Blood in the Marsh
Page 29
“I know something happened,” he said softly. “And I don’t want you to think I’m trying to push you into—”
Lyra put her fingers over his lips.
“Michael,” she started hesitantly. “I don’t really know how to say this, so I’m going to spit it out. Last night I saw Lucius and he told me some things, things I haven’t told anyone. Anyway, I left and ran to Lexi’s. I planned to snoop around to see what I could find out about Leo, but when I got there, Nick and Leo were in the den. I snuck into the study and listened to them and I heard Nick telling Leo that he was willing to turn me over to him for a price.”
“But Nick told us that same thing this morning. That’s his plan, to make Leo think he’s going to trade us for money.”
“But he told us he was going to ask Leo for a couple of thousand,” she reminded him. “I heard him tell Leo he wanted twenty million. And in exchange he’d make sure I was untouched and that he got your body as a bonus.”
Michael stared at her for a moment then shook his head. “Lyra, you must have misunderstood.”
“No, I didn’t.”
“And so what are you trying to say here?”
Lyra frowned and looked away for a few moments. “Michael, isn’t it just possible that we’re the ones getting led into a trap?” She looked over and met his eyes. “What if Nick really does intend on selling us to Leo? Twenty million dollars is a lot of money.”
Michael shook his head firmly. “No. Nick would never do that.”
“Are you willing to bet your life on it?”
“From your tone of voice I can tell that you’re not.”
“I don’t know anymore, Michael. I just know that I have to make damn sure that whatever happens, Leo is not able to make the transference. And that means that I need to talk to May-May Carter again. Will you go with me?”
He didn’t answer for a moment then he nodded. “Okay, if that’s what you want. But you still haven’t told me about this dream or vision or whatever it was you had about Lucius. What did he tell you?”
She heard Lucius’ voice inside her mind and looked away. “He said for me to follow my instincts; and right now those instincts tell me that I have to see May-May. So, can we go now?”
He shrugged and stood up. “Okay.”
They went to the garage and got in the car. Just before he started the engine, Michael leaned over and kissed her gently. She smiled and touched his face. “What was that for?”
“Just for being you,” he replied as he started the car. “Now where to?”
That Same Morning
Michael stopped the car in front of May-May’s house and turned off the engine. “Should I wait here?”
“No,” Lyra said as she opened her door. “Come with me. I want you to meet her.”
They walked to the front door and knocked on it. A few moments passed before May-May answered. She smiled at Lyra and gave Michael a curious look. He smiled and she stared at him for a long time then pushed open the screen.
“Come on in the house. I’ve got coffee and fresh bread in the kitchen.”
Lyra walked in and hugged May-May tightly then looked at Michael. “May-May, this is Michael Santera. He’s a very good friend. Someone I trust very much. Michael, this is Mrs. May-May Carter.”
“A pleasure to meet you,” Michael said politely.
May-May gave him a curious look then smiled. “Same to you, Michael. Now come on in the kitchen and we’ll talk.”
They followed her into the kitchen and she poured them all coffee then put a fresh loaf of bread and a jar of homemade jam on the table. Lyra cut herself a slice of bread and spooned the thick jam on top of it.
“Ummm,” she murmured as she took a bite. “This is wonderful! Michael, try this.”
She held it out to him and he shook his head. “Come on, just one bite,” she urged.
He took a bite and his eyes widened. “That’s great!”
Lyra smiled and handed him the slice. “Here, I’ll fix another.”
May-May watched the exchange without a word. When Lyra finished spreading jam on another slice, she licked her fingers and looked at her. “May-May, this is really fantastic. But I guess you already know we didn’t come here just to eat. I really need to know anything else you can tell me about the Adversary.”
May-May nodded and took a drink of coffee. “Seems like there might be something you need to tell me, too.”
Lyra nodded and looked down. “Yeah, there is.”
May-May reached over and touched her hand. “Listen, young Lyra. There’s no need to be ashamed about anything here, you understand? I might be an old woman but I know all about feelings and there ain’t nothing shameful about having them. So whatever it is you just let it out and we’ll find a way to deal with it together.”
Lyra looked up and smiled. “You sound a lot like another friend of mine.”
May-May cut Michael a look. “You mean this big strong man here? Honey, this man ain’t no friend. Why, I could tell that as soon as I looked at him.”
“No, he is my friend,” Lyra protested. “May-May, Michael’s—”
“In love with you,” May-May said, staring straight at Michael. “It’s clear as the sunrise—written right there in his face. Isn’t it, Michael?”
Michael blushed and said nothing and May-May chuckled. “Guess I’m gonna take a little gettin’ use to, ain’t I, Michael Santera? See, I’m too old and too stubborn not to speak my mind. So I call it like I see it. That’s just my way. I believe in being honest and to the point.”
“So do I,” he said. “Which brings us back to why we’re here. Is there something you can tell us that will help us fight this demon or whatever it is?”
May-May nodded. “There just might be. Now you listen real careful…”
Sea Island
Nick still was not back when Lyra and Michael returned from their visit with May-May. Michael walked inside the house with Lyra and stopped in the kitchen. “Listen, I really hate to leave you here alone, but I have to get to work.”
“It’s okay,” she assured him. “Go on. I’ll be fine.”
“Are you sure about that?” he asked as he reached out to stop her from turning away from him. “Lyra, I still don’t think Nick would ever hurt either one of us. God, he’s one of the best friends I ever had. I’ve trusted him with my life. I know he’s a little weird when he goes into killing mode, but that’s because of his line of work. He has to be that way to stay alive. But he’s not the kind of man who would sell out his best friend and the woman he loves.”
Lyra looked up at him solemnly. “I really hope you’re right, Michael, but I’m not going to put all my eggs in that one basket. Maybe I’m wrong, and I hope I am. But just in case I’m going to do what I can to make sure we don’t end up as the next in a long line of sacrificial lambs.”
“You really believe what Mrs. Carter told us?”
“I don’t know. I think so.”
She looked up at him for a moment then put her hand on his chest. “MichaelI’m not sure about much right now. There are a lot of things I have to get straight in my own mind before I can start to figure out what’s true.”
“Does it have anything to do with the missing pages in Lucius’ diary?”
Her mouth dropped open in surprise. “How did you know about that?”
“Nick told me,” he replied. “He asked if Chelsey or I had taken them.”
“So?” he asked.
She looked down, refusing to meet his eyes. “Just let it go for now, okay? I’ll tell you—when I get it worked out.”
“All right. I guess I better get going.”
She nodded and walked him to the door. “Thank you for going with me, Michael.”
“Sure.” He smiled and gave her a soft kiss.
Lyra wanted to hang onto him, to deepen the kiss, to feel his skin bare against hers. But instead she simply returned the kiss and smiled. “Go on, you’re going to be la
Michael reached for the doorknob then turned suddenly and kissed her on the cheek. “See you later.”
Lyra smiled and nodded, then closed the door behind him. She walked through the house to Lucius’ study and opened the door. “Okay, time to get to work.”
Chapter Twelve
Just before noon, Lyra heard the front gate buzzer sound. She went downstairs and pressed the intercom button to the gate. “Yes?”
“Darling do open the gate,” Lexi’s voice came through the speaker.
Lyra grimaced but pressed the gate opener switch. A few moments later she saw Lexi’s Mercedes stop in the circle in front of the house. Leo got out and opened the car door for Lexi. They walked to the front entrance and rang the bell.
Lyra opened the door and looked at them without expression. “Yes?”
“Is that anyway to greet your mother?” Lexi snapped and brushed by Lyra into the house. “God, this place is a mausoleum! How can you stand being here? Do you have anything cold to drink? On second thought, I could use a martini. Where’s the staff?”
Lyra stepped back as Leo walked in, smiling at her like the cat that had just eaten the canary.
“Why are you here?” she asked as she followed them into the living room. Lexi sat down on the couch as if she was afraid it had germs. “Well, we happened to run into Chelsey.”
“So?” Lyra asked, still standing across the room.
“So it would seem that you and your dear friend have had some type of falling out.” Leo commented as he lit a cigarette and sat down. “Lyra, dear, be a pet and have someone fetch us a drink. I’ll have Scotch on the rocks and a martini for Lexi.”
“If you want a drink, fetch it yourself,” she said sarcastically.
Lexi blew out her breath and stood up. “Lyra, I have really had it with this high-handed attitude of yours. I don’t ask much of you and god knows you give precious little in return for all I’ve done for you, but you could at least show a little common politeness to Leo. He is a very dear friend and means a great deal to me, and I won’t have you treating him so disrespectfully. Honestly, sometimes you act like a child. I tell you, if you were, I’d just have him take you across his knee and paddle you good. Maybe that’s what your problem is—I was just always too good and gentle with you and now you just walk all over me like I’m just a—”
“Save it!” Lyra interrupted her. “There’s no one here to impress with your ‘I’m such a wonderful and devoted mother’ act and I’ve never bought into it.”
Lexi gasped as if she’d been slapped. “Leo! Can you believe how she speaks to me? After all I’ve done for her—all the sacrifices I’ve made, all I’ve given up, the hell I suffered so she would have a wonderful life, the—”
“Shut up!” Lyra yelled. “Just shut the hell up! I’m so sick of your whining and your phony act I could scream! You’ve never given a fat shit about me and you know it. I was nothing more than something in your way—something you had to hide away down here on the island so that I wouldn’t embarrass you or get in your way. You never sacrificed one thing for anyone, Lexi! You’re so wrapped up in yourself that you can’t see beyond your own reflection, so just stop!”
Lexi’s face was red with anger. She opened her mouth to speak but Leo cut her off. He jumped up, grabbed Lyra’s arm, and jerked her up close to his face. “I absolutely cannot tolerate this behavior, my darling.”
“Well tough shit!” She slapped him as hard as she could. “Get your filthy hands off me!”
Leo smiled and looked at Lexi. “Why don’t you sit and try to relax, my dear? I’ll deal with your ill-mannered child.”
He pulled on Lyra’s arm and she kicked him. “Let go of me! Now!”
He smiled and dragged her kicking and screaming into the next room and shoved her toward the sofa, slamming the door behind him. “Now, I think it’s time you and I came to an understanding, my pet.”
She stumbled and fell back on the sofa from the push. Slinging her hair back out of her eyes, she glared at him. “I’m not your pet and I don’t want you in my house so get out or I’ll call the police and have you arrested!”
He laughed and crossed the distance between them in two steps. Lyra jumped up to get away but he grabbed her long hair and yanked her around to face him. She balled up her fist to hit him in the face but he caught her fist, crushing her fingers in his.
With her free hand, she tried to claw his face. Her hand raked down his neck and she felt the chain around his throat. Grabbing it, she pulled the medallion out and looked at it. Her eyes widened as she saw the markings and she turned it over to look at the back.
Swallowing back the fear, she looked up at him. “What do you really want, Leo? You’re not in love with Lexi. She’s the only one foolish enough to think you are, but that’s because her ego’s so overinflated that she can’t imagine anyone not falling for her. But you don’t care about her. So what do you want?”
“I want you,” he whispered.
Lyra’s mind went into high gear. Stalling, she looked away for a moment. “Why?” she asked as she looked up at him. “You don’t even know me. I’m not glamorous, famous, or witty. What could you possibly want with me?”
“I want to save you,” he said, loosening his grip on her hair and running his hand down her back.
She shook her head. “Yeah, right, and I bet you have some swamp land for sale, too.”
“Ah, yes.” He smiled. “I forgot. You dream of the handsome magician, Nick. Of being in his arms and having babies and growing old.”
She wasn’t about to clue him in that she knew he was conspiring with Nick or that she was not in love with Nick. . “So what if I do?”
Leo walked over and knelt down in front of her. “Lyra, you are young and innocent and you do not understand. I beg you to hear me out and consider my proposal.”
Lyra felt like she could scream, from both fear and hatred. But she forced herself to be very still and stare at him evenly. “You do realize that you sound insane, don’t you, Leo? You’re lucky there’s no one else here, otherwise you’d probably be committed for psychiatric observation because you definitely sound delusional at the very least.”
“You simply do not understand, my darling. But do not worry, I will explain everything to you. All I require from you is simply that you hear me out..”
Lyra suddenly couldn’t stand anymore. She jumped up and backed away from him. “That’s not going to happen. Not now, not ever. Just leave me alone, Leo. Find someone else to play your games with because I’m not interested.”
“But you will be,” he said as he took a step toward her. “If you will just listen..”
“Get away from me,” she hissed and stepped back.
“You heard her,” Nick’s voice came from behind her.
Lyra whirled around and saw him standing in the doorway. His jaw was clenched and his eyes blazed. Her own eyes widened as she saw the fury on his face as he looked at Leo.
Leo smirked and sauntered across the room to sit down. “Well, well, the valiant Mr. Zampella, riding in on his mighty steed to save the fair princess. How quaint. Tell me, Mr. Zampella, how do you feel about the rather lascivious tales Chelsey is spreading around about our little Lyra here? Or have you heard them? Well, it seems Chelsey is under the impression that our little darling here has some wild passionate affair going on with not only you but the stalwart Detective Santera as well. She is positively livid about it. Why, I do believe she is angry enough to scratch your eyes out, Lyra darling.”
Nick’s eyes blazed. “You’re not wanted in this house, Count, so get the hell out before I throw you out like the garbage you are.”
Leo sneered and stood up slowly, brushing a speck of imaginary lint off the sharp crease of his linen slacks. “I really hate to cut this short but I do have other matters to attend to. Lyra darling, I will look forward to our next encounter. Do have a pleasant day.”
He walked out of the room and down the hall. “Lexi
darling? Come, we must be off.”
Lyra didn’t bother to see them out. She turned to Nick with a puzzled expression. The hate on his face when he looked at Leo seemed so genuine that it confused her. She knew she had heard him and Leo make a deal, yet he acted and behaved as if he truly did love her. She didn’t know what to believe anymore and it made her more frightened than anything had up until this point.
Nick put his hand on the side of her face. “Are you all right?”
She nodded and tried to hide the revulsion she felt at his touch. God, how was she ever going to make it through this?
Wednesday—Sea Island
It was just before three in the morning when the call came. Lyra rolled over and fumbled for the receiver. “Hello?…Yes, can you hold on?”
She got out of bed and threw a long T-shirt on then went down the hall and tapped on Michael’s door. “Michael?”
“Come in.”
She opened the door and looked in, seeing him in bed. “The phone’s for you. It’s your captain. He said it was important.”
“Thanks.” He sat up and grabbed the phone. “Santera here… What?… Sure, I’ll be there.”
Hanging up the phone, he swung his legs over the side of the bed. “Some fishermen found the body of a girl in the river.”
Lyra’s eyes widened, as much from watching him get out of the bed and reach for his pants as from what he said. Without meaning to, she stared at him as he pulled his pants up over his bare body. Nick walked up behind her just as Michael was reaching for his shirt. “What’s up?”
“Business,” Michael replied. “Dead body in the river. Couple of fisherman found it.”
“So why call you in?” Nick asked.
Michael shrugged. “Guess I’ll find that out when I get there. Talk to you later.”