A Matter of Honor

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A Matter of Honor Page 12

by Kit Tunstall

  She whimpered when he withdrew the digit, but she relaxed when he traced his finger up the wall of her pussy, until he was touching her clitoris. She arched her hips when he circled it around the swollen nub. “Umm…” she moaned.

  He moved his mouth from her breast and lifted his head. “You are so pleasing to me, love.”

  “Why?” she managed to ask, as one of his fingers worked her clit, while two others slipped inside her pussy.

  “You delight in everything we do. You are like touching fire.” He pushed his fingers deep inside her. “I do not mind getting burned when I am near you.”

  She writhed against his hands, unable to respond to his whispered fancies. All thoughts and emotions seemed centered in her pussy, and she was on the brink of exploding.

  “So beautiful,” Alex said, as he lowered his head to her other breast and took the pebbled nipple into his mouth. As he did so, he pushed firmly against her clit and thrust his fingers inside her pussy again.

  She managed to make a sound of protest when Alex withdrew his hands from between her thighs. She watched with wide eyes as he rose above her and positioned his cock against her pussy. He waited, and she could hear her heart pounding furiously in her ears—or was it his heart?

  His cheeks were bright red, and he was breathing heavily. She dismissed the silly notion of hearing his heartbeat from so far away and tilted her hips forward, taking the head of his cock into her wet pussy.

  With a groan, Alex buried the full length of his cock inside her. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he braced his hands on either side of her head. “I want to make it last,” he said with obvious effort. “But you are so tight, love. I could die sheltered in your pussy, and none would convince me I was not in Heaven.”

  She arched her hips as she cupped his buttocks with her hands, striving to push him more deeply into her pussy. She didn’t want the torture to last. She wanted him to fill her with his gism, and push her past the brink, until she was a mindless creature, consumed with passion. “Make me burn.”

  Alex withdrew enough to thrust into her again, and then once more. He paused, panting. “Are you near coming, love?”

  She nodded, unable to speak. Her body hovered on the brink of climax, waiting for him to complete her. Her nerves were stretched taut, and an ache had formed in the pit of her stomach. Her nipples ached unbearably, and her pussy was spasming, as if begging his cock to release its control.

  He withdrew once more, and then slid into her with a slow, torturous thrust. He rotated his hips, causing his cock to push against her clit through the thin walls of her pussy.

  As she felt the first spurts of his satisfaction filling her, Rebecca gave into her body’s demands with a cry. The orgasm rushed over her, causing her pussy to repeatedly clench around his cock. She looked up and saw how the veins in his temple throbbed. His lips were skinned back over his teeth, and he seemed to be suffering from the sensations coursing through him. If he felt as she did, he was experiencing an overwhelming amount of pleasure. It felt so good it almost caused her pain.

  A sense of weightlessness overwhelmed her, as her body shook from the aftermath of her shattering climax. Her eyes locked with his. They had darkened with passion, into deep pools, and the pleasure of her release was so exquisite she was certain she was drowning in his eyes. A tiny gasp escaped her as his arched back relaxed, and he pressed her into the mattress.

  His chest was against her face, and she turned her head, pressing her ear against his hot skin. His cock remained inside her, even as it softened. He was too heavy, but she was reluctant to break contact with him. At that moment, they were joined as one, as a husband and wife should be.

  He had been so gentle with his lovemaking, and she knew he must care about her. He had affection for her, and she dared to hope even love. For the first time, she was optimistic about their future. Tomorrow, they would have to talk about what that future might hold, but for now, she was too tired to give it proper attention. She fell asleep to the pleasant sound of her husband’s steady heartbeat against her ear.

  Chapter 18

  Rebecca awoke alone. She sat up in her bed and turned her head to look out the window. Heavy drapes blocked her view, so she slid out of bed and padded naked across the room. She pulled on the cord, and the drapes opened to reveal a deep-gray sky. Dawn was less than an hour away, and he was gone. She had no doubt to where her errant groom had hurried off. Any discussion of the future she had been so optimistic about would have to wait.

  “Damn him,” she whispered. Rebecca hurried to her dressing room and threw on a gray and pink morning gown. She didn't bother with her hair or morning ablutions. After slipping her feet into slippers and grabbing a shawl, Rebecca hurried from the chambers. She surprised Bentley as she came down the stairs. “Where has he gone?”

  The butler's eyes slid from hers. “Lord Hanover will return later in the morning, madam.”

  “Bentley, tell me where he has gone.”

  “I do not know.”

  She snorted. “Where do men do their dueling?”

  His brow furrowed. “I was instructed—”

  She stamped her foot. “Tell me, Bentley.” Tears streamed down her face, and she let them, seeing his concerned expression.

  He sighed. “Plouder's Field is where these things usually happen.”

  “Fetch Henry.”

  “Yes, m'lady.” He bowed and hurried to the servants' quarters. It was close to ten minutes before he reappeared.

  Rebecca paused in her frantic pacing. “Well?”

  “The coach awaits you.”

  She pulled a pelisse from the rack on her way out the door and ran to the coach. Henry clambered down from his perch and opened the door for her, tipping his hat. “Plouder's Field,” she said in a rush.

  “Yes, Lady Hanover.”

  “And quickly. You will be handsomely rewarded if we arrive before dawn. I shall see to it personally when we return home.”

  His tone was more energetic this time. “Yes, ma'am.”

  * * * * *

  Henry must have driven the horses close to their breaking point, for they arrived at Plouder's Field less than fifteen minutes later. He climbed down and opened the door for her. “This journey usually takes thirty minutes, m'lady.”

  She nodded, unable to speak because of the nausea churning in her stomach. Their hell-bent ride over rough streets and rougher paths had left her feeling close to death. She stepped down from the carriage to scan the field.

  It was more a glen than a field. A lush growth of mature trees surrounded a cleared area of squelching mud and thin grass. Birds chirped from their perches, unaware of the feel of death surrounding the place.

  Her eyes fell on a coach and its horse beside two saddled horses tied to a tree nearby. Rebecca lifted the skirt of her morning dress and rushed across the clearing. The mud sucked at her slippers, but she pulled her way through.

  As she approached, she saw four men, divided into pairs, standing several yards apart. An older gentleman, wearing a dark suit, stood off to the side. He held a black bag. Rebecca watched as Alex and the young man from his office lifted what appeared to be a box from the ground. Alex took something from inside, and then turned to face the other two men, who were engaged in something she couldn't see from this angle.

  “Alex,” she called out as she ran toward him. His head whipped around, and even from the distance between them, she could see the anger in his eyes. She ignored a shiver of trepidation and hurled herself forward. She would have fallen into the mud if Alex's arms hadn't been there to catch her. She touched his face. “Oh, Alex. Please do not do this.”

  He pushed her away, causing her arm to return to her side. “I have issued a challenge. I cannot back down, Rebecca. You should not be here.”

  She shook her head. “I beg you not to do this.”

  Alex's brow furrowed. “Why is it so important to you? Do you know what will be said if I do not uphold my honor?”

p; Rebecca twisted the ruby ring on her finger. “I would rather have them call you a thousand names while you live than have them admire your bravery while you molder in the ground.”

  He sighed. “I shall be fine. You will return home now.”

  She shook her head. “I shan't leave without you.”

  “Do not defy me, wife.”

  “Do not widow me, husband,” she retorted in an equally angry tone. Tears came to her eyes. “I could not bear to lose you.”

  His expression softened. “What?”

  Rebecca bowed her head. “I love you, Alex. Please come home with me.”

  Alex sighed again. “I cannot.”

  She lifted her head, swallowing the lump in her throat. “I see.” Rebecca turned from him to walk toward the doctor.


  She turned around, quirking a brow.

  “Where are you going?”

  “To watch your duel.” She tilted her chin. “Although it is evident your honor means more to you than I do, I cannot leave until I know the outcome.” She turned her back on him again, walking with her spine stiff. She jumped with surprise when his hand fell on her arm. She stopped walking and looked up at him through the veil of her ebony lashes.

  “Very well.” Alex took her in his arms. “If it truly means that much to you—”

  She threw herself against him, burying her face against the scratchy wool of his brown jacket. “It does, m'lord.”

  “Bradleaf,” Alex called across the field. “I will not fight you.”

  He snickered—a cruel sound that carried across the distance, sending shivers down Rebecca's spine.

  “Have you turned to a coward as well as a fool, Hanover?”

  She felt Alex stiffen, and she clutched handfuls of his coat. “Walk away, darling.”

  He relaxed a bit. “I have promised my wife not to partake of this foolishness.”

  “What will they say of you?” Bradleaf and his companion laughed harder.

  “I care not.” Alex looked down at her, smiling. He brushed a lock of hair off her face. “I have made my choice,” he shouted back.

  Rebecca heard footsteps behind them and turned partially to see Bradleaf approaching. He held a pistol, but at his side, with the barrel pointed toward the muddy ground. She glared at him as he stopped a few feet from them.

  “If she is that important to you, of course I release you.” He bent forward slightly at the waist. When he straightened, he turned and started back to his companion.

  Rebecca turned back to Alex, cupping her hands around his face. “Thank you, m'lord.” She frowned as she realized his tender expression was vulnerable, plainly revealing his emotions. “Alex?” Could it be true? Was she reading love in his eyes?

  “Do you love me, Rebecca? Truly?”

  “Aye, I have since I found the necklace.”

  His mouth twisted into a strained smile. “I lied to you, dearest. Your father's debts exceeded the value of the cargo by several thousand dollars. I was within my rights to claim your heirloom too.”

  She frowned up at him. “Why did you not, husband?”

  His arms tightened around her, and he dropped the pistol on the ground. “I had already claimed the most valuable prize onboard the Margaret.” He lowered his head to kiss her, whispering against her lips, “You.”

  Rebecca melted against him, returning his kiss passionately. A loud bang rang through the early morning air, interrupting their embrace. Suddenly, she stiffened and cried out. “Alex?” She frowned at him in confusion as a terrible pain in her shoulder swept through her body. Her head spun, and her legs refused to support her.

  “Rebecca?” He sounded frantic as he spun her around in his arm. A choked sound emerged from his throat.

  “What is it?” She felt light-headed and numb. If not for the aching in her arm and shoulder, she might have thought it was all a dream.

  “He shot you,” Alex said in a thick voice.

  She felt him lower her to the ground and saw him reach for the pistol lying near his shoe. Her mouth formed the words to ask him not to, but she lost consciousness before she could speak them.

  Chapter 19

  When she first awoke, Rebecca felt as though a heavy weight was pressing down on her. Her mouth was thick and dry, as if she had been chewing on a feather pillow throughout the night.

  She struggled to recall how she had gotten in bed, but couldn't focus on any of the disjointed images running through her mind. She tried to sit up, and a groan escaped her as a white-hot flash of pain seared its way through her neck and down her back.


  She felt the bed dip, followed by his hands on her arm. “Alex?” She turned her head in the direction of his voice and saw his worried expression. “What troubles you, my love?”

  “Nothing now.” He smoothed the lank strands of hair off her brow. “You are back with me. I must fetch the physician.”

  She reached for his hand, but was barely able to grasp it. “Nay, stay with me awhile yet.”

  He shook his head, but looked regretful. “Dr. Harris insisted I wake him if you regained consciousness during his rest.”

  “Regained consciousness?” Her brow furrowed as she tried to recall her last memory before waking at home. She remembered standing with Alex in a field, confessing her love. Something about the diamond necklace…then pain as she had never known. “What happened with Bradleaf?”

  Alex's eyes burned almost black with rage. “He shot you, but he will not trouble anyone again.”

  Her eyes widened as she realized what he meant. His foreboding expression didn't invite discussion of that topic yet. Her lips trembled as she squeezed his hand. “The babe?”

  Alex squeezed her hand in return. “He is fine. The bullet did not come near him.”

  “Or her,” she whispered.

  He laughed. “Now, I must get the doctor.”

  She tightened her grip, not wanting to be alone. “Why did he shoot me, Alex?”

  “Because he realized how important you are to me, and it was his chance to hurt me.”

  Rebecca shook her head and winced as pain traveled up her neck. “You are wrong, Alex. It was me he wanted to punish. I cost him a great deal of money when he did not win the wager.”

  A small smile curved his lips. “I am certain he was displeased with you, but Bradleaf hated me, dearest.”


  “Years ago, we were partners, until I discovered he was embezzling from our fledgling company.” Alex's mouth tightened. “Bradleaf wormed his way out of trouble with help of his father, leaving me holding the bag.” His voice lowered. “It was he who forced me into pirating to pay off the debts. I do not understand it, but he grew to hate me when I rescued the company and made it a success—all without the aid of him or his father's money.”

  She gasped. “I thought it was your brother rejecting you and sending you off penniless that turned you to piracy.”

  Alex shrugged. “The Earl did turn me out without a dime, but I had some money, which I used as capital for the shipping venture with Bradleaf. However, it was not enough to cover everything when he used our meager profits to buy the silence of a young lady's family after he seduced her and left her with a child.”

  Rebecca blinked, seeing the similarities in their situation. “Did you marry me so you would not be like your ex-partner?”

  He sighed. “I must fetch the doctor.”

  She put a trembling hand on his thigh. “Is that what our marriage is about? Proving you had more honor than he did?”

  “Marrying you was partly a matter of honor, but not entirely.” Alex shifted his weight. “You have raged with fever and infection for three days. The doctor must see you.”

  “Fine.” She sniffed back tears.

  He froze. “Are you crying?”

  “No,” she said in a wet voice, even as she collapsed against his chest. “Why would I be crying?”

  “I do not know.”

drew in a ragged breath. “I had hoped I meant more to you than, well…I obviously do.” Her voice was muffled against his waistcoat.

  Alex had the audacity to laugh as he eased her away from him. He tilted up her chin and looked into her eyes. “You mean the world to me, my love.”

  She sniffed again. “I do?”

  “I love you, wife.”

  Rebecca's mouth dropped open into an O. “You do?”

  “Aye. I have since the day I claimed you as my own.”

  “Oh.” She snuggled against him once more.

  “Oh?” He sounded annoyed. “That is all you have to say?”

  “I love you too.” She sighed. “You may have claimed me, but I tamed you.”

  He growled low in his throat, and the sound vibrated through his chest. “You have not tamed me, Rebecca.”

  She giggled, not bothering to refute his statement. After all, his honor would not allow him to admit the maiden had tamed the pirate, just as she would not willingly admit how quickly he had claimed her for his own.

  Rebecca blinked when she abruptly realized she was lying in her husband’s bed, not her own. “Alex?”

  “Yes, love?”

  “Why am I in your room?” Rebecca shook her head. “My presence must have disturbed your rest these past few nights.”

  “All that disturbed me was worry for your health. I had you placed where you belong, Rebecca. We have no need for separate rooms…unless you prefer your own quarters?” He sounded uncertain.

  She turned her head to meet see his expression. He looked anxious. “I should like to have a sitting room attached to our room.”

  He sagged against her. “I will have it seen to immediately.”

  “There is no rush, love. We have all we need in this room.”

  He chuckled. “Aye, my love, we do.”

  She closed her eyes as Alex lowered his head to kiss her. He moved carefully, so she felt barely a twinge of pain as the mattress shifted. She pressed herself closer to him as she relished in the feel of his arms around her. She did have everything she needed, right there with him.

  Also by Kit Tunstall

  By Invitation Only

  Playing His Game


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