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Hesparia's Tears

Page 12

by Imogene Nix

  Freezing tremors racked her body, and a touch on her shoulder surprised Jessa. She jumped.

  Galan frowned. “Jessa? Are you cold?” His swift motion forward nearly overwhelmed her as his arms folded once more around her.

  “Yes… No…” Confusion set in. Just what did she feel? Sadness? Fear? Loneliness? She looked up to see him scowling and a hostess moved to attend him.

  “Captain Galan? Is there something I can do for you?” She smiled at him and Jessa nearly rolled her eyes.

  “Jessa is cold. We need a blanket and warm drinks.”

  The woman smiled and strode away purposefully. Galan found the empty seat beside her and settled in, drawing her close against him. She savoured the warmth of his body. The subtly erotic scent emanating from him acted as a sedative for her overwrought system.

  The fear that she had ruthlessly suppressed bubbled to the surface as another quiver racked her body. Jessa squeezed her eyes shut. A single fat tear escaped and rolled down her face, burning itself onto her cold skin.

  “You’re safe now, Jessa.” He pulled her closer and she burrowed in, closing her eyes and seeking the strength she could only draw from him.

  “I was so scared.” Her words wavered and she wanted to swallow them as they escaped. But she couldn’t contain the racking sobs. Galan seemed to understand her fears and concerns, rocking her back and forth. Time slowed and dragged out while she was lost in her misery. Gradually the mists of the negative emotions left her. Jessa became aware of the blanket around her shoulders and the way he rubbed on her back, a slow up and down caress which relaxed her.

  “It’s okay. You needed to let it go.” His quietly whispered words were meant to be reassuring, she was sure, but instead reminded her of how she had fallen apart on him. It wasn’t the look she wanted him to see.

  Instead, Jessa pulled away, scrubbing at her face. “I shouldn’t have lost it like that.”

  He sighed. “Jessa, you’ve had a really difficult few days. It’s okay to feel hurt, dismayed, frightened and even concerned about the dangers you’ve already encountered. It doesn’t make you seem any less capable in my eyes.” He stopped and put a finger under her chin, pushing it up so that she looked into his eyes. “It just tells me that you have softness where it counts and yet can still be strong when you need to be.” He bent his head until he pressed his lips against hers, the brief touch reinforcing his words.

  A sigh escaped as he gently pulled away. “Shame we are here…” She turned her head away.

  He chuckled. “Maybe, but we have some work to do right now.”

  She looked at him. Work?

  He reached for her hand and holding it tight, tugged her towards the meeting table area where she had seen other people congregating earlier. This time, Joras and Seth waited for them and she found herself smiling even as she continued wiping at her face.

  Seth stood and came over, eyeing Galan off before he opened his arms. Jessa found herself in a hug. “I’m so pleased you are ok, Jessa. Jace should never have done what he did.” Seth’s earnest voice nearly set off another spate of tears, but she bit her lip, letting the pain battle her ragged feelings into some form of submission.

  Joras smiled, one that reached his eyes as he held out a hand. “I am pleased you are back and unharmed.”

  Then they sat down, talking about what they needed to achieve with the United Nations.

  “So, then. What do we do next?” Seth sat forward in his seat. “You have a plan of attack and Joras and I have worked out how we can display the images of Hesparia through a data projector. Joras reckons he could take some doctors back to Hesparia to show them how to heal others.” He was so earnest sitting there, that she wanted to smile and pat him on the head. Instead she restrained herself to grinning at his boyish enthusiasm.

  A meal was delivered to the table by the new agent, Danni McCall. Jessa watched, amused as Seth quieted, becoming both thoughtful and charming in her presence. She made a note to discuss it with Galan later, noting the faint blush and shine in the eyes of the agent every time she looked at Seth. A budding romance was what she saw before her. Maybe even possible life partners…another couple to repopulate Hesparia, she thought, before stopping herself. That was the sort of pressure he probably didn’t need at the moment.

  * * * *

  Touching down in New York was a revelation to the crewmembers of the Princess Gospah. Officials entered the plane in order to process their entry into the United States and Galan watched bemused at the to-ing and fro-ing that took place. Only the members of his crew were immune from the customs routine. But that didn’t include Seth or Jessa. Specialist agents from the Department of Homeland Security and the Diplomatic Security Services entered the plane while others waited below at the vehicles and steps.

  When they checked Jessa’s details, faces were pulled and a huddle ensued. Galan watched, the muscles in his face tightening as he thought over the facts as he knew them. She had made a mistake when she was younger and judging by the murmurs and shaking heads she was about to be made to pay again.

  Not while she is with me. He tensed as an older man moved towards him.

  Galan watched the man look at Jessa then back to him. Jessa’s face was red and her eyes teary. “Captain Galan… Sir… We have to refuse your companion entry into the United States. She has a criminal record.”

  “I am here as part of the diplomatic mission for the Hesparians.” She countered with a quiet dignity. But he could clearly see the crimson tide staining her cheeks and the way she shook.

  His anger rose. “Her presence is not negotiable to me. Either Jessa Bankia is with me, or I do not enter your country myself.” He sat himself down on the seat. He knew the political ramifications of his actions. And frankly, right now, he didn’t care. If Jessa wasn’t with him, he would be beside himself the whole time she was absent. A little political leverage at this point might just hold sway, he told himself.

  “Sir. I don’t think you understand…” The man looked earnestly at him and Galan glared back infusing his with all his ire which had built within him. The man backed away and started conferring once more with his counterparts.

  Jessa moved scooting along one of the bench seats by the open door, until she leaned against him. “Galan, don’t give this up for me. I’ll be fine.”

  He knew she wouldn’t be. Couldn’t be. He placed his arm around her shoulder. “Wait and see what happens.” He continued watching the urgent discussions across the cabin noting that one left the craft with his mobile device against his ear. He controlled the grin that he knew would break over his face if he let it, aware that wouldn’t help his cause. He glanced towards Joras and Seth and his security team, their huddle at the other end of the plane showing their discomfort with whatever was happening. Even the Prime Minister had left her office and frowned unhappily at the situation.

  “Captain Galan…” He raised a hand and looked to Jessa where she continued to confer.

  Finally the one who had left returned, whispering furiously with the rest. They shook heads and one shrugged before he advanced towards himself and Jessa. Once he understood their intentions, amusement filled Galan.

  “After checking with our central office, it has been determined that we will allow Miss Bankia entry. However, should there be any issues, the temporary entry visa will be revoked immediately.” He looked at Jessa and once more Galan’s ire rose at the expression of menace on the man’s face.

  Jessa laid a hand on Galan’s wrist. “Fine. I understand fully.” She cleared her throat, the heat in her skin burning him as they rose together and made their way closer to the open door of the aeroplane. He didn’t really understand but shrugged it off. Right now he had to focus on the task ahead. The Prime Minister had already made it clear she couldn’t give any guarantee of assistance to himself or the cause, given they were talking not just migration within their planet, but off world.

  She had pressed for special favours including trading agreement
s and diplomatic missions. Something he couldn’t presently agree to, until he knew what other offers would be made and he had stated that. She had been most unhappy but then recollected that he would be under her auspices, as if that alone gave her some sort of cachet. He had shrugged and let her continue to think that. It suited his purposes for now.

  A sound at the doorway drew his attention and he noted that the Prime Minister stood waving before a range of flashing lights. He looked to Jessa. “What is going on?”

  She smiled. “It’s called a media scrum. There are lots of journalists taking photos of this momentous occasion. That is why there are so many waiting for you. Australia doesn’t usually have this kind of reception, from what I understand, so I guess she’s making hay while the sun shines.”

  Galan frowned. When else would you make hay except during the daylight hours? And what did that have to do with the Prime Minister? “I don’t understand.”

  Jessa sighed. He turned, savouring the glinting of reflected light he saw in her eyes. “Well, she is taking advantage of the opportunity this presents to increase her profile. But that will only last until you make it to the door. Then you will be the one they want to see.” She smiled and stepped away seeing the Prime Minister holding out her hand. “Go on and join her. I’ll stay with Joras and Seth and the rest of the team until we catch up.”

  That isn’t going to happen… His mind argued with his heart. He didn’t want to leave her behind, but he was here on a mission. The mission had to take centre stage, if they had any hopes of repopulating and saving his planet. So he nodded his reluctant agreement and moved to stand beside the female at the door. She gripped his hand, raising it above their heads and smiled broadly.

  “Smile, Captain Galan. This is a moment of triumph.”

  But to him, without Jessa by his side it was empty. Finally they were allowed to walk down the steps, and the bustle of staff behind him followed. He glanced over his shoulder to see Jessa and Seth surrounded by his team and her security guard as they followed him to a vehicle. He was hurried within the front one and the door shut as they sped away.

  Jessa watched as the vehicle Galan had got into drove towards the gate. She knew he hadn’t left her behind on purpose. Understood it was part of the grandstanding that the Prime Minister would use for jockeying for position. No, it was part of the way things were done. But it didn’t make her feel any less unhappy with the situation.

  They were herded towards waiting cars, and climbed in, Joras and Seth together with herself and Danni and a couple of the security detail shared one vehicle, while others got into similar black people movers. The car pulled out and tucked in behind Galan’s. Police outriders met them at the sliding gates then they were on the road. She glanced out of the darkly tinted windows, the now familiar sight of protestors with placards chanting and jeering making her cringe a little. The conveyance moved slowly into the main traffic then gathered speed.

  Their trip was quick and as night fell she had the impression of a smoother ride and better roads than at home. Soon they had pulled up outside an elegant hotel, waiting for the first car’s occupants to alight. Its entrance was brightly lit and a major-domo in resplendent livery opened the door once they drew under the portico. Once inside the hotel though, the red furnishings and flash of bulbs overwhelmed her. Security guards swarmed the lobby, forming a human chain for the distinguished visitors to make their way to the end of the open foyer.

  The security services had already checked them in and hustled them into the waiting elevators they would use while they stayed in the hotel. Galan had obviously dug his heels in, waiting for her, his face creased into a smile when he saw her. She hurried towards him and took his hand while the click click of bulbs left Jessa momentarily deaf as he guided her into the small box. Then it shut and merciful silence descended once more.

  In the corner, Jessa could see the Prime Minister, her face sober for an instant as she watched them together, scanning the way Galan held her against him. “Well then, I suppose we had better ensure your bags are conveyed to the captain’s room.” The elevator stopped and with a silent gesture they were ushered into the corridor.

  The manager waited for them to move forward, trolleys loaded with ice buckets, wine and fruit baskets stood beside him. “Prime Minister. Welcome. Come this way.” He directed her into a room. “We have attended to all the details. The room has been inspected and the floors above and below have been cleared for your teams.” He picked up a basket of fruit, pressing it into her hands. Deftly, she handed it to one of her security team who had obviously come up in another elevator and slipped in behind her. They placed it on the table beside the door in silence.

  “Thank you.”

  The manager grinned and pushed in the cart loaded with goodies while the Prime Minister waited. A mask of interest settled on her face and slowly she moved him out of the door. Jessa and Galan followed him.

  The manager then looked at Galan. “Captain. This is such an honour.” He bowed low showing the slightly balding centre of his salt and pepper hair. “Let me escort you to your room.” He led them down the corridor, all obsequious attention and opened the door to another luxurious suite. The cream paper decorating the wall was teamed with dark wood, together with the reds of the draperies and gilt work—the room decor showed its European influence. They followed him within and he pointed out the comforts they could enjoy. Jessa bit her tongue. Never before had she stayed in a room so lushly furnished.

  The manager helpfully moved to the large doors and with a flourish opened them to display a balcony with a view of Central Park. The wispy curtains flew in the breeze and she trembled as a touch of colder air caressed her skin. Jessa clutched both arms around herself, hoping he would soon be gone and she could close the windows.

  Once more a cart was wheeled in and baskets of fruits, chocolates and champagnes were dispensed while they waited. His effusive offers of anything they wanted continued as they herded him towards the door. Even as he entered the corridor. Jessa spied Danni, Seth and Joras making their way into rooms across from their suite and smiled. “At least we’ll all be within shouting distance.”

  Galan made a noise of agreement as he shut the door behind the manager.

  “How do I lock this?” Even as he turned back to her, his eyes glittered with the erotic promise in his eyes. She moved forward engaging the locks and turned to find him pushing closed the windows to the balcony. Then she moved towards him, stepping into his open and waiting arms.

  He leant forward to kiss her. The slow unhurried pace of his kiss warmed her from within as his tongue sought and gained entry. She moaned low in her throat and he deepened the caress, while he cupped her buttocks…

  The knock at the door had them springing apart. “I will kill…”

  Jessa laughed and stepped away. “Let me check the door.” She peered through the small peep hole and saw a doorman, pushing a trolley piled with their bags. “It’s just one of the staff. Let me get that.”

  She opened the door and the man stepped inside.

  Galan caught sight of the glint below the white cloth on the man’s arm and pushed Jessa out of the way. She gasped and fell against the wall. “Galan? What are you…?”

  The waiter lifted two hands, his face a pasty white. “Hey man…I’m just delivering the bags and a corkscrew…” He backed away from them.

  Jessa sighed. “It’s okay Galan. I’ll get this.” Her soft voice told him that he’d overreacted. But in the name of the goddess, after she’d been abducted he saw dangerous thoughts and actions towards her in every person’s gaze. He’d seen the quiet strength in her, yet the primal core of him needed to protect his mate. Even travelling to the hotel, he’d worried until he’d seen her again. It didn’t matter that she had a guard, he needed to see her in order to be assured of her safety. He knew it was foolish, pushing her like that. The glint had reminded him of a knife…and he’d just…well, he’d just acted. Foolishly.

  He tu
rned away, listening to Jessa’s voice smoothing over the incident. From the corner of his eye he could see the man carrying their small bags and depositing them next to the big bed. Finally, the door shut and he turned.

  “Jessa… I…”

  She moved into his arms, wrapping hers around his waist. “I understand Galan. But not everyone is going to try to hurt us. To take away what we have.”

  He breathed deeply, inhaling the scent of her, letting it fill his senses.

  “Now, I doubt they are going to want to meet with us tonight. It’s what? Eight o’clock here? Let’s grab some food and head to bed.” She smiled and his stomach warmed, the curl of pleasure moving through his insides until he was full of heat. He nodded.

  She grinned. “Let me see what’s available from room service.” She moved to the large desk and picked up the folder, leafing through. “How hungry are you?”

  Galan thought, he really wasn’t, given the meals that had been delivered on board the plane. “Not overly.”

  She concentrated on the menu and he watched her. The way the tip of her pink tongue emerged at the corner of her lips reminded him of her luscious taste. It tantalised and teased until he couldn’t wait any longer. She turned to put down the folder as he moved in behind her.

  “Forget the food. That’s not what I’m hungry for.” He slipped his hands over the twin mounds of her breasts. Her breath caught, he could hear the ragged cadence and it made him harder and hotter. Ready for Jessa.

  She covered his hands with her own as she dropped her head back with a low moan. “Oh, Galan. I’ve missed your touch over the last two days.”

  Her words were the final straw as he whirled her back towards him. “Then show me.” His guttural words echoed through the room as he kissed her, devouring her lips and diving within the warm cavern of her mouth.


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