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Golden Throat (Cable Denning Mystery Series Book 1)

Page 49

by James P. Alsphert

  “—she’s already grown up, lady. The best thing you can do now is show her some kindness and good, healthy love…the kind that fits…the kind that gets buried through the years because we’re hurting too much inside with our own selfish, feel-sorry-for-ourselves kinda pain, smarting in that place you used to call your heart. You’ve been into self-pity so long you haven’t noticed you’ve neglected the things you should have loved and cared for all along. Good luck with Ginny, lady.” I took her hand off my arm and walked out into the dirty sunshine of another Los Angeles day.

  “When I Grow Too Old to Die”

  Moving into early October, Honey was about to sign a contract with Samuel Goldwyn to make a movie with Ronald Coleman entitled Condemned. At the moment the lead female role was between Honey and a pretty little gal named Ann Harding. Goldwyn, who was reputed to be feisty and stubborn, apparently liked Honey’s looks and was opting for her, while Coleman preferred to work with someone familiar. He probably didn’t want to be upstaged, either, by a beautiful honey-colored blonde singer who was gaining a lot of popularity on the airwaves of the times.

  Ginny went back to Big Bear to live with her mother and convalesce. I knew the hospital had been ordered to destroy the fetus and so Lei-tao’s story faded into the past for me, somewhere between a beautiful reality experience and something I dreamed last night. As our wedding date approached, Honey and I were doing well and I fought to stay away from Adora, not always winning. My heart hurt when I thought of the day I could no longer feel this exquisite young woman’s body melt into mine, or hear her musical feminine voice in my ear. But I also knew that nothing stays the same and the only permanent thing in the universe was change. So I limped on with memory and regret, like most humans, going through the motions of existing on a strange planet, eking out a living the way successful private dicks plied their trade. Grabbing what I could when I could, to pay the rent and put a few bucks away now and then for that proverbial rainy day people always talk about.

  Even though I began hearing even more rumblings that the financial markets were over extended, I thought little of it. It had been a phenomenal year for economic growth in the good ol’ U.S. of A. I was hard pressed to see how the system would be compromised to where it would affect the general population in a negative way. Money was always made and lost in the world’s biggest gambling casino…Wall Street. In my opinion, the financial markets were where the rich played and speculated. For the little guy like me, it was hardly a dot on the map of everyday life.

  The thing that nagged at my insides most was the fact that I had not heard a peep from my nemesis, the Oculus Pyramis Mandatum. Their silence after Ravna’s death only meant one thing to me: they were regrouping and strengthening a plan to come descending like hordes of locusts at a later date…threatening me in some diabolical way to re-secure the God of Our Fathers for them—on pain of death, or worse, if I happened to fail. I felt I probably had to tell Honey the truth about how serious this shit could go. In a way, it was unfair that she should live under a lie—not realizing she’s loving a man who indeed may not be around to see their first wedding anniversary. So I decided I’d have to confront myself in front of my future wife, spill the whole thing and start with a clean slate.

  Sunday October 6th was the first day Honey and I could sit quietly in the morning and have a pleasant breakfast together. Maybe it didn’t exactly tie in with a rough ‘n tough guy image, but I missed little things like that. You know, that first cup of coffee with someone you love to be with, someone you love to look at and talk to because you know she’s intelligent, witty and cares about you, too.

  As we finished a couple soft-boiled eggs with toast and Honey filled our cups with fresh coffee, I thought it the best time to break the news to her. “Babe…there’s something I need to talk to you about.”

  She looked at me with that intense ‘I-knew-it-all-the-time look. “Yes? Will I need paper tissue, a fire extinguisher or a gun?” she joked.

  “Well, depending on how you take it, maybe all of them.” We laughed. “I mean, some of it you kind of know, but I haven’t told you the rest of what I think you should know.”

  She sipped from the top of her coffee cup. “Here I am, darling…”

  “Well, you sort of know that I was involved in procuring that golden capsule and all. You know about the Red Dragon Lady—and I realize you don’t want to go there. And that’s okay. But what you need to know is that behind all of this crap that’s been going on is a maverick organization—a secret order called the Oculus Pyramis Mandatum.”

  “Hmmm…Latin…it already sounds dangerous,” she ribbed me.

  “These guys are the real thing, as far as playing rough, Honey. They threaten and kill people who are in their way and they have no compunctions about removing someone who has something they want. Now…for a short while you know I had the golden capsule, the one I retrieved from Hearst Castle when we were there. I told you I’d keep you posted. But you didn’t seem that interested—”

  “—I wasn’t. And I’m still not.”

  “So, how can I tell you that there will be some big curve balls being hurled at my plate one of these days soon? And when they’re up to bat, they’re big hitters. They play for keeps, Honey.”

  She studied my eyes. “You know, Cable, I’ve seldom seen traces of real concern or fear in your eyes. But right now I do. Who else besides these bad guys and the Red Dragon Lady wanted it?”

  “You remember the three priests who saved my butt that night? Well, the Catholic Church has its own hit squad of pretty rough players…Carlo Tortelli and his flying priests are three of them. And as I saw it, they take no prisoners.”

  Honey turned some thoughts around in her brain. Now I saw the half-alien part of her come onto the playing field. “Okay. So at least three parties want what you say you already gave back to the rightful owner, the Red Dragon Lady—so what’s the problem?”

  “What I didn’t get to yet, was that a phony replica was made and I gave that to the Oculus guys to keep them off my back. When they discovered the ruse, they came after me. A guy named Ravna, who I originally met in San Francisco, visited me in my office and said he’d give me two weeks to get my shit together and deliver the real thing to him. I didn’t have it, nor did I have access to it any longer. Angry and desiring to scare me—which they did—they kidnapped me and took me to some weird underground lab where a very twisted sister named Dr. Schumacher was going to castrate me as ‘punishment’ for having deceived them—”

  “—Cable! You’re not kidding, are you?” Suddenly Honey’s face grew fearful as if she could feel the evil just got sucked under the door when I talked about the Order. “Darling! I had no idea!” Then she returned to her jocular self. “But then again, since we’ve continued to have great sex of late, we can assume they did not succeed in that plot—”

  “—no, it was Carlo Tortelli and his two buddies that killed Ravna and Dr. Schumacher that night, along with a couple of other goons protecting the joint. I tell you I was seconds from being under Schumacher’s knife. Then they brought me here. But it’s only a matter of time before Ravna’s replacement will come hunting me down.”

  Honey got up from the table and went to the little kitchen sink and looked out the window at the sunny California day. “You know, Cable, I’ve discovered that loving someone is a funny thing. Although you know in your heart it’s constant, there are days you wake up wondering why you love that person. Maybe some of it has to do with hormones, I don’t know, my period, how I’ve been received on stage the night before, my frustrations with my movie career, how frustrated I get with you, how our schedules conflict and we catch as catch can late at night, mostly in bed when we’re both tired out from the world. We laugh and make light of it because sex still covers up a lot of what lies beneath. But being in a marriage, I think, is very different. I think it may start with love, being in love with someone—but soon trust has to enter the picture.” She turned to look at me. “And
you know, all fooling aside, I’ve never completely trusted you. I know you’re kind of truth—oh, and maybe you do tell a few white lies now and then. But I kept hiding things from myself, fears that you’d come home and give me some venereal disease or smell like another woman’s perfume or something. I hope you understand what I’m saying, Cable.”

  I played with my coffee cup and half smiled up at my beloved Honey Combes. “Yep. Everything you say is true. We play Russian Roulette every day and don’t know it. But I wish I’d heard you say these things before.”

  “Why? It wouldn’t matter. You’re always going to be you, Cable. At the start it was fun and games, we laughed and played. But when we got serious about wanting to be together, it was like all of that slowly drained away out the window. I hoped against hope you’d settle down with me, stop seeing your little Mexican señorita—and God knows who else—I mean, I have no clue what you did with that Rusty Wilson woman in Monterrey, Mexico—before you say she died a terrible death. Did she—really? You have a knack of tucking away little secrets you think won’t matter to me or to the rest of the world. But you know, Cable, it does matter. I love you completely, with my whole heart. Isn’t that ever enough to cement a relationship and loyalty in marriage? You remember that night when I sang Jolson’s Sonny Boy to you? Well, I meant it, every word. You are a boy-man, despite your strengths and the gutsy face you turn to the world out there. But to me you’re the man I love, and the boy who won’t grow up in some very important ways. ”

  I felt very uncomfortable. But she was right. I was a professional philanderer, playing dames against the odds, thinking I could juggle them all as the occasion presented itself as if I were still sixteen chasing down young skirts in the streets of the ghetto I came from. “Maybe there’s a piece missing in me, babe,” I said, looking down at the table, unable to face Honey’s intensely direct blue eyes.

  “Maybe…yeah, maybe there is, Cable. And where does that leave someone like me who can love and can commit? Remember what I said a few weeks ago—what if I went around fucking all the good-looking studs that come into the club and proposition me? Men have a real hard time reversing things. But if I did that, I could never come home to you. I’d hang my shingle out somewhere and say, ‘Five-hundred bucks a fuck, you drooling Johns’. But I don’t do that, do I? Because I’m in love with you and want to share my body only with you, mister. Whores are a type of woman. Are you a type of man who whores around and finds danger as an aphrodisiac so that the variety of women equals the variety of your dangerous escapades?” She stopped, came back to the table and sat down. She took a deep breath and exhaled. “I’m sorry, Cable…these things have been on my mind for a long time. But I didn’t mean to dump them all on you this morning…” She reached her hand across the table and touched mine. “I guess I’ve hurt for a long time. And sometimes it seems I’m facing a glass mountain with you. I can’t climb it because I just keep slipping back down.”

  Her eyes began to tear and I got up and came over to comfort her. I dabbed her tears with my napkin. “Truth is truth, doll…even if it’s uncomfortable, I had it coming…all of it. If I was on trial right now and I was also judge and jury, I’d condemn me on the spot and kick me out of your life.”

  She grabbed my arm. “Oh, God, I could never do that. You’re still magic to me, Cable. Even with all that I just said, you bring me joy, laughter, happiness, incredible intimacy—and you’re a man I can talk to. Most girls can’t talk to their men like I can to you. That’s worth a lot. I’m not throwing the baby out with the bathwater here—I’m just throwing out the babes who’ve been in your bathwater!”

  We both laughed and it broke the tension. “You’d still want me after all that?”

  “I wanted you before I even started saying what I just got through saying. Chalk it up to a hopeless romantic, but I still think we can be the happiest couple in town—won’t you give us a full and fair chance, Mr. Private Eye?”

  I pulled Honey Combes up into my arms and kissed her with everything I had, bad coffee breath and all. She melted into me and I caressed her beautiful blonde hair in my hands. “Yeah, babe. Starting here, starting now—this could be the start of something great!”

  She took my hand a led me into the bedroom. “I just don’t want you to fuck me this morning, Cable…I want you to look at me…and love me when you enter me. I want to feel the connection between down there—and our eyes. After all, lover, it’s my heart I offer here…do you accept?”

  We stripped naked and lay on the bed in the morning sunlight, caressing each other. I was wondering if I could truly make love to my woman and look into her eyes at the same time without losing my erection. Some guys are like that, you know.

  Te Amo, Querida!

  It took me a week, but I finally broke it to Adora that I seriously couldn’t see her anymore. On the day I told her, it killed something inside of me but I ignored it and went on with my promise to myself and Honey to make a good life with her. It broke Adora’s sweet heart. When I stood there telling her, she went numb and looked into my eyes, unbelieving.

  On Saturday the 19th of October, Honey had to go in to the Bella Notte early for a photo shoot. She had then planned to have an early supper there with me, and just dress and get ready at the club for her performance that night. I was looking forward to seeing her with an extra enthusiasm that afternoon for some reason or other. Maybe my newly pledged commitment to her made me feel good about us, and maybe when a man has only one woman to think about, everything runs smoother. But that wasn’t entirely true, for somewhere deeper inside me I had to fight off the reminders of Adora’s face and smile, her warm gentle voice and soft body knocking at the door to my heart.

  On a sudden wave of appreciation for Honey, I had written a note to her and carried it to the club that late afternoon. I also brought something else. For the first—and what would turn out to be the only time in my life—I put myself in debt and bought my babe a brand spanking new engagement ring. It set me back close to a thousand bucks, so I’m afraid it would also have to serve as our wedding ring. The jewelry store I bought it from agreed to allow me to make small monthly payments. Hell, at ten bucks a month I’d be paying for that ring forever! The owners, a very funny, typical Jewish couple named Abe and Golda Sachs hoped I’d be able to pay it off sooner than the almost ten years it would take to own the damn thing outright. But I wanted to go all out with a babe like Honey.

  When I arrived, she was extra glad to see me and when I hugged her I could feel her blend into me as never before. “Cable…I’ve been thinking about us all day. I can feel you’ve turned a corner and I want you to know how happy I am. I think at last I’m going to have my cake and eat it too—you, my career and maybe even that transplanted baby that Joe was talking about, huh?”

  I laughed. “Yeah, babe, I’m all for transplanted babies, but just remember, I ain’t gonna risk you nohow for no one, huh?”

  We sat at a private table and Affonso Amadore personally came and served us. “Cable…you woulda beena so proud of your bella signorina! She looka so…ummm…magnifica for the magazina cover!”

  “How much did she have to pay them for that spread, Affonso?” I chuckled, knowing it would get a rise out of both of them.

  “Signore! Theya pay her! Whatta you thinka, eh? Is she not-a one of the mosta singers magnifica in all-a thisa bigga country?”

  “On second thought, maybe you’re right, Affonso. Maybe she is the best—and pretty little packages like Honey are hard find.” He cleared his throat and left us.

  “It really is the cover—me on the front with an article and everything…”

  I looked at Honey. “The cover yet…my, my…you certainly are coming up in the world, doll.”

  “No less than Photoplay, my lover man. The byline’s going to read something like… ‘Sizzling young singer breaks Hollywood’s mystique with two careers’. Your wife will shine for you, Cable…” Then she reached across the table and took my hand. “For you�
�you aren’t threatened or intimidated by all this success I’m having, are you?”

  “Are you kidding? I’m the guy who started it all, remember me?—the guy with the bright idea to have you audition here?”

  “Yes, and I’ll never forget it.”

  “By the way, I’ve got a little token here to seal the deal, babe.” I took the ring out of my pocket. It was in a little square velvet grey box. I handed it across the table to Honey. Her eyes brightened and misted at the same time. “Just in case you might think I haven’t jumped in with both feet.”

  She took the box, opened it and stared at the small but elegant diamond ring. “Oh, Cable! Cable! You never cease to be a wonder to me—how lucky can I get?” She got up, came over and kissed me a big one. “Damn, I wish I could take you to bed right now—I just feel better…better than I ever have about us, Mr. Private Detective.”

  I smiled. “Well, don’t be getting any big ideas about flirting with too many of your customers or I’ll have that ring altered to fit your nose.”

  She laughed out loud. “Damn, I love you, funny man.”

  “I also wrote you a little something. I don’t know what got into me, but I thought it was about time I told you in writing what I really thought of you,” I kidded her. I reached into my breast pocket and took out an envelope. I handed it to her and her eyes brightened.

  She opened the envelope, took out the card and began to read out loud: “Dear Golden Throat, Dames like you come along but once in a great while—try a century or two--but I’m not betting on it, so I grabbed you while I could. A long time ago a babe with a great smile asked me, ‘Do I look like a dog to you?’ she said. ‘I could never belong to someone, Mister,’ she told me then. That was the first night I loved you. If I was given the whole world to do over again without you in it, I’d toss it out for those quiet few acres by the sea you keep talking about. You’re a good teacher, kid, and I’ve learned that love comes in a lot of colors, but yours is pure gold…so I think I’m gonna love you until the last streetcar leaves town…Cable.’


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