Sweet Valentine
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Sweet Valentine
Copyright © 2011 by Nikki Winter
All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or shared in any form, including but not limited to: printing, photocopying, faxing, recording, electronic transmission, or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the authors or holders of the copyright.
This book is a work of fiction. References may be made to locations and historical events; however, names, characters, places and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination and/or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons (living or dead), businesses, events or locales is either used fictitiously or coincidental. All trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, and registered service marks are the property of their respective owners and are used herein for identification purposes only.
Published by
Beautiful Trouble Publishing, LLC
PO Box 61
Colfax, NC 27235
Cover Art: Marteeka Karland, http://www.marteekakarland.com/
Editor: Novellette Whyte
Proofreader: Cindy Davis, http://www.fiction-doctor.com/
Formatter: Jim & Zetta, http://www.jimandzetta.com/
E-book Conversion: Jim & Zetta, http://www.jimandzetta.com/
ISBN: (e-book) 978-1-61788-217-3
To the men who truly unconditionally love their wives and to the wives that truly and unconditionally love their men right back.
eBooks are NOT transferable. Re-selling, sharing or giving away eBooks is a copyright infringement. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of the author or Beautiful Trouble Publishing.
This work of erotica contains adult language and sexually explicit scenes, which are smoking hot. This book is intended only for adults, as it is defined by the laws of the country in which the purchase is made. Keep this book out of the hands of under-aged readers.
The Smallest Things
He couldn’t sit still. No matter how hard he tried he really couldn’t sit still. He was too excited; had bugged his Papa to help him pick out the perfect gift and card. Now he had it and he was terrified that today would be the day she didn’t come to school.
Ten-year-old, Evan blew a stray curl from his forehead and bit his lip as he stared at the classroom door.
“You gotta stop bouncing so much. Papa says you’re not s’posed to look so excited,” Evan’s little brother Dane pointed out.
Evan rolled his eyes. “Papa says a lotta stuff.”
“Yeah, but most of its true.”
“You’ll believe anything you hear.”
“Do not.”
“Do too.”
“Do not.”
“Do too.”
Dane punched his shoulder. “Shut up.”
Evan punched him back. “You shut up! And leave me alone!”
“Are you guys fighting again?” an annoyed but soft voice asked from behind the brothers.
Freezing, Evan slowly turned, his little heart beating a mile a minute in anticipation. When his eyes finally met those liquid gold orbs, warmth spread from the middle of his chest and out to his finger tips and the bottoms of his boot clad feet. Bianca Grayson stood there, as pretty as ever in a new snow white sweater dress with multicolored hearts decorating it, tights and a new pair of cowboy boots. Her shoulder length curly locks were pulled back from her adorably dimpled face by a pink head band, both small brows raised as she looked at them both, a heart shaped tin in her hand and two cards.
“Because if you are then I’m not sharing the goodies I helped my Mama make,” she declared.
Evan was too busy staring at her in her dress. “You look right nice today, Sugar.” It was a nickname he’d given her way in the second grade when she’d been so sweet to him and shared her lunch time snack; a chocolate chip cookie.
She beamed at him as she glanced down at herself, her golden eyes sparkling, dimples in full bloom. “Oh hush Evan; you’re just saying that because you know I have cookies.”
He shook his head so hard that his hair bounced. “No, I really mean it, you look really pretty.”
“Sure do,” Dane drawled beside him.
Evan glared at the little booger. “Look someplace else before you lose your eyes, hoss.”
Evan shot him a look and said one word, “Wedgie.”
Dane’s lip curled as he turned around and folded his arms, muttering under his breath.
Licking suddenly dry lips, Evan stood and wiped his palms on his jeans before grabbing his gift bag and card from under his desk. He had just enough time before class started to give Bianca her present. “Hey, Bianca, can you come to the cubby holes with me for a minute?”
He gave her impatient look. “Just c’mon.”
“I’m hearing tone, Evan.” One small booted foot tapped.
Giving her a sheepish smile, he added, “Please.”
“That’s better.” She followed him. “Now what?”
Evan shifted from one foot to another. “Well today’s Valentine’s day and stuff so…”
“So I got you something and I hope you like it.” He thrust out the bag and waited until she took it.
“Aw, Evan you didn’t have to—”
“Just open it, please.”
“Alright, alright.” She handed him the tin of cookies and the card. “That’s for you but you gotta share with Dane.”
He pouted a little but shrugged. “Fine.” Evan hated sharing the cookies Bianca baked for him with the little booger but he would. He opened his card and it simply said, “You’re my best friend and I love you.”
That made him make one of those girly little sighs that he had to cover with a cough when she looked at him funny. He smiled. “Thank you, Sugar. This is great.”
She smiled back and opened her gift bag. Her eyes went wide before she squealed and pulled out the teddy bear dressed in an apron and chef’s hat. “Oh Evan it’s so cute!” When she hugged it to her chest and squeezed it tight Evan suddenly found himself jealous of the dumb ole bear.
“I thought you’d like it,” he said shyly.
Her grin was bright enough to knock him on his butt. “I love it!” Before he knew it she leaned up to him and planted a kiss right on his cheek. “Thank you so much!” She kissed him again before skipping out of the cubby-hole room and Evan just stood there in shock, rubbing the spot her lips had touched.
A smile lifted his mouth as he whispered, “Happy Valentine’s Day, Sugar.”
Can Make The
Twenty odd years later...
Evan’s breath left him in a soft exhalation as he stared at the way early morning rays filtered through the curtains and danced on his wife’s flawless mahogany skin. Long curly lashes rested on the tops of her cheeks, her pouty mouth parted as she took in slow even breaths. One of his hands reached up to move a stray curl from her forehead. Over the years she’d let her locks grow back to their original shoulder length. Evan smiled as he remembered how she’d demanded a silk pillowcase for her side of the bed because she was determined not to ruin her hair every night.
She stirred but those big beautiful golden eyes never opened, her grip on her favorite teddy bear never faltering. He scowled down at the small stuffed animal. Twenty odd years down the road and she was still gripping the damn thing tighter than she did him. Reaching out he tugged at one of
the legs to see what she’d do. Her brows slashed downwards as she scooted away from him and gripped it tighter.
Evan chuckled when without opening her eyes she said, “Keep your damn hands off my bear, Halima.” And then just like that she settled down and went right back to sleep.
Grinning he kissed her nose and lips before sitting up and studying her some more. Bianca hated when he did it while she was awake, told him that after all the time they’d spent together he shouldn’t have to look at her so closely but the fact of the matter was that the woman was so damn beautiful he couldn’t help himself.
Everything from her dimples down to the dip in her spine, Bianca’s smile, the way she moved, made him breathe easier. When she turned over onto her stomach, half of the sheets and comforter sliding off her nude body to reveal more of her smooth dark form, he had to force himself to let her sleep. He hadn’t given her a minute to rest the night before, missing her like he did during the day. He even had to go so far as to cover her mouth so they wouldn’t wake Bailey or Elijah.
Evan let out another breath and softly trailed his lips from her shoulder, down her spine, reaching the rise of her ass and planted an open mouth kiss right there. Once again she stirred but didn’t wake. Sighing regretfully, Evan finally rolled out of bed, finding a pair of pajama bottoms and a t-shirt to put on. Bianca had done some overtime the day before, on Valentine’s orders, and she needed her rest—which meant it was his turn to get up and deal with their spawn.
Evan paused in the doorway of their bedroom and gave one last look at his woman. The content and peaceful smile that stole over her features while she slept caused him to stumble a little as he left the room and closed the door behind him. Damned if he didn’t love that woman.
Whistling he made his way to his baby girl’s room first, figuring that she was well on her way to waking up anyway and cracked open the door to peek inside. “Baby girl?”
No answer.
He stuck his head all the way in, searching the princess-themed room but didn’t see Bailey. “Must be downstairs already.”
He headed for Elijah’s room next, fully expecting to catch his boy hanging over the side of the bed and calling hogs like he’d been raised on a pig farm but his mini-me menace was nowhere to be found either. Evan grunted and headed for the stairs that led to the kitchen wondering if his ten and eight-year-olds were already busy digging into a box of cereal.
When he hit the bottom step the sight that greeted him gave him pause. “Whoa...”
Fully dressed, Bailey and Elijah were standing on footstools over the kitchen island, their little heads bent and pressed together as Elijah showed his sister how to pour pancake batter into a heart shape on the griddle.
“See? Yah gotta do it like this because that’s how Mama makes ’em and they always come out perfect.” Elijah was saying.
“Okay, I want mine to be perfect too.”
“Even if they’re not, she’ll still love ’em.”
“I know but I still want them to be perfect.” Bailey frowned, her little forehead crinkled in concentration as she got the shape she wanted. Then she smiled, looking more like Bianca than anything when two small dimples appeared. “I did it!”
Evan giggled. “Yes, you did. Now we gotta make bacon and get the flower.”
“I can get the flower! Nana showed me the right way to cut ’em from the greenhouse.”
“Okay, I’ll finish this up. You get the flower.”
Bailey hopped down from the stool and turned around. Evan was still standing on the steps, a smile in place.
“Daddy!” She ran and launched herself at him. He caught her as he came all the way down the stairs and spun around, the sound of her giggles making his grin wider.
“What’re you two up to?” Evan asked, kissing her on the forehead and ruffling Elijah’s hair.
“Hi, Pop.” Elijah hopped down and grabbed a tray along with a plate and a small vase.
“We’re making Mommy a Valentine’s day surprise!” Bailey announced.
Evan’s brows rose. “Really? And Daddy doesn’t get anything?”
She giggled, kissed his cheek. “You get Mommy and us; that’s a great present.”
“I feel no love right now,” Evan deadpanned.
Elijah had been busy getting the flower himself and plating everything while they talked.“Pop, can you help us carry the tray upstairs?”
Evan put Bailey down and grabbed the tray. “Lead the way, kiddo.”
Bianca groaned as she found one of Evan’s t-shirts to put on after coming out of the bathroom, then jumped back on the bed and burrowed underneath the covers again. She gripped his pillow and buried her face in it, inhaling the smell of sandalwood that clung to it. Another groan left her mouth when she realized it’d be a long time before she’d be able to feel him wrapped around her today. With two amateur versions of themselves running around, they were less likely to have any alone time.
The thought made her pout, considering there was nothing in the world better than having her man’s hands on her. There was nothing better than his skin rubbing against her, his legs tangling with hers, his lips pressing the sweetest kisses she’d ever known to any place they could reach. Bianca shuddered, then grinned. They wouldn’t have the time they wanted now, but later…
When their bedroom door swung open, she looked over her shoulder and sat up with a smile. Her baby girl bounced in with her arms spread wide. “Happy Valentine’s Day Mama!” Bailey charged the bed like she usually did, and Bianca caught her, laughing when she ran her fingers down Bailey’s sides and her daughter squealed and kicked her legs.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, baby girl.” She hugged her tight.
Bailey kissed her on the cheek and sat back, her golden eyes dancing with excitement. “We gots a surprise for you.”
Bianca’s eyes widened. “You do?”
“Yup.” Bailey nodded then called out, “Bring it in, boys!”
Evan strolled in with Elijah, holding a tray stacked with pancakes, bacon, juice and an adorable rose. “Aw, you guys did this for me?”
“Well it was my idea,” Evan said.
“Liar,” Bianca, Bailey and Elijah replied.
He frowned. “No love, just none.”
Bianca ignored him and kissed Elijah as he handed her a card. It was a heart cut out in construction paper with glitter sprinkled all over it. When she opened it simply said, “You’re the best Mom ever, and we love you!”
How was it that something that would seem so small to others had her eyes misting?
“This is absolutely perfect and I’m gonna frame it,” Bianca whispered.
“Oh Lord, here it comes,” Evan murmured.
Bianca threw a pillow at his head. Elijah and Bailey giggled then stop when they heard a car horn honk.
“What’s that?” Evan asked, going to the window to peek out.
“Granpa’s come to take us for riding lessons,” Elijah explained, and then Bianca noticed he and his sister were both fully dressed. He climbed off the bed. “He says that we need to be outta your hair today so you can have some alone time.” Her son waggled his brows and Bianca rubbed a hand down her face to hide her grin.
Evan just chuckled. “Well I’d advise you two to get going before he changes his mind.”
Bailey and Evan kissed her then practically tore up the carpet running from the room. She laughed and grabbed a piece of bacon. “Your children are going to be interesting members of society some day.”
“You calling my babies crazy?” Evan laughed, ambling over to the bed.
Bianca shrugged. “If the straitjacket fits…”
“You know I’ve seen you give a lotta love to everybody but me today.” He gave her a pathetic expression and she chuckled.
“Aw, c’mere you big baby.”
Evan dove onto the bed and crowded her space. She broke off a piece of pancake, dipped it in syrup and fed it to him. Leaning in she licked the sticky sweet confection from his lips. �
�Good morning.”
He touched his mouth to hers once, then twice. “Good morning.”
“Wanna share my breakfast?”
He shook his head. “Nope. I have something else I’d rather eat entirely.” Evan moved the breakfast tray to the floor and pulled back the blanket. “You, Sugar.”
Sweetest Valentines
Evan watched the way her eyes widened just a little as she scooted away from him. “I’m supposed to eat my special breakfast before it gets cold.”
He gently gripped one of her ankles and pulled her back over to him. “We have a microwave, Sugar.”
“Yeah, but I’m hungry.” She was pouting and damn was it cute. A light bulb clicked on in Evan’s mind. “Okay, baby. You wanna eat and I do too.” He reached back down to grab the syrup bottle and plate of pancakes. “So I’ll make a deal. You eat the pancakes while I satisfy myself on what I’m hungry for.” He tugged the t-shirt up and over her head, nipping at her thighs and lower belly, swirling his tongue around her navel. Bianca whimpered, arching into the caress of his mouth.
He drizzled just a little of the syrup on her torso, then upward to her breasts, the dark chocolate nipples standing fully at attention as she panted and squirmed.
“Evan we’re gonna mess up the bed.”
He knew for a fact she was trying to sound admonishing but all that came out was a breathy whisper as she leaned on her elbows to watch him.
He broke off a piece of pancake, dipped it in the syrup on her skin, and finger fed it to her. “I’ll do laundry later, Sugar.” When she bit her lip then started chewing he knew he’d won the battle, and sucked one sticky nipple into his mouth, smiling around it when she gasped.
He flicked his tongue against the tight bud until she cried out and gripped his head. Moving from one he gave the other the same attention, taking notice of the way her thighs widened. Evan sat up and hushed her when she whimpered. He had to get his clothes off, the fabric was irritating him, the fact that he wasn’t skin to skin with her was driving him crazy.