The Do Over

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The Do Over Page 15

by A. L. Zaun

He said, "I'm convinced that our meeting wasn't an accident."

  I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh.

  "Don't do that. It's not attractive on you. I just think that maybe we can be friends. If I see you, I can stop and say hello or vice versa," he said.

  I started looking around to see if I could find hidden cameras. I knew there had to be more to this than he was saying. "What's the catch?"

  He quickly responded, "Why does there have to be a catch? There is none. Maybe I just want the chance to change your perception of me."

  I shifted in my seat because there it was—the catch.

  "Look, you think I'm an ass, and you're right. I am. But I'm trying to be a better man. I don't want you to hate me, but I can't tell you not to. I don't deserve your forgiveness. But, shit, it's good to see you after all this time, especially now that I'm reinventing myself. You have a boyfriend, and I'm happy for you. I'm not a threat to him."

  Looking at him, I didn't believe a single word he was saying.

  With a grin, he added, "But if he fucks up and breaks your heart, I'll beat the shit out of him." He leaned against the table. "You can be damn sure that I'll move hell and high water to win you back." He got up, tossed five dollars on the table, and winked at me.

  That did not just happen. I didn't know how to process this encounter with Rick. It was bizarre and familiar. At the same time, it was unpleasant and strangely unthreatening. I didn't trust him, but surprisingly, it didn't have the same effect as it did the last time. Maybe the shock had worn off. I didn't want to think about it anymore.

  My phone vibrated. I picked it up and saw I had a text from Liam. My goofy grin returned. I couldn't wait to see him.

  I ran back to my car, feeling like a new man. Madison's advice was brilliant. I needed to clean up my act, which I was doing. I had to be my dashing and dynamic self, not the depressed, desperate guy I'd been spiraling into. I needed to be the confident man Daniela first fell in love with. I needed to pull out what always worked, which was my charm. I was in sales for crying out loud. I had this in the bag.

  I knew Daniela couldn't resist. Honestly, when she'd told me she had a boyfriend and that she was happy, I thought I was going to lose it, but I'd kept it together. She'd also laughed and called me out when I'd said I was going to feed the homeless. That was the truth though, and it'd hurt a little, just a tiny bit, that she'd actually doubted that I would do something selfless. Again, it was a stroke of brilliance by Madison. I'd left Daniela on a positive note.

  I got in my car and grabbed the towel on the passenger seat, wiping away the sweat Daniela had been eyeing. I felt the same high I did when I would close a big sale. I called Madison, needing to bask in the glory.

  "Hello," she answered, breathing heavily.

  "Maddy, am I interrupting something?" I asked with a light laugh.

  "Uh…yeah…oh…yeah…uh…you are…" She moaned. "I'm a…little busy…right now."

  I pulled out on Collins Avenue. "I'm actually pretty flattered that you would answer my call while you're having sex."

  She panted, "Be flattered…if I stopped…but this feels too good…to do that."

  "Well, I was calling to invite you to an early lunch to celebrate your brilliance, but I see you're otherwise entertained."

  I was disappointed that I wouldn't be able to share my victory with her. It was the least I could do. She'd put up with me for what probably felt like a very long week.

  "Give me an hour." She moaned again, this time, loudly.

  It sounded like she was getting close.

  "Babe, you know I could help you out there?" I smirked. She's so easy to tease.

  "Rick…fuck…oh my god…this feels so…fucking good." She groaned. "Two hours…okay?"

  "Maddy, you're fucking hot. I love the way you say my name in the heat of passion," I added with a laugh. "See you in two hours."

  Fuck. My dick was rock hard. I needed to get laid in a bad way.

  I pulled up to Madison's condo and waited for her downstairs. I gave her two hours to get nicely fucked. I hoped the guy had done a good job. She deserved a good orgasm or two, and I wanted her in a good mood. We needed to celebrate and plan for my next step.

  Lowering my sunglasses, I checked Madison out as she walked toward my car, wearing a sexy minidress with her blonde just-fucked hair. Sliding right into my car, she sat back and rested her head on the seat with a huge smile on her face.

  "Are you happy to see me?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows.

  I couldn't help it. She always gave me a hard time, and in return, I teased the shit out of her.

  She laughed, crossing her legs. "Yeah, sure, whatever you want to think."

  "You know, it was really hot when you called out my name while you were having sex," I said in a husky voice, stifling a laugh.

  I wasn't kidding. Damn, it gave me a major hard-on. I thought I would have to pull over on the side of the road to take care of business. Just thinking about it again gave me a semi.

  "I was theoretically having a threesome for about two minutes. I can't help it if it was hot," she said matter-of-factly. She turned in her seat to face me. "More importantly, tell me, how did everything go with Daniela?"

  I had a good feeling about this alliance. I told her everything that had happened, and then we began our strategy session for next week. All in all, it was a very productive and successful Saturday.

  I was beat. I'd barely gotten any sleep last night. It had been a hard night at work. It never got easy, but it also never got old either. I needed to shake it off and get some sleep before I picked up Dani. We were heading down to the Keys, and I couldn't wait to get away and relax with her.

  I pulled into my parking space and grabbed my duffel bag from the backseat before I got out of the car. I took out my phone as I fumbled for my house key.

  Liam: Hey, I'm just getting home.

  Dani: How was your shift?

  Liam: Rough.

  Dani: Anything I can do?

  Liam: You already did. See you soon?

  Dani: Can't wait!

  As I rolled my shoulders to ease the tension, I walked inside my very dark apartment. Wait. This is very strange. I didn't remember leaving the blinds closed for it to be this dark. Something didn't feel right. I could feel the tension creeping back up my shoulders and neck. As I looked around, I dropped my duffel bag on the couch. Then, I heard a noise coming from behind me. I wasn't alone. My adrenaline surged as I slowly turned around.

  "Yo, dude! You need more shampoo," Chris said, walking into my living room. He was wearing nothing but a bath towel.

  I wanted to strangle him. "What the fuck? Shit, Chris, I'm about to kill your sorry ass," I said, trying to calm myself down.

  "Lucas, you really need to relax. You should talk to Rick about those yoga classes he's been taking. They seem to be working miracles for him." He strutted across my living room and picked up his clothes from the floor.

  "I thought you were a fucking intruder. What are you doing here?" I paced, still trying to bring down the adrenaline rush before I wrapped my hands around his neck.

  I walked to the windows to let in the light. I counted to ten several times because each time he opened his mouth, I had to start again.

  "Lucas, don't you check your text messages? I sent you a text, telling you I'd be crashing here," Chris said as though that excused him and explained everything.

  I had no idea what the hell he was talking about. Of course I checked my text messages. I was just texting. I didn't receive a text from Chris.

  "Try again. No text message. How the hell did you get in? And why are you here in the first place?" I asked frustrated, mostly because he freaked the shit out of me. Fuck!

  As he was pulling out his phone to show me the text message, he said, "I needed a place to crash. It was really late. I was tired. I had a little too much to drink and didn't feel like driving all the way home. Honestly, my feelings are hurt. Since when would you turn me away in my time o
f need?"

  Chris was laying it on really thick. This meant only one thing. He was digging himself out of a hole.

  "Why didn't you call Macy? I'm sure she would've been more than happy to put you up for the night." Opening my drawers, I started pulling out the clothes I needed to pack for my weekend with Dani.

  "Macy, Macy, Macy. See, you and Dani have kind of screwed things up for me. "He looked confused as he got dressed. "And what the hell are you doing? You just got home."

  I just shook my head. "How did we screw things up for you?"

  "Look at that. You aren't even paying attention to me," he huffed.

  I rolled my eyes. "You sound like a girl. Should I go buy you a box of tampons? And since you're being a girl, let's cut to the chase. Tell me what I did wrong and what I have to do to make it better. I really don't have time for your drama. I need to finish packing. If you must know, we're going down to the Keys. Now, come on, I need to wrap this up and get some sleep before I go see my girl."

  He huffed, offended. Classic Chris.

  "Don't say anything to Dani," he said.

  I nodded.

  "Macy's great, and I'm really into her. I just have a feeling she wants what you guys have, and I'm not ready for that shit."

  Chris actually got my attention, and I stopped what I was doing. "What shit are you talking about?"

  Chris laughed and threw his towel at me as he sat down on the edge of my bed. "I can't believe you're going to make me say this. Come on, you and Dani are doing the whole love thing." He started pulling the clothes I was packing out of my bag. Inspecting them, he shook his head. "Do you really think you need this many clothes? All you need is a box of condoms."

  I smacked him on the head and sat down next to him. "Hands off my stuff." I started putting everything back in my bag. "Dani is really special, and I care about her."

  We hadn't been together that long, but I knew my feelings ran deep. Shit, I couldn't stop thinking about her. I couldn't get enough of her. But love? Isn't it too soon for that? I thought about it as I got up and walked to the bathroom to get the rest of my stuff.

  Lying back on my bed, Chris covered his eyes with his arm. "You are so fucking crazy about her. Just admit it. You're beyond being whipped. That woman owns you. You're so in love with her that it's embarrassing for the rest of us men. I haven't seen you like this since…you know."

  He stopped talking. We hadn't gone there in a long time.

  Standing in the doorway of the bathroom, I asked, "Well, what if I am?"

  "I think it'd be great. Just stop making the rest of us look like chumps." He got up and smacked me on the back.

  My phone buzzed, and I reached for it.

  Dani: I'm ready when you are.

  Liam: I can be at your house in a couple of hours.

  Dani: How about I come to you?

  Liam: Can't stay away from me?

  Dani: Nope.

  Liam: Get your sexy ass over here.

  Dani: I love it when you talk to me like that.

  Liam: Keep it up, and I'm not going to be able to control myself.

  Dani: Who said I wanted you to?

  Liam: Hurry up!

  Dani: Patience.

  Liam: You're driving me crazy.

  Dani: Be there in thirty minutes.

  Liam: XOXO.

  I looked over to see Chris rolling his eyes at me.

  "I rest my case. Just enjoy it. You deserve this. And that's about all the girlie talk I'm having with you." He reached down and shifted himself. "Yup, my manhood's intact. My balls are where they belong. Are yours?" He raised an eyebrow.

  "Make sure to leave the key on your way out," I said.

  As I was getting ready to jump in the shower, I heard Chris mutter something under his breath, but I didn't really care.

  Sleep would have to wait. Dani would be here soon, and I couldn't wait to see her. Who am I kidding? I couldn't wait to get my hands on her. All week, I'd thought about how her body had felt soft and silky under my fingers. The sounds she'd made and the way she'd moved had driven me insane. Damn. I was getting hard just thinking about her. She knew how much I wanted her. I could tell in the way her teasing had escalated.

  This trip down to the Keys with Dani was significant to me. After my dad had passed away, my mom had assumed the role of raising two teenage boys. It hadn't been an easy task. She had drilled in our heads to treat all women with respect because there would come a time when one woman would stand out. For that significant lady, we were to treat her like a queen but never forget that we were men. At sixteen, I hadn't gotten it, but I had done it the best way any awkward teenager could. I'd carried that advice with me throughout my life.

  Dani was unique, and I wanted to make the first time we were together memorable for her. I was taking her to a quiet and secluded place I knew on the Atlantic coast of the Keys. She deserved the best, and I was going to do everything I could to give it to her.

  I heard her knocking as I was about to get dressed. I quickly threw on a T-shirt and a pair of shorts and headed to the front door.

  "Welcome to my humble abode," I said, opening the door for her.

  God, she looks beautiful. She had on a snug tank top and very short shorts on. Her hair was loose, falling softly on her face. What got me every time though was her smile. I reached out and dragged her into me as I led her inside. I buried my head in her neck. She was like a tall glass of water in a hot desert. Holding her melted away all my tension.

  "Hey." She hypnotically looked up at me through her long lashes. "Happy to see me?"

  Her hotness at that very moment was off the charts, and it took everything in my power to not go caveman on her. I wanted to throw her over my shoulder and take her to my bed. She cracked a smile and then bit her lower lip, letting out a soft sigh. I was about to lose it. My dick was definitely wide-awake.

  I pulled back from her and smiled. "Happy doesn't begin to describe it. You look amazing as always."

  "What about my kiss?" She pouted with a hand on her hip.

  My eyes were trained on her lips. They were begging for my attention, and I wanted to give it to them.

  "Baby…" I took a deep breath. "If I kiss you now, I won't be able to stop."

  I wanted her. There was no doubt about it. She drove me insane and turned me on. There was nothing more that I wanted than to be with her. From the moment I saw her until probably the day I took my last breath, my desire would burn for her.

  She moved toward me with an exotic look in her eyes, almost like a tiger about to catch her prey. "I want my hello kiss."

  My girl liked playing with fire. Good thing that was my specialty.

  "I warned you," I said, keeping my eyes focused on hers.

  I could feel my heart beating faster in my chest. I had to clear my head. I could just kiss her hello. I could do this. Although I couldn't stop thinking about the other night, feeling her squirming under my touch, I reminded myself that she deserved our first time to be special.

  Licking her lips, she smiled and let out a sexy laugh.

  I was a goner. I needed to keep it together. I had to love her more than I loved my dick. Shit, where'd that come from?

  I went up to her, leaned in, and brushed my lips softly against hers. Her lips parted in a smile, and she let out a soft moan. Fuck, that was hot. My mouth went rogue on hers. I cupped her face with my hands to try to keep them occupied because they had orders from my dick to touch every single inch of her body. I reminded myself to love her more than my dick. Shit, there it was again. I had to keep my head in the game because my dick was calling the shots, and she deserved better than that. I wanted better for her, for us.

  I pulled back, breathing heavily. When my fingers caressed her face, she leaned into them with a whimper.

  "Baby," I said with a husky voice, "I need to stop. I want you too much." I tried to keep it together as much as I could. "I want to give you something special, and right now, I'm not thinking special."

/>   I needed her help here. She wrapped her hand around my neck and brought my head toward hers. Grazing her lips over mine, she teased me with her tongue.

  With her mouth still on mine, she crooned, "Liam, I want you. Now. Don't stop." She stood on her toes, running her hands through my hair.

  When I picked her up, she wrapped her legs tightly around my waist. After I set her down on the kitchen counter, her fingers hooked under the hem of her top. My eyes trailed her hands as they slowly slid the top off of her body.

  I traced her body with my mouth, blowing softly as I moved up to follow the path of the discarded top. "Tell me what you like," I whispered in her ear, nipping her lobe.

  She pressed her body against mine as she tilted her head to the side. "Everything you're doing," she said, her voice sweetly alluring. "I haven't been able to stop thinking about how you touched me the other night."

  Her body moved seductively while my hands traced the silky outline of her bra.

  As my hands toyed with her nipples, I mumbled in her hair, "I knew my touch would be memorable."

  Her hands slid down my chest and rested over my shorts. "Without a doubt," she panted, squeezing my dick, "very cocky."

  My lips curled into a smile as they brushed over hers, and then I kissed her with everything I had. I needed her more than air. I wanted to feel her body under my touch. When I caressed her, her body shivered, and my dick throbbed.

  Her tits were swollen and bulging out of her bra. I unclasped her bra and set them free. Kneading her nipple with one hand, I brought my mouth over the other one as I sucked on it gently, swirling my tongue and nipping it with my teeth. Her head fell back as she purred.

  "How about that? Do you like that?" I asked. Squeezing her tits together, I licked each nipple.

  "Nope, not at all. I think you're losing your touch. You have to work harder," she said breathlessly as she slid her hands under my shirt.


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