A Matter of Honor

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A Matter of Honor Page 11

by Kit Tunstall

  She forgot about their location when he pushed a finger into her slick pussy, as his tongue darted into her mouth. She tried to capture it with her own and pin it between her teeth. He evaded her, sweeping his tongue along the roof of her mouth. He maintained rhythm with the rocking carriage as he thrust his finger in and out of her.

  Rebecca pushed down against his hand, grinding her pussy against his palm. She sobbed with pleasure when he pushed firmly against her swollen lips. She was so close to coming that she tried to capture his hand when he withdrew. “Please, Alex—“

  “We are nearly home, love.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead and reluctantly pulled away from her, taking time to restore her chemise and skirt before settling across from her once more. His eyes burned a darker blue.

  She ran a hand through her hair, surprised to find it only slightly out of place. She touched her hot cheeks, imagining they were red from embarrassment. What if Harry knew what they had been doing in the back of the carriage? Rebecca tried to gather her thoughts, and she cleared her throat several times. “About this duel—”

  “You do not need to concern yourself with such matters.”

  Her mouth fell open. “You cannot mean that.”

  Alex shrugged. “I will handle it. You shall not interfere.”

  “What will I do when he kills you?”

  The corner of his mouth quirked. “Your confidence shall sustain me,” he said in a mocking tone.

  “Do not jest about this, husband. I do not want you to undertake this nonsense.”

  He scowled. “Defending your honor is not nonsense.”

  “The talk will die. There is no need to endanger yourself…” Rebecca trailed off as the carriage turned onto their street. “We have not finished this discussion.”

  Alex shrugged again, but didn't speak. When Henry drew the horses to a halt, Alex opened the door and stepped down before he lifted her out.

  Her feet barely touched the ground as he hurried up the walk and into the townhouse.

  Bentley raised an eyebrow as they went hurrying by. “Welcome home, sir.”

  “Thank you, Bentley. Please send up a dinner tray in a while.”

  “Of course, sir.”

  Rebecca stumbled up the stairs, then gasped as he lifted her. “What are you doing?” she whispered.

  “Hurrying you along.” He pushed open the door to his chambers and slammed it behind them with his foot. Alex didn't let go of her until they reached the bed. She landed with a bounce and stared up at him. He shed his clothes in one quick motion before he returned to her.

  Rebecca tried to push his hands away as he pulled at her dress. “Alex.”

  He ignored her, not pausing until she was down to her chemise, drawers, and stockings. “Yes, Rebecca?”

  “I want you to promise me you shall not duel with Bradleaf.”

  He sighed. “There is nothing to worry about.” In one quick movement, he had stripped her of a stocking. The other quickly followed before he moved his hands to the hem of the chemise and pushed it up and over her head.

  “It will not work.”

  He lifted a brow. “I assure you it will.” Alex chuckled. “You should know that by now, love.”

  She pushed herself into a semi-sitting position. “You cannot seduce me into forgetting this.”

  Alex bit back a curse. “Very well.” He sat beside her on the bed without a stitch of clothing. He put his arm around her and lay back, taking her with him. “I promise you everything will be fine, my dear. Bradleaf is unlikely to keep our appointment, regardless of his ridiculous boasts.”

  She glared at him. “Promise you shall not indulge in this madness, Alex, or you will not touch me again.”

  He lost his indulgent expression. “What?”

  “I will not lie with you until I have your word.”

  Alex's mouth tightened. “You are lying with me now, wife.” His face drew level with hers. “You would do well to remember your role.”

  “As your wife?” A hard laugh escaped her. “I am not your wife. You never have time for me. You do not mention your business to me, or share any of your worries with me.” She slapped his shoulder. “You do not even listen to me. What kind of wife am I?”

  “Disobedient,” he growled.

  Tears slipped down her cheeks. “I see now that our marriage was a mistake. I cannot live like this.” She rolled away from him.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I am returning to my sister's home.”

  Before she was off the bed his hand fell on her waist, rolling her back to him. Alex cupped her slightly rounded stomach. “Have your forgotten our reasons for marrying? You are not leaving with my son growing in your belly.” His touch softened, as did his eyes. “You have no idea how it pleases me to see evidence of our child.”

  She sniffed. “Why? Did you think I lied to you?”

  He did curse then. “Why can I say nothing that pleases you, Rebecca?”

  Rebecca wiped at her cheeks. “You do not say the right thing, m'lord.”

  His eyes widened. “If you would tell me what to say—”

  She turned her head from him, pressing her right ear into the mattress. “It means nothing if I must tell you the words to say.”

  Alex groaned. “Fine.” He cupped her chin and turned her face back to him. “Must we argue? I thought of naught but making love to you during my voyage. Will you give me what I have longed for?”

  Her lips trembled. She wanted to pull away and run from the room, but her traitorous heart responded to the naked yearning in his eyes. Rather than assert herself, she ended up melting against him. She wanted him with equal fervor, and it was too much of an effort to deny both their longings.

  Alex's head dipped lower to claim one of her aching nipples. His tongue was a light stroke against the engorged peak, and he slid his hand down her stomach to her pussy.

  Rebecca parted her legs wider to allow him entry and squirmed against his gently probing fingers. She took hold of his cock, tracing the veins bulging beneath the skin as they pulsed in time with each beat of his heart.

  A tiny drop of moisture spilled from the tip, hanging for a moment before dropping to land on her stomach. Rebecca touched it with the index finger of her free hand, surprised to find it so warm and thick. Her eyes widened as he guided the finger to her lips.

  She obeyed his unspoken instructions and touched the liquid to her tongue. There was a fleeting taste of saltiness and something else, and then it was gone.

  Alex removed his hand from between her thighs and slid up the bed until his cock was within inches of her face. Rebecca moved forward and flicked her tongue across the tip. She immediately drew back when he groaned. “Have I hurt you?”

  Alex shook his head. “Nay. I might die from the pleasure, but never pain.”

  He looked as if he was in pain, but he arched forward for more. Despite her reservations, Rebecca lowered her head and once more licked away the dew collecting on the head of his cock.

  Cautiously, she swirled her tongue around his cock, pausing when more of his gism filled her mouth. The taste wasn't unpleasant, and he seemed to enjoy her licking it away. Rebecca focused her attention on the tip, keeping vigilant watch for moisture, and sweeping it away with a flick of her tongue each time.

  Her hand was on his arm, and she could feel the muscles bunching under her fingers. The faster she licked, the more he trembled. He arched his back and cried out, and his face went scarlet. She grew frightened and pulled away again. “Are you certain you are not in pain?”

  Alex sighed. “You have not hurt me.” He shifted until he lay flat on his back. “However, if I do not feel you around me soon, I will be in agony.”

  She nodded, preparing to stretch out beside him. Rebecca frowned when he rolled her on top of him and positioned her into a sitting position across his thighs. “What are you doing?”

  “Claiming you.”

  She frowned. “My drawers.”

time,” he grunted. Alex pushed the opening as wide as it would go and plunged two of his fingers deep inside her still-wet pussy.

  She threw her head back, unable to repress the instinct to push against his appendages. A murmur of protest escaped her when he removed them.

  “You are ready.” Alex lifted her hips and guided her pussy over his cock. Slowly, he pulled her down on top of him.

  Rebecca's eyes widened as the full length of him filled her. He didn't stop until she had taken all of him. She could feel his testicles under her buttocks, and his pubic bone pressing into the soft flesh of her pussy. Somehow, he seemed to have grown thicker during their time apart. Perhaps she had just forgotten how wonderful it felt to be filled by him. She wriggled against him, giggling when he groaned.

  “Do you like this position, love?”

  “I did not know—” She lifted herself off him a few inches and slid down his cock again. “Aye,” she said with a sigh.

  Alex maintained his hold on her hips, initially setting the tempo of their thrusts. Even when she took over, flexing and contracting around him as she bucked against his cock, he kept his hands there.

  Rebecca continued to ride him, moaning each time she slid down his cock. When he moved a hand to lightly stroke her pussy, she tensed around him, finding it almost painful to continue thrusting. Her hips refused to obey her command to stop, and she renewed her efforts, alternately accepting and rejecting him with increased vigor.

  Rebecca screamed as an orgasm swept over her, radiating from between her thighs and outward. She leaned forward to grasp his shoulders and bit down on her tongue to hold back another verbal expression of pleasure.

  As she tensed around him again, she felt his cock spasm as he released his seed inside her. He too had given voice to his pleasure in the form of a muted shout. The fingers of his hand on her hip bit into the soft flesh, but right now, there was no pain.

  She felt too much pleasure to notice anything besides the sensation of his erection slowly softening inside her, while the remnants of the climax washed over her and subsided. Finally, she collapsed on him in a boneless heap, breathing heavily, and listening to his heart thump against her ear.

  They stayed joined together without speaking for several minutes, until a knock at the door roused them. Rebecca pulled away with reluctance and stepped into the dressing room as Alex threw on a robe and took the tray from Bentley.

  After she heard the chamber door close, Rebecca pulled a dressing gown from a hook and slipped it in on before rejoining her husband. He had set the tray on the table by the fireplace and sat waiting for her. She slid into the free chair, inexplicably feeling shy about meeting his eyes.

  He touched her hand. “Madeira?”

  She shook her head. “Just tea.”

  Alex poured a cup for her before he lifted the cover from the salver of baked eggs and strips of bacon. “Cook prepared something light.”

  She nodded, but did not reach for a plate.

  With a sigh, he replaced the lid. “What is wrong?”

  Rebecca bit her lip and shook her head, trying to force back the tears in her eyes.

  “I cannot help if I do not know.”

  “You use passion to manipulate me.” Rebecca lifted her gaze to meet his eyes. “When I tried to speak to you of your trip, you swept me off to bed. This afternoon, you tried to divert my attention from your foolishness by seducing me.”

  Alex scowled. “Obviously it did not work, so what is the problem?”

  “You should treat me as more than your bed partner, Alex. I am your wife.”

  “You would not be if not for our ridiculous bargain and the unforeseen consequences.” He tossed down his napkin.

  A breath hissed through her teeth, and she recoiled from him. Rebecca pushed away from the table. “Excuse me,” she said in a voice thick with tears. “I will retire now.”

  “Rebecca,” he called after her.

  She ignored him as she swept through the doorway and closed the door behind her with a gentle click. She had no intention of revealing how upset she was. As Mama said, a lady did not show her emotions.

  Once she was through the dressing room and in her bedroom, she threw herself down and wept, free to give into her emotions away from prying eyes. For the first time in hours, the wagers circulating among the gentlemen's clubs entered her mind again.

  How long would it take before Alex lost interest in her? His only attachment seemed to be sexual, so what would happen to them when that tenuous connection inevitably faded and died?

  She lifted her head when the door to her room opened. Alex stood there, looking pale. With a stifled sob, she turned away from him again. She tried to pretend he wasn't there as his weight caused the bed to dip. She resisted his gentle hands as he tried to lift her, but somehow ended up in his arms anyway.

  “I am sorry,” he said into her hair. “That was cruel.”

  Rebecca's wet eyes widened. An apology? “That makes everything alright, does it?” she snapped. “My lord husband has apologized, so I shall be docile and pretend it does not matter that you do not want to be married to me?” She pulled away to look up at him. “Do you think I wished to marry you? You forced me—“

  He put his fingers to her lips, stifling her words. “I do not know what to do with you, Rebecca. I had not thought to take a wife anytime soon. When I thought of it—which was seldom—I vaguely pictured a shadowy woman who would bear my children and keep to herself.”

  “Is that what you want from me?” The tears in her throat caused her voice to emerge as a hoarse croak. “I will not be that kind of wife.”

  Alex shook his head. “I do not yet know what I want from you. What do you need from me?”

  She rubbed her cheek against his arm. “Love me,” she whispered.

  He did not verbally respond as he shifted their position so they were lying side by side. His touch was gentle, as was his kiss, when he gathered her in his arms.

  Rebecca accepted his caresses even as her heart broke a little more. She wanted to scream at him, to tell him she wanted more than physical love. Yet, if she rejected that from him—all he could offer—she would risk ruining any future they might have. As she melted into his embrace, she tried to tell herself having his body love her was a start to getting his heart to love her too.

  Alex’s lips coaxed hers open with teasing flutters, as he licked the outline of her lower lip. His arms were around her, holding her close to his body. His robe had parted, and the hairs on his chest tickled against the fine lawn of her dressing gown.

  She wanted to resist his determined seduction, knowing he sought once again to divert her thoughts. She wanted to believe he was showing his emotions for her in the only way he knew how, but her heart didn’t believe it.

  She let her mouth soften under his, and she touched her tongue against his when it entered her mouth. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, careful not to hold to him too tightly. Alex didn’t want to be lavished with displays of her affection. He wanted only her body, at his convenience.

  Tears slipped from her eyes, despite her efforts to suppress them. She felt Alex stiffen, and then his mouth moved from hers. She looked up at him, but he was too close for her to read his expression. She gasped when he pressed his mouth against her cheek, and his tongue flicked out to catch her tears. He brought a hand to the other side of her face to wipe away her tears.

  “Do not cry, love,” he whispered, sounding anguished. “It was not my wish to hurt you. I would never do so deliberately. Forgive my hasty words.”

  His gentle tone made the tears come faster, and she couldn’t seem to staunch the flow. A tiny hiccup escaped her, and she squeezed her eyes shut, unable to bear the pity she knew must be reflected in his expression.

  Alex’s lips drifted higher, and he pressed a soft kiss to her eyelid, and then the other one. “Please tell me how to fix it, Rebecca.”

  She wanted to tell him nothing would ease her pain, except his love, but she
couldn’t find the words. Instead, Rebecca buried her hands in his hair and pulled his mouth to hers. She needed the comfort of contact with him, even if it came from his desire instead of his love.

  He seemed reluctant at first, but when Rebecca forced her tongue inside his mouth, he ardently responded. He thrust his hips, pushing his cock against her leg.

  Rebecca parted her thighs, and he settled on top of her. She removed her hands from his hair when she felt him fumbling with the opening of her gown. When he had untied the ribbons, he pushed open the gown and nestled his head between her breasts. He remained in that position without moving.

  As the seconds passed, Rebecca’s eyes flooded with fresh tears. She could feel his remorse, and she was moved to comfort him, though he had been the one to hurt her so terribly. She stroked his hair with her left hand, and gripped his bicep with her right.

  “I need you.” The admission cost her a great deal of pride, but she needed him to hold her. She needed to be joined with him. She would beg if she had to. Her pride was worth nothing when compared to how much she loved him, and how much he needed her—whether he realized it or not. “Make love to me, Alex.”

  He lifted his head to meet her eyes. Their gazes locked and held, and she could see vulnerability reflected in his shimmering orbs. Her breath caught in her throat as she struggled to identify the other emotion she saw there. Could it be love? Before she could determine what it was, he broke the gaze and lowered his head to her breast.

  He took possession of her nipple, rolling his tongue around it in small circles. He flicked his tongue across the rigid peak until it was a hardened bead. Then he put his mouth around her breast and suckled the nipple.

  She groaned as he applied careful pressure, while his hands traveled down her body to part her thighs. She assisted their quest by parting her legs even more. She gasped when Alex parted her pussy lips and held them open. He continued to lave the sensitive nipple in his mouth as his finger stroked down her slit. His finger entered her passage, and he rotated it slowly, lubricating his finger with the essence of her arousal.


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