eyes flicking around the room.

  When she looked at him, her eyes were the same. One blue, one brown, and both rimmed with red on the outside.

  He realized what it was he was seeing. On the ship they'd become so comfortable, and now, here, she was back to being the Elyse he'd known before they'd become so intimate.

  Cold, calm, a quiet assurity about her.

  God, he found that hot. Especially when he knew how rough, how hot, how insatiable she could be behind closed doors.

  "Oh, Shaque, for pity's sake,” she said mildly.

  "Don't look like that then."

  "Like what?"

  "All cold and calm when I know how hot and wild you can be."

  "Do you and your right hand need to have a few minute's privacy?"

  "Excuse me,” said Vane's voice over the communicator. “Hellooooooo."

  Shaque couldn't believe he'd actually forgotten that others were listening in.

  "Yeah, for sun's sake,” Ricna muttered through the communicator. “Get a bucket of cold water."

  Elyse raised one brow at Shaque and smirked.

  "Don't worry, we're back onto the business at hand,” he said. And gave her a meaningful look. You'll keep.

  "So where are we going to hole up?” She looked around. “Here would be good. Sarita will come in here sooner or later, probably alone."

  "Sounds like a plan.” Crossing to the desk in the corner, Shaque looked at the small images on the viscomm screen.

  His mouth tightened grimly when he saw what the images were. Children of different ages in various positions. Some had been tortured, some were frightened, and a lot were dead.

  Sarita's victims.

  "She likes to rehash old times.” Elyse scrutinized the images. “Unless she's still doing it."

  They exchanged glances.

  "Someone like Sarita will return to her old games,” Shaque said tonelessly. “The thrill of it will be something she craves."

  "Returning her to The Overlord rather than killing her just sounds so much more attractive. I'm sure he has plans for her."


  Crossing to the window, Shaque peered out cautiously. Below on ground level stood two guards, talking quietly. Thick stands of trees surrounded most of the property, and in those trees waited the pack.

  Elyse and Shaque settled down to wait for Sarita.

  Crossing the room, Shaque sat in front of Sarita's viscomm while Elyse listened at the door. Unfortunately, she had everything passworded and coded, and he didn't have the tools he needed to unencode.

  Eventually giving up, he sat against the door beside Elyse and waited.

  Two hours passed, then three.

  "She's coming back,” Vane's voice said suddenly. “And you're not going to like this."

  "Like what?"

  "She has visitors with her."

  "Damn. Who and how many?"

  "Two adults, two children. One of them ... aw shit."


  "One of them is Meekta, the Head of the Intergalactic Peace Ship Council."

  "You're bloody joking."


  "What's he doing here?” Elyse asked.

  "Ceron is Meekta's home planet. He lives in the settlement nearby."

  Shaque and Elyse looked at each other.

  "Doesn't change the plan,” Elyse said.

  "Meekta wouldn't say a word against us if we captured her, seeing as how she's a wanted murderer,” Ricna said.

  "But she wouldn't hesitate to use him as a hostage,” Abra's voice joined in the conversation.

  "This is getting sticky,” Vane announced.

  "We wait for her to come up,” Elyse said. “Same plan."

  "What of the guards? With Meekta present..."

  "Slight deviation of plans,” Shaque stated coldly. “We wait until the visitors leave, then when Sarita comes up, Elyse and I will grab her. Then we work our wa
y down to the ground floor. We'll take out the guards as we go. You lot take out the outside guards. Then we leave."

  There was silence while they debated it, and then Abra said, “Agreed."

  So they settled in to wait.

  In less than fifteen minutes since the visitors had entered the house, a scream rent the air. Angry voices shouted, and a laser flared in the distance.

  Shaque and Elyse didn't’ waste time. They were on their feet in seconds, drawn lasers in their hands.

  "What's happening outside the house?’ Shaque demanded quietly.

  "Nothing that we can see. But I heard a scream."

  "Something's happening in here."

  Something smashed, and a sobbing started.

  "We're moving,” Shaque said, even as Elyse eased the door open a fraction and peered out cautiously.

  The corridor was clear, but there was a racket going on from the floor below. Another scream, then a woman's voice giving orders harshly.

  Palming her dagger in the other hand, Elyse slid through the open door and, keeping against the wall, she started moving towards the staircase.

  Shaque crossed to the opposite wall and kept step with her.

  At the start of the staircase, Elyse moved over to the other side and pressed against the wall.

  Peering around the corner of the wall, Shaque saw two guards standing with their backs to them. They were facing the partially opened door, their lasers in their hands.

  Moving stealthily, they started to descend down the staircase, the thick carpet muffling the sound of their progress.

  "How dare you!” A voice thundered out. “You invited us here under false pretences!"

  "Not at all, Meekta,” a lilting voice replied. “I said I wanted to get to know you better. And I have."

  "You brought me here to get information on the Intergalactic Peace Ship, not to get to know me!"

  "I now know you won't voluntarily give me the information I want. I'll just have to get it from you the hard way."

  "Daddy! Daddy!” A child's voice screaming.

  "Let her go!” Meekta ordered furiously.

  "Just a little cut, Meekta. One for each question you don't answer. Now, where shall I start?"

  Coming up behind the guards, Shaque and Elyse moved fast, stabbing into the guard's throats with one hand, catching the lasers with the other, and cushioning the fall of the bodies with their own, letting them slide down to the floor.


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