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The Pioneers

Page 37

by David McCullough

  character/personality of, 68–69, 70

  Cincinnati move of, 86

  and Continental Congress-Ohio Company deal, 18, 25, 26, 27

  Cutler (Mannaseh) letter to, 13

  Denny praise for, 109

  education of, 69

  as emigrant to first settlement, 53

  family of, 70

  financial affairs of, 69

  marriage of, 69–70

  Nye relationship with, 68, 69, 70

  and Ohio Company-Board of Treasury contract, 28

  as Ohio Company secretary/shareholder, 12, 28, 69

  personal/professional background of, 69

  and return of emigrants, 111

  scientific/botanical interests of, 69, 86, 100

  as secretary of Northwest Territory, 69, 86

  and St. Clair’s army, 98–99, 100, 101, 102, 103–4, 106–7, 108, 109, 114–15

  and Tupper family, 68, 69–70

  welcoming of migrants/visitors by, 58

  scarlet fever, 110

  schools, 64, 169, 183, 206, 212–13, 228, 253. See also education

  Schuylkill River, 22, 23, 115

  scientific interests, 219, 234. See also specific person

  Scioto Company, 28, 83–85, 86

  Scioto River, 26, 51

  Seneca Indians, 41, 59, 230

  settlers/settlements, first

  accomplishments of, 54

  arrival of new, 52–54, 70–75

  building the, 44–48

  characteristics of, 125

  as City upon the Hill, 17

  clearing land for, 45–46, 47–48, 53, 55

  communications from, 50–52, 75

  descriptions of, 45–46, 50–51, 54

  discouragement of, 55

  food/provisions for, 54, 65, 67–68, 70

  and health conditions, 51, 54–55

  and historic preservation, 51

  Indian relations with, 46–47, 55, 58, 63–64, 86–88, 91–94, 95–99

  morale of, 51, 126

  naming of, 55–56

  as “new New England,” 44

  population of, 53

  reactions of new, 70–75

  return East of early, 55

  selection of site/plans for, 17, 18, 37, 43–45

  socializing of, 53

  surveying for, 43–44

  systems of, 7

  and veterans, 54

  Washington’s views about, 52

  and weather, 44, 55, 65

  and wharf on Muskingum River, 47

  women as, 53, 54, 71–73

  See also Campus Martius; earthworks; Marietta; stockade; specific person or settlement

  Shawnee Indians, 17, 48, 51, 59, 63, 76–77, 87, 102, 230

  Shays (Daniel) rebellion, 9


  and Burr, 151–52, 155–56, 160

  and Devol, 39, 40, 47

  and economy, 170–72

  and Embargo Act, 171–72

  and first expedition to Ohio Country, 39, 40

  in Marietta, 135–36, 137, 170–72

  along Muskingum River, 170–72

  along Ohio River, 137, 170–72, 183–84, 196–97

  at Wiseman’s Bottom, 137

  See also flatboats; keelboats; steamboats; specific ship or boat

  Shreve, Henry M., 196

  Silliman, Benjamin, 234, 235, 236, 237, 239, 253, 258


  Adams (John Quincy) views about, 247, 249

  and Blennerhassett Island, 133

  Cutler (Ephraim) views about, 197, 206, 213, 247, 248–49, 255–56

  and Cutler (Manasseh), 30, 146, 201

  Cutler (William) views about, 256

  and escape route along Ohio River, 247–49

  foreign traveler comments about, 223, 225

  and Gag Rule, 247

  and Jefferson, 223

  and Newburgh Resolution, 13

  Northwest Ordinance and, 11, 13, 29–30, 144–45, 146, 201

  and Northwest Territory, 11, 13, 29–30

  and Ohio Company-Board of Treasury contract, 29–30

  and Ohio constitution, 144–47, 247, 255–56

  and Putnam, 206

  and runaway slaves, 247–49

  Stowe book about, 254–55

  smallpox, 40, 81, 110, 129

  soldiers, 46–47. See also army, frontier; army, St. Clair’s; Marietta militia; militia, Ohio; veterans, Revolutionary War

  Splendid (steamboat), 233, 235

  Sproat, Ebenezer, 38, 40, 43, 52, 83, 95, 125, 154, 172, 219

  squatters, 45

  St. Clair, Arthur

  Braddock’s Field visit by, 98

  Cincinnati move of, 86

  as commander of army, 96–101, 102–15, 118

  and Cutler (Ephraim) commissions, 126

  Cutler views about, 116

  death of, 149

  financial affairs of, 149

  at Fort Harmar, 56–57

  Fort Ticonderoga abandoned by, 96–97, 102, 114

  as governor of Northwest Territory, 57, 86, 96, 114

  as governor of Ohio (state), 149

  and Indians as threat to settlers, 92, 96–99

  personal/professional background of, 96–97

  personality of, 97

  physical disabilities of, 97, 101, 103, 104, 107, 108, 112, 149

  resignation of commission by, 113

  and return of emigrants, 111

  stockade home of, 81

  Washington’s relationship with, 98, 112, 113

  See also army, St. Clair’s

  St. Clair, Phoebe Bayard, 96

  St. Clair (ship), 136, 170

  St. Clair’s Defeat, 106–15

  “Starving Year,” 79–81

  steamboats, 183–84, 196–97, 226, 227–28, 232. See also specific boat

  Stiles, Ezra, 6, 14, 49

  stockade, 46–47, 70, 81, 83. See also Campus Martius

  Story, Daniel, 74, 131

  Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 254–55

  Strong, Caleb, 92, 186

  Sumerill’s Ferry, 39–40, 42, 67

  Supreme Court, U.S., 163

  surveyors: Indian hostility toward, 75–76

  Systema Vegetabilium (Linnaeus), 21–22

  taxation, 198, 216, 217

  Taylor, Peter, 133, 162

  teachers, 212–13

  Tecumseh (Shawnee Indian), 102, 186, 189

  temperance movement, 228–29

  Temple, Sir John, 16, 27, 28

  Thomas, Eliud, 202–3

  Thomas, Isaiah, 50–51

  Tiffin, Edward, 144, 159

  Treaty of Greenville (1795), 118

  trees. See forests/trees

  Trinity College, 131

  Trollope, Frances, 223, 224, 226, 230

  Troop, Zebulon, 89–90

  True, Jabez, 52, 125, 167, 168–69, 204

  True, John, 167

  Trumbull, John, 235–36

  Tupper, Benjamin

  and Bunch of Grapes meeting, 11

  drinking by, 70

  and enthusiasm for emigration, 52

  and Indian attack on Mathews surveying party, 75

  and Indians as threat, 8

  and management of Marietta, 68

  Marietta home for, 68

  and Marietta militia, 83

  as migrant to Marietta, 57, 58

  regrets about emigration of, 67

  Sargent relationship with, 69–70

  and Shays rebellion, 9

  Tupper, Minerva (wife), 57, 67

  Tupper, Rowena. See Sargent, Rowena Tupper

  Turk (Wyandot Indian), 64

  Tyler, Dean, 68, 74, 126

  typhoid fever, 204

  “Uncle Sam” (musician), 117–18

  university, plans for, 29, 32. See also Ohio University

  Upper Sandusky, 8, 230

  Varnum, James, 52, 53, 58, 64, 78, 84

  Vesuvius (steamboat), 184

  veterans, Revolutionar
y War

  and Bunch of Grapes meeting, 6

  and Burr, 154

  and Cutler (Ephraim) hospitality, 183

  as early Marietta settlers, 54, 57–58

  elections of 1800 and, 144

  and financial panic, 8

  and Lafayette visit to Marietta, 209

  Newburgh Petition and, 10–11

  and Northwest Territory as land of opportunity, 9

  and Ohio Company, 6, 219

  and Trumbull paintings, 236

  and Washington’s death, 135

  vocabulary/local expressions, 225–26

  Wabash Indians, 116

  Wabash River: St. Clair–Indian battle near, 103–4

  wages, 33, 47, 115

  Walker, Amasa, 239–40

  War of 1812, 185–87, 188–90, 195

  Warren (town), 182, 189–90, 257

  Washington County

  Cutler (Ephraim) as territorial delegate from, 138–39

  and escape routes for fugitive slaves, 248

  founding of, 56

  Hildreth as representative of, 177

  medical doctors in, 253

  Washington County Agricultural Fair, 218–20

  Washington, D.C.

  Cutler (Manasseh) as congressman in, 139–43

  War of 1812 and, 189

  Washington, George

  and conditions in Marietta, 110–11

  and Continental Congress-Ohio Company deal, 27

  death of, 135

  and French and Indian War, 98

  and French emigrants, 85

  and Indians as threat, 87, 91, 93–94, 96, 97, 98

  Jefferson’s relationship with, 141

  letter to Congress from, 10–11

  and military expansion, 115

  and Newburgh Petition, 10

  as Ohio Country land owner, 10, 42, 132

  and “Ohio Fever,” 52

  portrait of, 16

  Putnam and, 10–11, 36, 37, 82, 86–88, 93–94, 110–11, 149

  and Revolutionary War battles, 36–37, 96–97

  and St. Clair Defeat, 109–10, 111–12, 113, 114

  streets named after, 44

  sworn in as president, 75

  and Wayne as commander of frontier army, 116

  Washington, Martha, 141

  Washington (steamboat), 196

  Waterford (town), 125–26, 127

  Wayne, Anthony “Mad Anthony,” 116, 117, 118, 123


  and Cutler (Manasseh) visit, 59

  and first expedition/settlement in Ohio Country, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 55, 65

  and food/provisions, 77

  and Indians as threat, 94

  in Marietta, 59, 77, 203

  and St. Clair’s army, 100–101, 103

  and travelers’ descriptions of Ohio Country, 222

  Western Spectator (Federalist newspaper), 186, 189

  Wheeling (Virginia territory), 41–42, 196

  Whigs, 241, 251

  Whipple, Abraham, 136, 170

  whiskey/alcohol, 39, 41, 58, 64, 99, 101, 168, 226–29

  White, Haffield, 33, 39

  Wilkinson, James, 158–59

  Williams, H. Z., 207–8

  Wiseman’s Bottom, 129–30, 137–38, 244

  Wolf Creek, 93, 162

  wolves-fiddling story, 65


  as army camp followers, 99, 105, 106, 108

  attire of, 73, 175

  and Cutler (Manasseh) visit to Marietta, 59

  as emigrants, 71–73

  first-person accounts of, 72

  and first settlement in Ohio Country, 54

  Indian, 59

  and Indian attacks, 90, 105, 106, 108

  respect for, 229

  role of, 71–72

  and “Starving Year,” 80–81

  Trollope comments about, 224

  See also specific person

  Woodbridge, Dudley Jr., 137, 155–56, 161, 163, 166

  Woodbridge, Dudley Sr., 64, 72, 137

  Woodbridge, Lucy Backus, 72–73, 132, 137, 166

  Wyandot Indians, 43, 51, 59, 63, 88, 89, 102, 230

  Yale College/University

  congressmen as graduates of, 140

  and Cutler (Ephraim), 122

  Cutler (Manasseh) and, 4, 14, 201

  Hildreth visit to, 234–37, 239

  and Marietta College, 220

  Medical Institution at, 234, 236

  Putnam (David) at, 212

  and Silliman, 234, 235, 236, 237, 239

  and Trumbull, 235–36

  yellow fever, 165

  Youghiogheny River, 39–40

  Zanesville, as Ohio state capital, 185


  Insert 1

  1, 3, 5, 7–10, 15, 17, 19–21: Courtesy of Marietta College Library Special Collections 2: The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs: Print Collection, the New York Public Library 4: Courtesy of Ohio University Archives 6: “Landing of the Pioneers,” courtesy of the Benjamin H. Putnam Family Planning Trust 11: Courtesy of the Rare Books & Manuscripts Library of the Ohio State University Libraries 12: Courtesy of the Ohio History Connection 14: University of Michigan Digital Collections 16: Originally published in black and white in The Century Magazine (volume 92, May to October, 1916). Wood engraving by Alfred Waud/Granger, New York 18: National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institute / John Trumbull, Dec. 3, 1790, pencil on paper

  Insert 2

  1–4, 6, 8–10, 11, 13–15, 18–20, 22–25: Courtesy of Marietta College Library Special Collections 5: Courtesy of the Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis, Accession #1948-059-0001 7: Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, 1877, courtesy of Blennerhassett Island Historical State Park 12: “The Ohio at Marietta,” courtesy of the Ohio History Connection 16: Ohio History Connection / Campus Martius Museum, Marietta, Ohio / Photograph by Bruce Wunderlich 17: Courtesy of the Huntington Museum of Art, Huntington, West Virginia / Oil, Sala Bosworth (American, 1805–1890) ca. 1826–1827, Bequest of Janet Seaton Humphrey, 1.1.1999 21: “Home of Ephraim Cutler,” courtesy of The Dawes Arboretum, Newark, Ohio


  “Marietta from Harmar Hill,” courtesy of the Ohio History Connection / Oil, Charles Sullivan / Painting Hanging in Campus Martius Museum, Marietta, Ohio


  Maps by David Atkinson,

  “Southeastern Ohio Around Marietta” and “Town of Marietta” maps: Research and layout by Matthew Young


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  Copyright © 2019 by David McCullough

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information address Simon & Schuster Subsidiary Rights Department, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020.

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  Interior design by Joy O’Meara

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Names: McCullough, David G., author.

  Title: The pioneers: the heroic story of the settlers who brought the American ideal west / by David McCullough.

  Description: First Simon & Schuster hardcover edition. | New York: Simon & Schuster, 2019. | “Simon & Schuster nonfiction original hardcover.” | includes bibliographical references and index.

  Identifiers: LCCN 2018057066 | ISBN 9781501168680 | ISBN 1501168
681 | ISBN 9781501168697 (ebook)

  Subjects: LCSH: Ohio River Valley—History—To 1795. | Pioneers—Ohio River Valley—Biography.

  Classification: LCC F483.M48 2019 | DDC 977—dc23 LC record available at

  ISBN 978-1-5011-6868-0

  ISBN 978-1-5011-6869-7 (ebook)




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