The Book of Chuang Tzu (Penguin)
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kings, 60–64, 98, 107–9, 138 and n;.; August Rulers, 117, 264n. See also emperors; government
Knowing Harmony, 270–71
knowledge; of able-bodied and mutilated, 40; from argument, 26–7; can forget yes and no, 163; distress at pursuit of, 80; of existence, 14; futility of, 80; great, 138–9; and inwardness and outwardness, 195; knowing the unknowable, 203–5; lack of boundary to, 22; of people, 222; people’s longing for, 74; perfect, 77, 205; power of, 39; rejoicing at, 83; ridding of petty, 240; of right and wrong, 17–18; ruining virtue, 26–7; and shores of the Dark Waters, 187; that goes out to all things, 293; of those in authority, 79–80; of what is now known, 17–18; and Yellow Emperor’s pearl, 95. See also understanding; wisdom
Kou Chien (King of Yueh), 222
Ku Chu (state), 258
Ku Huo, 299
Ku She (mountain), 4–5
Kuai Chi, Mount, 222
Kuai (ruler), 17
Kuan Chung, 160 and n., 216, 268
Kuan Lung Feng, 27
Kuan Yin, 303 and n. See also Yin (gatekeeper)
Kuang, Blind (musician), 78, 79
Kuang Chen, Master, 85–7
Kuang (state), 143
Kuei, Crown Prince, 275–6
Kun Hun, 212
Kun Lun mountains, 151, 196
Kun (son of Tzu Chi), 218–20
Kung family, 280
Kung Fu Tzu, see Confucius (Kung Fu Tzu)
Kung Po, 257 and n.
Kung Sun Lung, 144–6 and n., 306
Kung the True, 270
Kung Wen Hsien, 23
Kuo Hsiang, xviii–xix
Lai (Master), 52, 53–4
language, see words
Lao Lai Tzu, 238–9 and n.
Lao Tzu; on benevolence and righteousness, 112–14; and Confucius, 41, 122–7; death, 24; on embracing the One, 201–2; founder teacher, xiii; and Keng Sang Chu, 199; lack of historical details, xiv; on people’s hearts, 84, 97–8; on perfect man, 179–81, 202–8, 303; on pride and arrogance, 247; on Tao’s profundity, 191–3; and Tzu Kung, 124–6; on wandering, 229–30; on wisdom, 61– 2; writings, xiii, xv, xxvi
laws, 90, 109, 296
Li (Master), 52, 53–4
Li Chi, 19
Li Chu, 66, 69, 78–9, 95
Li Hsu, 79 and n.
Li Lu, 79 and n.
Liang (capital of Wei), 147, 228
Liao, river, 61
Liao of the Southern Market, see I Liao
Lieh Tzu (Lieh Yu Kou), Master, xiii, xxiv–xxv, 3, 62–4, 153, 157, 183–4, 208–9, 252–3, 288–94
Lien Shu, 4
life; from actionless action, 150; all forms held in Tao, 301; boundary of, 22; comprehending, 293; force, 142; grasping purpose of, 156–65; Middle Course (or Way), 22, 32; mystery of, 29; nurturing of, 22–4; and profit, 256; study of, 159; through breath, 241; through scrounging, 151; transmutation of species, 153–4. See also existence
Ling, Duke of Wei, 32, 170, 231
Literati, 84–5, 197, 214, 218, 238, 289
Little Knowledge, 231–3
Liu Hsia Chi, 261
love, 19, 30, 112–13, 212
loyalty, 50, 118, 236, 266, 284, 292
Lu, Marquess of, 162, 168–9
Lu (state), 38, 41, 56, 77, 153, 159, 168, 178, 251–2, 262, 297; learned men in, 181–2
Lu Chu, 215
Lu Hsia Chi, 267
Lu Liang (state), 161–2
Lung Feng, 77 and n., 236
machines, 99
Madman of Chu, 4 n.
Maker of All, 61
man, 3, 56, 139–40, 296; spiritual, 3, 221, 296; true, 131. See also perfect man
Man Kou Te, 267–9
Man with a Jug-sized Goitre, 43
Man without a Name, 61
Men Wu Kuei, 102
Mencius, 297n.
Meng Sun Tsai, 56
Meng Tzu Fan (master), 54
Miao tribes, 84
Middle Course (or Way), 22, 32
Middle Kingdom, 178
Mih Tzu, xv
Ming Tzu, 43 and n.
misfortune, knowing how to escape, 35
Mo Ti (Tzu), 67 and n., 79, 104, 268, 298, 299–300
‘Moderation in Economics’ (Mo Tzu), 298
Mohists, 12, 84–5, 197, 214, 218, 289, 299–300
Mou of Wei, Duke, 144–5 and n., 255–6
mourning, 24, 55–6, 109, 150–51, 284, 298–9
Mu, Duke of Chin, 208
mud on the nose, xvi, 215–16
Mulberry Grove Dance, 22
mushrooms, 2
Music, 126, 297
music; ‘Against Music’ (Mo Tzu), 298; classical, and peasants, 103; Confucius singing and lute-playing, 144, 257, 280; discussing, 211; five notes, 66, 73, 104; following appropriately, 133; forgetting, 58; hearing, 78; Hsien Chih, 118–20, 298; Kung and Chueh notes, 215; lute harmony, 215; Nine Shao, 153, 164; pleasure in, 83; singing, 58; six tones, 66, 78; types used by emperors, 298
Nan Jung Chu, xxvii, 200–203
Nan Po Tzu Chi, 34, 51–2
Nan Yueh, 169
nature, 61, 68, 73, 83, 266–7, 288; innate, xxii–xxv, 83, 104, 135, 266–7
Needham, Joseph, xiv and n.
Nest-Building People, 264
Nieh Chueh, 190, 220
Nine Lo, 117
Nine Provinces, 138
No Beginning, 195
No Existence, 196
no-men, 60
noblemen; ten things to be believed by, 93
non-action, see actionless action
non-existing non-existence, 196
Northern Ocean, 137–8, 143, 147
Not Enough, 270–71
Nu Chu, 51–2
Nu Shang, 210–11
Odes of Sacrifice of Shang, 255 and n.
Old Lung Chi, 194
Old Man of Tsang, 183
one-legged creature, 143
Oneness, 134, 170, 197, 290; embracing the One, 202–3; great One and smallest One, 304; life coming together in, 180; seeing by the One, 52; of Tao, 218
Origin, 10, 97, 107
Outline, 246; and Shadow, 20
Pao Shu Ya, 216
parents and children, 102–3, 118, 171; filial piety, 30, 118, 236
Pei (state), 122, 247
Pei Kung She, 170
Peng Meng, 301
Peng Tsu (mythological figure of great age), 2, 15, 51, 130
Peng Yang, 225
People Who Know how to Keep Alive, 264
perfect man, 3, 18, 157, 164–5, 181, 184, 199; Confucius on, 42–3; has no self, 33; heart like a mirror, 64; Lao Tzu on, 202–8; leaving no trace of his actions, 241; not cut off from truth, 296; as pure spirit, 18; understanding Heaven and ways of humanity, 47
pettiness, 135
philosophy, schools of, 143 and n., 145, 213–14, 218, 299–300
Pi I, 95, 190
Pi Kan, 173 and n., 270
Pi Kan, Prince, 27, 77 and n., 236, 266
Pien (wheelwright), 115
Pien Ching Tzu, Master, 163–4
Pien Sui, 258
Pin (state), 250
Pingists, 214–15 and n.
pity, 217
plumb lines, 72, 78, 85, 163
Po, Duke, 141 and n.
Po, Sea of, 277
Po Chang Chien (historian), 231
Po Cheng Tzu Kao, 96–7
Po Chu, 229
Po Huang, 79 and n.
Po Hun Wu Jen, 39, 183–4, 288
Po Li Hsi, 182 and n., 208
Po Lo, 72 and n., 74
Po Yi (scholar), 69–70, 137, 138, 258–9, 266
Poems, 126
Pointless, 95
Pool of Heaven, 1
poverty, 172, 211, 225, 237, 252–5, 268
Primal Mystery, 102
Provoke (kingdom), 228
Pu, river, 146
Pu Liang Yi, Master, 52
Pu Yi, 60
punishments, see rewards and puni
Queen Mother of the West, 51
Records, 93
Red Water, 94
reincarnation, 52, 55, 156–7; transmutation of species, 153–4
relationships, 16, 171–2
religious background of Chuang Tzu, xxviii–xxix
rewards and punishments, 82–3, 96–7, 109, 111, 291–2
right and wrong, 17–18, 19–20, 140, 146, 150, 245
righteousness, 67–70, 79, 90, 111–12, 118, 123–4, 144, 202, 267, 270, 293
Rites, 126, 297
ritual, 58, 73, 83, 109, 111, 119, 120–22, 133, 178, 211; Odes of Ritual, 238
Roc (bird), 1, 2–3
sacrifice, xv, 69, 293–4
sages; activities of, 90; behaviour of, 18; definition of, 296; destruction of, 85; as example to others, 50; Heaven as guide, 226; and human relationships, 192; life and death, 130–31; poverty forgotten, 225–6; quiescent, 106–7; reality not known, 218; rest where there is true rest, 290; risking very self, 68; rule of, 101; Sage Master, 93–4; securing things for the great thief, 76–8; seven, 212–13; skilful and foolish, 208; succeeding under Tao, 35; Tao of, 208; understanding life, 18–19; on the Universe, 16; as wanderers, 44; writings of, 115. See what is necessary as unnecessary, 290
San Wei, 84
Sang Hu, Master, 54–5, 58, 171–2
scholars, 129–30, 134, 137, 181–2, 230, 266, 267–8, 299–300
seasons, 82, 110, 119, 134, 137–8, 199, 214, 232, 241
Secret Heights, mount of, 187
self; development, 129; non-existence in, 303; value of, 180
Shadow, 20, 246
shamanism, xxix
Shan Chuan, 249
Shan Po, 159
Shang (Dynasty), 67 and n., 257n.
Shang (state), 118
Shao Kuang Mountain, 51
She (state), 30
Sheep’s Groom, 154
Shen Nung, 79 and n., 134, 152 and n., 168, 194, 259
Shen Tao, 301–2 and n., 302
Shen Tu Chia, 39–40
Shen Tu Ti, 242, 266
Shih (model of benevolence), 66 and n., 69, 79, 82, 84–5
Shih (craftsman), xvi–xvii, 33–4, 215–16
Shih Cheng Chi, 113–14
Shih Chiu, 231
Shih Hu, 250
Shih Kuang, 14
Shou Ling, 146
Shou Yang, Mount, 69, 259, 266
Shu (cripple), 35
Shu Chi (scholar) 48, 258–9, 266
Shu Shan the Toeless, 41
Shu Tan, 258–9
Shun, Emperor, 5 and n., 102n., 17, 29, 39, 51, 60, 68, 76, 84, 96, 111, 112, 125, 141, 144, 190, 221, 249–50, 257, 264
Shun (Master from the Eastern Wall), 177
sight, 78–9, 83, 84, 104, 201, 221–2, 294
Six Bow Cases, 211
six breaths, 87
six repositories, 293
six tones, 66, 78
snails, 228
snakes, 21, 143–4, 154
Sou, Prince, 250–51
Southern Market, 168, 218, 229
Southern Ocean, 143, 147
Southern Suburb, 217
Spirit Tower, 204 and n.
Spring and Autumn Annals, 16, 126
Ssu Ma Chien; Historical Records, xiv–xv, xix, xxviii
Ssu (Master), 52–3
Starlight, 196
states, 26, 27, 30–31. See also government
Su Shu Ao, 184
Sui, Marquis of, 252
Sui Jen, 134, 152 and n.
suitcases, broken, 76
Sun Hsiu, Master, 163–5
Sun Shu Ao, 217–18
Sung (state), 5, 34, 87, 121, 144, 290–91
Sung (state), King of, 293
Sung Chien (Sung Jung Tzu), 3 and n., 300
swords; lover of, 275–8; swordsmith, 196
ta lu pipes, 66
Ta Tao (historian), 231
Ta Ting, 79 and n.
Tai, Noble Ruler, Emperor, 60
Tai, Mount, 2 and n., 15, 51
Tai Chen Jen, 228
Talk of the Villages, 231–2
Tan Fu, King, 250 and n.
Tang, Emperor, 2, 125, 141 and n., 145, 197, 208, 227, 242, 257–8 and n., 265, 269, 298
Tang, Prime Minister of Shang, 118
Tao; abandoned, 134; all forms of life held in, 301; for all professions, 77; in all things, 205; ancient understanding of, 300–303; of benevolence, 257, see also benevolence; chaos if blocked, 241; comprehending all existence, 232–4; Confucius and, 122–4; discussion of, 137; of Earth, 130; failing, 70; flaunting, 62; flowing with, 256–7; followers of, 50; fulfilment from, 55–6; gaining, 251; of governing, 111; grasping through argument, 97–8; Great, 193; of Heaven, 90, 106–15, 130; of humanity, 90; immensity of, 93, 114; knowledge without, 79–80; location of, 193; Mo Tzu’s, 182, 299; neither beginning nor end, 142; never alters, 118; nobility and meanness of, 140–42; not to speak about, 290; oneness of, 218; pattern of, 110; perfect, 86, 193; pivot of, 12; reality but no form, 50–51; of righteousness, 257; Ruler of the World, 92; of the sage, 77, 208; of the scholar, 129–30; slaying the dragons, 290; as source of life, 286; for swimming, 162; teaching, 51–2; that is clear is not the Tao, 16; true path, 67–8; true purpose of, 252; of true simplicity, 131; true Tao not to be talked about, xiii, xxi; understanding, 142, 180–81, 187–97; value in books, 114–15; and Virtue, 110, 167–8, 218; Way, 66; written teachings, 297; Yen Kang Tiao on, 194–5
Tao Te Ching, xiii, xv, xvii–xviii, xxi, xxvi
Taoism; xiii, xx, xxviii, 3, 12, 13–15, 23, 30, 35
Te (Virtue), xxvii, 66, 68, 70, see also Virtue
templates, 72, 78
ten things to be believed by noblemen, 93
Teng Hang, 227
Teng Ling, 299
that and this, 12–13, 15–16
thieves, 76–8
Three Dynasties, 67 and n., 68, 80, 88, 141
Three Kings, 138 and n.
Ti people, 250
Tiao Ling, 174–5
Tien Cheng, Lord, 76–7
Tien Ho, 217 and n.
Tien Kai Chih, 159
Tien Ken, 61
Tien Mou, Marquis, 227
Tien Pien, 301–2
Tien Tzu Fang, 177–85
Ting (cook), 22
transformation of things, 20, 153–4, 166, 180
transmutation of species, 153–4 and n.
travelling, 168–9, 173, 222, 240
trees; Apricot Tree Altar, 280; bamboo, 154; cause of own destruction, 36; Chun, 2; cinnamon, 36; cutting down, 34–5, 121; huge, 167–75; hundred-year-old, 104; oak tree of Chu Yuan, 33; old, 167; within own boundaries, 113; pines and cypresses, 257; straight, 170; useless, 6, 33–5, 167; varnish, 36
Truth, 143, 177, 284
true man, 47–9,
Tsang (state), 182
Tsang Wu, 238
Tsao Shang, 290–91
Tseng, 66 and n., 69, 79, 82, 84–5
Tseng Shen (Tzu), 236 and n., 246, 254–5
Tsui Chu, 84
Tsun Lu, 79 and n.
Tsung Chih (state), 27
Tsung (ruler), 17
Tung, Kuo, Master, 193
Tung Ting, Lake, 119
Tung Wu, 217
Tung Yeh Chi, 163
turtles, 145, 239–40
Tzu Chang, 267
Tzu Chi (hermit), 127, 218–19, 246
Tzu Chi (War Minister), 253
Tzu Chou Chih Fu, 249
Tzu Chou Chih Po, 249
Tzu Hsu, 150 and n., 270
Tzu Kao, Duke, 30
Tzu Kung, 54–5, 99–100, 124, 152, 254, 256, 280
Tzu Lao, 229
Tzu Lu, 112, 144, 229, 256–7, 265 and n., 280, 285
Tzu Yang (Prime Minister of Cheng), 252
Uncle Cripple, 151
Uncle Legless, 151
understanding; application of, 47; complete, 14; with heart, not ears, 29; heaven, 47; how people feel, 2
7; Lao Tzu on, 201–2; learning, 52; limitations of, 144–6; by men of old, 14; people’s hearts, 178; of petty person, 290; sages, 16; of the small and great, 2; true depth of, 9; of true man, 47; use of words in, 15, 18; ways of humanity, 47; without virtue, 225. See also knowledge; wisdom
unity from difference, 13–14, 38–9
universe; what is beyond boundaries of, 16
uselessness, 33–6; Chuang Tzu on, 240; usefulness of the useless, 36; useless trees, 6, 33–5; of words, xxv–xxvi
Vast (fish), 1, 2–3
Virtue; in actionless action, 118; central, 293; deformed in terms of, 35; despoiling world’s, 82; deterioration of, 134; distress avoided by virtuous man, 30; eight Virtues, 16–17; of Emperors and kings, 98, 107–9; enough to please one leader, 3; era of, 264; five evil Virtues, 293; five Virtues, 119; harmony in, 39; of Heaven, 112, 131, 143; highest, 263; and humility, 39–40; illuminating life, 17; man of Regal, 94; misuse of power of, 66; nobleman of complete, 177; and Origin, 97, 107; perfect, 73, 79, 142; preservation of, 42; ruined by fame and knowledge, 26–7; sadness and happiness corruptions of, 131; sage’s lack of need for, 44; signs of real, 38–45; struggle against, 82; and Tao, 110, 167–8, 218; Te, 66, 68, 70; teaching, 35; Virtuous Ones, 101; without shape, 43
Virtuously Founded, 169
wandering, 1–6, 44, 180, 184, 229, 241, 289
Wang Kuo, 225
Wang Ni, 17–18, 60, 95
Wang Tai (teacher of Lu), 38–9
water, 106, 131; excess of, 237; none greater than the Great Ocean, 137; shores of the Dark Waters, 187; staying close to earth, 222; still, 43; swimming, 158–9, 162; White Waters of the south, 187
wealth, 123, 149, 173, 182, 225, 237, 252, 269–73
webbed toes, 66–8
Wei, Duke, 159
Wei, Prince of Chu, xiv
Wei (state), 26, 32, 41, 120, 178, 228, 251; King of, 5–6, 172
Wei Lei, mountain of, 199
Wei Lu, 138
Wei Mou, 256
Wen, King, 182–3 and n., 275–8
Wen, Marquis of Wei, 177 and n.
Wen Hui, 22–3
Wen Po Hsueh Tzu, 178
wisdom; description of, 69–70; lack of, 4–5; limits of, 240; and virtue, 241; words of, 9. See also knowledge; understanding
woodcarving, 162–3
words; Argument Without Words, 218; change of meaning of, 15–16; of Chuang Tzu, 304; of Confucius, 28; conveying joy and pleasure, 31; flowing, 244–5; forgetting, 242; of guidance, 180–81; meaning of, 12; need for, 15; quotes, 244; speech without, 217–18; supposed, 244–7, 304; of Tao, 18; teaching without, 38; uselessness of, xxv–xxvi; Words–of-Actionless-Action, 187–9, 195
world; leaving open, 82; out and about in, 26–36. See also Earth
Wu, King, 102 and n., 141 and n., 216, 265, 269
Wu, Marquis of Wei, 210–11
Wu (state), 253